Firepower is king

Chapter 997 Fanatics

If I had known better, I wouldn't have brought so many people. It would have been a cannon to swat mosquitoes and a missile to blow up a tent. It was a waste, a huge waste.

But this battle is just the beginning. After all, Yuri is not here. If the caught tongue can tell the true whereabouts of Yuri, that will be the beginning of the battle.

But I don’t know if this tongue is valuable.

Now the most likely Tongue is an impostor with his arms broken, since he speaks Russian.

Ye Ye squatted in front of the prisoner. Although the effect of on-site interrogation would not be very good, for the sake of time, an urgent interrogation must be carried out on-site. In case Yuri is nearby, if you just withdraw your troops and go home, wouldn't you miss it? The best opportunity.

Although everyone thinks it is unlikely. "Tell me, where is Yuri?"

Generally Ye Ye would not ask directly like this. He would start with less important questions, such as how many people are here and what equipment they have. Under the premise of complete defeat, the enemy will often give these meaningless answers. come out.

Use simple questions to get the tongue to speak first and open up the prisoner's psychological defenses. This is the proper process of an interrogation.

Today Ye Ye chose to go straight to the topic. In addition to wanting to save time, the main reason was because he felt that Yuri was not here. The prisoner with broken arms spat viciously, and then began to curse wildly in Pashto.

The prisoner was in a crazy state, and he looked very angry, but by reading his psychology through his expression, Gao Guang felt that the reason why the imposter was angry was because he was unwilling to give up.

Is he unwilling to accept failure, or is he unwilling to accept that the self-destruction vest of double insurance failed to work?

Gao Guang suddenly thought of a possibility, so he quickly stepped forward, crossed the leaves, and said sharply in English: "Amanullah! Do you still want to pretend?"

As soon as Gao Guang said this, the leaves looked normal, but his heart skipped a beat. He controlled his expression because he didn't want the prisoner to see that he was surprised, but Ye Ye was indeed very shocked.

Amanullah, one of the main targets of this operation and the person with the highest status here, how could he come out wearing a bomb vest?

But think about it, it's really possible. Maybe he wouldn't do this normally, but when he is completely desperate, wouldn't it be the best and only option to go to the limit and exchange it for one?

I don’t know if Amanula can understand English, but Ye Ye can understand it, so

With his still cold and majestic sword: "Amanula, since we are here to find you, we naturally know everything. Tell me where Yuri is."

Like Gao Guang, Ye Ye didn't know whether the captive with broken arms was Amanula, but he made the same choice as Gao Guang, just give it a try and you'd know.

The prisoner's face showed a look that was indeed true. Although he said nothing, the fleeting expression still betrayed his identity.

It's him, that's right.

Gao Guang sighed in his heart. If Amanula had been prepared to die with him from the beginning, there would be no need to look for it. Yuri was definitely not here.

At this moment, a very trembling sound was suddenly heard in Gao Guang's headphones. "Everyone, I'm sorry."

Gao Guang turned around and looked around. He could hear Lei talking, but he didn't know where Lei was. Lei continued to say bitterly on the intercom: "I stepped on a landmine."

Gao Guang's heart skipped a beat, and then the hairs on his body stood up immediately.

At this time, Dawson suddenly said urgently: "Stop moving, everyone stop moving, there are mines, this is a minefield, this is all a minefield! Shet!"

There are landmines, but they were discovered only now, which means they are fine.

Because if there were really many landmines, someone would have hit the mines and died by now. Gao Guang remembered a famous saying.

If you don't see a rabbit, don't let the hawk fly; if you don't see the devil, don't pull the string.

If there really is a large minefield here, and the enemy has daily activities here, then they obviously cannot turn their doorstep into a no-go zone for strangers. This kind of minefield is obviously a trap waiting for people to jump. An offensive minefield is a minefield that is manually controlled to damage the enemy as much as possible, rather than a passive defensive minefield that prevents the enemy from approaching or passing through.

Regardless of whether it is a compression-type mine, a pull-type mine, or a mine that is remotely detonated by an electronic fuze, if the fuze is not installed in advance and the wire is pulled, it will not be detonated.

In other words, the enemy had laid the mines in advance, but did not activate them. However, Gao Guang's raid was indeed too sudden, causing Amanullah to

There was no time to activate his minefield.

Think about it, if instead of bringing dozens of planes for indiscriminate bombing, you bring dozens of elite soldiers to fight on the ground, the result will be hard to say.

Gao Guang took a breath and said on the intercom: "The mines are not activated. Let's leave the dangerous area. Everyone returns to the plane and we leave here."

Activation is not a military term, but Gao Guang prefers to say it that way because everyone can understand it.

Lei said very frustrated: "I found out. I stepped on an O3M-72 anti-infantry mine, but the safety was not pulled out. In addition, this is a mine array, and there are a large number of TM-62M anti-tank mines. Petal-shaped arrangement, with a PMN-2 anti-infantry mine in the middle. I think these anti-tank mines are to enhance the explosive power, not for anti-tank. Well, we found MON-50 directional mines in the bushes, many ,Much."

There are no trees in the valley, so there is no directional mine tied to the trees, but hidden in the bushes.

Why is Lei frustrated? Because his phantom army attaches great importance to mine protection. They have a large amount of mine detection equipment, but this time, they did not bring it.

In addition to the fact that the Shadow Mercenary Group is not a phantom force after all and cannot bring out all the good equipment of the phantom force, it is also because Afghanistan is really not a place accustomed to using landmines.

It’s not that they don’t have to be used, but in mountain tunnel battles, there is really no way to use mines.

But now, a large number of landmines have appeared in places where it was thought that there would be no landmines.

Gao Guang looked at the images captured by the drone. The Shadow Mercenary Group approached from the left side of the cave along the rock wall. When they approached the cave, they encountered a large minefield. In other words, the enemy was deployed in front of the cave. There are very few mines, and a large number of mines are laid in positions with poor visibility on both sides.

The terrain of the valley, the caves on both sides of the valley, and the mines, it's a good pocket formation, a good way to close the door and beat the dog. If an elite team comes and plans to enter the cave, it will definitely be a disaster.

Gao Guang was extremely lucky that he could use his absolute firepower advantage to solve the problem instead of having to lead people into the cave himself.

Everyone began to withdraw one after another.

The blood on Amanulla's two severed arms was already

If he stopped, he might die from any cause, but it would never be from excessive blood loss. Gao Guang looked at Amanula, who was still aggrieved, and suddenly said: "What benefits did Yuri give you that deserve you to treat him like this?" Gao Guang didn't expect Amanula to answer, because he was speaking English and didn't know. Amanulla could not understand, so he just spoke out of his feelings.

But what is surprising is that Amanullah suddenly said: "You won't understand, people like you will never understand!" Amanullah also spoke English, and he was willing to answer, which made Gao Guang feel a little bit surprised. Surprised.

This is a good opportunity. It may be that Amanullah is too angry, or it may be that he is not calm enough because of despair, but regardless of the reason for speaking, as long as he speaks, this is a good opportunity to open his mouth. .

The leaves were about to drag Amanula away, but when he heard Amanula speak, he immediately said: "Why don't we understand? Aren't you just brainwashed by Yuri? The KGB trains many foreigners every year , you are just one of them, I even know what the teaching materials are for you, why are you still pretending to be great for me here, okay, you are just one of many people who are being used by Yuri, don't think you are so important. "

To do the opposite, without inducement or torture, but simply belittling Amanulla's worship of Yuri is meaningless. It is not to belittle Amanullah himself, but to belittle his trust in Yuri. The relationship here is very subtle.

Sure enough, Amanulla was not that angry. He just became more disdainful of the leaves and had extreme contempt for the highlights. "You people are pathetic!"

He didn't know what Amanula wanted to express, but Ye Ye became less and less anxious to ask. He just said lightly: "The sad thing is that you were used as cannon fodder and you don't even know it. You don't even think about how we found you." Really? The ideals Yuri told you are great, but who are you responsible for implementing them? You are just worthless cannon fodder, do you understand?"

Amanullah did not retaliate, nor was he angry. He just looked at the leaves with mocking eyes and said: "You will all die, and you will die worthlessly. You will be swept into the garbage heap of history."

There is no point in scolding, and it is even more pointless to argue with Amanullah, but what interests Gao Guang times is Amanullah's mental state, when he said these words as a dying martyr At that time, what was he thinking?

The martyr's fanaticism should be put to use.

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