The reason why Wu Shangshu dared to say such a sentence is precisely because he has confidence in himself and believes that he usually does enough for Wu Renyao to get rid of things and is not afraid of people finding it out.

Seeing this, the faction headed by Wu Shangshu also stepped forward to argue for Wu Renyao.

As a result, the form above the court suddenly changed. The figures of both factions took the example again. Except for the ones who remained neutral, they did not express any opinions, and continued to stand quietly and watch.

Ye Yan ignored those people. He looked at Master Chen, who hadn't said a word since he was standing there, and asked, "How does Chen Aiqing think?"

I have to say that Ye Yan's question was very clever. Not only was he innocent on both sides, but he also threw this hot potato to the well-known Master Chen.

Mr. Chen is a veteran of the three dynasties. He usually belongs to the royal sect from a neutral position and does not have any contact with any party. At the same time, he is also a notarized notary. He is impartial and does not speak for any party. He is very popular among ministers. Respect.

So generally as long as he speaks, no one will question him.

Everyone's eyes were invariable, and the classmates looked at Master Chen following Ye Yan's question.

"My lord, why didn't the old minister ask the steward of Wanhualou?" Anyway, the steward of Wanhualou has come, and it doesn't take any trouble.

"Master Chen is what he said." Ye Yan nodded and glanced at Mu Fengzhao, who was standing there as if watching this farce. Seeing that she was excited, his heart softened, but he asked Mu Fengzhao's side. Hua Niang: "His Royal Highness is the manager of Wanhualou?"

"It's the villain!" Hua Niang knelt down naturally.

"You talk about what happened, and state everything that happened from yesterday to today, without leaving any details."


"Yesterday was our Wanhualou auction once a month..." Huaniang said all the things that happened from yesterday to today, just as Ye Yan ordered, with a little detail. Did not fall.

During Hua Niang's statement, no one dared to make any noise at Jinluan Hall except Hua Niang's voice, and they listened carefully to Hua Niang's explanation.

Time ticked by ticking a little bit, and finally Hua Niang swallowed because she said too much, and said the final result: "After that, Prime Minister Gu came here with our party."

"Is Chu Chu by your side?" Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao with a smile.

"It's Chu Chu!"

"Chu Chu, hurry up, let the prince know everything about your schedule from yesterday to today!" Hua Niang urged Mu Fengzhao anxiously.

Mu Fengzhao saluted slightly, and spoke very obediently: "Chu Chu, a citizen girl, is the new oiran of Wanhualou. Yesterday..."

Mu Fengzhao made the rhetoric in front of Prime Minister Gu in Wanhualou again and explained it again. It is inevitable that there are some differences in it, because in this way, it will appear more real.

The two explanations cannot be different unless they are deliberately memorized. Mu Fengzhao knew that there was only a little difference, so he paid special attention to it.

"Master, if you have any doubts, the minister is willing to let Hao do a physical examination!" Gu Chengxiang confessed, and he was willing to throw everything away in order to let the woman get rid of her injustice.

"Sir, never!"

"Yes! No!"

"Ling Qianjin is everybody's lady, how can she have her body checked on the spot!"

"Master Prime Minister, think about it!"

...A few ministers immediately stopped him as soon as he listened to Prime Minister Gu's words.

If it's a man, that's all, but the accident is Prime Minister Gu's daughter. That's a well-known woman, how can someone let him have a body test in the public!

"Oh? The Prime Minister is really willing to let Hao do a body check to find out the cause of death?" Ye Yan asked uncertainly.

After all, making such a decision is really not easy for Prime Minister Gu, and there are some doubts.

Wu Shangshu didn't expect that Prime Minister Gu could do this step in order to convict his son. Regardless of the fame of his dead daughter, he couldn't help feeling a headache.

He felt that his son might not be saved today.

"The prince, my colleagues, the minister knows that you are doing this for my daughter's fame, but the minister's daughter is now being accused of injustice, and has already been insulted by others. If the minister can't pick up her daughter to wash away her grievances, then What else does Qingcheng have to do with fame!"

Prime Minister Gu spoke earnestly, but he earned enough sympathy from many people, and they all looked at Wu Renyao one after another and felt that he was a scourge. He killed such a good lady in vain.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's make a statement according to the Prime Minister's words." Now that Ye Yan has determined the real thoughts of the Prime Minister Gu, he didn't have to spend much time, and immediately let people announce the work.

Everyone waited for about a quarter of an hour, when the work at Dali Temple arrived, Ye Yan directly avoided his gift and directly gave Gu Qingcheng a physical examination.

Although Prime Minister Gu had agreed to do a physical examination on the spot, Gu Qingcheng is still a lady of the world. It is impossible to let her have a physical examination in front of hundreds of civil and military officials. She was immediately carried to the side hall of the main hall and sent to a few female officers. Looked, and then, for convenience, asked Hua Niang and Chu Chu to go to the side hall to help.

The crowd waited for about an hour before they saw the people who had gone to the side hall returning to the main hall.

"What's the result?" This time, Ye Yan didn't cast her gaze on Chu Chu, who was beside Hua Niang.

Seeing Hao Zuo stepping forward, he asked directly.

"The prince, the prime minister's daughter died of abuse, and the wounds on her body are numerous. This is the record of the medical examination!" As he said, he handed out the small book in his hand to the father-in-law next to Ye Yan.

Father Cheng got down the steps and handed it to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan probably flipped it a few times, and the more he looked back, the worse his complexion became. Finally, he snapped and threw it directly beside Wu Renyao.

"Wu Renyao, look at what you did!" Then he looked at Wu Shangshu and said, "Wu Shangshu, you really have a good son!"

Wu Renyao seems to have realized that he has no room for maneuver, because no one knows better than him how he treated Gu Qingcheng yesterday.

He thought that after Gu Qingcheng was forced to abuse him yesterday, he was behaved and no longer resisted. Who would have thought that he would be tortured to death.

Wu Renyao began to tremble, and the arrogant arrogance at the beginning disappeared immediately.

Wu Shangshu naturally realized that his son was helpless, but he fell to the ground and was his only son. With some trembling hands, he picked up the small book on the ground and looked at it.

"I killed you, a beast, so I dared to do such a vicious thing, as my father usually teaches you this way!" Wu Shangshu seemed to be very angry after reading those things, and directly kicked Wu Renyao. Kick him out of blood.

From this point of view, Wu Shangshu intended to give up Wu Renyao for his own official career, and he did not show any mercy at all.

"Ahem, me, I don't know it's Gu Qingcheng in there!" Wu Renyao grabbed Wu Shangshu's clothes and asked to save himself.

But since Wu Shangshu had already planned to give up on him, how could he excuse him for Wu Renyao, arched his hand towards Ye Yan, and said in a righteous manner: "The prince, it is all done by children, and the minister is willing to let Ren Yao have been paid back to the prime minister The injustice of the daughter."

Gu Chengxiang sneered with disdain. Although he wanted Wu Renyao to receive the punishment he deserved, he just didn't expect Wu Shangshu to be so cruel. He said that he gave up and gave up. He didn't fight for one or two for his son at all, Wu Renyao. It's also pitiful enough.

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