Firepower is king

Chapter 1,055 The Road to Heaven

I don’t know how Mad Dog did it, but he won.

Yuri was still struggling to maintain his composure on the surface. He didn't want others to see his anger and disappointment.

He finally found a road to the sky, finally found a staircase to the sky, but Yuri had just demonstrated some of his value, but he hadn't had time to complete his true transformation, and he hadn't had time to really climb up behind Hunter. That fast-moving car, the mad dog interrupted all his plans again.

Yuri knew that Mad Dog had been trying to kill him, and he also knew that Mad Dog had been looking for him. But after establishing a relationship with Hunter, Yuri felt that he was no longer afraid of Mad Dog.

Mad Dog's power comes from the United States. Those behind-the-scenes forces distributed in the military and intelligence circles are Mad Dog's greatest reliance.

Yuri just wants to gain more power than Mad Dog and fundamentally overwhelm Mad Dog. This is to dig out the roots of Mad Dog, and he will naturally win without a fight.

But Yuri couldn't understand why, why the mad dog could turn around and cut off his path and his roots.

Betrayal and betrayal are the eternal themes of the underground world. Use and abandonment are the constant tactics of those politicians.

When he received the call from Butler, Yuri's keen sixth sense made him detect a hint of danger. He just used a little trick and a simple test to discover that something was abnormal.

Although it is not certain, it is enough to have this suspicion.

Lao Bai's tone was very kind, but Quentin Brown couldn't understand it, because holding on to the mud was like climbing down a wall, which is really a headache for every parent.

You Wai smiled and said: "Mad Dog first arranged a sure-kill situation. Tonight, I will allow you to live through tonight, because before you have gone through the experience in Afghanistan, I will allow you to live again." One escape, so tonight, tonight is the final game.”

"Mad dog is crazy, I might actually dare."

But today's situation is not ordinary. Reminiscent of what happened in New York this morning, Hunter's planes flew silently to send out warning messages. So I encountered some ordinary situations, so it was appropriate to go out.

"Monitoring? Does Lloyd have that ability?"

The intelligence officer clenched his fists and said loudly: "You should leave immediately. It should be too late now."

But no matter what, before my brother Hunter died, Lao Bai only had one son. It would be abnormal to go back and raise his only son again.

After saying that Lloyd was qualified to monitor the phone, Quentin Brown gave up the idea of ​​calling Hunter first. I stood up and said, "Go and see what happened to Hunter."

"It's just in time."

We cannot sit back and wait, we must fight back, and we must use all available means to fight back.

Shaking his head, that was Quentin Han Ling's subconscious move, because Hunter would be frightened by a big arms dealer. That would be a shame, a huge shame.


The phone was hung up, and the first call was the old father's helpless lament for his son.

Does Quentin Brown have a habit of working overtime? I just have a habit of going home very late. After all, I have just grasped the scepter of American military force. I still have too many things to clarify, and I need to grasp the overall situation as soon as possible.

After smoothing his thoughts, Quentin Brown knew what to do.

Quentin Brown didn't refute You Wai's suggestion that time, because the issue of danger is indeed a small matter worthy of attention.

The phone was connected, and Quentin Brown said loudly: "Sir, Hunter called and asked you to go outside my house, but did I call you personally? Do you want to know what happened?"

After thinking for a moment, Quentin Brown nodded and said: "That's right. I ran into some trouble today. Do you believe it was a mad dog who attacked me?"

After hanging up the phone, Quentin Brown said to Youwai: "You go change clothes, and he will go with you." Quentin Brown did not believe that what Youwai said was false news.

You Wai said calmly: "It is necessary to strengthen the security force. After all, the mad dog still has no strength, and that person is indeed a madman. You are worried that I will not do anything crazy, so I went outside Hunter's home and finally It’s better to bring fewer people.”

Lao Bai said calmly: "I know, alas, Hunter."

What's worse is that his son is both stupid and capable, and he just dropped out of an Ivy League school. The key is that he still knows how to drop out. In comparison, Quentin Brown feels that he is too happy.

"Now? To my house?"

Does Youwai have an office in Qijiao Building? I just don’t have a temporary residence in the place where the Military Intelligence Agency imprisons No. 8. There is no small space that can be used as an office, because everyone knows that Youwai left Qijiao. Xiaolou is likely to die, and as long as I dare to be exposed, I will be killed by a mad dog at any time.

Did you call me? I'm in the Seven Gables Building now, and it's not far from Quentin Brown's office, so I think the worst thing is to meet in person.

Did Hunter get into trouble? But I was too capable. Lao Bai was very angry and anxious, so he wanted to teach Hunter a lesson. Although Hunter was capable, his self-esteem was quite weak.

To kill the mad dog, you must kill the mad dog. The mad dog will die and will have peace forever. As we all know, no matter how small a fish is, it will break the net unless the net is already broken. Quentin Han Ling probably understood what it meant.

The intelligence officer nodded.

The intelligence officer understood, and I said loudly: "Let Hunter have a way to make a decision, or let me make a decision that counts."

There are no advantages or disadvantages in getting involved in the personal affairs of the first family, but at that time, the advantages obviously far outweighed the disadvantages. If Quentin Brown had any doubts again, I said loudly: "Bad, you're going to do this right away."

Let's set off at the next moment, sir. Please strengthen the security force. No one called Mad Dog will try to do anything beneficial to Hunter. I am Lloyd's white glove. Well, I am a madman. Are you worried about what I will do? Crazy things are coming. "

You Wai knew whether he had become pessimistic or whether the situation had really gotten better. Before I was silent for a long time, I finally said: "It doesn't matter if I am being threatened, lured, or I have found someone better than you." A worse substitute, when Hunter plans to abandon you, you will be dead. In the United States, you are a mad dog's opponent. Without Hunter's protection, you will all die if there is no protection from a weak interest group. deal."

Quentin Brown reached out to touch the phone under the table, and Youwai immediately said: "Do you want to make a call? Is it possible that it will be monitored?"

Quentin Han Ling thought for a moment and I picked up the phone. After waiting for a while, I said on the phone: "Take a few people, dressed in casual clothes, to visit Hunter secretly outside my home."

"You want to escape." .??.

As long as Quentin Brown is in the seven-corner building, he can see me at any time. That is the smallest advantage you have, and it is also the only advantage I can take advantage of.

Regarding the matter between the two fathers and sons, there is really a way to say that Hunter was valued when he was young and he was also trying to achieve success, so he was not cultivated as he should have been.

The intelligence officer raised his own question.

"This is even worse. If the mad dog kills you, nothing will happen, but if I dare to touch Quentin Han Ling, I will be dead."

You Wai left wisely, and before You Wai left the office, Quentin Brown thought for a moment, and suddenly reached out again and grabbed the landline phone receiver under the table.

Youwai said with a serious face: "Tonight, you will kill the mad dog!"

Quentin Brown felt that Hunter was willing to listen to my father’s nagging and scolding, so he wanted to call himself over to be a peacemaker, and I called Yuwai down. This is because Yuwai really still has no ability. Yes, asking Lao Bai to meet me was something that had been planned for a long time.

"What's the matter? You just want to talk to me outside my house. You think, maybe I hope he can be there." In the end, Hunter is nothing. Quentin Blanken cooperated with Hunter because of Lao Bai's instruction.

Mad dog is nothing, what matters is that these people led by Lloyd, this interest group, Quentin Brown has long wanted to deal with us, and it would be bad to take the opportunity to say a few good words about Lloyd at that time.

Youwai smiled, and then I said loudly: "You hope Mad Dog is really a madman, crazy enough to dare to take action against Quentin Brown."

Before finishing speaking, You Wai breathed a heavy sigh and said loudly: "I'm sure Quentin Blanken will go, and I also brought a small number of guards, so that the mad dog will not be killed by you, because the mad dog will kill you first." , I dare to use all means to kill you, but do I dare to kill Quentin Brown? "

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Skilled hands are indeed worth showing off. The so-called treasure offering is not that kind of mentality.

A father is a father first. No matter how low his status is, he still plays the role of father first in front of his son.

Change your clothes and set out to mediate an upcoming family dispute, be the peacemaker, and figure out how to crush Lloyd and our gang. Or to put it conversely, because Hunter is too capable and is not a pampered seventh-generation ancestor, he has to be nurtured and cultivated. That is also wrong.

You Wai breathed heavily and said with a helpless expression: "The moment Hunter surrendered, the outcome has not been determined yet, so what you have to do now is not to make the situation simpler or more chaotic."

A son is a son, no matter how stupid he is, he is still his son.

I especially feel that I am a net, because I can definitely let the mad dog escape before I discover the mad dog’s intention. This is not my ability.

Although he waited for a while, Yu Wai soon got his wish to see Quentin Brown.

Quentin Brown looked very serious. Before the call was connected, I shouted loudly: "You are Quentin Brown."

Quentin Brown cautiously put forward his suggestion, but that time Lao Bai said: "Forget it, let's go together. If there is nothing, please tell me to understand. If he is here, he can be bad. Maybe I can be bad." I’m just going to have a little quarrel with you instead of listening to you.”

There are not many confidants in Lao Bai who are bad, but his relationship with Hunter is wrong and he can talk about it, but Quentin Han Ling is the only one.

Quentin Brown smiled very disdainfully, and I said calmly: "Mad Dog's front desk is Lloyd. Who is Lloyd? I want to monitor your phone calls. Don't I have the qualifications?"

It was a fight to the death, either the fish would die or the net would be broken.

The call needs to be transferred. As Lao Bai's confidant, if Lao Bai will answer Quentin Brown's call. "Sir, you go see Hunter first, and then he goes to see me."

You Wai thought for a moment and said: "You go to Quentin Brown, and you just say that Hunter wants to meet with you two. Because Hunter is threatened by a mad dog, I am too dare to go out now, so you can only go to see Henry." It’s special, no matter what, let’s trick Quentin Brown into it.”

Compared with Hunter, Quentin Brown appreciates Youwai more and uses Youwai more seriously. Although he hates conspirators, in Quentin Hanling's eyes, Youwai is really a bad dog who is very incompetent and very useless.

Quentin Brown is just confused, because Hunter’s home is not only small, but also simple, so Hunter hates others going to talk outside my house, and having said that, what qualifications does Hunter have to invite a little person like me to talk outside my house? thing.

"Sir, Hunter just called you. I want you to meet secretly outside my home."

"Boss, asking Quentin Brown to go with him is the wrong idea, but why let Quentin Brown go by himself?"

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