First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 968: Hero's End

"General, there is a letter from the court, waiting for the general to receive!" The voice of the guard came from downstairs.

Taking a deep look at the direction of the grassland, Yu Juluo turned and walked downstairs, hit the horse back to the manor, and saw Yuan Tiangang who was smiling.

"I have seen the general!" Yuan Tiangang bowed to Yu Juluo, and both parties were familiar with each other.

"Sit down!" Yu Juluo led Yuan Tiangang to the main hall and ordered the maid to serve tea.

"Aren't you studying fate with the chief governor? How come you have time to come here?" Yu Juluo smiled.

After listening to Yu Juluo's words, Yuan Tiangang took out the secret letter from his sleeve: "The chief governor entrusted the poor Dao to hand this letter to the general."

After receiving the letter, Yu Juluo slowly opened it, and then he was stunned: "The governor is a good calculation!"


Li Shimin squeezed the red pill: "This medicine must be real. How can it be faked by the civil and military princes of Manchu Dynasty?

"If the son is not in a hurry, it would be better to wait for the news from the grandson girl!" For some reason, looking at the red magic medicine of longevity in Li Shimin's hand, there is always something wrong in Chunguijun's heart.

"If Yuanba can be cured, why should I ask Wugou to approach Zhang Bairen!" Li Shimin's forehead was exposed with blue veins, his face was full of anger, and the shame in his heart swallowed his heart all the time, even if the three rivers and five lakes were exhausted, it would be difficult to wash away.

Li Shimin came to the backyard and looked at Li Yuanba who was soaking in the medicine bucket. There was a divine light in his eyes: "Fourth brother, for your brother, I won the elixir of eternal life for you. As long as you swallow the elixir of life, you can destroy the sword in your body. Get rid of Zhang Bairen's control."

Then Li Shimin recounted the process of taking the magic medicine of longevity.

"Thank you for your second elder brother, elder brother is so brilliant and admirable. It's just that the elixir of longevity is so precious. Don't give it to me. You should keep it and swallow it yourself!" Li Yuanba's face was full of helplessness: "Little brother Now it’s a waste, and the second brother will leave the magic medicine! The second brother has also been hit by the kid's calculation, don't waste the opportunity on the kid."

"You and my brother's love is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea. I have decided, you don't have to say it! You are brave and have a deep foundation. If you can heal, even Zhang Bairen may not be able to win you!" Li Shimin said nothing. Said, put the magic medicine of longevity into Li Yuanba's mouth.

"Second brother!" Li Yuanba burst into tears.

"Take care of your injuries, and you and my brothers are having a drink!" Li Shimin patted Li Yuanba's shoulders, slowly closed the door and walked out of the house, and said to the guard guarding the gate: "Go and prepare warm water to bathe the fourth son ."

"The matter of the third brother was resolved, but I felt regretful!" Li Shimin's face was full of relief.

"Why is my second brother so happy today?" Changsun Wugou didn't know when he appeared in the small courtyard.

"Wugou, you came just right, you don't want to go to the governor's side in the future!" Li Shimin took the grandson Wugou into his arms, holding him tightly, as if he wanted to crush the grandson Wugou into his body.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Changsun Wugou was taken aback, his eyes were full of joy: "Second brother, you really still have me in your heart, and you didn't disappoint me."

"I have seized the magic medicine of longevity and asked the fourth brother to swallow it. Once the fourth brother has dissipated the sword qi and broke through to the Dao, where would it be necessary for you to sacrifice!" Li Shimin smiled.

Changsun Wugou's eyes were full of smiles when he heard this, and he reached out and hugged Li Shimin.

As he was talking, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and a black-clothed guard walked in with his head bowed respectfully: "Second son, the elixir of longevity has revealed its traces again, and it was snatched by the servant bone Mohe, and took his way to the grassland. Away."

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the words, a pair of eyes looked at Chunguijun, and the two looked at each other. At this time, there was a sense of bad feeling in their hearts. Chunguijun said: "What did you say? Immortal medicine quilt. Taken away? In the hands of the servant bone Mohe?"

"Yes, the elder, the second elder, and the eldest son have already chased Mobei!" the guard said.

Li Shimin waved away the guards, let go of the grandson Wuji, his body began to tremble, and a sense of badness quickly rose from his heart: "I have seized the magic medicine of longevity, why is there the magic medicine of longevity?"

"Of these two magical medicines for longevity, one of them must be fake!" Chunguijun said solemnly.

A fluke rose in Li Shimin's heart when he heard the words. He turned and walked quickly towards Li Yuanba's house. When he reached the steps, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Second brother, be careful" Changsun Wugou exclaimed.

Li Shimin pushed open the door, and the next moment he exclaimed, "Fourth brother!"

"Second brother!" Li Yuanba sprayed black blood with his eyes full of despair: "Little brother is gone! This elixir of life is fake!"

At this time, the blood in Li Yuanba's body was agitated, and the sword qi that had been suppressed by Zhuxian took the opportunity to explode, continuously swallowing the blood in Li Yuanba's body to strengthen himself.

The Demon Seed also took the opportunity to cause chaos at this time, continuously fusing Li Yuanba's spirit.

"Sir!" Li Shimin hurriedly turned to look at the Spring Return.

Chunguijun walked forward with a gloomy face, and his body flickered with green light, and he landed on Li Yuanba's Baihui acupoint, and divine light poured into him.

After a while, I saw Chun Guijun retracting his arm: "Poison, sword aura, and an intangible force are coming together. If this poison is not solved, the old man can do nothing."

"Go and pass the doctor! Go and pass the doctor!" Li Shimin's voice was hoarse, and he shouted at the guard outside the door.



Purple and black blood flowed out of Li Yuanba’s seven orifices, and looked at Li Shimin with a tragic expression: "Second brother, I can’t do it! This time it’s really dysfunctional. If I turn into an idiot, you can take care of me well in the future, don’t call me. Hungry, don’t be blown by the wind, or be drenched by the rain! I am afraid of thunder and lightning. You must never tell me to stay alone in a thunderstorm."

"Yuanba! Hold on! Hold on! It's me who can't help It's me who can't help you!" Li Shimin yelled up to the sky, grabbing Li Yuanba's arm firmly.

"Second brother, you are the best to me, I will never blame you, this is my fate! It is my fate! If I turn into an idiot, I will only listen to you in the future!" Li Yuanba smiled, although tragically , But no resentment.

"What nonsense! Brother, I won't let you have trouble! I won't let you have trouble! Go and ask the genius doctor Sun Simiao! Go and ask the real Ziyang!" Li Shimin roared.

There was noisy outside the door, and chaotic footsteps sounded.

I saw a group of doctors walking in, and Li Shimin said: "Everyone, if my brother's disease can be cured, my son will not hesitate to reward him. You can let all the conditions come out."

A group of doctors stepped forward to get the pulse and check Li Yuanba's body.

After a while, the doctors whispered, you see me and I see you, whispering in low voices, and constant discussions.

"Very bad, so overbearing poison!" someone exclaimed.

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