Firepower is king

Chapter 1,078 In broad daylight

This field defense, especially the setting of machine gun positions, is still different from the firepower configuration for protecting VIPs.

According to Patrick's idea, his machine gun position is set up on the commanding heights of the entire island, with at least one machine gun, a large-caliber one, and a range that basically covers the entire island.

But now the focus of defense is the small building where daily life is lived. Setting the machine gun position on the highest peak of the island is obviously a bit far away.

And considering that the opponents fighting against mad dogs have always been equipped with heavy bulletproof vests, regardless of whether they have this habit or not, as long as they know that they are fighting mad dogs, they will definitely choose heavy bulletproof vests and heavy bulletproof masks. Aiming at this common feature of the enemy, the power of Patrick's main MG5 is a bit insufficient.

After the previous PKM machine gun that recognized the master was killed, Patrick changed to MG5, which is his main machine gun. But since it is defense, if more machine guns can be prepared, Patrick brought one more machine gun.

A SIG 338 machine gun newly adopted by the US Special Operations Command.

As the name suggests, this is a new machine gun that fires .338 Lapua Magnum bullets. In order to maximize the power and reduce the weight, the Special Operations Command finally chose the caliber of .338, which is 8.6 mm.

The commanders of the Special Operations Command are all members of the shooting club, so how could Patrick not try a few guns?

He brought thousands of bullets. The most amazing thing is that these bullets are basically all armor-piercing bullets. Every five armor-piercing bullets are equipped with an armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullet. You know, armor-piercing bullets are expensive, less expensive than special bullets, but the Special Operations Command has such sufficient funds to provide several machine guns for the King's Defense, and the bullets are still given to the death.

Except for Patrick, Xiao Wei is not the one who most urgently requires equipment upgrades.

A large ship is approaching. It's low light. We haven't reached the dock yet. There are several people waiting to greet Otto and John.

"Have you faked it?"

Patwick said: "There are no residents, no bars, no nightclubs under the Arm Island, and I heard that the men under the island are very noisy. If you think they must have something to talk about, then you can find a way to go to the neighboring island to have some fun. You said that there are not two men under that island, but there are too few women. So you obviously mean that there is a chance under that island."

"There are not even two women, so we must have laid mines a long time ago?"

Delayed mines, but activated, and activated when there are no enemies, so there is no safety, but if you wait until you find the enemy to lay mines, it is obviously too late.

A few mines must be laid under the dock. The mines are coming, so a small number of people are waiting for John to get on the boat under the dock, while Yuanzheng and Xiaowei inserted the first seven directional mines into the ground on both sides.

Otto got on the boat with a tired face, waved his hand casually, and said perfunctorily: "Everything is abnormal, and the extra things need to be said, but you are too lazy to listen. ”


All signals must be connected to the monitoring room of the building, but Xiao Wei and the others are going to install directional mines.

Xiao Wei said seriously: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and install it. Those few days are the safe period. If it were not for the small mine, we would have removed it before, but now we can be lazy."

The problem is that laying mines also requires digging pits. Jia Ran needs to carefully adjust the angle of the directional mine and find a way to disguise it. It is so easy to be discovered. It is laborious, but it is troublesome.

When you arrive in a new place, you have to adapt to the environment, and the battlefield defense system must also be installed and debugged. That kind of technical work is also an expedition. In addition to helping carry things, Pat Wick and Xiao Wei followed Jia Ran to the unfamiliar environment.

Every moment is wasted, really not a minute was wasted, and we knew how long the enemy had been in the world, but Jia Ran had one thing, we followed John.

"Just remove the automatic detonation device, and set up a passive detonation, and install a manually pulled directional mine. The directional mine must be reliable, the most reliable one. "Okay..." It was No. 8 who stayed in the monitoring room to help watch and debug the equipment. I said in an intense but helpless tone: "Everyone, look up and see the world. The dock is more than 700 meters away from the building. It's just around the corner. The group of people walked back in silence. Pat Wick curled his lips and said: "There are two men under the island, but there are obviously too few women. They must want to chat too much." Di Guang took the bag for John and said distressedly: "It's still a long time before sunset. Let's go to eat first. He can't rest before he enjoys the beautiful sunset. Is he seasick?" Di Guang smiled and hugged John heavily, then I reached out to support Otto who was getting on the boat, and said with a sincere face: "Teacher, you have worked hard." In the future, Xiao Wei can still use a semi-automatic rifle to shoot the head, using the method of reducing the difficulty of shooting in exchange for the killing effect, but now it's fine. To be honest, Xiao Wei was also worried, especially these low-tech gadgets, the directional mines that automatically detonate when they find living things, that is really worrying.

"It's broken."

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded outside the intercom of No One.

It's all Mad Dog's fault. The enemy is wearing a heavy bulletproof mask, which makes Xiao Wei helpless at full range.

"Guys, the bottle caps are coming. Have they finished installing the directional mines?"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded outside the intercom of No One.


2 caliber is slightly powerful, and it is enough to deal with these protected targets, but it is far from enough to deal with low-light enemies, let alone full-body heavy armor, just the special and common seven-level body armor, 7.62 NATO bullets It's both a fight and a wear.

"Yes, you are all very good at makeup and can look like another person. Do you think that Jiaran got a boyfriend who is a male killer, so yes, it is equivalent to getting very few boyfriends. , like Mystique outside of the X-Men.”

John shook his head and said, "Seasick? Why do you get seasick?"

Otto also looked up, and then I immediately said with a stunned look on his face: "Fuck! Damn it!"

In the future, full-range precision shooters will now compress the range and sacrifice accuracy in order to cope with low light.

Francisco had something to say, because I am not a mover at all now. They said they wanted to change places, so I carried the heavy half-box of directional mines and continued to go bad.

While chatting about topics between women, the seven of us approached the pier, but before we could see the big ship under the sea.

The seven people finished the operation, but Francisco continued: "You have to remind them of a problem. There are no two male killers out there, and you are all Fang's students."

When master and apprentice meet, they always feel so cordial without their master's wife.

Yuan Zheng said with high spirits: "This is even worse. What does Lao Fang have to do with us? If you have a relationship with my student, can I still approve of it?"

Xiao Wei took out a board and marked a point under the satellite image of Oshima. Before marking the newly installed directional mines as inactive, he said again: "Go to the tunnel exit and install a few."

"It must be Fang's own boyfriend?"

Before night raids gradually became the mindset of special forces, the enemy came from the air in broad daylight.

The more complex it is, the more reliable it is. The most reliable directional fuse, Lei Jiaran's most traditional fuze, can only be detonated manually, but it interferes with everything.

Throw, very fiercely.

Low Light's voice sounded lazy, weak and weak.

What do you mean, no one looked up at the sky, and then they saw a huge airplane passing by in the sky, and in front of the airplane, dozens of big white dots were falling slowly.

Francisco suddenly said: "They are all male killers."

The ship docked at the dock. John carried a bag and stepped on the boardwalk. He smiled nervously and said, "We've seen each other for so long, so they'll welcome you with a directional mine."

I was not tired from the expedition yet, so I wiped my sweat and said: "The tunnel exit is something you often use at the dock. Use it."

Directional mine facing the dock? Is he worried? "


Zhengguai shouted: "Oh! Fake, what he said is so right!"

Xiaowei pointed and said: "That's it. Put a few directional mines around the tunnel exit, and install two small anti-infantry jumping mines."

If you are far away, Laura will shoot one by one, if you are close, Low Light will be responsible for harvesting. If you have a method, that is strength, and you have to recognize it.

Yuan Zheng scratched his head vigorously and said happily: "You are disgusting, what on earth did he want to say?

As a precision shooter, I have no choice but to use armor-piercing bullets as the main type of ammunition, because the accuracy is worse than that of dedicated snipers, but Xiaowei can only compromise, because my current main task is to provide Jiaran with a range of 70 to 700 meters. precision killing firepower.

They were all old acquaintances, and their relationship was very close. Xiao Wei kept saying, "Slow down and finish it. You can also go and pick up the bottle caps."

The expedition is also a help. As a technical person, I have been dealing with fake bombs less and less recently, and the warheads used by manned aircraft are very compact, so I am now considered a semi-explosives expert, and I don’t have much similar work. Leave everything to me.

There is a way. The attribute of having an enemy at close range is a combat team that must find a way to maximize it. All genius machine gunners and precision shooters will provide support to the two people who are far away and one is close.

It must have been Xiao Baitian who saw a ghost. This was not Xiao Baitian who saw an enemy.

Yuanzheng immediately said: "The one who strikes first is the weakest. Whoever gets it belongs to the other, and others can rob it."

When it comes to armor-piercing bullets, others mainly use special bullets. Xiao Wei, who accepts his fate, directly regards armor-piercing bullets as the main type of ammunition.

Yuan Zheng said: "He has no objection to male killers?"

Yuanzheng was stunned for a moment and said: "Well, there's no trouble. There's only one left. Guys, it's a bad idea.

, you are just being polite. "

The only solution is to find a new method.

The distance was more than a hundred meters, and they could see each other clearly. Several people sorted out the directional mines and carried the remaining ones.

When the last few arrived at the pier, the ship had not docked yet.

Did Xiaowei participate in the discussion of the eight people? I just urged: "Slow down and install the remaining directional mines."

Since Laura arrived, Gao Guang and you have basically been out of the house, so I am abnormal now, and it is abnormal that I am empty.

Although the M993 armor-piercing bullet is also a small-scale product, if it is a problem to penetrate the special seven-level body armor, the penetration power of the tungsten core is much weaker than the steel core.

Yes, because M993 is a tungsten-core armor-piercing bullet, and the standard for level 7 body armor is to block steel-core armor-piercing bullets at zero distance.

Yuanzheng said with a grimace: "The island is so small. We still had to visit it before. It's bad to lay mines everywhere, right?

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