There are so many accusations and reprimands like this, and they all look dissatisfied with Wu Renyao, but the ministers headed by Wu Shangshu are not easy to explain. After all, what Wu Renyao said should not be said here, they don’t care. No matter how you look at it, it is the unreasonable party.

"The children are incapable of speaking, please forgive me, the adults!" Others can't defend Wu Renyao, but Wu Shangshu is also Wu Renyao's father. If he doesn't want to say a few more things, it can't be justified.

Wu Shangshu smiled with a smile on his face, and attributed the accusation of Wu Renyao's viciousness to unscrupulous words, and suddenly turned that very vicious sentence around. It really is a human spirit!

Mu Fengzhao looked at the farce in front of him, but he turned his eyes, did not speak, and continued to watch the good show.

"Huh, Wu Shangshu is making excuses for his son. I just don't know if the regent comes, there is nothing left to say." Compared to Wu Renyao and Wu Shangshu's dissatisfaction, Gu Cheng didn't have a good face.

It is usually possible to maintain the indicated relationship for the sake of colleagues, but at this time, it is natural that even the superficial relationship is unwilling to maintain, and it must be fair to his daughter.

When everyone listened to Prime Minister Gu's words, they immediately realized something. They glanced at the sedan chair where they stood, and their faces changed to Wu Renyao.

Among them, the wave of people who had just accused Wu Renyao was the most obvious. They all walked forward one after another, arched their hands to Prime Minister Gu, and said a word of comfort.

"The Prime Minister's sorrow and change!"

"The Prime Minister's sorrow and change!"

"The Prime Minister's sorrow and change!"

"The Prime Minister's sorrow and change!"


With these people taking the lead, everyone else comforted Prime Minister Gu.

Of course, except for some people headed by Wu Shangshu, you look at me and I look at you, with a look of bewilderment. In the end, no one stepped forward and lowered his head without confidence.

"Thank you all the adults for their relief, it's just my daughter..." Prime Minister Gu said, his eyes were a little red, and everyone watching was comforting.

When everyone stood together to comfort Prime Minister Gu and watch the show, they suddenly remembered the voice of Grandpa Cheng shouting: "The regent is here!"

When everyone heard it, they all came to their place and stood up.

At this time, someone had helped Gu Qingcheng out and put it on a stretcher covered with a layer of white cloth.

After a while, Ye Yan walked out and sat on the golden hall, looking at everyone.

As soon as Ye Yan came out, everyone knelt on the ground and bowed.

Naturally, Mu Fengzhao was just like everyone else, bowing his head and bowing, without any intention of getting too far away.

Ye Yan seemed to be looking at the ministers, but in fact he was looking at the white figure at the end of the crowd. He was relieved to see that she was intact. At the same time, some could not bear where she was kneeling. He immediately raised his hand to let her Everyone get up.

Gu Qingcheng is the only one here who is different from everyone else. She is lying on a stretcher. When everyone is kneeling on the ground and giving salutes, she is the only one lying there alone. What do you think? strange.

But even so, no one said anything, after all, people are no longer expected to bow her.

Ye Yan glanced at the very abrupt stretcher, naturally guessed who was on it, but couldn't see his look, only saw him look at Prime Minister Gu: "Prime Minister, the grief and change!"

"The regent, the ministers are terrified!" Prime Minister Gu bent over, and while offering his hand, he glanced at Wu Shangshu whose face changed.

Everyone seemed to have thought of the matter just now, and they all looked at Wu Shangshu. Wu Shangshu just pretended not to know anything, and asked Prime Minister Gu, that is, all the people headed by him pretended not to know.

But now, even the regent who has been in the world already knows, Wu Shangshu actually pretends not to know, this is not in public, what is his face?

Mu Fengzhao couldn't help being a little bit funny. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would have to laugh three times to show her good mood.

She smiled slightly, but because she was wearing a veil, no one saw her difference, and no one noticed her behavior, except for Ye Yan, who was looking at her from the beginning.

Mu Fengzhao didn't expect Ye Yan to have such a deliberately prank side, deliberately making Wu Shangshu's face in front of everyone, but it was really black.

Ye Yan felt like Mu Fengzhao was in a good mood. Seeing her eyes curled, he knew what her expression looked like under the veil at this time, and he was in a good mood as well.

Once Ye Yan's mood is good, then the people around him are in a better mood.

"Prime Minister, this king already knows that you have lost your beloved daughter, but it has already happened, please take care of yourself."

"Yes, the regent!" Prime Minister Gu arched his hand, glanced at Wu Renyao, raised his head to look at Ye Yan, suddenly lifted his robe, knelt on the ground, knocked his head, and said with a distraught expression: "Wang Come on, the minister is going to sue one person."

As soon as the ministers heard this, they knew that things were about to begin. Some of them changed their faces, some looked on the sidelines, some were gloating, and some looked like they were going to watch the drama.

"Oh? I don't know who the prime minister is going to sue?" This time it was time that Ye Yan deliberately pretended to be confused.

Only in this way can Ye Yan show that he is in a neutral position and will not help any party, and at the same time, he can let Prime Minister Gu tell his grievances.

"The minister wants to sue Wu Shangshu's son, Wu Renyao. He kidnapped my daughter and killed and raped my daughter..." Prime Minister Gu clearly stated all Wu Renyao's crimes one by one. Don't let it go, so that everyone present can hear clearly.

Sure enough, as soon as Prime Minister Gu finished speaking, whether he was neutral or headed by Prime Minister Gu, he looked at Wu Renyao with a brutal expression, and even some ministers headed by Wu Shangshu were also dissatisfied.

Although everyone knew that Wu Renyao killed Gu Qingcheng, they didn't know the details of this, so it was expressed from the victim's father, Prime Minister Gu, that no one would doubt it.

It is really hard for everyone to imagine that the famous Gu Jia Qingcheng would die with such an ending. It is a pity that several Koreans died in the hands of such a scum.

Everyone shook their heads in pity, with a look of anger. That was the candidate they all wanted to be a daughter-in-law. Now that they died in the hands of a dude like Wu Renyao, everyone was naturally very angry.

And Prime Minister Gu wanted these people to be angry, because only when angry would his daughter's grievances be washed away.

"I didn't expect Ling Qianjin to be so miserable, but Gu Qingcheng underneath." Ye Yan looked at the stretcher and asked Prime Minister Gu.

"Yes, it is the little girl. The minister found out that it was time for the little girl. She had no breath. She was scarred and unclothed. In order not to humiliate the holy words, the flower lady from Wanhualou arranged her appearance for the little girl and brought it here."

Prime Minister Gu walked to the stretcher in three steps and two steps, and sadly lifted the white cloth covering Gu Qingcheng's body, revealing Gu Qingcheng's appearance in front of everyone.

The other scars on Gu Qingcheng's body may not be visible to others, but the very clear slap marks on his face are too clear.

Everyone saw the slap print, they all had a look of anger. I heard that it was one thing, but it was another thing to see with their own eyes. Now everyone saw that face of the country and the city just left such a severe slap print. , Every individual will feel angry.

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