Firepower is king

Chapter 1066 Boss Killer

Just a pervert, not a lunatic.

Does this make a difference? And is a pervert really better than a lunatic?

This good definition should be normal, that is, as a pervert, is it really more normal than a lunatic?

If you think about it seriously, perverts are indeed different from lunatics. The behavior of lunatics is illogical and chaotic, while perverts just have their own logic, so they are indeed different.

But Andy, he should still be a madman rather than a pervert.

The name Crazy Andy was not called by one or two people. He was really a madman and not a pervert with any special hobbies.

If Andy really has any abnormal characteristics, it is that as a boss killer, he may have a unique concept of his boss.

Hilt looked at Andy blankly, and then he couldn't help but said: "This time, you are the top person in charge, right?" "Yes."

Andy said with a look of relief: "They finally realized the mistakes they made before and didn't assign another boss to me. Frankly speaking, letting me be the boss can save a lot of troubles and less interference from idiots. It’s much more convenient.”

Hill seems to have made no misjudgments.

That's just Bailong's direct leadership, what about these lower-status subordinates, and these colleagues. Erte thought for a moment and said, "Yes, that's really true."

And Hill found him first.

Hill's brows were raised, and Erte immediately said: "You respect him very much, Hill, you have heard of his nickname, and you intend to question any of his decisions. You are just curious. Do you think you understand?" That’s of no use, well, as a practitioner in a dangerous field, you just want to ask for advice, is that of no use?”

Erte knew how to answer.

Sure enough, if Crazy Andy can be released from prison to deal with Mad Dog, of course he must be made the boss.

It was also unintentional to mislead. Erte was not helping to analyze it from his own point of view, and that was my true feeling. "Keep it for you."

When no one noticed the normality and discovered that the mortality rate in Hill's department was significantly lower, people suddenly realized that Hill was a subordinate killer.


Bad use is really bad use, but safety is also really safe. "You have prepared a very elite team for him."

Before he finished speaking very condescendingly, Hill continued: "Now you are responsible for everything and commanding it, right?" As an abnormal person, it is abnormal to show such bad habits.

From the perspective of Lao Bai and Quentin Brown, Mad Dog is extremely arrogant.

Bai Longte thought he might not be in trouble

However, Bailong said that he was interested in me. I just wanted to get to know Mad Dog. That was really bad news.

Here comes the question. People like Hill can always make me safe as the leader. Such an extreme lunatic should of course be locked up.

"It's very bad. Where are these special hands?"

Hill's achievements were extremely brilliant. When I was in the FBI, I was first responsible for special criminal cases, and then there were cases that I couldn't solve. Before I established my special reputation as a detective, I insisted on transferring the department, so I He was transferred to work in the FBI's Intelligence Division.

After a little investigation, it turned out that when the suspicion was discovered, there was no investigation at all, and Hill himself denied it.

Geniuses are really geniuses, and madmen are really madmen.

It would be a wrong choice to let a madman deal with a mad dog, and to let a genius who is very good at solving crimes, not very familiar with spies, and has worked in the sea as a teenager to uproot the mad dog's network.

He clearly said that mad dogs are arrogant. What kind of brain do arrogant people have? But after Erte followed Hill's tone, Hill overturned his previous conclusion, and then said that he could give people a hard time. Conclusion.

I know what Bailong did in the CIA, but I worked in the CIA for too long and was finally transferred to the Homeland Danger Department. Bailong thinks that the mad dog accidentally let Er Tete go, which is wrong. I think that the mad dog is a human, and that is wrong.

"The incident was under control the night it happened. We didn't have time to escape. We still have to decide how to deal with it."

But Hill smiled and said: "Don't mislead you. You are just investigating the behavior pattern of the mad dog, but you want to draw conclusions for me. In some cases, the behavior of the mad dog is contradictory. I am crazy and arrogant. I said house There is no bomb outside, but there is actually no bomb. I have scared everyone. What does that mean? It means that the mad dog is very cunning."

Hilt knows Crazy Andy's name, which means Andy is really famous.

There were not eight people waiting at the door. When they saw Bai Long coming out, no one said simply: "How is it?" "Yes!"

Hill chose to kill everyone he liked. If his boss didn't look stupid, he would kill him. If his colleagues didn't look stupid, he would kill them.

Now, because of Mad Dog, White Dragon is released.

As far as Hillt doesn’t know much, Hill became a police officer before graduating. In my era, Hill was spotted by the FBI and retired before he spent seven years solving eight old cases.

BI, I worked for the FBI for about a year or four. Bailong insisted on resigning. Then I went to Interpol. But after working for Interpol for only two years, I went to CIA again.

Erte knew what to say.

Bailong nodded, but then shook his head, and then I nodded again, and then suddenly said: "You can't do anything?" Bailong withdrew his hand and turned around to go out.

Just because the symptoms of Hill's madness became more and more obvious, and my boss thought the frequency of death was too low, an ordinary junior teacher was exposed, and finally no one realized that Hill's seventy-seven years of work During the experience, eighty-one subordinates died.

Hill continued confidently: "A cunning but arrogant person, is he less arrogant or less cunning? Are you sure that the mad dog's arrogance is just a disguise?"

"Yes, sir."

Hill just hates idiots and hates no one telling me what to do. As long as I feel that my subordinates are in the way and annoying, I will kill my subordinates.

"As long as it is to find and kill the mad dog, yes, you will fully cooperate with his decisions."

Hill's face changed and he said: "It's possible for a mad dog to do that. What the mad dog showed was not extreme confidence, but refilling the gun, and checking the body. That behavior shows that I am extremely confident, not arrogant."

They say there is a fine line between genius and madness, and Andy is the perfect illustration of this statement.

Bai Longte said very condescendingly: "Even if I know that Mad Dog's shooting skills are very bad, I am overconfident because of this, but what's the point of it?"

Hill stretched out his hand and put it behind Er Tete's face. Er Tete knew this and instinctively stretched out his hand to hold Hill's hand. Erte breathed a sigh of relief. I might as well remind Hill that I was just curious.

Thinking about it carelessly, one of Bailong's direct subordinates was able to survive, but they were all dead.

If eight of Hill's subordinates in the Ministry of Land Affairs died in a row, people would really connect Bailong with the unexpected deaths of my future subordinates.

The way to survive when dealing with the killers under your boss is to ask Hill in a condescending tone, and to ask for Bailong's instructions from the point of view of a superior.

The bad news is that Hill killed his own hands, even if his hands were not stupid, he still killed him, because I think the stupidity of his hands was because he chose bad people, because he had bad management, and his command was in place.

Hill took a breath and said: "Freeze the accounts that Mad Dog doesn't have, everything that he doesn't have." Bai Long couldn't bear to have others tell him what to do.

"That's not because one skill is too prominent.

There are no rivals in the field that you are good at, which leads to overconfidence, and you end up being confident in everything. "

"Huh? Is he asking you?"

The incident happened while he was working at the Ministry of Land and Resources, but the FBI finally took Hill and locked him up for quite a few years.

"Oh, what are you interested in me? Just to confirm. Now you still think that someone can perform such precise eye surgery by shooting, so you think Erte is just bad luck. As for the rest of me, this It’s the Secret Service’s problem, it’s your problem.”

"It's a consultation. It's asking for advice on what to do next. Do you think Erte is not suspicious?"

Erte absolutely believed that during that period, the FBI must often consult Hill and often ask me to help solve cases, because Hill was indeed too powerful and the value of my body was too small.

Hill thought for a while and said: "Come on, you are Xu, a crazy and cunning mad dog, no fun."

Erte looked at Hill with one eye in confusion. I thought Hill was so powerful, but I just felt that I was following the pace of Bailong.


The FBI is also responsible for counterintelligence and is only responsible for the United States. The Intelligence Division is not a full-time counterintelligence department. However, as a detective, Hill is actually closely related to intelligence work. However, Hill uncovered a double agent who had been undercover in the FBI for 80 years. Face spy.

Hill's brows relaxed, and I smiled and said: "Does he understand? That's abnormal. Confidence makes people fool around, but overconfidence will lead to a child. Mad Dog has no achievements and talents in shooting. , But when self-confidence extends from shooting to other fields, such a mad dog will be arrogant and will become crazy from a young age. It’s obvious, right?”

"Yes, that's the case. You are responsible for protecting Hunter. Whether Hunter agreed to Mad Dog's invitation to cooperate, Mad Dog immediately came to kill him. Frankly speaking, do you think that abnormal people can do that level and dare to do that kind of thing? ”

Mad Dog is a human being, and I am really a god in the field of shooting, so Hill thinks that Mad Dog’s overconfidence is a small mistake. Mad Dog is just performing abnormally, and Mad Dog is just doing something that is very nervous for me.

Hill, who became famous in the first battle, completed a magnificent turn in the FBI, but I was slow and determined to resign, so the CIA got me. A very united person.

In that world, not only every subordinate is stupid, but also everyone hates bullying their superiors. It is obvious that what Hill did was not excessive.

Bai Long spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's much easier to deal with that kind of person, because arrogant people often have no brains and are impulsive and irritable."

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