First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 997: Retreat


Looking at the back of Wugou's long-term grandson, Li Shimin sat uneasy, trance. He took a few sips of tea and put it down, then picked up and drank a few more cups, the cycle continued.

Chunguijun did not know when he appeared next to Li Shimin, but when Li Shimin found out, Chunguijun was already sitting opposite Li Shimin.

"Sir!" Li Shimin cried out in a daze.

"If you can't let it go, you can't bear it, then go and have a look!" Chunguijun picked up the tea and took a sip.

"I" Li Shimin opened his mouth.

"Go!" Chunguijun shook his head.

Li Shimin put down the tea cup, and without a word, immediately ordered the guards: "Go and find the Mohist institution beast with me."

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen is in retreat for repairs. No one knows that Zhang Bairen is about to break through the realm, and Zhang Bairen dare not spread the incident.

During this period of time, regardless of the earth-shaking outsiders, I must never go out! Yu Juluo died in battle, and there is no safer place in the world than at the feet of Luoyang City Emperor.

As for going to the palace to retreat? The imperial palace is the residence of the emperor, and the dragon pressure is too large, but it is useless with Tao.

"Sir, Li Shimin is here!" The voice of the guard came from outside the door.

"Li Shimin?" A weird color flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes: "Sell him in! Take him directly to see Changsun Wuguo."

The guards left, leaving Zhang Bairen sitting cross-legged in the yard with his eyes looking into the distance: "Li Shimin is here! Li Shimin is here! Li Shimin is here! Li Shimin can help me even more and shake Chang Sun Wugu's heart. It's easier to extract the congenital qi from the body of the grandson Wuku."

Three days have passed. When Zhang Bairen met his grandson Wuguo again, Li Shimin and his grandson Wuguo were sitting in the courtyard.

Changsun Wugou turned his back to Li Shimin with a sullen face. Li Shimin was close to Changsun Wugou and kept saying pleasing things.

"General Governor!" Seeing Zhang Bairen walk in, Changsun Wugou stood up and saluted blankly. While Li Shimin sat on the stone bench with a cold face, a flame was slowly brewing in his eyes.

"The complexion has improved a lot!" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Sun Wugou's qi and blood, and then nodded. In the past few days, Zhang Sun Wugou has adjusted a lot.

Changsun Wugou smiled reluctantly, and Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin: "Oh, Lord Li is here! It's too polite to have to come for this kind of thing in person!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the blue veins on his forehead began to twist and become uneven, making him angry.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Bairen looked at Changsun Wugu.

Changsun Wugu turned and looked at Li Shimin, his eyes fixedly looking at Li Shimin for a long time.

Li Shimin closed his eyes and said stiffly: "Go, good life to serve the general governor!"

"Well" Changsun Wukui's eyes were red with tears, and his eyes looked at Li Shimin disappointedly, his words were cold, and he resisted his grievances and said: "Okay! I must serve the general governor!"

Li Shimin didn't know what was going on at this time, this kind of remark was definitely not something he should have said, but he seemed to be out of control, so he said it like this.

This was definitely not what I meant, but the taste changed when I heard the words.

Changsun Wugu suddenly flicked his sleeves and turned and walked towards the backyard. Zhang Bairen's mouth was curled up, revealing a weird smile, and his gaze at Li Shimin was strange.

"The five gods and ghosts are really easy to use!" Zhang Bairen saluted Li Shimin: "Thank you for the completion of the second son."

"Hmph, your avenue hasn't been completed, don't pretend, don't you dare to break the avenue without success!" Li Shimin said with a cold expression.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, turned and walked into the backyard, Jing Wuming walked out of Zhang Bairen's shadow and sneaked under the locust tree outside the gate.

far away

Xu Fu looked at Yu Juluo's body, then looked at the people in the yard, and sighed softly: "I hope you can come! We need you, and your Majesty also needs you!"

The backyard was elegant and surrounded by bamboo forests. Zhang Sun Wugou knelt and sat across from Zhang Bairen. Between the two was a small desk. Tea was boiling on the desk and Zhang Bairen was making tea.

"Drink tea!" Zhang Bairen looked at the pale, pale grandson Wu Gu, and slowly poured a cup of tea.

The tea splashed, surprisingly calmed people's mood, and the trembling body of Wuguo, the grandson, returned to silence.

With a flick of a finger, the bamboo leaves in the surrounding bamboo forest are intertwined, surrounding the entire courtyard, and outsiders cannot see any movement in the courtyard.

After taking a sip of tea, Changsun Wugu stood up and stretched out his hands with a stupid expression to unbutton his body. The coat was taken off in the blink of an eye, revealing his white underwear.

"What are you doing? Is it hot?" Zhang Bairen was stunned as he watched Changsun Wuku's movements.

Wu Gu's movements froze in mid-air, and the words were full of icy coldness, and the icy soul seemed to be frozen: "You called me, isn't it just for this thing! Don't you men like this mouthful?"

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly: "I haven't done anything in Taoism, how can I take advantage of you?"

"It turns out that it can't work, then you tell me to come to the backyard to do something!" Changsun Wugu looked at Zhang Bairen with pitiful eyes. Even Zhang Bairen couldn't help but feel angry with such a pity.

"Look at the girl's innate heat for a use!" Zhang Bairen said helplessly.


Changsun Wugou slowly sat opposite Zhang Bairen, but did not put on his coat, but looked out of the courtyard: "You said, after today, what face do I have to face?"

"There is nothing wrong with you and me, how can you not be a person?" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

"Since the moment I stepped into the backyard, everything has changed, including my life!" Wugou's eyes were lost, and he said after a while: "Your house is so deserted, there is no incense burner."

While speaking, Changsun Wugu slowly took out a piece of spice from his sleeve: "This was given to me by Li Yuan last year. It was called: six pure incense. After burning, the six desires will not produce, and the seven emotions will be destroyed. It is most beneficial to cultivate Taoism. "

"Oh? There is such a strange thing in the world? Rare! Rare! Don't worry, the governor has a clear mind and will definitely not take advantage of you. Even Liu Xiahui may not be as good as me!" Zhang Bairen smiled, but didn't think much.


The censer was lit, and the person who smelled it cleared his mind, and the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared in a moment.

"Sheng Pin" Zhang Bairen praised.

"This is something produced by Shaolin Temple. When Shaolin was destroyed, these six pure incense were also divided up!" Changsun Wugou put down the incense burner and slowly sat opposite Zhang Bairen.

Looking at the haggard woman, Zhang Bairen sighed: "Buddha is like weeds, which can be burned and blown again!"

"Let's start, I don't know how you can extract the congenital chaos in my body" Changsun Wugu looked at Zhang Bairen with big eyes, showing a curious look.

Congenital Chi is a good thing, but it is full of losses, and too much becomes a life-threatening thing.

"Come here and sit cross-legged!" Zhang Bairen waved his sleeves, put away the coffee table, and sat cross-legged opposite Changsun Wukui. The six pure incenses are indeed top-grade, and even the temptation brought by the congenital qi is also caused by this incense. Smooth.

The two sat down with their arms and legs touching each other. Zhang Bairen looked at Wuguo, the divine nature between his brows, and the yang energy in his body was ready to go: "You and I have foreheads, and the rest of this matter doesn't need the girl to worry about."

Changsun Wugou nodded when he heard the words, and slowly drew his forehead towards him. There was a shameful blush on his face. No matter Zhang Bairen's forehead was in contact with him, the temperature of the two bodies intertwined, and his breath was clearly audible.

"I'm starting to work!" Zhang Bairen silently ran the Dao Fei Demon Dafa, an invisible gravitational force came from Zhang Bairen's eyebrows and ancestor orifices through the skin, and went towards the soul of Wugou.

The brain is the head of the human body, and there are ancestral orifices in it, which is the root of human innate qi.

There is a middle dantian under the ancestral aperture, located between the breasts.

Below it is the lower pubic field, and the pubic field contains countless treasures.

There is a saying in the practice world that it is called ‘the true bud of the resurrection of the three fields of rebirth.’


Zhang Bairen's brain exploded, and since the congenital qi in the grandson Wugou's body was passed on, Zhang Bairen's divinity in his body was cheered, and suddenly swallowed the congenital qi.

But seeing that the congenital Qi is refined by the divine nature, and the divine thoughts feed back the small world. As the congenital Qi merges into the small world, the divine nature and the small world quietly have a mysterious connection.

"Not enough! Still not enough!" The divinity seemed to have turned into a giant whirlpool, continuously plundering the congenital chaos within Wu Gu's body.

Innate Chi is the foundation of everything, the root of heaven and earth!

The birth of Zhang Bairen's body is a castrated version of the arrogant world, just like a child born with inadequate origin. The congenital qi is a wonderful thing that can complement the congenital origin, with mysterious and unpredictable power.

The heavens and all things, whether human or demon, the innate qi in the body at birth is fixed, and you can't get one more point. If a creature is born and does not know how to cultivate, this innate chaos will return to the world after the death of a creature. If you know how to practice, then the innate qi is the foundation of practice.

Only by refining and transforming the innate qi of the human body can it turn the emptiness into harmony, and then steal the infinite creation between the heaven and the earth and transform it into an immortal and indestructible Yang God.

outside world

Li Shimin saw Zhang Bairen and Changsun Wuku walking into the small courtyard, but they were restless and restless, standing up and sitting down sometimes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh!" For a long time Li Shimin sighed helplessly, sat down on the stone bench, as if the mud had been taken out of bones, and the bluestone around him was caught into powder.

"What can I do! What can I do! The life of my Li family can't be saved! Except for the eldest brother, everyone has planted Zhang Bairen's methods, what can I do?" Li Shimin was bleeding in his heart.

This may be the hero, who knows how to be willing and knows great cause!

This is growth, knowing the cruelty of the world!

"I just hate that I don't have the power to suppress the world, so why not Zhang Bairen, a dog thief!" Li Shimin's mouth escaped with a little blood.

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