In fact, Wu Renyao can still understand in his heart that he was originally a machismo. When he saw the beauty he had always been thinking about appearing in front of him, he was happy and disappointed for a while. He seriously felt that he was a beauty. There is no face in front of him, so in order not to let the beauty be disappointed in him, it is natural to perform well. This is not the case.

"What? You, you are bold, you dare to speak to me like this!" Prime Minister Gu has never been so challenged by authority before, and suddenly became anxious, pointing at Wu Renyao with a flushed face and scolded him.

Since he became the prime minister, which person is not respectful and respectful to him, which one is not kind to him, is the emperor, seeing that he has done so much for this country, he is not also respecting him three points, thinking When a little boy with no tutor, the culprit who killed his own daughter, challenged his authority, Prime Minister Gu naturally couldn't bear it.

"That's not possible. You have to detain me for no reason, and don't let me be dissatisfied?" Wu Renyao is a bully and fearful of hard work. Seeing that Prime Minister Gu is really angry with him, he doesn't have much confidence to speak. Some froze.

"Hmph, you are the murderer of our young lady, what right do you have to express dissatisfaction, come here, tie me up!" Seeing that his confidant has never been so popular, he immediately stepped forward to comfort him and let him calm down.

Seeing that Wu Renyao was still a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, there was a hint of anger in his heart, and he directly convicted Wu Renyao and let him control Wu Renyao.


There were a lot of guards standing next to them. They had already watched the little overlord in the capital displeased their eyes. Not only did they kill their young lady, but they also couldn't restrain their master so much.

However, due to Wu Renyao's identity, they didn't get the order and didn't dare to arrest him rashly, so they stayed on standby all the time. Upon hearing their boss's order, they immediately stepped forward to control Wu Renyao, and soon they were tied up. Wu Renyao.

"What are you doing? You dare to tie me up, be careful I let my father kill you alive!" Wu Renyao still couldn't distinguish the current situation, yelling, and began to threaten the guard who tied him.

It’s because of Wu Renyao's words that make some of his faces look better and look darker for the prime minister. Wu Renyao reads a remark that seems to be dazzling in others' eyes, but in his opinion, it is that their Shangshufu doesn't take their prime minister's mansion seriously. The meaning in it.

Otherwise, someone who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, how dare to say such vicious words to their prime minister's house.

"I'll just wait and see if your father would dare to shave the people in my house." Prime Minister Gu ignored Wu Renyao's unreasonable troubles and glanced at Chu Chu, who was standing quietly on the side, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes: "The matter has not been understood yet, you join me in the palace face saint."

In fact, Gu Cheng is still very satisfied with Chu Chu. A woman who doesn't have a trace of cowardice on such an occasion, but still knows the advantages and avoids the disadvantages, stands quietly on the side, does not ask too much, is not curious, is it something a woman in a brothel owns? Courage.

So it seems that Gu Cheng, a very shrewd man, has a hint of curiosity relative to Chu Chu. In addition, the matter with his daughter has not been completely over, naturally it won’t be that way. He pointed to the flower lady on one side and let them enter the palace together. .

Thinking that it is no longer as simple as a murder case, it has risen to a matter between two ministers, and the emperor or the regent must come forward, otherwise this matter will never come to fruition.

Moreover, Prime Minister Gu, with his extremely strong political sensitivity, felt that this matter was far less simple than what he thought. Just a well-known two-sleeved and breezy Shangshu Mansion, unexpectedly put out so much money to auction a girl at once, Prime Minister Gu What do you think, I think there must be something strange in this.

Therefore, this matter cannot be as simple as that, and the conclusion is made in a few words. He must make this Wu Renyao pay the price for his daughter's death.

"What does the Prime Minister mean, are we going to enter the palace?" Hua Niang looked flattered, and asked some unsure.

"Well, Young Master Wu didn't admit that he killed my daughter. Then I will ask the emperor or the regent to make the decision. I believe he will pay back our prime minister's mansion for justice." Prime Minister Gu gave Wu Renyao a hard look. The deputy could not wait to kill him immediately.

"That's it, that's okay! Chu Chu, you just follow your mother into the palace, don't be afraid, as long as you tell the truth." Hua Niang patted Chu Chu's white and slender hands in a reassuring voice, and said in a gentle voice.

"Yes, mother!" Chu Chu answered obediently.

"Well, that's great!" Hua Niang seemed to be particularly satisfied with Chu Chu. When everyone saw that Hua Niang treated Chu Chu so well, they couldn't help but feel that this Wanhua Tower was so human, unlike other brothels, and didn't treat the girl inside as a human being. .

But Prime Minister Gu was very different from other thoughts. He glanced lightly at Hua Niang and Chu Chu's actions, thinking that Hua Niang was too kind to a small brothel girl.

Prime Minister Gu's slight glance did not attract other attention, but it didn't mean that Hua Niang and Chu Chu, who had been observing his face, hadn't noticed.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. As long as Prime Minister Gu's attention was drawn, the rest of the matter would be much easier.

"My grandfather, our young lady..." They even wanted to enter the palace. Their eldest lady couldn't enter the palace in such a way. It couldn't help being disrespectful to the royal family and an insult to the eldest lady after her death.

"Bring them together, let the emperor and the regent take a good look at how Master Shang Shu taught a good son." Prime Minister Gu glanced at the daughter on the bed in the room, with a look of grief on his face.

"But we are all men, how do we go..." Even if the confidant didn't finish speaking, everyone knew what he meant.

Although Gu Qingcheng was dead, she fell to the ground. She was still a daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion. They were all men. It was possible to approach her. Isn't that disrespectful to the master, so the confidant still has some embarrassment.

Prime Minister Gu said this to his confidant one day, and he was startled. Obviously, he didn't react at all. After thinking so much, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at once, and he didn't know what to do.

"Master Prime Minister, let me come. I am a woman. Although I am not a serious woman, I am better than you men?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Prime Minister Gu's face, Hua Niang immediately recommended herself.

"Well, you go, dress Qingcheng neatly, and enter the palace together." Prime Minister Gu waved his hand and agreed to Huaniang's proposal.

"Yes!" Hua Niang made a salute and walked in.

Huaniang didn't waste too much time, and put on Gu Qingcheng's clothes as quickly as possible.

Gu Qingcheng’s original clothes had long been torn and torn by people, and they were thrown on the ground like my rag. After asking Prime Minister Gu for instructions, I found out from the room a set of clothes that the oiran didn’t wear and gave to Gu Qingcheng. Put on.

After a while, Hua Niang had already arranged Gu Qingcheng's appearance, and she no longer looked as miserable as before.

After that, Hua Niang looked at the dress on the ground, she was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know what to do.

"The changed clothes can be used as evidence. Don't let people move in this room. At the first crime scene, there must be a lot of traces to collect evidence." When Gu Cheng met Hua Niang, Gu Qingcheng had already mentioned that Gu Qingcheng had done it. With some gratitude, I subconsciously lightened the tone of what she said, reminding Hua Niang.

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