Firepower is king

Chapter 993 Li Daitao is stiff

The bombing began.

The second terrain survey roughly detected the shape of the cave on the east cliff, and then combined with the landmarks on the scene, found the entrance of a cave, and then the remaining locations were exposed.

Modern high technology is indeed quite scary. Although the saying that good defenders hide under the nine earths will never be outdated, the cost is getting higher and higher.

In addition, Gao Guang’s enemies were not hidden under the nine earths at all. At best, they were hidden under the ground. A round of bombing really blew out several people.

Although it is theoretically safer to hide in the cave, even if a few shells or missiles are occasionally hit, the people hiding in the cave will basically not be spared.

This cave was not dug according to the requirements of the current hot weapon confrontation. God knows when the ancestors here started the long process of digging caves to hide and avoid war. They had no idea how to prevent bombing, so there was no such winding tunnel to reduce the damage of shock waves.

So after several holes were blown up, the survivors finally ran out. When they saw people, the bombing stopped.

Because everyone wanted to see who ran out.

The airborne night vision device can clearly magnify people many times, even at night, you can see the details of the enemy.

And Gao Guang saw it more carefully, because the expedition launched a reconnaissance drone, and then it really reconnaissance over the enemy's head.

All Afghans are similar, their clothes are basically the same, and they all have big beards, so there is really nothing to see.

Catch them alive? In this case, it is not very convenient to catch them alive.

Gao Guang said nothing, and Hank paused the attack for dozens of seconds and ordered another attack, so the helicopter's machine gun opened fire again, shooting all four people who had finally escaped.

The bombing continued, and after ten minutes, Hank ordered a ceasefire again.

The situation that was expected before the war occurred, that is, the earth-penetrating bombs could not destroy the caves, and the air firepower could not do anything to the enemies in the caves. Although the enemy only had two large caves with people left, they were neither scared to escape nor took the initiative to attack.

The ground forces were prepared to deal with this situation. In the end, the battle had to be ended by infantry.

Fortunately, the approximate location of the entrance to the cave was known, and it was found that the cave was not too large, and there were no complicated tunnels connected, so it was easier to get in.

Unfortunately, the supporting firepower on the plane did not have much effect. The cannon fodder of the War Group could go first.

Gao Guang looked at Dawson, who was not far from him. Dawson was lying in a sand pit at this time and didn't know what he was thinking. "Dawson, let your men go first, and send two teams to explore the way."

Dawson was lying down, and when he heard Gao Guang's words, he turned over and lay on the ground, and then said calmly: "Guys, it's your turn to perform, group one and group two go forward to scout, group three and group four provide cover, and go forward alternately."

The soldiers who came from both ends of the valley began to move slowly towards the location of the cave in a very scattered formation. This is a battle where the enemy cannot be seen, because the enemy who shows up will die.

But this kind of battle is really boring, in addition to being boring, it is also very dangerous.

The main thing is that the first counterattack launched by the enemy is the most dangerous, that is, when the hidden enemy suddenly intends to open fire, the first round of attack is very threatening to the exposed people. Although it can be ensured that the counterattack can be made immediately and the enemy can be pressed back into the cave, this first wave of attack can often cause casualties.

So Gao Guang planned to watch and wait until he confirmed that there were no obstacles outside and the enemy in the cave could not launch a counterattack, and then he would bring people and shadows together.

"According to my understanding, the enemy should be desperate at this time. There is no other exit from their cave to escape. They have no effective counter-fire. Then according to the habits of the Afghans, they should take advantage of the pause in the air strike to launch a suicidal breakout."

The speaker was David. He had been on a mission in Afghanistan before. He had many experiences in Afghanistan and he knew the Afghans well.

After speaking quickly, David said with a little doubt: "So the current situation must be abnormal. The enemy is too quiet. Even if they are veterans with rich combat experience, they can't bear it until now without firing."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that Yuri is hiding inside?"

Patrick suddenly said: "I think it is more likely that the enemy can't see the situation outside at night. If they can't see anything, they certainly can't fire casually."

Patrick's statement is more likely.

Gao Guang said in a very tangled way: "But the enemy has anti-aircraft missiles. If they are really colluding with Yuri, or Yuri is really here, then they can't be without night vision goggles."

After a moment of silence, David finally said: "Wait a little longer, until we are 200 meters away. If the enemy still doesn't open fire at that time, then there will be a real problem."

Gao Guang planned this battle based on the enemy having night vision goggles. If the enemy really doesn't have night vision goggles, it will be bad news, because it means that the Black Box Mercenary Group is definitely not here


The people in the war continued to advance. Although the speed was slow, the total distance was only a few hundred meters, and there was no enemy attack yet, so ten minutes was already a long time.

Cautiously, he approached less than a hundred meters away from the enemy's cave. The next step was to look for the entrance on the cliff. David suddenly said: "White flag! Someone is raising a white flag!"

About four or five meters above the ground, there was a white flag waving at the entrance of a small hole. I also saw the highlight, and I saw it when the white flag first stretched out.

This situation is a little strange.

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Expedition! Let's get closer and investigate."

The drone quickly flew towards the place where the white flag was waving, and then the picture was transmitted back, and it was discovered that it was indeed a white flag, sticking out of a small hole the size of a football, swaying feebly.

Does the enemy intend to surrender?

Gao Guang was confused, but David said directly: "The situation is wrong. They definitely didn't really surrender. They surrendered without firing a shot? I have never seen such Afghans. There is definitely a conspiracy!"

Gao Guang also felt that there was a conspiracy.

At this time, the enemy is not just waving the white flag and cannot be seen while lying on the ground, but the expedition drone can be seen very clearly, not far from the small hole waving the white flag, close to the ground, and it looks normal. The stone wall suddenly opened, and a hole that was as tall as a person and about one meter wide suddenly appeared on the stone wall.

The enemy disguised the entrance and made a door very similar to the stone wall. This is normal and proper. But finally someone appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Someone came out of the cave. He was carrying a gun and waving a white flag in his hand, but he was wearing a tactical uniform, which was rarely seen on Afghans.

The Afghan people either have robes or camouflage. Those tactical uniforms, which are expensive and cannot be purchased anywhere in Afghanistan, are extremely difficult to appear on the Afghan people.

If not the Afghans, then they should be the Black Box people.

The expedition drone quickly adjusted its position, and the appearance of the man who remained motionless appeared clearly on the tablet.

"Boss!" Yuan Zheng's voice couldn't contain his excitement. He quickly stretched the tablet in front of Gao Guang and said anxiously: "Look, isn't this the sharpshooter?"

Just like the god-level gunman in Black Box, he used a 56 semi-automatic or SKS semi-automatic rifle to hit the target with high light. He was also the gunman who used bullets to turn Lei's face into a disaster scene.

If it is really this person, then it is certain that it is the black box, and it is certain that Yuri is here.

Gao Guang was also very excited. He looked carefully and saw that yes, there was a SKS hanging on his shoulder.

The rifle has a 56mm bullet bag on the chest. Although he has a beard, his appearance and body look vaguely like that of a sharpshooter.

Gao Guang quickly looked at Ye Ye and said, "Ye Ye, look how long this beard has been growing!"

Although seeing is believing, and feeling should be the same, Gao Guang always felt that there was something wrong with the black box pushing such a god-level gunman out.

I don't have any other ideas. For such a sharpshooter, even if Gao Guang knew that he would die in the next second, he would have to be allowed to live for one more second, and he would never be allowed to go out and lead the charge.

Even if he comes out to surrender, who knows whether the other party will accept the surrender? Gao Guang doesn't believe Yuri doesn't understand such a simple truth.

Ye Ye quickly arrived at Gao Guang's side. He looked at the bearded gunman captured by the drone, thought for a moment, and said: "This beard is about four months to half a year in length. Well, it is in line with normal conditions."

Afghan men usually have big beards, but half-long beards like the one in the picture are rare, unless they are shaved first and then grown out. But Afghan men have nothing to do. Never shave.

All signs indicate that there is no problem, but the more this happens, the more the highlight feels wrong. How could it be so easy? It's impossible.

Gao Guang looked at it carefully again, then he looked down at the target's feet and suddenly said: "His boots are wrong." Ye Ye didn't see it. With his eyesight and experience, he didn't see anything unusual.

After looking over from head to toe, there was nothing wrong with this person. But when Gao Guang said this, Ye Ye stared at the boots and said the same thing: "Boots! The boots are too new! They are too clean!"

If a pair of combat boots has been worn for several months, they will look completely different from new ones. The difference can be seen at a glance.

The clothes that the man who came out to surrender were wearing are old. Let’s not talk about whether it is convenient for the people in the black box to obtain supplies from the outside world in Afghanistan. Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, the boots and clothes should be almost matching. They need to be new. Everything is new, if it is old, it is also old.

This person's boots looked too new and not dirty enough. They had a very straight and stiff feeling that would never appear on a pair of boots that had been used for several months.

Unless the person is used to wearing other shoes, he will wear such a pair of combat boots when necessary.

There was one suspicious point that was enough to overturn all the disguises. Ye Ye was originally not sure whether the person in front of him was the target he was looking for, but he found the suspicious point, and this person was obviously disguised as a black box mercenary group. He was very representative and highly identifiable. Sharpshooter, then the problem is obvious.

Gao Guang exhaled and said: "This is Li Daitao Zhan. The real black box is not here, but they must know where the black box is hiding. We have to catch him alive!"

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