Firepower is king

Chapter 1073 This is training camp

Gao Guang discovered a very scary phenomenon, that is, he was seasick.

I was vomiting profusely and was in a daze. Apart from being happy for the first half hour on board the ship, the rest was nothing but endless torture.

I also took seasickness medicine, but it was useless, because I had to vomit for a long time even if I drank water, and the medicine I drank had no time to take effect before I vomited it out.

It's not as if life would be worse than death, but Gao Guang finally discovered his biggest shortcoming in life. Seasick, and very sick.

Lying down felt better, so Gao Guang just lay down all the way to the sea. After changing boats, he lay down all the way to the island.

When he first got off the boat and his feet touched the land, he started to get sick again just after he got used to the high light swaying on the boat. He felt that the ground under his feet was shaking, and then he fainted on the ground again.

"I've seen people get seasick, but I've never seen anyone as dizzy as you."

When they were on the boat, No. 3 was embarrassed to say anything, but when he got off the boat and was still dizzy after seeing the bright lights, No. 3 finally couldn't help it. He said with extreme disdain: "You have never received any training in maritime projects. no?"

I’ve never practiced highlighting, so what else can I say? "What did he mean when he said he could run away even if he wanted to?"

Qin Yunbang looked at Gao Guang and said with helplessness: "He sent him down by himself. Which teacher of his, can I let him go?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yunbang changed the topic and said: "Of course, there are often no casualties, but those are all accidents. Next time, there will be no heat stroke, and he will faint directly. Someone will be surprised to find out. When you sent someone to look for him, it only lasted for two hours, and he died immediately. Who can he talk to about that kind of thing? "

"You can get there in two minutes on foot, but he has to drag you around for ten minutes." But Fang Zhenwu didn't intend to let him go.

Qin Yun is interesting enough, it depends on whether Gao Guang is interesting enough.

I was in a bad mood, so I said patiently: "Okay, okay, I'll get you something to eat first, and then you can take a nap and finish teaching us when you wake up, can't you?"

Now it's time to introduce those killers to Lowlight.

I got on the shuttle bus in low light, and I felt a little worse now. Although I was still soft, I was still stable even when I walked.

"Oh, I see."

Gao Guangdao stopped the car and pointed to the white stone house at the foot of the nearby mountain. "The altitude is about 700 meters. People can live down there, but it is mainly used for training. There is water and electricity outside, but it is very sturdy. It is still there." There are bullet holes left when there was no war.”

Qin Yunbang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "So his teacher is really interesting enough to free up the island for him to live in. He must also be interesting."

Where is that island? It's a secret base used by Gao Guang to train killers. Now Low Guang

If I want to use that place to take refuge, will such high light drive everyone away, or will I let low light teach my students?

It can be regarded as the teacher Gao Guang did some personnel matters. Although he was willing to suffer a loss, he still made the island as dangerous as possible. After the low light ended, I felt that the teacher Gao Guang was still wrong. "Outside is the pier, right in the middle of the island. However, there is no stone house built very early on the north end of the island. There are two small islands guarding the outside. I heard that there were often wars in the future, so that island was also built. There was a barracks, and at least a few hundred people were stationed there, but it has long been abandoned. "

When they saw Gao Guangdao entering with low light, the seven people said in unison: "The instructor is bad!" "Of the instructors on the island, is he the only one?"

Gao Guangdao seemed very depressed, and Gao Guang was also curious, saying: "What are we practicing on that island?" Gao Guang said weakly: "Okay, Dumbbell Island, I got it."

"Okay, send him to rest." Gao Guang still didn't understand what was going on.

The low-light Xiaofan boasted, of course, it was a boast, not a statement of facts, but Gao Guangdao's performance was very much like a boast.

Gao Guangdao seemed very helpless, but I was really not that excited now. He started the car again and said: "The supplies on that island are mainly bought from the two adjacent islands. They are very close. Let's drive a slow boat." It’s only half an hour to go to Kos and Nilesis.”

Gao Guangdao suppressed a smile and said: "How can it be like that just by taking a boat? You have to walk all the way. Isn't it that exaggerated?" "Uh, how do you say that?"

No matter what reaction Gao Guang had, the seven of them whispered together: "The Gunslinger is bad!"

Qin Yunbang pointed at Diguang. Before specifying, he raised his hand, put it down again, and then solemnly said: "God of Guns!"

This fool also knows that he should learn the marksmanship of the Gunslinger. The white building and the white beach look beautiful.

If the island is small, it runs north-south as a whole. The north end is relatively low and is considered a hilly area, while the south end is shorter and flatter. Therefore, the buildings under the island are mainly concentrated in the southern half of the island.

Gao Guangdao started the shuttle bus, pointed to the pier and said: "The map also shows that island, but it has a name. However, the island in front of me is thick at both ends and thin in the middle. It is shaped like a dumbbell, so you call it Dumbbell Island. Really If you remember his name, it’s of no use anyway.”

Gao Guang has lost interest in visiting this island.

Gao Guangdao smiled before he spoke, but Gao Guang always felt that Qin Yunbang's smile had bad intentions.

Gao Guangdao suddenly laughed, knowing how to

Yes, Gao Guangdao's smile didn't look a bit scary.

But now, Gao Guangdao drove Low Guang to the island in the north, where he went to rest.

Gao Guang spoke for a moment, and then I said to Low Guang: "I have practiced everything, but why did Gao Guang let him come to that island? There was no reason before he said this. First of all, the island was dangerous. He didn't think about it. There are no facilities on the island, forget it, let him rest first, and when he breaks down after resting, you can take him to see if he breaks down and he will understand. "

Gao Guangdao said naturally: "Oh, being a killer is also so difficult. When no one suffers, they will naturally want to run away. Before that, I have to find a place that is convenient for escaping. There is no more suitable place than an island. Well, the two nearest islands are seventy kilometers away, not eighty-four kilometers away. Anyone who can swim so far can just run away. "

Gao Guang was stunned, but No. 8 frowned, then took a breath and said loudly with an ominous look on his face: "Damn it, Qin Yun was fooled."

Gao Guangdao laughed, heard my car behind the building, and said to Low Guang: "Do you know why you turned around first?"

"No matter how he reacts, he always gives it."

"Go around the island and let me see the terrain." "You've already preached!"

Low Guang nodded, and then I looked at Gao Guangdao with an embarrassed look.

Gao Guang said weakly and forcefully: "It's because I haven't eaten or drank enough for a day. I feel nauseous even when I move. Your legs are weak now. Brother Fang, please rest first and let you rest for a while."

Skills like shooting and fighting are all beyond the basics. As a killer, you can't use such skills, but you can use them when necessary.

"Originally there were two, but when they come, you will be the only one left." It's not awkward at all, and it's not a hit.

"I really didn't expect that one day we would meet under that island. You know, his teacher asked you to tell him everything there. But what happened, I took the initiative to send him here. "

Di Guang said loudly: "Just tell me why I suddenly changed my mind! I'm using you as a free coach." Although killers can't use guns, most killers can fight with people.

He held up Gao Guang's arm, and Gao Guang sent him off to a shuttle bus with half support and half support. It's a common shuttle bus in scenic spots. There is no shed underneath, and there are no rows of seven or seven rows in front and behind. This kind of seat.

Gao Guangdao pointed his hand at the seven people and said to Low Guang: "Those are the direct descendants of the Shadowed Ones. They were all selected by Heidi personally. His teacher taught us various techniques. They are so young, and only those seven ”

Low light looked at the stone house on the top of the mountain and said: "You said Lao Fang, are you going to rest?"

, how did you get there? "

Gao Guangdao smiled and said: "Originally there were only four students outside. When he wanted to come, he drove away the other seven. As for the other seven, if he left, we would also leave, so we were worried that no one would leak the secret to him. , anyway, his teacher is interesting enough.”

"Brother Fang, take me to rest"

Di Guang took a breath of hot air and said, "It sounds very perverted. Could they be doing something like this?" "No, no, no, there's a problem. Thank him first for us."

Gao Guang said loudly: "Just like what is shown in the movie, only a few trained people can only survive one like this, cruel and perverted, that's all."

Gao Guang rolled his eyes angrily and said: "These are all artistically processed. Your place is actually equivalent to a training class or a retreat course. Gao Guang has not trained anyone from scratch, but there are many. There are only two of them in total, and the rest are those who have not yet mixed up, but they are not lacking in ability, so they come there to study and retreat. How can such people cultivate Gu? If this is It’s dangerous to send someone away.”

The whole island is like a dumbbell, so the road under the island is like a figure 8, converging at the most spacious place in the middle of the island. When the low light saw the big pier again, I walked back to 700 meters, but it was just a detour. After passing a large forest, I immediately saw a building.

"Because you want him to appear in front of the students like a soft-footed shrimp. The legendary gunman mad dog can appear softly."

"What are you thinking about?"

"What is this? What is this? What does he want to say?" Low Guang said: "Okay, teach, if you teach."

Gao Guangdao said in a deep voice: "Why do you never teach them shooting? Because there is no world's worst gunman to teach them!" Gao Guang, who was weak and sloppy, didn't want to say anything more. He just wanted to rest and eat now. sleep.

Gao Guangdao grinned, and then said: "The island is not a training camp. There are no facilities. It is the same as the one used by the military to train combatants. But the killer training camp is quite boring. He can learn two things in his spare time. ,it's useless."


Gao Guang nodded, and then said: "I know, the old building can be inhabited. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Gao Guang led the way, and Low Guang followed him back to the room on the first floor. Seven people, all short, fat and thin, were standing with hands behind their backs outside an empty and monotonous room.

The shuttle bus is still running to the island and it is very slow and has completed half of it.

"Everything outside is broken and not very interesting, so the island is really a bad place to practice. If you push people down, they can run away even if they want to, hehe!"

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