First Charge Of One Billion At The Start

Chapter 276: Oran's Determination

In the main city mansion, representatives of the various forces came out from inside with a dark face, all of them gloomy, daring to be angry but not speaking.

They originally disagreed, and argued for reasons. In the end, it might be that Mu Fan didn't think it was too ugly to eat, so they just let them go every time they turned in 10 million energy crystals.

After some measurement, some of the forces finally compromised, choosing to hand in each 10 million energy crystals.

There are still a small number of forces who chose to stay, but did not leave. Their ideas are simple, or they can be said to be naive.

They pray that the blood ant tribe is only a small branch, or that the blood ant tribe has no origin at all, or the Black Abyss tribe has not come, it is a lie.

For these people, Mu Fan could only shook his head and regretted. To be honest, there was still a pity in his heart, and those who stayed could not move them.

After all, as the person in charge of the neutral zone, you can't just kill them all without an excuse. That is definitely a stupid decision.

In this way, who rushed to do business with you?

"Damn human."

"This bastard, I wish him to be torn apart by the blood ants as soon as possible."

"Stop talking, go back and pack your things and leave this horrible place."

"In this life, I will never come again."

At the door, a large group of creatures scolded and dissipated angrily.

They hurried back, they are going to roll things up and leave, otherwise they stay here and wait for the blood ant army to kill them?

In the crowd, Princess Oran silently glanced at the main city mansion behind her, and returned with the two flower maids.

Back at the Elf Hotel, Oran walked to a secret room, closed the door, and even activated a certain formation and restriction.

"Princess, your decision is too hasty."

Suddenly an old voice came from the secret room.

I saw a vague figure, looming, looking at the elf princess Oran with a helpless expression.

On the other hand, Olan looked confident and smiled lightly: "I don't feel sloppy. For Mu Fan, I always feel that he has an unpredictable feeling."

The old figure sighed: "As a princess, you can't stay here to take risks. You should leave quickly. The blood ant tribe is not a joke."

"I have my own measures." Oran's face was firm and unshakable.

Seeing her insistence, the old figure smiled bitterly: "Princess, please, go back. Your Majesty is very worried about you."

"I said, I only have a sense of measure." Oran's frowned, said somewhat displeased.

At this time, the old man sighed helplessly and said: "Princess, our elves have always advocated peace and never participated in battles. This decision has violated the rules of the elves."

Oran frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Peace? How do you think peace comes from, begged, or is it a charity from others?"

She said with a firm face: "The current elves have forgotten the blood and fire of the past. In the universe, there is no such thing as peace."

"If you want peace, you must have the strength to be awed by others, otherwise, you can only become a slave and plaything of other people. Have you forgotten the disaster 80,000 years ago?"

Oran looked at the old man questioning with a stern face, and the other party was speechless.

This reminded me that 80,000 years ago, the elves were defeated and thus enslaved.

"The elves have been enslaved for 10,000 years. You have forgotten those bloody years. As a princess and the next generation of elves, I will never forget." Her tone was firm and her voice was sonorous.

At this moment, Oran seemed to have an emperor's temperament, noble, domineering, and strong, not as weak as the previous performance.

Oran said to himself: "Our elves have gone through a long struggle before we escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and regained our freedom and rebirth. Only then did we yearn for peace and advocate peace."

"However, peace requires strong strength to maintain, and dignity requires strength to maintain. Without these, how easy is it to say?"

If Mu Fan heard her remarks, she would definitely give her a compliment, which is too right.

The so-called peace depends only on whether you have the strength. If you do not have the strength, you will end up being annihilated like the Jialan clan.

"The reason why I came out is to make some friends and bring some reliable allies to the elves."

"In this world, after all, independence is hard to support. Having some reliable allies is helpful to the true future of the race, otherwise, the crisis will once again envelop the elves."

Oran's words left the old man speechless and completely convinced.

"I wish to obey the princess's orders."

This old elf knelt down solemnly, showing his loyalty.

Oran nodded, lifted her up, and whispered: "Next, my safety is left to you. I hope to help Mu Fan, and I hope to get the opportunity to contact and even form an alliance with humans from him."

"Princess, but there is a circumstance in the universe that human beings are cunning, hypocritical, cruel, and unreliable."

The old elf said with a tangled look.

In the universe, there are rumors about human beings, which are widely circulated, saying that human beings are hypocritical, cunning, and cruel.

Oran shook his head: "There are all kinds of people in every race. Isn't there anymore within the elves?"

"Think about the dark elves, gray elves, blood elves, the once huge and powerful elven clan split into several, isn't that enough to explain?"

When she said this, she mocked: "Those races that have evilized human beings just want to use this to attack and even destroy humanity."

"I think humans are not as unbearable as the rumors mentioned."

"Moreover, I have a hunch that this time the blood ants might suffer a lot."

Oran said to himself, with an inexplicable self-confidence gleam in his eyes.

She had a mysterious trust in Mu Fan. For some reason, there was a voice in her heart telling her that it was right to do so.

Many times in Oran's heart, he wondered whether it was the god of the elves, and the moon god was reminding her and suggesting her?

In short, meeting Mu Fan is her only idea now, and she has already done it.

It was just a temporary idea before, but in a blink of an eye, Mu Fan actually took charge of the entire neutral zone, which really shocked her.

This made her firmer in her mind, befriended Mu Fan, and even contacted the powerful high-level humans from him, thus forming an alliance.


Suddenly, the old elf's complexion changed, and his complexion became extremely difficult to look at what he found.

She looked outside in horror, and a faint light curtain appeared in the void inexplicably.

"What's that?" Oran was stunned.

The old elf said solemnly: "Princess, that is the formation light curtain, yes, the entire neutral zone is shrouded in this layer of formation light curtain."


There was a trace of irritation on her old face, and she said, "The new ruler you mentioned has laid a super-large formation that completely covers the entire neutral zone."

"What does he want to do?"

At the moment, the old elf felt a kind of uneasy feeling in his heart.

Because she had just figured out her mind, she was horrified to find that there was no way to get out, that is to say, the place was completely sealed off.

"The neutral zone is blocked by the formation?"

Oran was surprised and looked outside in surprise, only to realize that many forces in the neutral zone were curling up things and slipping away quietly.

But it is a pity that these forces, creatures, and even some powerful people have never expected that the neutral zone has long been isolated and shrouded by the formation, unable to enter or exit.

"Does he want to kill them all?"

Oran muttered to herself, guessing that Mu Fan's thoughts in this move were all to catch them all in one fell swoop.

A flash of surprise flashed on her face, and she had guessed what Mu Fan wanted to do, apparently to clean up all the forces that chose to leave.

"Hi...really cruel."

Thinking of this, Oran couldn't help but breathe in air, and had a new understanding of Mu Fan's fierceness.

I didn't receive money from other people for selling their lives before, a 10 million energy crystal, now why don't you leave them, choose to directly obliterate them.

"Am I really doing this wrong?" Oran couldn't bear it, and there was a slight sway in his heart.

She befriended Mu Fan, is she really wrong? Is such a cruel person worthy of being befriended? Will it lead a wolf into the room?

"No, I did nothing wrong."

In the next moment, she resolutely made her choice in her heart, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Her expression changed, and finally turned into a touch of calm, there was something in her eyes that was inexplicable, and she had a temperament on her body.

That is a kind of royal temperament.

The emperor should be decisive and not indecisive.

"Pass the order and get ready for battle. I feel the terrifying and bloody killing spirit of the blood ant race approaching."

"The war is not far away."

Princess Oran muttered to herself calmly, as if she had completed a certain transformation at this moment and became different.

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