First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1005: Space-time interference

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"Oh!" Looking at the bearded man, Zhang Bairen uttered a soft oh, and stroked the ten-day Liantian map in his hand: "If you two come to my house, if you don't give me an explanation, I'm afraid I can't make it!

"Hongfu!" Li Jing's eyes fixed on Hongfu, and he shouted anxiously, his voice full of anxiety.

In this world, one thing falls down, and heroes are saddened by beauty.

"My brother is willing to pay any price, as long as the Governor returns my third sister!" The Qiu Shaker said solemnly: "The Governor has always been a eloquent and open character. We don't need to talk nonsense, as long as the Governor is willing to return Hong Fu, no matter what. What conditions, my brother must go through all fire and water without hesitation."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen raised his head from the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, and looked up and down the Qiu Luke and Li Jing: "If I ask your brother to destroy the Taiyuan Li Family Mansion for me, I wonder if your brother will or will not?"

"No!" Li Jing categorically rejected Zhang Bairen's words without waiting for the bearded customer to speak.

"To kill the innocent indiscriminately, if my brother doesn't get rid of it, it would be better for the governor to kill my brother with a sword." The beardless guest hurriedly said, adding to Li Jing's words.

Looking at the two people below, Zhang Bairen moved his finger across the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, and turned to look at Hong Fu: "I feel that the guilty bearded person loves you more than Li Jing's little white face. Is it because the girl judges people by their appearance?"

Hong Fu said respectfully: "The governor joked, Hong Fu would not run away with Li Lang if he was so powerful. I met Li Jing first, and my eldest brother later. It’s not so much. ."

"What if I kill Li Jing?" Zhang Bairen's remarks punish the heart, this is to instigate the relationship between the stunner and Li Jing.

"Even if the governor kills Li Jing, Zhang Zhongjian will never hit his younger siblings. The governor must not instigate separation!" Zhang Zhongjian said quickly.

On the one hand, Li Jing said, "Although the governor does not scrupulously act, he also knows the righteousness and is dedicated to the great Sui. Li Jing admires it. Hong Fu is not a little girl, so why should the governor embarrass her? It is better for the governor to let Hong Fu go. Li Jing is responsible for this."

"I'm afraid you can't afford it!" Zhang Bairen sighed slightly, and looked down at the Ten Day Liantian Tu: "The Governor hates the people of the Li family the most. The bearded guest stays, and Hongfu sees off!"

Hong Fu Girl lowered her head and came to Li Jing, lowered her throat and said, "Go away, you don't even know how powerful the Metropolitan Governor is, how amazing the Dao Gong has been!"

Li Jing stared firmly at Hong Fu, looking at those stubborn eyes, and said firmly: "I will ask Tang Guogong, Guo Gong must have a way."

After speaking, Li Jing turned and left, leaving Zhang Zhongjian standing in the courtyard.

For Li Jing, Zhang Bairen really appreciates it. If he is called to expand the territory of the Great Sui Dynasty in the future, instead of wasting his talents on this kind of infighting, the effect will be better.

Whether it is Li Jing or the bearded guest, they are all loyal and righteous people. It is not ordinary difficult for him to take refuge in and betray Li Yuan. Fortunately, Zhang Bairen has a bargaining chip in his hands, a bargaining chip that can restrain Li Jing.

"The Governor stayed here, I don't know what's going on?" Zhang Zhongjian looked at Zhang Bairen with a wry smile.

"Please watch a good show!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes and began to spit out the power of the sun between heaven and earth. The power of the red sun was like strips of silk and was continuously swallowed into his body.

"Through the essence of the sun and the moon, Dadu Duguo is very human!" Seeing this scene, the Qiu Yanke was amazed.

A ray of the sun's power from Zhang Bairen's fingertips was poured into the time refining the sky, and time was distorted and leaped. Zhang Bairen seemed to have come to the era of recklessness at this moment.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven was standing on the top of the clouds with his hands on his back, looking down at the masses of sentient beings below, and after a while he looked at the sun, staring at the sun silently.

"The sun is the gear of time. As long as I can control the power of the sun, I can touch the traces of time. It is no joke to reverse time and return to the ancient times! It is not a whimsical thing!" The Emperor of Heaven took a step forward, surpassing the endless void, and descended on In the sun star, the surrounding Taotao sun was really fired up, but seeing the purple emperor dragon flowing around the emperor's body, he actually suppressed the explosion flame abruptly.

"Everything in the world has a soul, and ten golden crows are the soul of the sun! As long as I can refine the soul of the sun, I can touch the power of time!" Although the emperor is powerful, facing the vast and infinite sun star, Still very small.

It is even more whimsical to find ten golden crows bred by the sun from the endless flames. This is simply impossible.

"Bang" saw the Tiandi twisted and turned into a strange flame, floating aimlessly in the void.

One year

ten years


Zhang Bairen didn't know how long it had passed. He only heard a cry, as if he was about to shake his body apart.

Ten scorching little suns suddenly rushed out from the sun star, and headed towards the flame floating in the heart, as if the flame exuded a fatal attraction, and wanted to swallow the flame.

The Emperor of Heaven did not resist, but took the initiative to cater to the pull of the ten golden crows, and was torn apart by the ten golden crows in an instant.

"Naughty animal, don't return quickly!" Seeing that the ten golden crows were about to return to the sun star, suddenly they saw ten figures sitting on the golden crow's back, pinching the magic tricks in their hands, and trying to surrender and suppress the golden crow.

How many golden crows exist, every one of them is not weaker than the real person of the sun god, almost immortal, even the emperor can not have ten golden crows.

After a cry, only ten golden crows were about to turn back to the sun star. Of course, the emperor did not dare to call the ten golden crows to turn back to the sun star.

Moreover, I want to trick the ten golden crows out of the grass and startle the snake.

In the courtyard

At the critical moment, Zhang Bairen suddenly did not know why, and a flower appeared in his hand when Ji Ling moved.

What color is that flower?

The beards, Jing Wuming, and Hong Fu were all fascinated by the color of the flower. Zhang Bairen was originally meditating and suddenly came up with a flower that could not describe the color. This flower seemed to contain infinite meaning, and all his own ways of practice included Here.

"Cause and effect!" Zhang Bairen gently stretched out his hand, only to see a piece of white petals gently picked off by Zhang Bairen.

For some reason, a sense of irritability suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts. It seemed that this perfect good fortune had been broken by others, and they wanted to step forward and grab Zhang Bairen for a while.

With a flick of his finger, this petal disappeared out of thin air, and the flawless flower also quietly disappeared.

In the endless time and space, the face of the emperor changed wildly, and his voice was shocked, filled with endless regrets: "Oh! These ten golden crows have boundless mana and vast magical powers. They are born gods and blessed by the will of the sun star. I can't surrender at all. ."

While speaking, seeing that the Emperor of Heaven was about to give up the conquest of the ten golden crows, a strange fragrance came from heaven and earth.

Xihe can be sure that he has never smelled such a strange fragrance.

Then I saw the overwhelming petals falling from the sky, and all of the world was full of endless petals, and the starry sky became a sea of ​​petals for a time.

The petals entangled the ten golden crows, and there was no room for the ten golden crows to resist. They had been integrated into their body, and they had formed endless causes and effects.

The starry sky calmed down in an instant, and the ten golden crows struggled and stopped, as if they had accepted their fate. The sun **** fire that dissipated from their bodies turned into three-legged, majestic birds with golden light shining.

"Is this?" Xi and the ten sun gods gathered in an instant, standing in the starry sky and looking in all directions, respectfully clasping their fists together: "It's not just a great **** who helped, Xi and Ji thanked them."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Bairen was stunned. He stood in the starry sky and looked at the Chief Xihe, not knowing what he thought of in an instant.

"Why do these petals look so familiar?" Zhang Bairen asked himself secretly.

Seeing that no one answered, the emperor prayed three times, and saw his big sleeve waving, ten golden crows were put into his sleeve, and then he returned to the High Heaven Hall.

Back to the High Heaven Hall, I saw that the Emperor of Heaven was constantly observing the Golden Crow Aperture Point. The ten golden crows were dancing in the High Heaven Hall, which was quite lively.

As time went on, the emperor drew the outlines in his hands, and finally one after another tactics appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes.

This method seems very familiar: extract the origin of the sun from the hair washing and cutting the marrow and even through ten golden crows, shape your own bone marrow with the origin of the sun, and then use the power of the spinal cord to transform the I thought Does the kiln soil make blue and white porcelain?

Yes, the sun's origin replaced the bone marrow and turned into the flame of the kiln soil for barbecue, and his bones were the kiln soil.

The blue and white porcelain grilled with the power of the sun must be the purest, pure and strong thing in the world.

Then the Emperor of Heaven received the magic formula and began to spit out the power of the sun to cleanse the hair.

"Om!" Time and space are distorted, and Zhang Bairen's consciousness returns instantly. This ten-day sky-refining picture contains a world-shaking secret, and the imprint contained in its image is absolutely priceless.

"For these treasures, it seems that I still owe a lot of Pure Yang Taoism. The cultivation method is not Chinese cabbage trading, and the price is not at my own discretion. What is owed is owed. There are not so many ways and ways. This is cause and effect." Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes. , But noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere in the yard, and all three of them stared at themselves.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen unhurriedly rolled up the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, eyes full of surprise.

"Captain, the flower in your hand was so beautiful!" Hong Fu couldn't help but said, eyes full of small stars.

"If the governor doesn't destroy the flowers in a thorny way, take off a flower, it should be better! The governor is thorny in destroying the flowers, and the old man can't help but beat the governor to death!" Jing Wuming smiled.

"What flower? What tricky destroying the flower?" Zhang Bairen was stunned for a moment, scratching his head.

Look at me and I look at you. I saw the red brush crackling and said before, "I waited for the three to see the governor meditate, but half a time, the governor appeared extremely beautiful. The flower, I couldn't help being intoxicated, and then the governor reached out and plucked a flower, and then the petal was gone."

ps: I watched "Shen Gongbao's Inheritance" last night. The author was so awesome. I learned a bit and went to bed early in the morning. I haven't added any changes these days... I'm tired.

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