First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1015: General trend!

Seeing Changsun Wuji walking in, Changsun Wugu paled with a smile: "It's nothing serious, but the weather has become warmer recently and I accidentally caught a cold and hurt my liver."

The eldest grandson Wugou Xianhui understands the general situation, but there are some things that he can't tell his natal family. Changsun Wuji and Li Shimin are friends of Commonwealth. The two sides have a profound friendship. Changsun Wugu naturally doesn't want to plant the seeds of discord between them.

Moreover, the ugliness of the family should not be publicized. As long as the eldest grandson is Wugou and not stupid, he would not say anything between him and Zhang Bairen.

"Don't worry, if Li Er dares to bully you, I won't forgive him!" Changsun Wuji sat next to Changsun Wugu, looking at the river below: "Tomorrow, I will go to Liaodong with the second son, you alone Take care of yourself at home."

Speaking of this, Changsun Wuji said: "Father misses you a little bit. People will always miss their children when they are old. Take time to check it out."

Changsun Wugou nodded: "Save it! Little girl save it!"

Luoyang City

Yang Guang looked at the map in his hand, slowly tapping the case with his fingers and said nothing.

"I have searched for a full twenty-five years, but I have not seen any traces. According to my inference, the image of the mountain and river is in Liaodong, sealing an ancient demon god. Only by offering blood to the demon **** can the demon **** have the power to break the seal. Only then did I have the opportunity to collect the Shanhe Sheji drawings! Hundreds of thousands of people filled it in, but why didn’t the seal move so long? Could it be that the devil is dead?"

"Everyone in the world believes that I am ignorant, tyrannical and inhumane. The army of Zhuojun is a deterrent to the world, but I don't know that I am the only one to attack the west!" Yang Guang squinted his eyes: "When I get the pictures of the mountains and rivers, you will know who is a fool!" Yang Guang’s eyes were full of disdain: "If I hadn't been searching for the pictures of mountains and rivers, how could I cruise the world over the years?"

Everyone has a game of chess in his heart, a game of chess that belongs only to him.

Second sign arrives as scheduled

The mighty Son of Heaven could not see the edge at a glance.

Zhang Bairen led the guillotine bearer and Hong Fu sitting on the straw cart. The guilty bearded guest drove the carriage, Zhang Bairen shrank in the straw and rested on Hong Fu's thigh.

Although Hong Fu's eyes wished to kill, he had to obey Zhang Bairen's will.

To be honest, Zhang Bairen treats himself well.

Hong Fu does not hate Zhang Bairen, not at all.

All kinds of genius treasures can be used by themselves, even at the mercy of personally pointing them to enlightenment.

The skewers driving the carriage looked at the tall straw from time to time, and his eyes seemed to be able to burst out fire and burn everything.

Zhang Bairen's head was actually resting on Hongfu's thigh, which was absolutely unforgivable in the eyes of the stunner. If it is not for his own strength and Zhang Bairen, he must have a theory with the other party to let the other party know that they respect women.

On a restaurant in Luoyang City

Li Mi stood upstairs and watched the mighty army drive out of Luoyang City, squinting for a long time without words.

By his side, Li Jiancheng smiled and said: "Pu Shan Gong has no plan, this time it depends on Pu Shan Gong's ability, and he is about to use Yang Xuangan's hand to test the details of the Sui Dynasty."

"How to approach Yang Xuangan?" Li Mi looked at Li Jiancheng.

Li Jiancheng smiled: "Just wait for the news."

Yang Mansion

Yang Xuangan sat silently in front of the case and drank a few drinks. For some reason, there were countless beauties in Yang's mansion, but he was extremely infatuated with Hongfu. Even though the dancing girl was more beautiful than Hong Fu, she couldn't match the other's finger in Yang Xuangan's eyes.

"Young Master Yang is drinking boring wine again?" There was a sound of footsteps, and someone came in from a distance.

"Why are you here!" Yang Xuan was stunned when he looked at the person coming.

"Oh, Hong Fu fell in Zhang Bairen's hands, but I was helpless! I watched my beloved fall into the hands of others, suffering from the devil's flogging day and night, suffering beyond words but powerless, I can't wait to die! But I know I can't die If I were to die, Hong Fu would never have any hope of escaping from the devil's grasp!" The visitor drank a glass of wine in pain, "My beloved woman was whipped by others, but there is nothing I can do but to watch me."

"Bang!" The stone table turned into powder, Yang Xuan drank a glass of wine in pain, and roared: "Stop talking!"

"Zhang Bairen relied on Da Sui, and Da Sui survived. No one can move him. How can Hong Fu get out of purgatory?" The man looked at Yang Xuan in pain: "He has no power and power, but Brother Yang is a powerful man. It’s just that Brother Yang refused to act, how can Hongfu be saved and how to get free."

As he spoke, the figure stumbled and left with drunken eyes.

"I don't want to save it, I don't want to save it! I can't save it!" Yang Xuan drank the drink in pain, infecting his clothes one bite at a time: "It's Daddy who doesn't let it! It's Daddy who doesn't let it!"

As he was talking, suddenly he heard only a sound of footsteps: "Master, it's not good, the people from Lingbao and Shangqing came to the door again, and asked the master to go to the rescue quickly, otherwise the master is in danger!"

Yang Xuan felt most of the wine sober after hearing this, and hurriedly walked out of the city towards Yang Su's graveyard.

"This is Yang Su's tomb?"

"You must drive Yang Su into a desperate situation, so that Yang Su has to rebel!"

"Everyone, don't be merciful, Yang Su is not that easy to kill!"

The sun gods gathered one after another, sneaking into the tomb one after another.


Yang Su was soaked in the magma, only to hear a loud laugh from the channel: "Hahaha, Yang Su, you old thief hide here."

Yang Su was startled, and then his eyes were splitting: "The old man avoids everywhere and waits for you in all possible ways. I never imagined that you could get into the old man's nest without thinking about it. It's just bullying too much! Too much bullying! The old man fights with you. , The big deal is over, we will die together."

With a roar, Yang Su greeted all the real Yang Gods in the sky. In a moment, the two sides became a ball and the tomb was turned upside down.

Talisman, red thread, and glutinous rice are all the nemesis of Yang Su, and there are Taoist priests who specialize in thunderfa in Beitianshidao, just like a mouse encountering a cat, and they are naturally restrained.

When Yang Su met this group of monks who used zombies as a means, he was only beaten.

"I've already got the blood of the Drought Mane. All I lack is time. Why are you not willing to give me time? You are forcing me! You are forcing me!" Yang Su was full of flames, thunder and axe slashed, Zhou himself There is no good place.

"Yang Su, I'm also following orders, so don't blame me for waiting," the Shangqing Taoist said helplessly.

Red lines intertwined in the air, constantly tying Yang Su’s limbs. It is strange to say that Yang Su, who can pull mountains and seas, faces the small red rope, but has no choice but to be tied up. .

"Damn it!" Yang Su gritted his teeth: "If the old man becomes enlightened in the future, he will destroy the celestial master, Lingbao, and the Shangqing. Most governors mistake me! Most governors mistake me!"

"Yang Su, the memory of zombies becoming a Dao is empty, and it is impossible to retain memories of your lifetime. Why can you keep your memories of your lifetime!" Monk Maoshan Tao curiously looked at Yang Su: "There are countless zombies in the world, and you are the only exception. Don’t study who you study. ."

"Everyone, don't be wordy, since Yang Su started, let's take him away!" Another Taoist said.

Everyone led the red thread, and Yang Su was pulled out of the cave like a puppet. At this time, even if he had the power to reach the sky and the earth, he had no ability to resist, so he could only tie his hands.

"Bastard! Dare!" At this moment, Yang Xuangan came from a distance and slammed a punch, shocked that the real Yangshen had to disperse, and then Yang Xuangan suddenly pulled, and all the red lines were cut in two. .

"The Immeasurable Tianzun turned out to be Young Master Yang. Your father turned into a zombie and was an evil man. I was kind enough to wait for it. It should be understood that once Young Master Yang does evil things, he will inevitably involve future generations. It is better to seal him in my Maoshan Mountain. Duke Yang continues to be evil!" A Taoist said with great momentum.

"Bastard!" Yang Xuangan punched out: "I lost your mother."

With Yang Xuan feeling mixed, breaking everyone's red lines and spells, coupled with Yang Su's cooperation, everyone couldn't help Yang Su, and had to disappear and leave with a glance.

Looking at the embarrassed Yang Su, Yang Xuangan hurriedly said: "Father, are you all right?"

"The Governor mistaken me! The Governor mistaken me!" Yang Su's body was constantly shaking.

"Dad breaks through the drought is only a trace of the emperor's dragon energy, and the child is also bad luck. It can be seen that God is not bad. Now your Majesty is second to Goryeo. We are in charge of the important things in the gate. It is better to reverse his mother. As long as you and my father and son can break through, Father can live forever, and the child will turn into a **** who is not bad. Although this world is big, where can't you go?" Yang Xuangan stared at Yang Su firmly: "Father, there is only one chance, you have to think carefully!"

Yang Su heard the words and looked gloomy, and after a while, he said viciously: "It is better to rely on people than on yourself. When the majority supervises the three sects, the old man has long been made, you and my father and son His strength broke the gold, and now the Great Sui is so rotten to the bones that we can't stand our toss." Yang Xuangan looked overjoyed and supported Yang Su: "Father, we have a good life together."

"Hongfu, wait! It won't be long before I can **** you from Zhang Bairen's demon!" Yang Xuangan secretly said.

"If you want to rebel, you still need to find an opportunity. Millions of troops will gather in Zhuo County. If I can't grasp the opportunity, once your majesty turns the gun, I will be unable to stop the front of your majesty, but I can only turn into dust!" Yang Su murmured to himself: "I heard that Pushan Gong Li Mi is wise, you secretly sent someone to invite Li Mi to hold a grand event."

"Li Mi IV and San Gong, I am afraid that he would not be willing to swim in the muddy water. If the situation is unknown today, how can you dare to place bets at will?" Yang Xuangan said hesitantly.

"It's okay, the old man has Li Mi's handle. I'm not afraid that the kid won't serve our father and son. You first try to test the voices of various men, and then secretly repair Li Mi." Yang Su walked on the road, his eyes full of solemnity: "This is what you forced me The old man wanted to break through to the Dao with the help of drought and blood, but you were entangled and forced me to do this, then I can’t blame me. If you ask me to break through the realm, you have to keep the three sects, young and old, chickens and dogs. , All the disciples of the disciples must not draw their souls."

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