Firepower is king

Chapter 1031 Two peaches kill three men


Hank is also in Baghdad, because a large number of people evacuated from Afghanistan are transiting in Baghdad, and the reason why Hank is in Baghdad is because the Special Operations Command directly gave him an order, allowing him to stay in Baghdad openly. Baghdad.

Commander Raymond of the Special Operations Command is an important member of the shooting club, so he asked if he could not make it easier for him. The Baghdad Iron Triangle reunited at the airport.

Tom also came, because the withdrawal was so fruitful that it was unreasonable not to come.

It's just that the atmosphere when the three of them met was a little solemn, not what it should be like after making a lot of money. "Thanks for your hard work."

Hank's face was solemn. He first said thank you to Gao Guang, and then said solemnly: "The situation is not very good."

After Gao Guang blew up everything in front of the people sent by Hunter and crushed them several times with tanks, it was strange that the situation would be better.

The Pentagon must be shocked and angry, especially Hunter. He must either kill Gao Guang or obediently switch to killing eight people with seven peaches. Such obvious and clumsy methods cannot be used at all.

Kong Jian shook his head and said: "You Wai gave him a new nickname, called the Gunslinger Mad Dog. The Gunslinger is behind and the Mad Dog is in front. Not yet. I also said that the new first mercenary group is the Knight Mercenary Group. The Shadow Mercenary Group is the best."

Di Guang sighed and said, "Is it just checking the plane, what else?"

Baghdad is the place where Lin Nianzu grew up, and of course it is also the place where the Baghdad Iron Octagon has the strongest strength. The injured are sent to the clinic with the worst technology, but to a hospital that knows the level of treatment.

The seriousness on my high-gloss face turned into expectation, and I said very nervously: "Now, there is only one thing left for you, collect the money."

At that time, looking at Hank and Gao Guang before they finished speaking, Gao Guang finally said: "The White Eagle has landed at the Kuwaiyab military base in Tajikistan. It is still under your control. Don't worry, at most the plane It's his."

Gao Guang said in surprise: "Injured? Who is injured? Why is there any delay in saying, you made bad arrangements?"

Looking at Gao Guang frowning, Hank said: "If you want

There is a way to solve the problem. It is small even if it is small, but it is big even if it is big. We must take care of Bad Lei’s emotions. "

Kong Jian was silent for a moment, and then I said loudly: "The new director just signed an order an hour later to transfer No. 8 to the custody of the FBI, and the FBI will form a general team to interrogate No. 8."

Hank asked with great concern: "Is the leaf injured? Where is it? Is it minor?" Before the two were carried up, Gao Guang nodded and said: "It's not bad, it's wrong, it's all serious injuries."

Youwai's words are the criteria for judging, but my words are definitely extremely uninfluential. Now I say that the Knights are the number one mercenary group, and the shadows are the inflows. So the shadow mercenary group that wants to be the number one is a big deal. blow.

As you said, the Shadow Mercenary Group knows that it needs to do a lot to prove itself, but the most complicated way is not to kill the Knight Mercenary Group.

But what Hank said was wrong. Keeping No. 8 was not a curse. It would only lead to interrogation again and again, because No. 8 was not the obvious breakthrough point before Youwai defected to Hunter.

But without thinking about it, Gao Guang discovered that the conspiracy was really difficult to solve. "Where have everyone been arranged?"

The director of the CIA changes around like a revolving door, but the deputy director can be replaced frequently, and the deputy director of the CIA is now a low-profile backer. Although there is a retired shooting club, Hank is still there. More importantly, Hank can provide support to the deputy. As long as the director gets the money.

"I just wanted to talk to him on the way, but it was delayed until now. Well, he knew that he knew that Youwai issued a statement announcing that the Shirobako mercenary group would not be disbanded. Not yet, Youwai announced that he was the third One gunman defeated me and a sharpshooter named Jacques.”

Low Light's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then I said with regret, "Isn't that a little troublesome?" At that time, Hank was able to continue the topic he had just interrupted.

Hunter didn't give Highlight any retreat, and Highlight had no choice but to deny Hunter any retreat.

After revenge comes, you still have to scare yourself, so the key now is not to cash in the person you brought back. Ye Ye was lying under the stretcher, with a look on his face that looked like he was alive or dead.

It was something that was expected. Gao Guang would definitely not regret his decision, so he just said softly: "How did you say that?"

"You didn't announce it during the flight. The news was spread by his dark network. He must have wanted to block the news. It should be too late now."

Westerners understand, and they can understand low light very well. Lowlight sighed.

However, Gao Guang suddenly smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can't help it, Yu Wai will play with you in the art of war, hehe, I'm still young." Kong Jian looked at Kong Jian, and Hank said nervously: " There’s no place for you, so you can chat while walking.”

Hank smiled and said: "Start with his plane and check his two planes. Hunter is very stupid, or my think tank is very stupid, but for you, there will definitely be no problem once you check. These CIA directors should spend the rest of their lives outside prison.”

"Nothing else is about checking No. 8. It's no trouble, but you do have to worry."

"Don't wait, arrange the hospital, and arrange the injured first."

By the way, if the CIA can even handle that kind of turmoil, then it's a fool's errand.

Hank said calmly: "Hunter started to work from the CIA side. I don't have any bad focus on the military side, so I started with the CIA side first, especially that Yuwai person. I am even more concerned about it." He is accustomed to attacking from the intelligence line, so it is unusual to start from the CIA.”


Before thanking him, Low Light just let out a long sigh. There is talk in the low light, and talk is not acquiescence.

Hank said loudly: "Don't worry, you will let No. 8 die before being handed over to the FBI. Are you happy? Well, you will tell No. 8 in advance. I know my situation and destiny, and I will be very happy." Accept death slowly, but with endless torture.”

There is a way.

Di Guang frowned and said, "It's no trouble, what do you mean?"


Gao Guang said in astonishment: "I just want to kill you, but I still want to provoke the knights and the shadows, especially that guy. Haha, what are you doing behind your back?"

"The shrapnel hit me under my buttocks. It was the shrapnel before it rebounded. If it had happened, the consequences would have been very minor. Now, it won't be a month before I can sit up."

I definitely feel that I really want to kill No. 8.

Now it depends on how the Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will react. As for Hunter, he is not qualified to give a direct answer to the highlight. Kong Jian felt that he was no longer in the narrow and low light, and the low light was grateful.

Gao Guang was stunned, and then asked: "When was it announced?"

But how could the low light cause the shadow mercenary group and the knight mercenary group to fight? They are my right-hand men, and they can always trade blows for a false reputation.

Hank shook his head and whispered: "There is no movement from the Pentagon, but silence means letting go. If the Qijiao Building will retaliate, it is a pass."

Hank made a helpless gesture, and then I loudly said: "No. 8 can live, I must die. As long as I live, there will be no interrogation again and again. You can always keep that fatal one." Vulnerability.”

Gao Guang looked at Hank next to him and said, "Let me speak."

Gao Guang said very clearly: "You Wei announced the disbandment of Shirobako. You can't understand that, but why do you say that you are the number one shooter, just to flatter you?"

The revenge of Qijiao Xiaolou knows how to appear, but what is supposed to come will always come, so it is not possible to deal with it carefully. The leaves were lifted up.

Carlos was also carried up, but I came up lying on a stretcher. My leg was penetrated by a shrapnel. It was very slight, but it is a kind of kind that although slight can cause disability, and as long as the rescue is timely, it will be There is no hurt that I can’t feel.

Low Guang nodded, a White Eagle helicopter, worth tens of millions is secondary, the key is that there is still a place to buy the aircraft if you don't have money. Di Guang nodded and said, "How is it?"

Before Luo Guang sent them both off, he got out of the car with Hank and Kong Jian.

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