Firepower is king

Chapter 1064: The candidate to deal with the madman

There was no news, let alone the sensational tsunami, and even the small waves did not stir up.

The real test should come after Lao Bai left, but Gao Guang spent a long time in fear, but nothing happened that he was worried about.

There was no city-wide lockdown, and there was no city-wide manhunt. It was as if Lao Bai had really knocked out his teeth and swallowed his blood. But how is it possible?

The safe house is still very spacious. There are not many weapons in it, but there are really a lot of cosmetics. At this time, the first thing Otto pays attention to is the cosmetics. .??.

"The Russian stuff is kind of bad."

In a cabinet, there is a thick stack of passports, at least more than twenty, and each passport comes with ten fingerprint covers, a description of the character, and the information needed to become another person. All information.

The safe house is not as cool as the one in the movie, but the details of the safe house are definitely much better than those in the movie.

Otto was quickly looking through the passport information. Of course, it was not just the passport, but also documents such as a driver's license or a social security card. But since Gao Guang wanted to flee the United States, the passport he needed to look at now was of course the main thing.

Otto picked up a passport. He looked at the information on the annotation, then looked at Gao Guang, and nodded: "That's it." There is no mature plan yet, it was made by Gao Guang himself, but Jane and Tom discuss it before arranging their escape plan based on what the CIA can do now.

Low Light pointed to High Light, Mou Lu pointed to Low Light, and then Mou Lu said directly: "Me, of course it's me." Low Light nodded, but I immediately asked: "How to do it?"

"The good news is that Bai is really angry. Quentin Brown has ended the recruitment of elite troops from the military, but Bai probably doesn't have a single leader. You got the news that the madman Mou Lu, who was imprisoned outside the FBI Bai prison, was The people are out, and tonight, you must connect Crazy Otto and Lao Bai, because you must be the one to deal with the big highlight. Do you have a worse candidate than Crazy Otto? "

No. 8 looked healthy. I staggered to the table, picked up the scattered passports and opened them. "It's time to die, come here."

No. 8 smiled and suddenly yawned: "You haven't slept since you were about eighty years old. Now you are on the verge of sudden death at any time, so you have to take a nap. You are very hungry, but you Now you have a way to eat. You have to go to bed and eat before you wake up. After you put on your makeup, you can’t leave until you put on your makeup.”

Gao Guang looked at it and saw that the passport photo showed a white man, about forty years old, British nationality. If there was any similarity between him and the person in the passport, it would only be their size.

"Make a silicone hood and fake the fingerprints on both hands. Then take a commercial flight to the UK. People from the CIA will help him. He will think of a destination before arriving in the UK. The main thing now is to leave."

Gao Guang said without any hesitation: "We have already killed him and silenced him. How could we keep him here until now? Not yet. We asked him to leave, but took him away."

Gao Guang sighed and said: "You think so too, but the dog jumps over the wall slowly. Bah, but the rabbit bites people after it slows down. You might just sit back and wait for death."

No. 8 nodded, then I looked at the low light and said: "The question now is, do you plan to kill you once and for all, or do you really plan to let you go? Frankly speaking, keeping you is always a threat. If you die, he will I no longer have to worry about you being a threat."

Mou Lu's hand paused for a moment.

The call was from Jane. Gao Guang answered the call, pressed the button and said, "Dear, how are you?" After speaking to Gao Guang, Gao Guang looked at No. 8, and then I took a breath. , said: "He can handle it himself."

After saying that, No. 8 put the passport, looked at the low light and high light seriously and said, "Which one of them should you regard as No. 7?" No. 8 stopped flipping the passport, and I picked up a copy. Passport, said: "Ten years old, not that old, but still bad." Gao Guang sighed and said: "Ignore the accent, it is a disguise requirement for the spy to escape before being exposed. He met it."

"Teacher, how does he think Lao Bai will handle it?"

After pausing for a moment, Gao Guang continued: "It could be seven years at most or four years at least. If he dies, there is a small chance that he spent it in fear. That is not the result of the war between him and Lao Bai."

Just like a barber, the low-lighter sat behind a makeup mirror and asked me to put on a scarf. Then the high-lighter finished adjusting the hair dye in a familiar way.

"Did you accuse him?"

Gao Guang said calmly: "Did he say anything to You Wai?"

Gaoguang Ren stopped and said: "Crazy Mou Lu? Who is he?"

Did Mou Lu answer Gao Guang's question? I just sighed: "To deal with a madman, you have to use another madman. Well, madman Otto is really a bad choice." "Of course I said it, but it's just too big a day." Meaningless nonsense and lies, of course, even You Wai will believe them.”

"George Smith, seventy-seven years old, British, Welsh, Welsh accent." "Can't I tell you what happened now?"

I applied the hair dye under the bald head before the highlight was finished. At the same time, I said calmly: "If there is no bad news, there is no good news. What is the good news?"

"Bad, let him go to sleep."

Gao Guang frowned and said: "It's hard to explain. Generally speaking, the American boss changed people, and then it caused a chain reaction, especially Hunter, and then I took him from the CIA. that's it."

No. 8 looked at his passport and said calmly: "You lived quite comfortably in the CIA, but you were suddenly taken away, and then when the sky tortured you, you knew that things were not in trouble, and then you saw Especially, well, you know things are really in trouble."

Gao Guang said without any worry: "Is he going to die?" At that time, the phone placed under the dressing table rang.

Gao Guang asked No. 8 to go to bed without any hesitation, and then I said to Gao Guang: "You guys put on makeup. From now on, he must do everything with makeup on."

No. 8 staggered to the side, and then I went under the bed, which was covered with a dust-proof sheet. I lifted the sheet and lay down under the bed. It took more than ten seconds before I heard any sound.

Jane said very seriously: "The bad news is that Lao Bai decided to deal with the matter. Has the Secret Service announced Lao Bai's distress? At least, has it not been reported to the police and FBI? The National Defense Bureau has The Heavenly Bureau has not received any notification.”

There are no yellow people in these passports, so Low Light can only pretend to be white, but the person outside the passport weighs 170 pounds, which is barely similar to Low Light.

"The smallest possibility is heat treatment and making the matter public, but the pursuit against him will relax for a moment. From now on, he will miss the time when he can sleep until dawn, he."

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