Firepower is king

Chapter 989 Under the microscope

When there is buying, there is selling, and when there is buying and selling, there is harm.

Yuri's information would take a week and a million dollars. If he could only buy the information from an information dealer, he would have to wait patiently.

But with the technical power in Gao Guang's hands, he could conduct a more detailed investigation immediately after obtaining a location. There is no longer a need for large drones like the Global Hawk to specifically focus on a village for reconnaissance.

If before it was like looking for a target with a telescope, sifting through a large area, then now it is like looking at it with a microscope.

Four MQ-9 Reaper drones have arrived over the village of Talibura, patrolling at an altitude of about 5,000 meters. Each of the four aircraft is equipped with two GBU-38 laser-guided bombs.

An MQ-8B Army unmanned helicopter has arrived over the village of Talibura. The role of this drone is to carefully identify any anomalies it can see, and can conduct microscope-level investigation.

How precise it is, the MQ-8 can distinguish human faces.

The long flight time of the drone can maintain its existence around the clock. From the moment Gao Guang heard the name Talibula Village, this village no longer had any secrets.

"We can't just provide extra money for the people in the Air Force. Our brothers in the Army must also be able to get some benefits." .??.

Hank was holding a cup of coffee. He leaned against the entrance of the ground control station and said lazily to the highlight: "The Army's Fire Scout drone is still easy to use. If your intelligence is accurate enough, it will definitely be able to Find the target."

An army captain echoed from the side: "Yes, a tunnel entrance, a face that is obviously different from the locals, these are all breakthroughs."

The military bases in Afghanistan are basically air force bases, but they combine airports and military bases. The military base where Gao Guang and the others are now is a rare and rare military base without a runway. They can only Take off and land a helicopter.

Since it is a microscope

Looking for it like this, Hank wanted to keep an eye on it in person, and then he invited Gao Guang, and Gao Guang naturally accepted the invitation happily.

After all, who doesn’t want to use a microscope to see the microscopic world.

There is a big screen in the control room, and the drone operator is looking for clues bit by bit.

Talibula Village belongs to the kind of terrain with two mountains sandwiched between a ditch. The mountains on both sides are not very high, and the top of the mountain is relatively gentle. The village is at the bottom of the valley. The valley is very narrow, so the village is very small, with only a dozen buildings at most. Stone house.

If you look carefully with a drone, you can still see some abnormalities. For example, there are fourteen houses in total, but six of them have sheep pens.

The captain of the army was a technical officer in intelligence research and analysis. He accompanied Hank and said a few words, and then the attraction was directed to the screen. Then he pointed at the screen and said: "There must be a barracks here, and there must be at least There are two hundred people stationed here permanently.”

Hank took another sip of coffee and said, "How do you say that?"

"Looking at the sheep flock, there are at least dozens of sheep in each sheep pen, but the largest sheep pen has more than 70 sheep, which is too many."

After a moment of interruption, the captain said again: "The total number of sheep must be three hundred. The ecology here is not enough to sustain so many sheep. Also, this small village should not be so wealthy. There can be more than ten people in a family." A sheep is considered very rich, and a person with more than 70 sheep is a rich man. You will not see so many rich people in a small mountain village, so there is only one answer. There is a guerrilla army here, and this guerrilla army is very wealthy. , they are able to ask nearby villagers to help them raise sheep, and then use the sheep as food reserves.”

Raising soldiers is very expensive. Raising soldiers in Afghanistan also costs a lot of food. According to the eating habits of the Afghan people,

, if there are really two hundred people, then at least four sheep will be consumed a day.

Gao Guang didn't say anything, but he was very happy in his heart.

It seems that the information obtained from Ashraf for ten thousand dollars is very accurate. Regardless of whether Yuri is there or not, at least Amanullah is really in this village.

The intelligence officers of the Air Force and the CIA have seen this village, but they can't see anything. That's because they only look at pictures or videos for analysis, but never actually go to the front line.

But the Army is different. Their analysis and judgment of intelligence is directly related to the life and death of those sent to the front line. Moreover, the Army has more people and is better at making detailed observations and judgments on such small terrain and small battlefields.

After all, they were specialized in the art, and when they found someone from the Army, they sent a captain who performed well, and the problem was discovered in a short period of time.

Hank raised his coffee cup to the highlight and said with a smile, "It's really cheap."

What Hank meant was that it was really cheap to buy this information for ten thousand dollars.

At this time, the captain said to the drone operator: "Aim the camera at this sheepfold, zoom in, and zoom in again."

With a valley sandwiched between two mountains, the locals will definitely make use of the rock walls on both sides. This village is no exception, digging holes on both sides of the valley, and the holes dug out are used to raise sheep.

So of course this cave where sheep are raised can also become an authentic entrance.

It was a cave that didn't look very big. The entrance was only about one meter wide. There was a fence built with tree trunks and branches outside. There were about thirty sheep inside. "

The captain stared at the sheepfold and said: "This is the storage room of the terrorists. The entrance to this sheepfold must be connected to their hiding tunnel. They can drag the sheep in and slaughter them for meat without leaving the cave."

Hank curled his lips and said: "

The smell in there must be bad. "

At least one of the entrances was found, maybe not the main passage, but Gao Guang believed that the captain's judgment was reasonable. At this time, Yuan Zheng suddenly said: "This guy has some skills."

This time, the highlights are the leaves and the expedition.

The reason why Yuanzheng came was that he was also a drone controller. Gao Guang wanted him to communicate with his colleagues in the Army. Now it seems that it has indeed had some effect.

At this time, the drone controller suddenly said: "Vent! Found a vent!" The picture was zooming in, and soon, a hole in the rock wall was zoomed in and appeared on the screen.

As for the terrain of Talibula Village, it is actually quite difficult because there are mountains on both sides. If the target is drilled deep enough, the ground-penetrating bomb will not work.

Therefore, the entrances and vents have become key search targets. Hank perked up and immediately asked: "How big is it?"

"It's as big as a basketball. With their construction methods, the vents can only be used for natural ventilation. If they are too small, they will be useless."

After the captain finished speaking confidently, he pointed to the vent and said: "If there is one, there is a second. This should be a large cave, otherwise it cannot accommodate two hundred people living in it for a long time."

After finishing speaking, the captain said with a puzzled face: "I'm just curious. Considering the current situation of Tabanli, there is no need for them to hide in the cave. Why do they have to live in the cave all the time? No matter what, the cave It must be uncomfortable to live there.”

Gao Guang and Hank looked at each other.

Yes, living in a cave is definitely not as comfortable as a house. So who needs to hide in the cave all the time and dare not come out? There is still money for the poor Afghan mountain people to raise a large group of sheep.

Apart from Yuri, Gao Guang couldn't think of any other reason. Anyway, according to common sense, that's what happened.

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