Firepower is king

Chapter 1,114 Fully Loaded

Darif's appearance caused panic.

Panic caused people's mentality to explode. They waited and watched. At this point, the wait and watch could end. If they didn't run, they would really have no chance. Gao Guang and Hank came to the detention room with anticipation, and then saw a scene that was completely within their expectations.

"The plane is about to take off. Does anyone else want to get on the plane?"

He asked casually, and after waiting for Ashraf to translate the words into words that everyone could understand, Hank said casually: "This is the waiting room, not a place to detain you. If any of you don't want to get on the plane, you can leave."

Just now, they were sent here and forced to watch and not allowed to leave, but now they were sent away with a light sentence and left at will. This made the people who had been waiting for a long time have no choice.

Now it was almost dawn, and seeing that only people were leaving, there were no new planes landing, and there were fewer and fewer planes in the airport, and it was impossible for new planes to arrive, these people should understand things.

So let these people go, but no one was willing to leave.

The room was packed with people, at least 70 or 80 people, but there was no problem in cramming all of them into a C130 aircraft. It was okay to squeeze in and stand for a while.

I looked at Ashraf with a low light.

I didn't hesitate at all. I said to Ou Rui loudly: "The people who took him replaced the shadow's people. He watched the plane go to Baghdad. Tom Laozhi was not prepared. I will take over when we arrive in Baghdad. You go first. You have to wait for Youwai."

I said to Ashraf with a low light: "Then there is nothing for him. He will get off the plane with me. When we arrive in Baghdad, no one will send him to the United States. Don't worry."

I still don't know how many planes there are, but I have to make preparations to receive the income from the amount.

Those who don't have cash will give cash. Those who have cash will transfer the money before landing. It's a relationship. Anyway, we will land in Baghdad. I'm really afraid that we will run away.

"Let you get off the plane!"

Finally, someone made a wise decision.

If we really wait until we reach Yuwai, it will be too late to leave. Of course, we can only go by air.

--- Did the Americans have to settle accounts with Afghanistan before?

The situation was a little bad. Time was waiting for people. As the day dawned and Afghanistan immediately ended the operation before dawn, the order that the airport had managed to maintain finally collapsed.

In order to show support for the current government of the Taliban, the United States did leave some things, such as tanks, small guns and helicopters.

What else can I say? I don’t expect to really stay at the airport until Yuwai, so even if Ashraf’s intelligence has not been verified, I will treat Ashraf harshly.

As for those who gave cash, we will be sent off another plane. Although there are still many people on the plane, they can’t get on the plane when they arrive. I know they are free to leave.

The male owner of a wealthy family finally spoke. The savior he expected did not appear. Although he has saved a lot of property, he must have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Gao Guang said loudly: "Let someone make sure that the helicopters are full of fuel, man, there is no need to take risks. There were many opportunities to find Youwai and kill him before, but now, making money is more important."

After saying this in great distress, Gao Guang sighed and said: "It's a pity that there is only one chance to reap the rewards. Divide the money before going back, and Xiaojia will not get any share."

After all, Ashraf Laozhi helped to earn far more than the air ticket money I should pay. Even if the intelligence was false, Di Guang also admitted that Ou Rui estimated the benefits that those people could bring, and then I couldn't help but laugh.

"You go too! You Laozhi's request."

Di Guang needs to make profits for the people in the shooting club, and as someone who operated the evacuation operation with Ou Rui, I naturally have to take less.

It is indeed the current one, and it is the successor, because in theory, Tabanli is still not ruled by the current government, and those officials have either resigned or been dismissed.

"Send that gentleman off the plane."

That evacuation was a move to deploy some troops elsewhere, and the evacuation was very hasty and chaotic, so although there were few planes at the airport, the transport capacity was still very light.

"Sir! The barbed wire fence has been broken, and no one rushed back to the airport. The airport guards opened fire and killed two people. They temporarily blocked the people, but they can't hold on for long. The outside will definitely be occupied by panicked people."

Anyway, that's how Di Guang comforted himself. Grief and anger, helpless, but finally let go.

There are still tens of thousands of euros in European banks, and two properties. Although it is impossible to go back to Taban to make money, I can always spend the rest of my life comfortably.

"That group of people, plus Dawaifu, do you think they can earn less than 100 million US dollars at most." Gao Guang said slowly: "What about them?" Gao Guang couldn't help laughing, I nodded and said: "They can definitely give us 80% of it, you have to make some moves. It's unnecessary to add that you don't have to worry, because Ashraf really stopped worrying. Logically speaking, what use am I now? Naturally, I was abandoned. Now the manned aircraft unit has evacuated Tabanli. Although manned aircraft cannot fly freely under Tabanli, manned aircraft have no ground control stations. Before all ground control stations are evacuated, manned aircraft can naturally continue to be used. Since the transportation capacity is easy, we can take advantage of the fire.

The outside of the detention room was cleared slowly. In just a few minutes, everyone outside was gone. And whether anyone chose to leave, we all chose to get off the plane.

I know how to take risks, but low light can put myself in a desperate situation.

I made a fortune for the members of the shooting club, and they all used the shooting club to contribute. I took advantage of the evacuation and let Gao Guang get promoted naturally. Why bother?

It was time for a plane that was purely transporting people to take off. It was already crowded with people outside. Although it could still be crowded, it was time to leave if we were greedy enough.

We also know whether the people who make decisions in the United States are really stupid or really good. Anyway, we seem to think that Tabanli’s national defense forces can still withstand Afghanistan, but we have never thought about the collapse of Tabanli’s government. The speed is more or less consistent than the speed at which we evacuated.

We also negotiated a bad price, but in the end we were forced and the main thing was not voluntary.

He wanted to fight for his life, but he also wanted to leave just like that. Gao Guang could only lead people to wait and wait, and continue to squat and guard Youwai. In any case, the Afghans are being advantaged, so why should they be advantageous and belittle themselves?

Especially since there is no pilot who dares to risk his life.

Yes, the client was sent away, but what about the King's Defense and the Shadow Mercenary Group? Should they leave with the plane, or should they stay and wait for Shiro Box.

Without taking the lead, the rest quickly followed suit.

Withdraw over there, collapse over here, and every moment is wasted. "The helicopters given to Tabanli belong to him!"

Before finishing speaking to Gao Guang, Low Guang said loudly: "I will leave two helicopters for you. The pilots are in charge, so you can prepare your own." The first person to make a choice was taken to the plane with eight of his family members. , all those who had no cash to pay were put on the same plane as Dawaifu. We knew we could go anywhere before paying in Baghdad.

If he could delay it any longer, Gao Guang immediately said: "Let your plane take off, no fewer people will come." "I want to get on the plane!"

Gao Guang sighed inwardly, presumably those people who were humbled and humbled in the future now understand the truth of the ruin of a country and a family. "Is it enough to give 80% to the military?"

"One million euros, you will give them before landing!" "I know."

Helicopter flight range is relatively short, and

It is vulnerable to attack, so the helicopter evacuates first, either flying directly to the air force base in a neighboring country, or directly loading and unloading a small transport aircraft and transporting it directly back to the United States or other distant air force bases.

The profit that time was very small, quite small. If you take out 80% of it, it will be less than 200 million at the very least. If Gao Guang spreads out such a small amount of money, if he can get the treatment he deserves, what will happen to these old people and that gang? Those who benefit are sensible.

Don’t forget that Low Light doesn’t have a small fleet. Apart from two C130s, I don’t have any other aircraft.

Leon flew back and forth with the plane. Now the Americans are about to completely abandon the airport, that is, lose control. Therefore, other planes with low light cannot land cautiously.

A glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, and it was dawn.

Gao Guang knew Low Guang's plan, but of course it was all a matter of delaying the discussion. Up to now, he had just put the plan into action.

Both planes have the same treatment. Now the person outside the house cannot take out the cash, but it is too much, so a small number of people have to be sent to Baghdad with Dawaifu.

The Army aviation planes have not yet completely evacuated.

But you need to know that the highlights will be divided into a small part of the low lights.

Gao Guang gave the current low-level official of the Ministry of Finance due courtesy, and I still spoke very politely.

Highlight doesn't mean to test Lowlight, because I have to share part of the profit with my colleagues in Qijiao Xiaolou. The amount of money I could make that time has nothing to do with the military's small force cooperation. It has nothing to do with Qijiao Xiaolou. It doesn't matter if you turn a blind eye or close one eye.

So under the low-light cargo list, in addition to the army equipment still piled at the airport, there were also a few helicopters missing.

The low light is very generous, and I also think about the high light: "That 80% is all what we deserve, but do you think that if he gives 80% to others, he will always get something in return before he goes back, that military rank and position It’s time to give you a liter.”

In the current situation, Gao Guang wanted to take the initiative, but he was really powerless. The main reason was that it was too chaotic. In that situation, he had to attack weakly. You Wai, who was hiding outside the Afghan troops, was really safe. Extremely low-level things require hard work, while low-level things require hard work.

Tanks and small artillery are also piled up at the airport, all of which we collected from Low Light. The helicopters, whether they are armed helicopters or transport helicopters, although they are nominally affiliated to the Tabanli National Defense Force, are also under Low Light.

Ashraf suspected that Gao Guang was really a person who kept his promise. Of course, I believed and kept his promise, so I said to Gao Guang very sincerely: "He is a person who knows me well. Thank you."

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