First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 973: Calculating

The young monk Faming lifted the head of the servant bone Mohe to **** with his body. The next moment he saw the muscles and muscles in his neck squirming wildly, but his 30 breaths were intact.

"So Dao is truly extraordinary, and he won't die if he has been so scourge!" Faming was secretly speechless.

"Your kid is infinitely talented, why do you envy me sooner or later!" The servant bone Mohe panted heavily. He himself had been severely injured. It was a bit expensive to reconnect his skull.

"The old man must break Bai Yu's body into pieces!" Pu Gu Mohe gritted his teeth.

Listening to the words of the servant bone Mohe, the little monk stretched out his hand to lift him up: "You have said this countless times. You must overcome the current difficulties before speaking. Since the general governor has made calculations, of course it will not make you feel better."

He Gu Mohe smiled upon hearing this: "You are wrong, the governor did not come for me."

"How do you say?" Fa Ming was taken aback.

"Why do the Chief Governor have to calculate me? If you want to kill me, just shoot! Before Yu Juluo severely injured me, if the Chief Governor wanted to kill me, I am afraid I would have died many times! Although your master's fate is powerful, but There are limitations.

"The governor doesn't want to kill you, but if the heroes who are chasing the elixir of life meet Mohe, a servant who has no resistance, they will never mind to take your life and get rid of the enemy for the Central Plains!" The little monk mentioned the servant. Bone Mohe disappeared into the vast grassland.

Soon after the little monk left, time and space on the horizon were distorted, and shadows appeared in the field in a winding manner. After a round of inspection, they continued to scurry around the grassland like headless flies.

Not long after, the news that Bai Yuyun had obtained the elixir of longevity spread to the world. I don't know how many monks came outside the Great Wall to follow Bai Yuyun's trace.

Vast desert

Bai Yuyun leaned back against the gravel, looking at the big day in the sky speechless for a long time.

Behind it is already dripping with blood.

How many times has it been?

Bai Yuyun has forgotten how many waves of pursuits and killings he has suffered, but his injuries have become more serious every time.

Seeing Bai Yuyun, the real Yang gods, and seeing the martial artist, they seemed to smell the fishy flies, and stared at him desperately.


Bai Yuyun tore open his chest, took out the jade box in his arms, and opened the lid to reveal the red pill.

Picking up the pill with trembling fingers, and looking at the sun for a while, Bai Yuyun felt a sense of alertness in his heart. He only felt that this elixir of immortality seemed inappropriate, and it would be fatal if consumed.

Servant bone Mohe returned to the grassland, and of course he would not spare Bai Yuyun. A large number of Turkic powerhouses secretly followed the trail of Servant bone Mohe.

As for the strong in China, it has become an aid.

Li Yuanba swallowed the fake elixir of immortality and was almost poisoned to death. The news that he had to reverse the overlord’s real life to save his life was not a secret, and such important events could not be concealed.

From the moment when Li Mansion's blood rushed into the sky, and the world was shocked, it was destined to become a laughingstock.

But at the same time that everyone was ridiculed, they were all alert, it turns out that the elixir of life is also fake? I don't know who is so shameless, and designed it in secret.

Yongan Palace

Zhang Bairen kneaded the shoulders of Empress Xiao, soft and boneless and extremely soft, making people want to keep squeezing them in his hands for constant play.

Empress Xiao squinted her eyes: "Is everything done?"

"If Pu Gu Mo can't kill him, it should be the kid's fate!" Zhang Bairen paused, and then said: "Now the frontier is too chaotic, and the Eastern Expedition is about to begin. The smuggling of horses is just a drop in the bucket, Xiao family Let’s stop for some days."

"Listen to you!" After being silent for a while, Empress Xiao said: "You really shouldn't swallow the elixir of longevity for your majesty. Hearing people say that this faint emperor is indifferent to black and white, desolate and innocent, and it makes Manchao civil and military sigh.

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while, he said, "Your Majesty also has pressure in his heart!"

Upon hearing this, Empress Xiao narrowed her eyes and said nothing.

Time is slowly passing by. From time to time, the magical medicine for longevity is born in the rivers and lakes, and waves of blood and blood are rolled up, causing restlessness across the rivers and lakes. Everyone is in danger of every road and view.

Taiyuan Li family, at this time the Li family and his son gathered together.

"You said, who murdered Yuanba secretly!" Li Yuan said with a gloomy face.

"Could it be that the chief governor fished in troubled waters? Deliberately use fake drugs to confuse sentient beings? Provoked civil turmoil in the big family?" Li Shimin lowered his head.

Li Shentong shook his head: "It's not necessarily the chief governor! It's someone fishing in troubled waters."

"How do you say?" Li Yuan looked at Li Shentong.

Li Shentong meditated briefly before he said: "Who is the most anxious person when the magic medicine for longevity is lost?"

"Of course it is the court!" Li Yuan said directly without thinking.

"Yes! The court most hopes to find the magic medicine for longevity. Some people naturally don't want the court to find the real magic medicine, and even want to make fake medicines to try against the nobles in the court. It's a pity that the family background is too strong and mixed. This person's plan!" At this point, Li Shen channeled: "If there is no accident, the magic medicine for longevity will definitely be in the hands of this person. This person keeps throwing out fake medicines and secretly diverting his attention, which is really damnable."

"Find him! I will break his body into pieces!" Li Shimin's eyes flushed.

At this time, when the great family members were discussing the magic medicine for longevity, the two births of the magic medicine for longevity had already made everyone realize that someone must be fishing in troubled waters in secret.

As long as you find the person in the dark, the whereabouts of the elixir of life will definitely be revealed in the world.

The imperial court is looking for it, and so are the family members!

"General Governor, a woman came outside the door, handing a secret letter." Xiaohu pushed the door and walked in.

Zhang Bairen is practising calligraphy with one hand behind his back, the dragon and snake in his hand.

When an article was finished, he put down his pen and ink, turned around and said: "Take me to see!"

Xiaohu presented the letter, Zhang Bairen slowly opened it, and then his pupils shrank: "Where is the person sending the letter? Please come in and see with me."

"The messenger has gone!" Xiaohu said.

Zhang Bairen stood in the courtyard when he heard the words, and after a while he waved his hand to signal Xiaohu to retreat, secretly observing the letter in his hand speechless.

"Three Treasures Whisk!" Zhang Bairen murmured in his words.

The Three Treasure Whisk is a treasure of the Zhang family. This letter is left by Zhang's mother. It contains the control formula of the Three Treasure Whisk. Zhang Bairen must retake the Three Treasure Whisk and kill the monks of the Wang family.

"It seems that the original black hand hasn't been killed yet, but why did my mother refuse to see me?" Zhang Bairen meditated to himself, and then said after a while: "No matter how much, my mother will come to see me if she wants to see me. Sanbao Fuchen is the one The rare weapon left by the ancestor Zhang Daoling, if I can succeed, it can be used as a reference for my practice."

Speaking of this, he secretly sensed the chess pieces under his control in the rivers and lakes. After a while, he took out a wooden box and pointed at the five ghosts beside him. The five ghosts disappeared into the air holding the jade box.


A lame beggar was walking on the street, and then seemed to sense something. He grabbed a jade box in front of him and fell into his hand.

"Huh!" Looking at the jade box, begging Huazi for a moment, then smiled coldly, and a flash of fire in his hand: "In the busy streets, the little ghosts dare to come to the wild, today is your death date!"


With a thunderbolt, the five ghosts turned into powder.

The Taoist priest opened the jade box, and the colorful red light burst into the sky in an instant, causing the monks and warriors to turn their heads and look at them.

"The magical medicine for longevity! The real magical medicine for longevity!"

With a cry of exclamation, the crowds swarmed in, rushing to this place madly.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun" floated down from the horizon, as if it were an overwhelming torrent. Before the beggar reacted, it was turned into blood mist by the dust.

Whisk wrapped the jade box and disappeared into the sky, leaving behind a chaotic street.

"It's really a person sitting at home, treasure comes from the sky!" The ancestor of the Wang family took the jade box rolled by the Three Treasures, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. Even with his state of mind, it was difficult to resist the excitement in his heart.

There were people who were fishing in troubled waters, and everyone had given up looking for the elixir of eternal life. They had never thought that they had just extinguished their minds, and the elixir of eternal life had actually appeared under their own eyes.

If you can't succeed, the ancestors of the Wang family will be sorry for their cultivation base and the Three Treasures in their hands.

"The magical medicine is in hand, and the eternal life is in sight! But now that you all come here, if I don't behave, I will definitely arouse people's suspicion!" go with.

However, in the half-zhuxiang time, several tens of miles have been blocked by the real Yang Gods from all walks of life, and the Tao Yang Gods shuttled in the air, and everyone kept greeting in secret.

The ancestor of the Wang family stood on the street with a gloomy face, with murderous intent in his eyes: "I don’t know where the Daoist confidant actually took action in the realm of my Wang’s family. It would be too shameful for me. The Daoist came out for a cutscene. The old man picked you out by himself, don't blame the old man for not giving you face!"

"Wang Lao Dao, you don't want to bluff people, the elixir of immortality is ahead, if you can find the other party, you would have taken the opponent out and seized the magic drug!" The real Yang Shen of Fahua Taoist Temple joked.

The ancestor of the Wang family looked gloomy, standing on the street looking at the blood mist speechless.

"This old guy can really bluff!"

"The shelf is not the momentum is bluffing!"

All the real Yang Shen people talked a lot, and they searched the sky and the ground for dozens of miles, and the whereabouts of the elixir of longevity were not seen.

The heroes gathered together, unwilling.

"Maybe the other party has already left!" Majestic Tian Chan said. At this time Majestic Tian Chan still has that ugly face, but his skin is already as soft as jade, but it looks a little strange.

"Everyone expand the scope, let's block it together, this kid has appointed not to go far!" The ancestors secretly expanded the blockade distance, and no one would leave.

After a delay of three or five days, everyone's luck was exhausted before they had to turn back secretly, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Now it's so difficult, as difficult as the sky. The magic medicine of longevity may be everyone's only chance of longevity, and of course everyone would not miss it like this. But it is a pity that the magical medicine already has a master, and it is mixed among the people, and everyone is destined to be disappointed.

ps: Recommend a novel to everyone, "Shen Gongbao's Inheritance" written before the nine lives, students of Shuhuang can take a look.

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