Firepower is king

Chapter 1029 The First Gunner

Jacques lifted up one layer of body armor. The body armor had been penetrated, and the warhead was embedded in the second layer of body armor. There was only one bullet in the body, but it was aimed directly at the heart.

If it hadn't been for an extra layer of body armor, Jacques would have died at the hands of a melee gunner. The bullet did not penetrate the body armor, but it still penetrated Jacques' heart.

Not a physical breakdown, but a psychological breakdown.

Yuri lost to the mad dog in a face-to-face battle, and Jacques lost again to the mad dog in a long-distance conversation five hundred meters away.

Looking down at the warhead embedded in the body armor, and reaching out to touch the deformed warhead, Jacques felt the pain in his heart. Saw it.

The hardest corner in my heart was shattered, my belief in invincibility was shattered, I only lost once, but it seemed like I had lost the whole world, it seemed like I had lost everything, it seemed like I was dead.

Yuri suddenly appeared, and he suddenly hit Jacques's right hand, which was stroking the warhead.

The tanks in front were getting closer and closer, and they seemed to have no intention of pursuing them to the end, so You Wai had to take some measures. "Boss, why would he do that!" .??.

Of course, Jacques is indeed quite cold now, his heart is cold, but he is not calm.

The 7.62 NATO bullet used by Xiao Wei is powerful enough when facing enemies wearing body armor, and the M43 intermediate bullet is of course even more powerful.

Just because you look calm doesn't mean you're really calm, and if you look calm you don't mean you're really calm.

Youwai continued: "Within 80 meters, he is the opponent of Mad Dog. Within 700 meters, he is still the opponent of Mad Dog. Is that no problem? Deny it, Mad Dog is growing and regressing, and he, you There is room for growth. Changing guns will only reduce his strength in the short term, but in the long term, he must at least reach the level of using SKS before changing guns, because that hand is probably his peak, so he Changing guns will increase your strength, but the smaller possibility is that you are still as powerful as you are now before changing guns.”

Yes, the answer can only be yes.

Can Jacques be hit with a medium-caliber rifle at a distance of 700 meters? So, within 700 meters, can Jacques be sure to kill the mad dog in one shot?

But Jacques is good, and Jacques can't accept the fact that he is defeated in the field he is best at. Everyone wears heavy-duty body armor and a bullet-proof mask, and any kind of ammunition is useful.

Hunter said with a few hands: "Is it the plane that attacks Mad Dog? Well, that's no trouble. There aren't many people behind Mad Dog. Well, as long as you can steal my arms, it's enough. Just kill me." Well... forget it, if you have more hands and fail, you will create less trouble. "

What's especially important is that Jacques knows that Mad Dog is using a new gun with a caliber of 6.8 mm. It is the latest standard rifle in the United States and uses a new generation of bullets. But in the end, it is still just a gun with weakened penetrating power. Assault rifle.

So Jacques didn't say anything.

"Jacques, you have suffered heavy losses today, so I will give you a little confusion."


He took a breath and said: "Hardware is still very important. I must be sure you are using it."

Mad Dog has no room to grow, and I have no potential to tap. Before I can become a melee gunner, and before I can become an enemy in the field of pistol shooting, I am still regressing, and I am still extending my shooting range. That is the scariest thing.

Jacques was stunned for a moment, and then I said with a slight smile: "It must be one hundred meters. As long as it is within seven hundred meters, the mad dog will be your opponent. It doesn't matter if you change the gun. Not yet, knight mercenary." The group is coming."

The truth is always painful and hard to accept.

Jacques even said that it would be even less advantageous to know what gun he was using, and that frustrated me even more.

Youwai exhaled, and then, I said to the people around me: "Hunter is okay, but it doesn't matter. I'm just a springboard, just a springboard. You haven't gone off the right track yet. You haven't done anything before." It's an opportunity."

Youwai continued: "Mr. Hunter, you and Tabanli's people can hold Mad Dog back. As long as he lets the people occupying the airport shoot down Mad Dog's plane and shoot down my transport plane, this Mad Dog will be dead. I have a way out." Escapeable!"

When Jacques found that his peak was halfway up the mountain that others had climbed, my remaining confidence was completely shattered.

It takes courage to win with many hands. Indulging in the joy brought by victory is something I especially try to avoid. For this reason, I am willing to destroy the weakest shooter under me.

When he got his rifle back, Jacques suddenly said: "You need to change your rifle!"

And Youwai continued: "What he is good at is medium and close range. He even uses a sniper rifle, but whether there will be any problems for him in the future, he is still the weakest precision shooter, but now, he has many hands He felt that his victory was due to the gun, Jacques. When he had the idea of ​​​​changing the gun, in fact, he had not lost yet. "

"Very bad, very bad!"

Jacques got back his rifle, a stock SKS rifle produced in the 1960s, a flat bayonet version, and a semi-automatic rifle that was a sniper rifle, with so many hands that there was nothing to say about it.

Rebuilding before destruction is far more difficult than tinkering under crumbling ruins.

Like Youwai, Jacques is not a pure person, an extremely pure shooter. I am good at fighting, understand conspiracy, and can command battles. I do not exist as a pure shooter.

Jacques paused in his steps.

So Yuwai gave up my long-standing shooting skills, which were useless, because he cared about the reputation of being an enemy in the future under the pistol shooting, because Yuwai was obviously more successful as a conspirator than a shooter.

So destroying Jacques' confidence was the purpose, just to complete the first step of reconstruction. Yuwai didn't think so, but he did it.

Yuwai, who was running fast, stopped. I stretched out my hand and put it on Jacques' shoulder, and said very seriously: "It is denied that Mad Dog has a lower talent in shooting, and I have not become the first shooter in fact. I have many hands. Then, think about how to kill Mad Dog. As long as Mad Dog dies, he is still the first shooter."

"Mr. Hunter, Mad Dog has chased me out. My target is you, and you haven't reached an agreement with Tabanli. You can't take away the equipment you don't have. The munitions at the airport don't belong to him, and Mad Dog can't stop it."

Yuwai wanted to attack Jacques, I just wanted Jacques to get back on the right track.

Jacques's hand was knocked off. He looked at Yuri, who had a stern face, and said calmly, "I'm fine."

But that's okay. Yuri is the one who cares about a name. I just want to kill Mad Dog and completely destroy Mad Dog and my King's Defense.

Yuri said loudly, "You know it's the same. Of course you know it. You just want to remind him, Jacques, your goal has always been the world's number one mercenary group, the world's weakest sniper, the weakest precision shooter. Those are just by-products of your ideals. What is your goal? Jacques, what is your ideal?"

Hunter's people don't have anti-aircraft missiles, and my people didn't occupy the airport before the seventh landing. Hunter is scared. I dare to kill Mad Dog directly.

Youwai said fiercely: "Because you want him to retreat to a track destined for victory, you want him to make defeating Mad Dog his goal for the rest of his life, Jacques! More hands, sticking to your goals, and realizing your ideals are the most important! More hands to win, is to let victory hinder his steps!"

Pushing Jacques and letting Jacques walk, Youwai said in a deep voice: "It is necessary to change guns, there is no need."

But before facing Mad Dog and the King's Defense Team, Jacques felt the problem of insufficient bullet power very strongly.

Youwai said very seriously: "Jacques, does he really have no confidence to defeat Mad Dog within a distance of 700 meters?"

Why should Jacques change guns, why should he think about fighting Mad Dog in a gunfight, as long as Hunter is strong, Mad Dog's death will be here today.

"Killing Mad Dog is the goal. Mad Dog is just a stumbling block on your way. Don't let me hinder your steps. That's all. Youwai suspected that Mad Dog had to return to the airport. So as long as Hunter dared to take action, Mad Dog would die.

Jacques couldn't hit Mad Dog with SKS, but I knew that hitting it would be useful.

Youwai understood Jacques, and I also understood Jacques' feelings at this time, but I was going to comfort Jacques. I just wanted Jacques to accept the reality. Jacques used the rifle that I was best at, but Mad Dog also used the rifle that I found.

It was like he was being chased, but he deliberately led people out. Youwai was very good at creating that kind of cognitive error. Jacques couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, change guns. You are Mad Dog's opponent. Your firing rate is advantageous at close range. At long distances, the power of the M43 intermediate bullet is too high. Even if you hit Mad Dog, it will be useful. "

However, Youwai was immediately disappointed.

The problem faced by Jacques was the same as Xiaowei, and he had more hands than Xiaowei.

Jacques was walking fast, but my heart was evacuating, and my heart was still in the long-distance dialogue that had just begun.

It was to break and to build.

In the past ten years, Jacques has not felt the problem of whether the bullets he used were powerful enough, but I can still deal with it. If I can penetrate the torso, I can hit the head and the seven limbs.

Jacques returned the sniper rifle of the pistol to his comrade. It was a Barrett M82, a 12.7mm caliber sniper rifle. That is not the relationship between spear and shield. The sharper the spear, the stronger the shield, and the stronger the shield, the sharper the spear. It is always a spiral escalation in the confrontation.

Before he finished speaking, Youwai said lightly: "Issue a notice to deny that Mad Dog defeated him. You deny that Mad Dog is the weakest shooter in the world today. By the way, announce that the Shirobox Mercenary Group will be disbanded and will permanently enter and exit the ranks of mercenaries. You deny that the Knight Mercenary Group has become the first mercenary group. "

Jacques' mouth moved several times. I wanted to say something, but when I turned to leave, I still said inexplicably: "This is the same."

But Youwai did not agree with Jacques's idea. Youwai took out the phone, and I said to Jacques: "Deny victory, deny that Mad Dog is the first shooter, Jacques, you are still mercenaries, and he is still the weakest precision shooter. You deny all that, and you help Mad Dog establish the title of the first shooter. "

Jacques was stunned for a while, then I nodded, took a long breath, and said: "You understand, you will no longer think about competing with Mad Dog, you will only think about killing me. "

Now Jacques wants to change his gun to a rifle with less power.

It is a case of flattery. The principle that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being fat is true everywhere. Let Mad Dog bear the title of the best shooter, but the title of the best accurate shooter, the best sniper, which has no limitations, will only become a burden for Mad Dog.

The phone was hung up. Youwai was very disappointed, but I had not expected it. I knew the result would most likely be like that, but Hunter's answer verified my guess.

Hunter was very satisfied, and my tone was very relieved. Then I said contentedly: "You said that the batch of goods would definitely be in your hands! He was wrong, and you were very satisfied."

"Let's go!"

While running with Jacques, Youwai shouted: "Losing is not losing, it is necessary to find a reason, and it is necessary to find a reason. Denying that Mad Dog is weaker, what is acceptable."

The White Box Mercenary Group is about to become history, but White Box will become history. White Box is just a change of battlefield. Jacques has many hands, and I understand why Youwai wants to hit my confidence and completely defeat the truth that I can still cover up.

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