Firepower is king

Chapter 943 Sacrifice

Face-to-face instruction, almost step-by-step teaching Gao Guang how to do things. Now the principles are explained, and the specific methods are also explained. It stands to reason that Gao Guang should be busy with his business now, but seeing Jane looking so lost, how could he bear to leave.

How can we repay Jane's kindness?

No, saying a great kindness is a bit much, so what should we do to repay Jane's love? After thinking about it, Gao Guang felt that Otto was the only one.

This means that Otto can only be used as a sacrifice.

Of course, the sacrifice does not mean to actually kill Otto to sacrifice to heaven, but Gao Guang wants to enshrine him on the altar of the goddess. Jane is the goddess of highlights.

"Master's wife, you need to take a rest. How long have you been awake?"

A trace of confusion appeared on Jane's face. She thought for a moment, but she probably didn't realize how long it had been since she hadn't slept, but she said directly: "I'm fine, go ahead and do your work. Contact me if you have anything to do."

Normally, Gaoguang would have really left, but now, he definitely couldn't just leave like this, so he insisted: "Let's go together. Have you eaten? Let's have a meal together."

Jane waved her hands with some disgust and said, "I've finished eating. You can go. I'm fine. You still have a lot of things to deal with."

Gao Guang still refused to give up. He continued: "If you don't want to eat, then go have a drink at the bar." "I don't drink."

Jane was obviously impatient, but she still appreciated Gao Guang's kindness, so she forced herself to endure her impatience and said: "Go and do your business, why are you always telling me all this here!"

"What could be more important than you?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Gao Guang suddenly realized that he was still influenced by this old scumbag Otto. This was a subtle influence, and he was now unknowingly starting to say these words that had a miraculous effect on women.

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Master, you should know what kind of person my teacher is. You know some things, I know them too, everyone knows them, but what?

Jane frowned and said, "What do you want to say!"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "I think so. I think, um, I think I must teach the teacher a lesson. Master, if you don't do anything else, just because he made you sad, you must teach him a lesson."

Jane stared at Gao Guang for a long time, then suddenly said: "With his body and his heart, can you still beat him?

"Hit him? Of course you can't, uh, let me think about it, that's it, Master, do you think the teacher cares about you? I think he does, and he cares about you very much, because before he died, he just wanted to be with you. With you, he did not choose to spend the last days of his life with Heidi, nor Sarah, but you. When he came to the United States, he never expected to leave alive. It was a miracle that he survived.

trace. "

To persuade people, sometimes you don't necessarily have to go along with them, so Gao Guang asked the question, immediately gave the answer, and gave Jane an in-depth analysis.

Doesn't Jian understand these things? She understands, and she knows much better than Gao Guang.

But Jane loves to listen, because the only person in the world who can discuss this with her and share this secret with her is Gao Guang. Otto does not count, because Otto is a party involved.

Seeing Jane fall into silence, Gao Guang continued: "Teacher, he is

If we care about you, as long as we grasp this one main characteristic of him, the rest will be easy to handle. Master, I think you should let the teacher feel the feeling of losing you. Only after losing you can you know how to cherish you. At least, let him know, It is possible for him to lose you. "

Jane reached out to the clumped cigarette case again, but this time Gao Guang did not hand over the cigarettes, but said lightly: "Let's go have a drink."

"Two drinks?"

Jane seemed to suddenly hear some great advice. She stood up suddenly, pushed back her somewhat disheveled hair, and said without hesitation: "Let's go have a drink."

I don't know why Jane suddenly changed her mind, but she did come out from behind the desk, smelling heavily of cigarettes, and said to Gao Guang: "I'll push you away."

"No, actually I can walk, I'm just in a wheelchair"

"Stop talking, I'll push you."

Jane pushed Gao Guang to the door herself, then she opened the door, and then didn't close it. She just pushed Gao Guang and started walking quickly in the corridor.

Although it was night, there were people in the corridor, and when they saw Jane pushing the spotlight, with a serious and decisive look on her face, and running quickly with fast strides, everyone looked like they had seen a ghost.

People from the Department of Homeland Security are not good at managing expressions, so if something can make people look shocked here, it can only mean that this matter is really shocking enough.

Jane is capable, but she is gentle and capable, not a fierce and powerful woman. But now, Jane shows the aura of going to the battlefield.

After pushing Highlights into the elevator, when the elevator door closed, Jane's face suddenly collapsed with frustration again, and then soon, she suddenly said: "What should I do?"

Gao Guang thought Jane had already thought of a solution. Only now did he confirm that Jane actually had no clear idea.

Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he said firmly: "No matter what you do, no matter how you do it, as long as we join forces, I guarantee that I can scare the teacher half to death."

Jane frowned and said, "His heart is not good."

"So what I said was to scare him half to death. Please don't worry, Master, I am measured."

Jane nodded, she decided to believe Gao Guang, the elevator door opened, and Jane pushed Gao Guang out of the elevator.

Until she completely left the confines of the Department of Homeland Security headquarters, Jane pushed the highlight and met Laura who could only wait outside.

Laura stepped forward and took Gaoguang's wheelchair, but Jane said to Laura: "Sorry to keep you waiting, but it's not convenient for you to go in."

After speaking to Laura, Jane looked at Gao Guang again and said, "What should we do next?"

Laura was a little puzzled, but Gao Guang quickly outlined a rough plan in his mind and said without hesitation: "Go have a drink. Have you really eaten?"

Jane hesitated for a moment, then finally shook her head, and then whispered: "I can't eat it."

"Then go eat first. You listen to me. No matter where Otto is, I promise to make him run to you and apologize to you crying and shouting."

Even the teacher didn't bother to call him, and Gao Guang was surprisingly interested in correcting Otto.

Jane hesitated again, but thinking about making Otto cry and kneel in front of her, she suddenly felt good, please look forward to it, so she nodded again and said: "Okay, I will listen to you!"

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