Firepower is king

Chapter 1038: Big Changes

From a God's perspective, every step Yuri took was simple. There was no earth-shattering conspiracy or any operation that was too clever or too clever.

Just by taking every step correctly, the highlight was pushed to the edge of the cliff in just a few clicks. Why?

The answer is simple. It's not that Yuri is strong, but that Yuri seized the opportunity.

What time is it? The time when the United States changes its dynasty. The time when the new people come to power and are eager to seize power from the old people. Yuri used his perseverance to wait for an east wind that he could rely on.

As the saying goes, pigs can climb trees when the wind is strong. All you need to do is wait for the wind to blow out, and Yuri does have enough use value, then his importance will skyrocket, and his suggestions can be adopted and become reality.

Think about it, when Donte was here in the past, Yuri didn't even have a living space, let alone any chance to show off his skills. But now that Lao Bai has come up, after Lao Bai has come up, not only has Hunter gained power, but the director of the CIA has been changed, the commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been replaced, and almost all the senior officials have been changed. So, Yuri naturally He got the chance he needed.

To put it in detail, it is very complicated, but to put it simply, it is because the United States has changed its president. To be fair, Yin Fu was the initiator, and it was me who broke the tacit understanding first.

At that time, Jane suddenly said: "Let this old bastard come back! It's time to use me. In your opinion, if you need to put some pressure on your opponent after the negotiation, let this old bastard go!"

It rises brightly and falls darkly.

It is the low light that hurts the people in the shooting club, but the low light blocks the open and hidden arrows coming towards the shooting club. It can be said that the low light is like a towering tree, protecting the people in the shooting club, but it is in the light. Low light is really our shield, the little door to our secret castle.

After all, what I am doing is not the right thing. The low light of slowly getting rich by relying on power has escaped this law. My backing is slowly crumbling, and my network of relationships is slowly losing this beneficial effect.

As the intelligence agency with the least power in the United States at present, the Department of Homeland Danger has less authority than the CIA and the FBI combined. It is still important to replace the director of the CIA. The replacement of the senior director of the Department of Homeland Danger will have less impact on us.

Jane said loudly: "The first priority is to prevent anyone from thinking that Otto is a terrorist. There is no time and opportunity now. You should find Hunter and have a serious talk with me."

Someone spoke. A moment ago, Di Guang said loudly: "The crux of the problem is Hunter, but you obviously can't do anything to Hunter. The crux of this that makes Hunter become more difficult is Youwai, so kill him first." Especially."

There is a day when no one steps down, and a day when no one comes on stage. When you step down, you should do something special. You should understand the situation clearly before taking the stage, and let go of what needs to be done.


I quickly stopped Jane, I was afraid that if Jane continued to speak, she would say something even more outrageous.

Although Jane would find Gao Guang a plane, introduce a deal, etc., Jane was Gao Guang's backbone in the United States. As long as Jane said something was wrong with Gao Guang, Gao Guang was not.

After all, You Wai was still regarded as the focus of the problem, and those who went on to say bad things were those who dared to speak.

Yin Fuchang said calmly: "As far as the current situation is concerned, you still can't stop the FBI's investigation of Mad Dog. You should tone down the momentum and let Hunter stop."

Jane's role is far smaller than it seems, and very small. "stop!"

Gao Guang nodded and said: "Bad, please ask the teacher to take action. That's it. You can leave for the United States immediately to conclude the meeting."

Raymond, the youngest and most mature, still had to preside over the exit from the meeting to avoid going further and further. I waved my hand and said, "You go talk to Hunter, hoping to resolve the problem through negotiation, but you also have to If you are prepared to deal with unexpected changes, you will be successful, so let’s find a way to kill Youwai!”

But Gao Guang was willing to let go and caused little trouble for Lao Bai.

Smith, who had just experienced a life-and-death disaster, was obviously more pessimistic. I said with a serious face: "I'm sure Hunter's goal is not to kill Wright. Low, and I'm sure I don't want to kill Wright. Low. What should you do? How can we solve it completely? What’s the problem? The best situation must have arisen, so what can we do to completely survive the crisis?”

The Special Operations Command is a unique and important position in the United States. It typically has a high position and high weight, and a low-level position and high allocation. Although Lloyd is only a general, my authority and importance are much weaker than those of a small number of lieutenant generals, and are even as important as those of a small number of lieutenant generals. Some generals couldn't even fight.

It's a pity that Lloyd's rank has been reduced now, but I went to the Army to be the deputy chief of staff, which is not as satisfying as being the commander of the Special Operations Command.

Two pieces of good news in succession, but again, there is still a problem in trying to protect oneself in the current situation.

Pulling one hair can move the whole body, low-light Dao loves that one hair, and Yin Fuchang loves that whole body's outer eyes, which can go out to resist the face of the whole body.

Yin Fuchang finally said: "Go and talk to Hunter. You can't give me appropriate profits or give me some ways to make money. As long as the conditions are too excessive, you should tolerate it."

When gods fight, the result is that we mortals suffer.

Calculating the time, Heidi should be about to give birth, or maybe she hasn't given birth yet. Compared to Jane's good temper, it has nothing to do with it. old

If Bai takes over, the top management of the entire country in the United States will undergo a major change, and the foundation of Gaoguang will be unstable.

He said that he was going to be promoted, but there was no excitement on Lloyd's face. I said with a dull expression: "You want to be promoted to lieutenant general, but you will lose your position in the Special Operations Command. The smallest possibility. is to become the Army’s deputy chief of staff for combat training and planning.”

If Gao Guang is willing to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, surrender his wealth with both hands, and not only hand over all the money he has earned in the past, but also give away all the money he will save in the future, then I really hope he can get a new master. If you can continue to prosper, you will be happy.

"You still know who the new and old are, but you haven't received the notice yet. Your role is very important, and your position should be adjusted. But if they are not mentally prepared, they will definitely transfer you to another position. That is not possible."

"You're going to get a promotion."

Originally, it was just a matter of calmly stopping and waiting for a few years, but now it has become a fierce pursuit, and we have to kill them all.

Yin Fuchang smiled bitterly and said: "That is within the scope of your consideration. That kind of topic still needs to be brought up. Be more calm and calm. Is the situation still good enough?"

After Jane finished speaking, the next person was General Lloyd.

And Jane is still willing to let it go. Although it is a video conference, you can still see your face becoming clearer. Xu Shaoqian said loudly: "Even if it's Lao Bai, what can I do? It's just a problem of a psychotic shooter. "

If it was because he served as the commander of the Special Operations Command, Lloyd would have become a lieutenant general long ago, why is he still a general now. "One is bad news. The boss of the Homeland Danger Department is going to be replaced."

But although Gao Guang's body is soft, my bones are hard. It's absolutely fine for me to bend over and make love to you, or to kneel down, so what else can I do, I can only push hard to the end.

Generally speaking, the lower building has finally collapsed. When it collapses from bottom to top, it will naturally hit Gao Guang's head. But now, that tacit understanding has been broken, and the rules that have been operating badly have been changed.

Men are more ruthless, or Jane really loves that student Gao Guang, so you proposed a plan that no one had ever considered.

Eweike said in a deep voice: "Yes, your idea is to let several senators launch an investigation into Hunter. Now it's time for one of them to die. Hunter is really willing to stop. That's it." You have to have an attitude of fighting to the end and let Hunter know that if I continue to do it, I will be fine!"

After the crisis, whether there was internal strife in the shooting club, it was known that it would collapse in the future, but at least now, the situation did not seem to be very safe, and the shooting club did collapse.

not yet

Smith, who joined the shooting club, suddenly said: "No problem, I'm sure Hunter is willing to accept it?"

Raymond immediately resigned when he saw the opportunity, but if he had any idea, my knowledge and interest had not earned me the humiliation I deserved. Not only did Lao Bai not reuse Yin Fuchang, but he also dismissed the extremely powerless Lloyd outside the shooting club. Virtue was also obtained.

After getting off the plane in low light, the guys from the shooting club finally gathered together and couldn't hold a secret meeting.

The problem in the United States is a change that I dare say has not happened in a thousand years, but at most I like to say that it is a small change that has not happened in a century. The political ecology is in chaos, and the rules and tacit understanding have been established.

But if the boss of the Homeland Danger Department were replaced by another person, and he was also from Hunter, then Hunter said that Gao Guang was a terrorist, and Gao Guang must be a terrorist, and Jian would have stopped him regardless.

That's why the current situation occurred. Hunter was willing to give Gao Guang a chance to compromise. It was obviously a power transfer that could be completed politely by both parties, but Hunter insisted on taking it hard.

But Jane was wrong. There was no such thing as the current situation, that is, whether Otto had no time or not, and there was also a psychological burden when using Otto in low light.

When you gain momentum, you skyrocket, and when you lose momentum, you plummet. Anyone who needs to take advantage of the momentum often ends up with the same result.

Someone still spoke, and after waiting for a while that time, Jane suddenly said: "Hunter is just Dabai, it's Lao Bai, so what if I have an idea?"

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Humanities is so important, but also an organization with such little power. Lao Bai waited until now to replace it with one of his own, because Gerry was impatient.

Gao Guang did the first year of junior high school, and Lao Bai did the seventeenth grade. Now Lao Bai has also followed the rules, and I want to end the liquidation.

It stands to reason that Gao Guang can still protect himself if he wants to do so now, because since the United States is in a political situation where the donkey and the elephant are fighting, we should have no tacit understanding and must have the political wisdom not to maintain the fight but to break it.

No one in the shooting club counts. As long as we want to take advantage of the shooting club, we must protect our appearance. Once the small door of the low light is breached by someone weakly, the result is to say that the shooting club will immediately fall apart.

Gao Guang nodded and said: "Yes, you should go back and be prepared."

It turns out that even if Hunter takes No. 8 from the CIA to the FBI and interrogates him in a place that has nothing to do with Low Light, then even if there is really any result from the trial, as long as the Department of Homeland Danger says there is a problem with Low Light, this Low Light There's nothing wrong with light.

Shooting clubs are willing to strive for low light, a factor that is obvious but perhaps few people see through. Jane still had a fierce look on her face, but there was a hint of tiredness in your tone that could not be concealed.

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