Firepower is king

Chapter 1046: Just ask if you dare

Gao Guang did not see Hunter's bodyguard, because he walked out of Hunter's door and immediately entered the next room. And Otto had already entered the room and was waiting.

"Why did you give him the apple?"

This was the first thing Otto asked when he saw the highlight.

Gao Guang was a little confused, but he still said honestly: "No reason, I couldn't eat that apple by myself at that time."

Otto was obviously stunned for a moment, then he nodded slowly and said: "Yes, you are holding a peeled apple, and you don't want to eat it. Throwing the apple away will obviously destroy the preliminary preparation for peeling the apple, so You just gave Hunter the apple, um, okay

Bar. "

"What are you thinking about?"

"If it were me, I would peel the apple into pieces in front of Hunter, but more importantly I wouldn't pick up the apple and I wouldn't touch anything in the room."

There is obviously a big difference in the way of thinking between a killer and a gunman, but what Gao Guang is thinking now is why Otto cares about these insignificant details.

"Uh, what to do next."

Hill showed a satisfied smile and said: "Correct answer. My home in DC is close to the White House. I feel that this place can provide me with a sense of danger, but the most important thing is that Gao Guangte will refuse me to go home. , and agreed that I should go home, because it is obviously more convenient and more expensive for Gao Guangte to set up a danger circle around Hunter's residence than to set up a danger circle in a hotel in New York."

"How to do this?"

Gao Guang said something wrong, but Gan Yan would obviously care.

Smiling, Hill continued: "It is difficult to break through the danger line of the Secret Service. It is very difficult. Although there are precedents of failure, if you choose to break through the danger line set by the Secret Service in the emergency state, ”

Otto spread his hands and said: "If Hunter gives in and decides to give you Yuri's body, then the matter can be over, but if Hunter refuses to give in, then we can only continue.

Hill said calmly: "It's complicated. Let Hunter send him out. He must be Hunter's bad friend.

Since he is my partner and ally, I can naturally let him out. The only question is, does he dare? "Hill planned eight steps and met eight times. Those eight meetings were all successful, but because of Hunter's stupidity, or Shaodu's childhood, in short, the first meeting had the desired effect, so The plan can only be postponed.

Finally, Gan Yan looked at Gao Guang again and said seriously: "Now Hunter's smallest support is Gao Guangte. I will call Gao Guangte and explain my situation vaguely, and then I will call You." But I will tell Youwai what happened, and I will only talk nonsense to Youwai, because I am An, I am firm, and I am weighing whether it is more difficult and less beneficial to kill Youwai than to kill him. Because of my ridiculous self-esteem, I need to call Youwai and say a few words to strengthen my belief, which is definitely a compromise with him. "

Gao Guang said seriously: "Here comes the question. Hunter is going home, but can you wait for me outside my house?"

Hill was tapping his legs rhythmically, and finally, I said loudly: "Ganyante will ask Hunter to go to dangerous areas in New York. The FBI has no obligation or responsibility to help protect Hunter, but Hunter will agree." "

Hill smiled and said: "From now on, put weaker psychological pressure on Hunter, make my nerves tense, and let my brain be free. When my nerves are broken, I can only give in. "

"It's you, it's him, with or without you."

Hill was mumbling some repetitive nonsense, but Low Light dared to interrupt, because I knew Hill was doing something very simple and easy.

A psychological portrait of Hunter.

"Because Hunter wants to prove himself, I want you to scare me into hiding from the FBI, and then let a small group of Secret Service security escort me to Washington. The most direct solution is to kill me or arrest him, but Obviously Hunter can do it in a short period of time."


With a deep tone, Hill said: "After all, you still have to pass the Secret Service test, so you still have to meet me on the seventh side, and you must meet me under the protection of the Secret Service."

After thinking for a while, Gao Guang suddenly realized something and said: "Wait, what he means is that after Hunter comes home, you... Yes, you retreat and wait for me first, just like the last eight times."

Di Guang spread his hands and said, "This is a little more troublesome."

Hill smiled and said, "He didn't tell me the correct answer just now."

Hill stood up. I held my chin and walked back and forth outside the house for a few steps. Then I pointed at the wall and said, "Hunter is next door. I was scared by him. I feel like this is everywhere." , but I dared to leave the hotel. I wanted to go to the FBI headquarters, which would be embarrassing for me, but I had a place to go, because after all, everything is dangerous for me now. "

If we have to meet for the seventh time, it depends on the situation whether it will be the seventh or eighth time.

It was indeed ridiculous, and I couldn't help but laugh. Then I felt extremely helpless and said, "It's my dad. Who knew I, Hunter, was such a loser?"

Gan Yan sighed.

Hill waved his hand and said: "However, no matter how hesitant in faith, we must face reality after all. Hunter knows that the outside world is dangerous, so I will instinctively approach the most dangerous place, which is not my father." location, but because I want to prove my mentality, I am willing to live with my father, so where will I go? "

"Yes, but he had to consider how to walk out of my house dangerously before meeting Hunter." Di Guang spread his hands and said, "It's difficult." Sighing means that Hill thinks Di Guang is right. "Huh? Why do you feel this way?" "The key is how to do it?" "I think Hunter is scared, but he hasn't surrendered yet, because he has a trump card. Only when he feels that even the Secret Service can't protect his safety, he will completely surrender. Well, I'm curious, why is Hunter's tolerance so weak." Hill stopped tapping his legs, then nodded, and said confidently: "It can be done in a short time, and it will be done in a long time. Now Hunter should seek advice from Youwai, but I think asking for help from Youwai will make me embarrassed, so I will "Gan Yan was silent for a while," Gan Yan suddenly said: "It is complicated, it is difficult to come out, let you think about it, uh, no way!" The inferior family world, but what I behave is as small as the big in the slums. Speaking nonsense, I thought about it, and said, "Go home, I am at DC's home!" I was shocked at low light, and I was shocked: "That's no way?" Now Hill is dominated by Low light. Analyze, judge, and predict Hunter's last move.

Di Guang was about to ask that question, and I smiled bitterly: "Yes, he must be waiting outside my house. Do you think you can leave my house? The Secret Service will be so polite to you."

Before making a comment on Hunter, Hill said seriously: "People like that are the most troublesome, because I know how to compromise. I know that compromise is one of the choices that any little person needs to face. I think compromise is a loss of face and dignity. Now Hunter wants to prove himself in front of his father. Although it's ridiculous, you think Hunter wants to prove that I can succeed with my father."

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