Firepower is king

Chapter 961: Hurt each other

In fact, Gao Guang really didn't want to learn anything like a killer, and Otto didn't want to teach him either. That's what it means to be involuntarily.

Gao Guang has a lot of things to do, but there are people responsible for his things, and everyone can perform their duties and do things well. On the contrary, Gao Guang has nothing to do now.

So it's okay to play a guest role as a killer, or even be the killer's assistant. It's still idle anyway, not to mention it's still your own business.

It's just that when Gao Guang and Otto are alone together, they both feel uncomfortable.

The inner discomfort and physical discomfort probably meant same-sex repulsion, so in order to get things done smoothly, Gao Guang had no choice but to call Laura.

It doesn't matter if you are an audience or a vase. Anyway, after having Laura, the atmosphere is obviously much better. There is no need to make insinuations in this conversation, and there is no need to taunt each other with guns and sticks.

"What exactly do we do?"

"Of course we are looking for information. Killers and mercenaries are very similar in this regard. The better you understand the enemy, the higher the possibility of success."

Otto is not used to using computers to read information. He still likes to print out what he wants to read and turn it into text on paper before reading it slowly. Therefore, the information Otto has collected now is very scary.

There are so many that it’s scary.

Reaching out and patting the information, Otto said calmly: "I'll give you one day to read them all."

A thick pile of No. 4 printing paper was placed on the table. It was thicker than the entire set of Harry Potter books. Gao Guang blinked and said, "Let me see? One day?"

"A lot of the content is repetitive, and a lot of it is photos. It's a bit rushed in one day, but it's enough to get a rough idea. Just sort out the key parts and leave them to me."

Gao Guang looked at the information under Otto's hand. He frowned and said, "I'll take a look and give it to you after sorting it out?" "Do you need me to repeat it again?"

"But how do I know those are the important points?"

Otto smiled and said calmly: "Simple, just like a mercenary, you take a rough look at his life experience. This is the way to understand his character. Once you know his character and common behavior patterns, you can Once you have a general understanding of his habits, it will be much more accurate to deduce his behavior.”

Gao Guang opened his mouth but said nothing.

Otto continued: "As for his security and protection, you don't need to pay too much attention to this. In addition, you have to note that Simmons is a congressman and he has to perform all his life. You have to distinguish what is real and what is his." If you are performing for the public, please be more careful.”

Gao Guang is not a lazy person, but at this time he feels that it is too cumbersome to do this.

"If we follow the method we are used to, that is to know where the target is and then hit it directly, so there is no need to read these information, just know where Simmons is."

Otto smiled and said nothing, and Gao Guang also knew that his words would not stimulate Otto, and would only make Otto laugh at him. There is no other way, Gao Guang can only wave his hands and say

: "Forget it, I'll look at it, I'll look at it seriously, and look at it carefully."

Otto breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Part of this information was collected through public channels, and some of it was obtained with Jane's help. I marked it. Everything marked with red pen is information provided by the Department of Homeland Security. More real."

Otto took his hand away, and Gao Guang reached out and picked up a stack of stapled materials. He opened it and took a look, only to find that it was all text.

"Does a killer have to do this kind of desk job?"

"The killer who can do this kind of copywriting work is lucky. It means that there is enough detailed information. If it is the kind of target that you know nothing about, it will really make you feel headache. Do you feel tired after reading two days of information, or two in a row? Are you tired of staring at a target?"

It does make sense. Gao Guang had nothing to say. He nodded and said: "Okay, I will read the information and summarize the key points for you, but can you tell me first, how do you plan to kill Simmons?"

If you just kill the target, there are too many methods, but if you want to kill the target without arousing anyone's suspicion, it will be very, very troublesome and difficult.

Whether it is a normal death or an obviously abnormal death, if a senator dies in office, it is impossible for him to die like an ordinary person.

So there are only a few methods that Otto can take, including letting the target die of a sudden illness, a car accident, or any other weird reasons, as long as he can pass the Secret Service level.

Gao Guang knows what method Otto plans to use to kill Simmons, so he can prescribe the right medicine. For example, if Otto wants Simmons to get into a car accident, then Gao Guang will focus on how Simmons usually travels, and so on.

The question of highlighting this time is not too much. Otto thought for a long time and said: "Check his hobbies, whether he has any high-risk hobbies, check his eating habits, check his medical records, focus on these three aspects. There is not a lot of information on this content, so you have to pay attention to some details.”

"What if there is no information you need? Can you find the information yourself?"

Otto nodded and said very naturally: "To kill a target, it may take several years if the time period is long, or several months if the time period is short. Even if it is particularly smooth, it will take at least a few weeks. This is very long. It’s a delicate job, so don’t rush, take your time, and just make the target the person you’re most familiar with.”

Otto roughly pointed out a direction, then stood up and looked like he was leaving, saying: "You take a look first, and then give it to me after you sort it out."

This time Gaoguang didn't stop him, he picked up the information with a solemn expression and started to check it.

Seeing that Gao Guang started to read the information with a grimace, Otto was very satisfied. He calmly walked out of the door, and then closed the door from the outside.

The moment the door closed, Gao Guang immediately threw the information in his hand back on the table, and then pulled

He took Laura's hand and said with a smile: "Let's continue."

Laura took her hand out and said with a puzzled look: "What are you doing? There are so many materials that need to be sorted and classified. Do you think there is still time to waste?"

Gao Guang slapped his hand on the information and said with a smile: "With so much information, it must be at least three million words. Do you believe that at least half of it is water?"

Laura asked in confusion: "Water? Where does the water come from?"

"It's just that Otto poured water into it. Well, most of the information is useless nonsense. This is what we call too watery."

Not understanding the slang or professional terminology for highlight, Laura said with a puzzled look on her face: "How do you know? You didn't even start to look at it. How do you know it's all water?"

"Simple, very simple, because these information were given by Jane. As a professional intelligence officer, no, as an extremely professional intelligence queen, do you think she would send such a large pile of useless documents?"

Gao Guang casually pushed down the stack of documents, picked out a few documents marked with red fonts, and said with a smile: "Why does the Department of Homeland Security have so much information on Simmons? Is it possible? Impossible, unless the Department of Homeland Security Wanted to investigate Simmons, otherwise there wouldn't be so many documents, but the Department of Homeland Security did not conduct any investigation into Simmons, so I knew it was fake and was used by Otto to fool me."

Laura shook her head, and then she said with a puzzled face: "What is the relationship between you and your teacher?"

"We don't like each other but we can't get rid of each other. He is happy to find useless and cumbersome things to disgust me, and I am also happy to stimulate him. Anyway, that's it."

"Then do you want to watch it or not?"

"If you don't want to read it, just ask your master's wife for the dehydrated version of the information tomorrow. I think it should be the same as the information Otto got."

Laura was puzzled. What she didn't understand was the relationship between Gao Guang and Otto. Gao Guang's hands were already restless.

Laura pushed Gao Guang's hand away, still frowning and said: "But what if you guess wrong?" "Wrong?"

Gao Guang burst into laughter, and then he said happily: "I have the best agent of the KGB under my command, and my best friend is an agent of the CIA. Although I don't understand how intelligence work is done, I always know how intelligence work is not done. , I have to understand. This is called pig running without eating pork. Understand, I really want Simmons’ information. Do I need to read these watered documents myself? I asked Tom? Just help."

Laura seemed to understand but she decided to believe Gao Guang. But Otto, who left, entered Jane's room door directly.

Seeing Jane, Otto's face immediately became serious. He said seriously: "There is still a lack of effective information about Simmons. The information you gave is still too brief. Is it convenient to collect information about him? If not, I You have to go and observe it yourself.”

When it came to business, Jane's face was not so bad. She looked at Otto

Said: "What is little Otto doing?"

"He was conducting intelligence research and judgment. I gave him a bunch of useless information and mixed real intelligence into it. To cultivate his sensitivity to intelligence, this is an indispensable learning link."

Jane thought for a moment and said, "His sixth sense is still very strong."

"The talent is good, but it needs to be strengthened. Whether you can find the real information from the useless waste paper requires training."

Jane nodded, her face looked better, and said: "You finally started to teach little Otto some really useful things. As a superior, it is really time for him to be exposed to these. Hmm, do you have any ideas?"

Otto said seriously: "Yes, I plan to start with Simmons' hobbies. He has a disguised hobby of playing golf, but his real hobby is hunting, but his hunting is not normal. He likes Killing."

Jane nodded, Otto really fascinated her when he got down to business.

"This is not shown in my intelligence. How did you find out?"

Otto continued confidently and calmly: "Organize, classify, summarize, and analyze from some less attention-grabbing details. It's very simple."

"How are you going to take advantage of this?"

Otto shook his head and said: "There is a direction, but the details haven't been figured out yet. I gave little Otto a question and asked him to focus on Simmons' hobbies to see if he can see this. I think He waits."

Otto's face suddenly turned ugly, and then he frowned and said: "I forgot, he knows too many people who are engaged in intelligence. He can ask Tom to do these things for him, or he can directly ask Tom to do it for him. Direct information is enough, he will be lazy, he will definitely do it!”

Jane thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Yes, but he really should learn and train. This skill is good for him. Forget it, I'll just keep an eye on him. I'll keep an eye on what he does."

Otto hesitated for a moment and said: "Are you watching him personally? Is it necessary? Forget it, if he is willing to do it, just do it. If he is not willing, forget it."

Jane stood up and said, "No, I want to keep an eye on him, and I want him to actually complete the homework he needs to complete." "Okay, although I am not willing to let you do this, after all, it is useless and cumbersome."

Jane waved her hand, she had already started to take action.

Watching Jane get up, go out and close the door, Otto suddenly laughed.

He has everything under control, and there is always a way to disgust his students.

Out of his understanding of human nature, Otto has now appropriately changed his thinking. Gao Guang uses his woman to punish him and make him suffer. Then he will use the care of his master's wife to let Gao Guang feel what care from his master's wife means.

Learning this kind of thing is always painful. Otto doesn't mind what Gao Guang can learn. What he cares about is that Gao Guang can feel pain during the learning process.

Come on, let's hurt each other and disgust each other.

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