First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 991: Letter from Princess Uiseong

"Have seen your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen clasped his fists and bowed.

"Aiqing is here, give a seat!" Yang Guang's eyes were full of joy.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen sat on the golden pier with a big horse and looked at Shibi Khan, who is usually'silkworm chrysalis' on the ground. He jokingly said: "Khan, don't come here unharmed, where is the performance today? How do you play such tricks? Could it be a new way of playing in the East Turks?"

"Bold, you dare to be disrespectful to King Khan!" A Turkic envoy angrily scolded, but it looked strange that half of the hair on the head of the Turkic envoy was burnt.

Shibi Khan stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "The governor is good! This king admires him. Since his birth, this king has never suffered such a big loss."

"You are welcome! You are welcome!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile, not annoyed by the accusations of the Turkic envoy.

"In the future, the king will be rewarded!" Shibi Khan turned his head, looked at Yang Guang above, and cried: "Holy emperor, the little king admires the emperor's majesty, and came to see the emperor. I never thought there was such a bad person at the feet of the emperor. Killed Xiao Wang's life, so let the emperor be the master."

Looking at the crying Shibi Khan, Zhang Bairen's heart was terrified, and his murderous intent could not help overflowing. The dignified Turkic king actually let go of his face to cry, such a character is definitely the most difficult to deal with. Either kill him with a stick or don't provoke him.

"I have strictly ordered Shangshu of the Criminal Department to investigate. This matter must be explained to Khan. Since the founding of the country, I have been in a peaceful and prosperous age, and there has never been a riot. Could it be that Khan has formed personal enmities with others, and that's why we have Calculated yesterday?" Yang Guang lied, his acting skills were also top-notch.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Wang has never had a grudge with anyone, so please call the shots!" Shibi Khan cried and cried: "Xiao Wang has a personal bodyguard. He has never made any mistakes and has never been assassinated by a gangster until the day before yesterday. I have detained my guard to have today’s disaster. I beg the emperor to show mercy to Xiao Wang for his life. For the sake of Xiao Wang’s misery, spare my guard’s life!"

"That's it, I want to play the bitter card, but I'm waiting for me here!" Zhang Bairen moved in his heart and looked at Yang Guang.

Shibi Khan sighed in a low voice, and gave Yang Guang a lot of face without making a faceless plea. Faced with such a request, Yang Guang simply couldn't refuse.

The grace of the emperor, although it is of no use, it cannot be without.

Sure enough, Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen: "Baren, can you detain King Khan's guard?"

"My Majesty, there is one Turkic person. As for whether it is the guard of King Khan, it is hard to say!" Zhang Bairen said without moving.

"Da Sui is the kingdom of heaven. Since Khan asked so, you can let him go when you turn around!" Yang Guangdao.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly, looking at Shibi Khan who was proud of the ground, he could only helplessly say: "The official will follow the order."

"I hosted a banquet in the Imperial Dining Hall. Today, all the Aiqing drank with me, not drunk or return!" Yang Guang stood up and walked into the side hall, leaving the Manchu civil and military with his head bowed and said:

"Send your majesty!"

Zhang Bairen walked out of the palace with a gloomy face, turned his head and walked towards Yongan Palace.

The four real Yangshens of Wind, Rain and Thunder followed Zhang Bairen, and Lu Feng said angrily: "My lord, why don't we really let go of that servant bone?"

"Go and tell Zhao Deyu, no one can approach the imprisonment without this supervisor's warrant!" Zhang Bairen said to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng smiled: "I'll just say, how can you give in like this with the temper of an adult."

When they arrived at Yong'an Palace, Lu Yu, Lu Dian, and Lu Lei stood still, and Zhang Bairen walked straight to Yong'an Palace.

Qiaoyan came to face her, she was about to leave the palace with the pastry in her hand. When she met Zhang Bairen, her eyes lit up: "Your kid is finally here. My sister made a basket of pastries for you and is about to send you out of the palace. You take it home. You must taste them one by one. Each pastry tastes different."

While talking, he blinked at Zhang Bairen, and then said: "Niang Niang, please go in."

Zhang Bairen walked slowly into Yong'an Palace, but saw Queen Xiao silently looking at the paperwork a few days before the case. Empress Xiao is very quiet, without an enchanting flavor.

"Princess Yicheng intervened!" Empress Xiao raised her head to look at Zhang Bairen, and handed a document to Zhang Bairen: "Why can't the servant bone die!"

After receiving the paperwork, Zhang Bairen's expression became solemn, and he absolutely did not dare to look down upon the woman named Princess Yicheng.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Zhang Bairen looked towards Mobei with a pair of eyes, as if passing through time and space, and saw the vast and endless desert in which Yi Ren looked at his hometown independently, with two rows of clear tears sliding across his cheeks.

How can there be any good for a princess married into a Turk?

The life of Princess Yicheng was sad. Everything she had was dedicated to Da Sui, in exchange for Da Sui's well-being for decades.

Princess Yicheng married Qimin Khan first. After Qimin Khan died, she married his younger brother Sibi Khan.

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back and clenched his fists tightly, his veins violent.


This is the shame of Da Sui!

This is the shame of the Han family!

The peace of the Han family actually depends on a woman's sacrifice, Zhang Bairen only feels angry.

"Princess Yicheng should be brought back" Zhang Bairen put down his letter.

Empress Xiao shook her head: "She will not come back! Zhongtu is no longer suitable for her!"

Zhang Bairen said silently, after a while, "Princess Yicheng can't help but give the face!"

"You are acting a bit reckless this time. If you really kill Shibi Khan, I am afraid that the northern Turkic soldiers will use this as an excuse to raise troops for Shibi Khan's revenge!" Empress Xiao said: "Princess Yicheng has sacrificed. , You must not let down the princess's painstaking efforts. Da Sui's flourishing age today was earned by countless Han children."

"Niangniang needn't say, Xiaguan has her own opinion!" Zhang Bairen walked out of the palace with a gloomy expression, and boarded the carriageway: "Go to prison!"

"Niang, sir, is he all right!" Qiaoyan said timidly.

"It's okay, it's just the face of the big man, I can't think about it!" Empress Xiao lowered her head and sighed helplessly.

The peace had been restored before the imprisonment, and Yuwen Chengdu was nowhere to be seen.

Going deep into the imprisonment, Zhang Bairen came to the front of Pugu Mohe again, and his eyes seemed to be dripping with gloomy eyes: "Pugu Mohe, I will just ask you again, do you surrender or not?"

"Didn't the governor tell me to give me one night?" Muhe said in amazement.

"Sibi Khan died, the East Turkistan was in turmoil, and the princess of Yicheng was in crisis. The governor of the capital must completely control you, unify the Turks, and assist the princess of Yicheng to control the Turks. Will you submit to it?" Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his hand. , Resting on the head of the servant bone Mohe, the sword intent continued to swallow, as if it could burst out in the next moment, making the servant bone Mohe turned into powder.

"East Turkic turmoil? The princess of Yicheng can't support the tree alone?" The servant bone Mohe was taken aback, and suddenly lost his senses: "Could it be that Khan is really dead?"

"Surrender, I will help you cross the true threshold of the Dao and unify the northern grasslands. Continue to resist, and the governor will show you the methods!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed murderously. This murderous intent was so strong that the soul of the servant bone Mohe seemed to be destroyed. Freezing.

The servant bone Mohe has already achieved the ultimate goal, immortality is already in sight, of course he does not want to die in such a wasteful manner.

No one is not afraid of death! And being afraid of death and wanting to die are two different things.

Pugu Mohe has a vast future. He has already seen the hope of reaching the highest level. How can he tolerate his death like that?

"In-under-will-down!" Pugu Mohe spoke like gold, his face pale.

Zhang Bairen loosened his palm and looked at the servant bone Mohe: "Use the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and Blood, and help the Demon Seed to transform into your bones and soul."

"You are a demon! A real demon!" Pugu Mohe stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, then closed his eyes and began to reconcile the blood and contain the true species.

"My lord!" Zhao Deyu walked in and handed a note.

Zhang Bairen turned his back and opened the note, and then his pupils tightened: "Just say that the capital governor is not there, tell him to wait!"

After speaking, he looked at Jing Wuming: "Go and block the door. Anyone who enters the imprisonment without authorization will kill Wushe directly!"

Jing Wuming took the order and left, Zhang Bairen began to use Dao Fei Demon-seed Dafa, constantly mixing with Servant Bone Mohe's Three Jewels, and then slowly submerged into the opponent's spinal cord and became part of the opponent.

He turned into a demon, as long as the servant bone Mohe martial arts will not die, the demon seed will not return!

If one day the servant bone Mohe dies, the Demon Seed will seize all the Dao Fruit of the other party and become a part of Zhang Bairen's body.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Zhang Bairen kept urging the Demon Seed, and the energy of the Demon Seed diffused every inch of skin and every inch of Mo He's body.

Outside the prison

The Turkic messenger carried Sibi Khan and stood in front of the prison gate.

"Is there anyone in prison?" Shibi Khan's eyes were full of arrogance.

"Next to Zhao Deyu, I have seen the king" Zhao Deyu stepped forward to respectfully salute.

"This king has an order from the emperor. If you want to extract the servant bone Mohe, you can hand over the servant bone Mohe as quickly as possible!" Shibi Khan exclaimed and said Zhao Deyu's expression changed. : "The emperor's warrant?"

A Turkic guard opened the imperial decree, Zhao Deyu looked at the imperial decree, his expression suddenly changed, and then said: "Everyone, wait a minute!"

Zhao Deyu turned around to inform Zhang Bairen, knowing that Zhang Bairen had not completely controlled the servant bone Mohe. Although he did not understand Zhang Bairen's methods, he knew that he could not really hand over the servant bone Mohe at this time.

"My lord? Is that the imperial decree of the emperor?" An official in the prison asked worriedly.

"The sky can't fall! Besides, when the sky has fallen, there is a tall man against it, and the governor is inside. How afraid are we?" Zhao Deyu said to the guards around him: "Go out and tell them that the imperial decree alone is not enough. Commander’s warrant, I will wait to open the edict and release people."

The guards had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk out to Shibi Khan and the group of people: "Everyone, it's not enough to have the imperial decree alone. I need a warrant from the chief governor before I can let them go."

Shibi Khan’s one-armed guard's eyes flickered, and he scolded: "The imperial edict is the will of the emperor, can the command of the chief governor be higher than the emperor?"

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