First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1007: Smelt bone marrow

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The sun is permanent!

Since the beginning of the world, the sun represents eternity.

"This is the true will of the sun! To moisturize all things and the common people!" Zhang Bairen felt the will of the sun in the Golden Crow, slowly touching and stealing it.

The Sun's will is hidden in the deepest part of the Golden Crow's bloodline. At this time, the Golden Crow is still tens of thousands of miles away from Dacheng. The will in the Golden Crow's bloodline will naturally not be released easily. Relying on the golden crow to practice hard in the sun star, can it truly break the shackles and turn into the will of the sun.

However, these ten golden crows are different from the traditional ten golden crows. These ten golden crows are the divine fetuses of Zhang Bairen's three-yang rectification practice. The divine fetuses are the condensation of Zhang Bairen's spirit and spirit, and are the products of Zhang Bairen himself. So Zhang Bairen could steal the will of the sun without being counterattacked by the will of the sun.

Zhang Bairen didn't know how the Heavenly Emperor Xi and how he obtained the will of the sun, but those were ten golden crows in the realm of Dacheng Realm, and he didn't know how powerful it was to surrender.

Of course, the realm of Tiandi's cultivation was not what Zhang Bairen could imagine.

In the dark, the will from the depths of the bloodline slowly moved to the depths of the bones, the bone marrow was slowly flowing, and Zhang Bairen could clearly'see' that the will gradually merged with his bone marrow.

Ask the boundless earth, but I am eternal!

Slowly opening his eyes, Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and a plain white flower appeared in his palm.

It's that flower again! Flowers that attracted three people!

Zhang Bairen pulled out his palm and saw a petal slowly being pulled off.

What was pulled out was just the brand, and the real petals still dazzled the flowers.


One becomes two, two becomes three, three begets infinite, everything is born!

The overwhelming petals distorted the space, and a small sun slowly descended on the scene.

Retire! Jing Wuming instantly retreated into the shadow of Zhang Bairen. The red whisk and the guillotiner jumped into the lake together, and the misty water of the lake evaporated one meter in a moment, and the overwhelming mist rose into the sky.

Zhang Bairen actually twisted the void and slowly summoned a golden crow from the sun star.

The Golden Crow hovered and fell behind Zhang Bairen's head, like a pendant, a mysterious power spread from the Yuzhen acupoint.

Zhang Bairen’s power in the bloodline of the Golden Crow was awakened by Zhang Bairen. There was a cry of the Golden Crow. A ray of the sun was summoned by him, slowly coming from the Yuzhen acupoint towards the Lumen, and then Santian returned with a wisp. The quintessence of the original power was absorbed by his innate qi, exchanged blood, followed the call of the will of the sun in the dark, and entered Zhang Bairen's bone marrow.

This step is also the most important step, integrating this ray of the sun's origin with the will of the sun, and then completely integrating with Zhang Bairen's bone marrow, transforming it into one, and ever since then, endless and endless.

This step is the most difficult step and the most critical step.

"This is... the ancient sacred beast Golden Crow!" The bearded guy opened his eyes wide from the lake, as if it were cooked prawns, blushing and looking at the golden shadow with a thick neck.

The petals are distorted, distorting the space, and all visions are confined within a range, and there is no way to leak.

"Golden Crow...Isn't this the legendary ancient beast? How come there will be Golden Crows!" The stunner felt like he was going crazy: "The Golden Crow is in his hands, and the chaos in the world can beat the power of the Golden Crow? Under the power of the Golden Crow. , Everything will be turned into scorched earth, and the governor’s cards are too deep."

"If it weren't for the governor to have the people in his heart, I'm afraid that all the chaotic parties in the world have been wiped out!" Hong Funu's eyes are full of worry. Zhang Bairen has the ancient beast Golden Crow. Can Li Jing and Li Yuan really succeed in rebelling?

"The Master's Profound Art is unfathomable, and it is incredible to wipe out such a celestial phenomenon and shroud it within a short distance!" The beard was shaking, everyone underestimated the young man's ability.

Zhang Bairen sat down with his eyes closed, immersed in the will of the sun at this moment, as if he had transformed into the will of the sun at this moment, and everything in the world was shrouded in his own glory.

Reaching out again, a petal was pinched by it on the fingertips, and then gently flexed.


Time and space were distorted again, and the bearded man and Hong Fu had completely sunk in the water, not daring to look more. I just felt that there was a golden crow coming again in the sky, and the whole courtyard was anxious, so that people's eyes were blinded, and they didn't dare to open them.

Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, the old monk no longer, the second golden crow fell on the Baihui point on Zhang Bairen's head, a ray of the sun descended from its origin and entered the bone marrow in his skull.

The third sun fell down and fell on Zhang Bairen’s shoulders. The third golden crow and the fourth golden crow fell at the same time. The power of the two suns flowed along the two shoulder wells, and the power of the sun inside it fell and melted into Twenty-four spine behind. The fifth Golden Crow and the sixth Golden Crow landed on both arms, and the seventh and eighth Golden Crow landed on the knees. The ninth golden crow and the tenth golden crow landed in the middle and lower pubic fields.

Time and space seemed to be distorted, ten golden crows entered Zhang Bairen's acupuncture points around his body, and the yard returned to peace again.

The lake boiled, and the beards and red whiskers, like cooked ducks, came out of the lake one after another. They looked at the fog and couldn't see Zhang Bairen.

The misty hand can't see the five fingers, the hand can't see the five fingers really.

The earth turned into colored glaze, and a layer of crystal clear colored glaze circulated slowly.

The small courtyard is in full swing, and there is no fluctuation outside the small courtyard.

How to thoroughly integrate the origin of the sun with one's own bones?

The divine fetus bred by the Three-Yang-rectification method was finally used.


The void was distorted, the sky full of petals turned into nothingness, ten golden crows flew out of Zhang Bairen's body, the rendered sky turned into golden red, and the small courtyard restored tranquility.

The ten golden crows flew away, but Zhang Bairen's Taoism continued.


The hot one is going to explode!

Even if there is the will of the sun in his body, and the ten golden crow's divine fetuses are restrained by it, Zhang Bairen feels that his body is about to be boiled.

This is an illusion, but it is true.

The temperature of Zhang Bairen's exhalation can twist the air, place his thumb on his middle finger, and lightly flick his finger, a drop of real water flies out, the fog disappears in a moment, and he returns to the lake again.

"General Governor!" Looking at Zhang Bairen, who was all over his body, the guillotine and Hong Fu exclaimed.

"It's okay!" Looking at the dead fish and shrimps in the lake, Zhang Bairen once again flicked his fingers, and the sky full of petals came out again, only to see the life and death reversal where the petals fell, and all the cooked fish and shrimps actually survived.

It's just that layer of colored glaze in the courtyard, but there is nothing to do.

Although the petals are the mark of the avenue and are illusory, they can also turn the imaginary into reality. If you can hold it in the illusory time, everything will naturally recover when the time is up. If it changes during the illusory time, the illusion will become real.

For example, Zhang Bairen's rebellious yin and yang exercises removed the body and arms of the guillotiner, but he did not refine his head, so as long as the time is up, everything about the guillotiner will be restored. If within the illusory time, the guilty beard is refined to death, and his body and head are refined to death, even if the petals disappear, he is really dead.

The life and death of the branded petals are between the lines. It is so wonderful that even the master Zhang Bairen can't fully grasp it.

For example, the fish and shrimp in the pond, the illusory brand reversed life and death. If these fish and shrimp are resurrected, they will really be resurrected. If there is a little bit of death that is not reversed, the reversal will fail.

Speaking of a bit dizzy, it can be explained like this. For example, if you are born with 90% vitality and 10% lifelessness, then this person is just a serious illness, not a dead person. But if you use the brand of illusion to wash away 90% of the dead energy and turn that 90% of dead energy into life, if the remaining 10% of dead energy is not refined, it will be considered a failure, and this person will die. , The previous effort was wasted.

It can be said that if the original imprint of illusion becomes real in the space of illusory law, then everything will become real. If it turns into a real failure, then all efforts are failures.

"Capital Governor!" The Qiu Luke and Hong Fu walked up together.

Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and operated Dao Gong silently. At this time, the divine fetus, bone marrow, the origin of the sun, and the will were fused, and a part of the power was vented, constantly changing Zhang Bairen's body.

Melting impurities in Zhang Bairen's body! The essence of Zhang Bairen's body.

"Capital Governor, are you getting smaller?" I wonder if it is an The bearded man discovered that Zhang Bairen was an inch shorter.

The power of the sun refines the impurities in the bones, succinct one's own blood, shrinking is normal.

Not only will it become shorter now, but it will continue to become shorter in the future, until the body can't shrink, and then it will slowly grow up.

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen's clothes ignited, all turned into ashes.

Looking at something swaying in the wind, Hong Fu let out a scream, suddenly turned around and covered his eyes.

Zhang Bairen waved his big sleeves without changing his face, and the Ten Days Liantiantu turned into a windbreaker, covering the whole person in the windbreaker.


Zhang Bairen didn't control the Qi machine in his body, the overwhelming heat flew out of the pores, and all was absorbed by the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, nourishing the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, who had never received aura for thousands of years.

The shoes under my feet turned into ashes, and the bluestone on the ground turned into glazed color, continuously turning red and twisting.

When smelting the bone marrow, one shouldn't absorb the power in the body in this way. If the impurities that are smelted out of the body cannot be drained out in time, it will endanger the body and ruin the way.

Except for the robes of Liantiantu in Ten Days, Zhang Bairen couldn't wear any clothes.

"Captain, shouldn't you be in a delusion!" The Qiu squeaked his heart and trembled when he saw it.

"Brilliant!" Zhang Bairen put his hands behind his back, and his whole body was shrunk in his sleeves: "The governor can only practice a kind of Taoism!" Zhang Bairen looked at the bearded guest and Hong Fu: "It's just that the governor will not be able to see people in the future!"

Zhang Bairen controlled the power at his feet, and countless impurities flowed into the earth along the Yongquan acupoint, gradually spreading the heat away, avoiding the astonishing vision.

ps: Thank you for your rewards from the classmates of "Criminal Mortal Chen". Don't give rewards. Jiu Ming has allergic eyes and nose. The latest update is not fast, and the rewards will not be added. Therefore, don't give a reward to you.

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