"Yes, it is the Minnv. Minnv is the only survivor of the case a year ago. My dad hid me in the tunnel one step ahead of time, and escaped a disaster. After that, he came to the capital incognito. In order to have a chance to settle the wrongs for the family.

Chu Chu looked at Wu Shangshu coldly, and there was a strong killing intent in her eyes. If she could, she would have cut him a thousand times when she saw the first side of Wu Shangshu.

She has to work hard to suppress the hatred in her heart to hold on to this moment, it is really not easy.

"You can see what Prime Minister Gu said with your own eyes!" Ye Yan asked again.

"Yes, I was hiding in Daddy's study at the time and saw everything." It was this face at that time, killing the dad who loved her with a single knife. She heard the cry of grief from her mother and heard so much at home. People's painful voice.

"Speak carefully!" Since you want to take down Wu Shangshu openly, it is natural to be justified, so that all the ministers can deeply understand the ins and outs of this matter.

The ministers all calmed down, quietly watching the case that had been buried for a year was brought up again, and the regent personally presided over it.


After that, it was the beginning, the process, and the result of Chu Chu's unjust death of his family members one by one, without leaving a trace of detail, nor exaggerating anything.

Wu Shangshu listened to Chu Chu's words and his body became colder and colder. It was over, it was over.

"Bold, Wu Shangshu, you are really brave enough to use your position to rush into life and to be greedy for money and money. The whole world is kept in the dark. You are really a pillar of the court!"

Ye Yan listened to Chu Chu's retelling, his face getting colder and colder, and finally he directly asked Wu Shangshu together.

"The prince... the minister... the minister..." Wu Shangshu wanted to defend, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He couldn't say a word, so he could only be anxious.

Wu Shangshu's sudden appearance of such an abnormality was naturally not intentional, but someone deliberately did it. This person was Mu Fengzhao.

Seeing Wu Shangshu's shame, Mu Fengzhao continued to argue. In order to make a quick fight, it was naturally impossible to let him speak. A silver needle flew over and stuck in Wu Shangshu's heart, making him want to speak but then sent it again. There is no sound.

The people standing in Wu Shangshu's team did not refute when they saw Wu Shangshu. They seemed to have confessed their guilt, and they all tremblingly did not dare to say a word, fearing that they would be the next unlucky one.

Everyone is trying to protect themselves. Usually, no matter how courteous or flattering Wu Shangshu is, they seem to have not seen it at this time, standing there, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

Wu Shangshu thoroughly felt what is meant by the tree to the hunger. He had no thoughts, and was usually so attentive. At this time, there was no one who defended him and spoke for him. At this time, he felt deeply powerless.

"Huh, there is no way to argue? Come here, take Wu Shangshu into prison, and execute it immediately after verifying everything!" Ye Yan naturally knew that Wu Shangshu's abnormality was caused by Mu Fengzhao, but he had no reason to do it for others. The provoked Mu Fengzhao was unhappy, so he dealt with Wu Shangshu very cooperatively.

Soon, a few guards came in, and Wu Shangshu, who had no resistance, went to the prison.

"Coming out of Wu Shangshu, this king has to clean up the court." As he said, there was a shout, and several guards who were like the emperor's henchmen came in: "Check all the ministers related to Wu Shangshu. , Wu Shangshu had a heinous crime, dismissed from office, and ransacked his home..."

After that was a series of instructions from Ye Yan, just like how to come, and deal with all the plans that were to be implemented at the beginning.

With Ye Yan's thunderous and popular method, none of the ministers was a man without his tail, and the imperial court was all clear for a while.

Before the ministers went to court, all the things that happened in the hall today spread to all parts of the capital at a wind speed. There was an hour, and the world knew it.

When Mu Fengzhao learned of this, he once again felt astounded by the speed of this ancient transmission. Sure enough, the power of the ancients is really not to be underestimated!

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan hadn't been free here yet, and Xia Yu, who was guarding in the suburbs, brought back the news.

"Master, this is what Wang Luo wore back today!" Xia Yu said, handing Ye Yan a bamboo tube.

Ye Yan glanced at Mu Fengzhao, then opened it to see a map.

"This should be where Zhang Moushi hid." Mu Fengzhao nodded while looking at the very secret hiding place.

Unexpectedly, this Zhang Moushi was hiding in such a secret place, no wonder they couldn't feel his aura of resignation. It was no waste to have been entrenched in the capital for many years!

"Notify everyone to take action tomorrow, and remember not to be surprised!" Now that you have this map, if you still don't believe that you can't find Mr. Zhang, this time you must deal with it cleanly.

"Yes!" Xia Yu bowed his hand and went out.

Also, Wang Luo and Xia Yang are inside the enemy. They must be careful. Mr. Zhang is not a simple character. If he is disturbed, Wang Luo and Xia Yang are likely to be in danger. So when they are not a last resort, they must not Can alarm Zhang Moushi.

If the security is not complete, they are now under the surveillance of the other party. Once they are made aware of Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan's plan, it is very likely that they will fall short.

"Oh, now the affairs of the court are also cleaned up. We can leave after Ms. Zhang is handed over." Mu Fengzhao thought that she and Ye Yan would live a life without conflict, felt a while in his heart. Beautiful.

"At that time, we can get married." Ye Yan hugged Mu Fengzhao and lit her forehead in a petting way.

He had been waiting for too long on this day. It had been a long time, and he felt that Mu Fengzhao was already his wife and his woman.

"Huh, what are you thinking about every day! At this time, you are so unrefined, shouldn't you worry about Wang Luo and Xia Yang?"

The two of them are inside the enemy, and there may be danger to their lives at any time. Mr. Zhang is not a soft-hearted character, but the servant in front of him is not worried at all.

"I know their abilities. It has been so many days, nothing happened, and the rest will be the same." His subordinates, he knew no more, they wouldn't be discovered so easily, so he didn't worry.

"Even so, you can't be so rude, it doesn't fit your image." Mu Fengzhao thought about the appearance of seeing Du Ye Yan for the first time, thinking about it now, it seems that a lot has changed.

However, all this seems to be because of her, so she is still very sweet in her heart.

"I don't care what kind of image, I only know that you are my woman." The superficial things are not necessary for him, but for him, Mu Fengzhao is fate, without her, It's all in vain.

"You, now the love story is getting stronger and stronger." Mu Fengzhao nodded Ye Yan's chest with a helpless expression.

But what to do, she just likes Ye Yan like this, she just loves Ye Yan who is only rude to her.

Tomorrow will be the last war. After this matter is over, they will leave, and everything in this world will have nothing to do with them anymore.

Therefore, Mu Fengzhao especially looks forward to tomorrow.

Because of the thorough investigation of the court officials, the capital seems to be caught in a turbulent state of tension. Of course, it is only the beginning of the officials. For the people, what should be done has nothing to do with them.

Ye Yan has arranged everything above the court. Even without his presence, he can still operate as usual, and the people still live their own lives.

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