Firepower is king

Chapter 954: Turning against guests

This is a big deal, and it costs more than 10 billion, so Eric should consider it. If Eric really agrees, Gao Guang will really think about it.

Eric's attitude has softened, and Smith's losses have been reduced to the minimum. Anyway, Gao Guang thinks that from the original compensation of 3 billion US dollars, it only needs to pay 600 million now, and it is borrowed, and it will be paid back in several years, which is considered to be an explanation.

But this is also Gao Guang's bottom line. If Eric still refuses, then he can only go to the next process. Finally, Eric suddenly looked up and said seriously: "Okay, 600 million US dollars, pay it off in two years!"

"Pay it off in five years, two years is too tight." "Three years, my bottom line."

Gao Guang accepted it happily, and said to Eric: "Okay, then it's settled."

The matter was settled, and Gao Guang felt that he could inform Smith of the good news, and then he could start to pour in. But Eric stretched out his hand, made a blocking gesture, and said, "Wait a minute, there are other questions." Gao Guang's excited heart cooled down a little, and then he looked at Eric and said, "What is it?" Eric looked very serious. He looked at Otto, then at Gao Guang, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "I don't want to bear this loss in vain. I want to make up for the loss in other ways." The meaning is very simple, but the problem is how to do it. Gao Guang doesn't think Eric has a way to recover the loss. Frowning, Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "Do you have a way to recover the loss? If so, please tell me." Eric whispered, "We can overthrow Senator Simmons." Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, but Otto shrugged, and then he laughed, making an unexpected look. Gao Guang didn't know how to respond. He hoped that Otto could help him respond to Eric's proposal. Otto caught Gao Guang's eyes, so he immediately smiled at Eric and said, "You want to attack your close ally?"

"First of all, Simmons and I have never been close allies. The reason why Simmons and I have a close relationship is only because he has been a senator for 30 years, and he represents Texas. Finally, there are many people eyeing the position of senator. I know many people want to replace Simmons, but they haven't found the right opportunity."

After speaking quickly but firmly, Eric said lightly: "I reiterate that I have no intention of attacking Smith, but Simmons did it."

Otto smiled: "If he can't swallow you, he will naturally target the weaker Smith."

Eric said lightly: "That's the truth, but swallowing your own collaborator is another matter." Gao Guang frowned and said: "You want to kill Senator Simmons, but this is not within our consideration."

"You must consider this matter."

Eric did not give in. Now he agreed to Gao Guang's conditions, but he still had conditions, and if Gao Guang did not agree to his conditions, then he would still refuse to cooperate.

But Eric has his own reasons. After Gao Guang and Otto teamed up to play a trick on him, now Eric is going to play a trick on Gao Guang in return.

Come to think of it, it makes sense. With Eric's status, how could he be manipulated by others?

"Senator Simmons has a high status, a lot of say, many allies, and a strong influence in the Senate."

Eric paused, then he continued: "From what I know about him, he is not the kind of person who easily accepts failure, especially since he swallowed Smith into his mouth but was forced to spit it out. This is the first time that this has happened. What consequences will this bring? If Smith doesn't die, then everything Simmons has done will be exposed. For a politician, this is fatal."

Eric stood up, walked back and forth, and said: "From what I know about Simmons, he should be planning how to retaliate now. If he thinks that you are too strong to retaliate directly, he will never let it go."

Gao Guang said lightly: "You don't have to say this, I understand this, but killing Senator Simmons is not within our consideration. We are not afraid of having one more political enemy, but killing this political enemy, then That's another matter." Eric said without hesitation: "Isn't the Shadowless a killer? Can't you let Congressman Simmons die without any abnormality? As long as a period of time passes and he dies quietly before the midterm elections, the problem can be solved." Gao Guang smiled and said, "It's not that we can't, but we don't want to. The risk and benefit are not proportional. Mr. Eric, I know how you plan to make up for the loss, but we don't accept your way." Eric exhaled, he sat down again, and then he stared at Gao Guang and said, "If I join you, then I will become an enemy of Simmons. Simmons and I are not too close, but close enough. My change of camp will cause a chain reaction, which Simmons cannot accept. Therefore, I bear the greatest loss and join your organization that I can't see any benefits at all. I bear the risk of turning against Congressman Simmons and being retaliated. How do you think I can cooperate with you?"

Asking a question, and then scanning the two people, Eric continued: "Zhengzhi allies are not exclusive. I can maintain friendship with Simmons, and I can also have a good relationship with some other congressman, but if two hostile congressmen ask me to take sides, , then I have to think carefully, at least, I will not make a rash statement without seeing the situation clearly."

After finishing speaking, Eric said seriously: "I can show sincerity, but I ask you to also show sincerity. Also, I want to see your strength. Many things cannot be done just by talking. Now You have two choices, one is to kill me, the other is to kill Simmons.”

Killing Eric is obviously much easier than killing Simmons, and the consequences will not be too serious, so if you really want to choose, Highlight chooses to kill Eric.

But Eric continued: "If you kill me, you won't get any money. Smith's money will be lost anyway. If you kill Simmons, the advantage is that you can work with me to select a suitable person to replace Simmons." Status, do you understand? Don’t you lack influential people in the political world? How about we get rid of Simmons and work together to promote someone who is reliable and obedient?”

Eric has a really big appetite, but he has to admit

Admit it, his words are really tempting.

Now Eric is about to turn his back on the client. He continued: "I know many people who are capable and qualified to succeed Simmons as a senator. We can choose a suitable candidate together. We can join forces to support a spokesperson. Think about it. , think about that which is more beneficial.”

Gao Guang hesitated for a long time and finally said: "Are you now at the point where you can decide who to replace Simmons?"

"Of course not." Eric replied without hesitation, but he then said: "But maybe it will be OK with you. I like to do business in one step. If I have a strong partner, then I I would like to make the cake bigger.”

There's no denying that Eric has guts, and his offer is really, really tempting.

But Gao Guang cannot make the decision alone in this matter. The matter is too big and must be decided through discussion by everyone.

Looking at Gao Guang and falling into deep thought, Eric said in a very seductive tone: "You don't have to make a decision in a hurry. You can go back and discuss it with others. I think they will agree. You still have time, but This is a rare opportunity, so please decide soon.”

How about getting a big one, or about upgrading the shooting club.

Gao Guang is indeed very entangled and embarrassed now. Logically speaking, he shouldn't let this opportunity go, but the risk of killing Simmons is indeed too high. It's hard to say.

Gao Guang couldn't make up his mind, so he naturally wanted to ask Otto for his opinion. When he looked at Otto, he saw Otto giving him a very affirmative look.

Otto actually thinks he can do this?

Although he didn't know what Otto's specific thoughts were, Gao Guang waved his hand and said, "I agree, we can cooperate, but in this case, we have to talk about the money again."

Eric smiled, raised his glass and said, "As long as this can be done, what's the big deal about money?"

Otto also said softly: "Yes, as long as they can replace Simmons, there are many people who are willing to pay for this position."

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