First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 985: Frozen Fish Club

"I'm not worthy?" Zhang Bairen slowly put down the tea cup, squeezed the servant bone Mohe's chin, and looked at the red blood stains on the clothes. The blood stains were slowly dripping.

The whole body fluctuated slightly, and all the blood stains fell to the ground. Zhang Bairen met the stubborn eyes of the servant bone Mohe, suddenly released his hand and smiled: "Do you know why the general Yu Juluo's cultivation is so fast that he is invincible? So, if you just talk about cultivation base, ten of you may not be the opponent of the general."

"Why? It's nothing more than the quality of the spiritual objects that Yujuluo broke through is higher than mine! The old man is just untimely, and Qimin Khan has ruined my plan!" Muhe Mohe gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of murder.

Zhang Bairen wiped his palms, then threw the silk into the brazier: "Then you know what the general relied on to break through?"

"What?" The servant bone Mohe was stunned.

What kind of treasures Yujuluo used to break through, this is not only the servant bone Mohe wants to know, but everyone in the world wants to know.

"Do you know the ancestor of the Dragon Race?" Zhang Bairen looked at the servant bone Mohe.

The servant bone Mohe was taken aback for a moment: "Ancestral Dragon?"

"Yes, the general's breakthrough is the ancestral dragon bones, and it is the ancestral dragon bones he got in his own hands!" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the servant bone Mohe, with cold light in his eyes.

The servant bone Mohe was shocked, and then sneered: "How about using the ancestral dragon bones to break through? It's not dead in my hands."

"What did you say?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words of Mu Mohe.

"I mean, on the way back, the old Yujuluo dared to intercept the old man's way, and the old man shattered Yujuluo's heart and sent him to see the king of Hades!" Pugu Mohe sneered.

"Is this really true?" Zhang Bairen's complexion changed suddenly, and he stepped forward and grabbed Pugu Mohe's collar.

"Hmph, you can go to Zhuo County to check it out yourself. Even if the old man is killed by you and has Yujuluo as a funeral, he will definitely not lose!" Pu Gu Mohe sneered.

"I really thought you had heard so many secrets of the Governor, that the Governor would let you go out alive?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the shadow under his feet: "Without my order, no one can get close to the servant bone, and wait until I go to Zhuojun. Once, I came back to concoct him."

Jing Wuming walked out of Zhang Bairen's shadow and got under the shadow of servant bone Mohe.

Seeing this scene, servant bone Mohe's face suddenly changed color, and there was a strong man staring at him all the time, and the king of heaven could not save himself.

"When I come back, I will refining it into a flying drought, or refining it into a sword slave!" After speaking, Zhang Bairen walked hurriedly out of the prison, looking at the stars in the sky, and took out a jade lion in his hand.

According to the night jade lion, travel three hundred miles a day!

I just turned into a perfect fit, and in a short period of time, I can't calm down the three treasures of the spirit and energy in the body and repair the hidden injuries in the body. The Zhaoye Jade Lion given to him by Yang Guang before now comes in handy.

The Zhaoye jade lion turned into a streamer and rushed out of Luoyang City in an instant, but it had already arrived at Zhuo County in the middle of the night.

Stop far

Looking at Zhuojun City from a distance, the blood that used to soar into the sky is now like a candlelight in the wind.

"Really!" Zhang Bairen was anxious and urged Zhao Yeyu Lion to break into the Yujuluo mansion. After collecting the treasure, he went to the lobby: "General! General!"

In the lobby, Yujuluo was sitting on the counter and drinking tea, seemingly like ordinary people.

Zhang Bairen was stunned, and Yu Juluo said, "The old man has sealed the wound for now, and he can hold on for seven or eight days."

Zhang Bairen's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard the words, and he walked forward to Yujuluo's body, and pulled away Yujuluo's shirt, and then his pupils contracted rapidly and violently, and two large red holes appeared in front of him and shattered. His heart is shocking.

"I have phoenix blood! This hurts nothing!" Zhang Bairen let out a sigh of relief.

"Phoenix blood has no effect." Yu Juluo shook his head: "When the cultivation base has reached the realm of an old man, everything does not ask for anything outside. As long as the old man is making breakthroughs, even if the ancient phoenix is ​​resurrected, the old man is not afraid of the slightest, but it is a pity... It just fell like this. Although the Phoenix Blood is so alive, it can't save me."

Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes and said after a while: "Is there no other way?"

"I'm powerless!"

Yu Juluo's eyes were full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with his hands on his shoulders, and said after a while: "As long as I am making a breakthrough, it will not be difficult to save the general."

Yujuluo was taken aback, not waiting for his reaction, Zhang Bairen's whole body was fascinated, and his palm fell on Yujuluo's forehead, and the ice spread down every inch of it, turning it into an ice sculpture.

Zhang Bairen's ice can't stop Yujuluo, but Yujuluo believes in Zhang Bairen and he never resisted.

"The second expedition is imminent, the length of three years and five years, and the short period of two or three months, the governor must be making a breakthrough!" Zhang Bairen couldn't help but sigh slightly as he looked at the fish in the ice.

Yu Guluo blinked, closed his eyes slowly, and fell into a state of tortoise's breath.

"The servant bone Mohe!" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously, wishing to cut him a thousand times.

The fish are here, and the Great Sui Dynasty is as stable as Mount Tai. Although there are countless anti-thief in the world, as long as the north is not chaotic, it will be only a snap to sweep the world. So even if it was the turmoil in the Guan, Zhang Bairen never saw it in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, now Yujuluo has suffered from the servant bones, and his life is dying. Da Sui loses Yujuluo, the sea **** needle, and it is impossible to make a forest on his own.

"Master!" Song Laosheng walked in with the ginseng soup and saw the ice-covered Yujuluo. The tray fell to the ground in shock, and he hurried up with a cry of mourning.

"Don't cry, I will freeze the general, and there may be a glimmer of life in the future. You go and invite Zhuojun Hou, the Governor of the capital has something to discuss with Hou Ye!" Zhang Bairen patted Song Laosheng on the shoulder.

"Do you take this statement seriously?" Song Laosheng turned to look at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen smiled and nodded: "Really! Really can't be true!"

Song Laosheng looked at Zhang Bairen cautiously for a while, and then bowed respectfully: "If this is the case, then everything will be overseen."

After speaking, Song Laosheng walked out of the mansion quickly and hurried to the mansion of Zhuojunhou.

Before Zhang Bairen waited long, he saw Zhuojunhou, who was in a hurry, walked in with a gloomy face, glanced at the ice sculptures in the lobby, and turned his eyes on Zhang Bairen: "General Governor, is there really a way to rescue the general?"

Zhang Bairen nodded: "There are still ways, but it will take some time."

"That's good! That's good! If there is a great chaos today, everywhere is turbulent, and if the governor is lost, Zhuojun seems to have lost the backbone. Fortunately, there is still a scene of support by the governor, otherwise the trouble will be really big!" Zhuojun smiled bitterly, weakened. Sitting in a chair.

Looking at Zhuojunhou, Zhang Bairen said: "In the future, Zhuojun, I will ask Lord Hou."

"I can only last for a while, and I can't stand it for a long time!" At this point, he looked at Zhang Bairen: "You can tell the old man, how long will it take to save the governor! How sure is it?"

"Nine points!" After Zhang Bairen said, he stuffed Yujuluo into his sleeves, and turned and walked out of the gate: "Don’t say anything, just say that the chief executive is making a breakthrough. The servant bone is suppressed by me, and the chief executive is suppressed by me. The news of the serious injury must not be leaked, as long as it can be kept."

While talking, Zhang Bairen set up Zhaoyeyu Lion, returned to Luoyang City again, and hurriedly went to the palace.

"The Governor, the night is dark now, the palace is closed for night, and the emperor has fallen asleep. If you have anything to do, please come back tomorrow!" Zhang Jin stood in front of the city gate and looked at Zhang Bairen with a wry smile.

"If you go to pass on your Majesty, you will say that the Governor has a hundred thousand urgent things," Zhang Bairen said patiently.

"The Governor, now it is late at night, and I have disturbed your majesty to rest. The subordinates really can't afford it! Don't embarrass your subordination. If you have anything, you might as well talk to your subordinates. The subordinates will see if it's worth disturbing your majesty! "Zhang Jin leaned in and bent down respectfully.

Zhang Bairen sneered, and suddenly slapped his palms, hitting Zhang Jin into the marble, and Qi Gen could not move. "Master Zhang, I am wronged!"


When the bluestone agitated, Zhang Jin wanted to drill out of the bluestone, but saw Zhang Bairen's golden light turn around, the golden slips exuded divine light, and the bluestones under his feet were tight for an unknown number of times, as if one big hand kept clasping Zhang Jin's limbs. Tell it to struggle.

After suppressing Zhang Jin, the guards of course did not dare to stop, but saw Zhang Bairen Shi Shiran walking into the palace, and a path straight to Yang Guang's bedroom.

The guards in the palace did not dare to cross-examine them, and all let them go.

"Capital Governor, why are you here?" The **** who guarded the gate looked at the moonlight in the sky, and felt a little bit in his heart. It must be no small matter that Zhang Bairen enters the palace late at night.

"Go and wake up your Majesty, and say that the governor has something important to report!" Zhang Bairen spoke quickly.

The **** heard the words and looked at the sky, with a touch of embarrassment on his face. At this moment, the candle in the palace was lit, and the door opened with a squeak. A servant walked in and said respectfully: "Your majesty is awake, please The governor goes in."

Zhang Bairen nodded stepped into Yang Guang's dormitory, and then respectfully bowed down to the top: "I have seen your Majesty."

"Get up!" Yang Guang put on his clothes, walked out from the curtain, looked at Zhang Bairen, and signaled the guard to retreat: "Entering the palace late at night, there must be an emergency, don't be polite."

Seeing that the guards in the palace had all withdrawn, Zhang Bairen looked solemnly and said: "The general Yu Juluo is dying, and he is not far from death!"

"What?" Yang Guang was taken aback, suddenly startled, his sleepiness disappeared instantly: "What did you say!"

"The general intercepted the servant bone Mohe to enter the barrier, and was crushed by his heart. Now his life is dying, please sever your majesty as soon as possible!" Zhang Bairen said.

Hearing Zhang Bairen's words, Yang Guang suddenly looked anxious: "The **** servant bone Mohe, I must cut it with a thousand swords! I must cut it with a thousand swords! Where is the general now?"

After losing Yujuluo and sitting in Zhuo County and suppressing the Mobei grassland, Yang Guang can not worry?

ps: The third update today. Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone.

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