First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1028: Fate change

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Alright!" After a long time, I saw the grandson Wu Gu let out a long sigh of relief, and a touch of relief appeared in his eyes: "I will Say, my handprint can't lose its power! It's just that there are too many innate chakras stolen by that dog thief, and it's impossible to restore the cultivation base in a short time, but it is enough."

"Second Madam, are you okay?" The little maid looked at the strange movement of Changsun Wukui and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

Looking at the little maid, Changsun Wugou's complexion changed again, and then his complexion was gentle and said: "Ping'er, come here, my palace has a private message to tell you."

Ping'er walked over slowly, and slowly pressed her ears to see Wukuu's movements.

Wu Gu's fingers were attached to Ping'er's shoulder, and the next moment when the news fell on his shoulder well acupoint like lightning, a sharp knife in his hand pierced Ping'er's chest.

Looking at Ping'er's insatiable face, Changsun Wuku closed his eyes and gritted his teeth abruptly: "Why do you know too much?"

After speaking, the corpse powder was scattered, and the little maid lost her life.

"Once the news leaks out, my grandson's family will definitely not be at peace. Any hidden danger that may leak the information must not be left!" Changsun Wugou stood up with a cold complexion, and seemed to regain his former arrogance.

Korea Battlefield

The mighty and glorious aura rises into the sky, making people unavoidably shake their minds, and in an instant it has attracted many powerful eyes from the heavens and the earth.


Guan Zi showed his curiosity, combed his hair gently, and stepped forward towards Xiangnan.

"The troubled times are coming, there must be evil spirits. Looking at the East, it must be the evil spirits that were sealed in ancient times and are about to break the seal and re-emerge into the world. I don't know which way the evil spirits are." Guan Zi is growing lotus step by step, spanning thousands of miles in a few steps.


The light of the Buddha flickered, and the abbot of Falang Temple came towards Goryeo.

The young monks of King Kong, Faming, etc., the great powers of Buddhism gathered towards Goryeo.

Masters from all walks of life are secluded, and you may not be able to see them during the disasters, but they can be seen at any time on the day when this kind of treasure is born.

"That's it! It seems to be in trouble!" On the distant battlefield, Ulji Wende looked at the air that was constantly escaping from the air, revealing a panic.

The great wizard was frantic, and blood spurted wildly in his mouth: "Hahaha, hahaha, you dare to underestimate my witch clan Dafa, today I asked you to know how good my witch clan is."

Suddenly, the face of Ulji Wende on the opposite side changed, and he stretched out a finger, and the magic seeds slowly gathered. Before the great wizard reacted, it had fallen on his eyebrows.

One finger suppressed the Yuanshen in the opponent's body, and Ulchi Wende's words murmured: "South Xinjiang means, the governor has seen it, but such a big disaster can't make you continue to toss. The governor is about to take Nanjiang. When the operation is done, you, the elder of southern Xinjiang, took the initiative to send it to the door. If I don't do it, wouldn't I be worthy of such an opportunity?"

"You!" The elder stared at Ulji Wende, his eyes widened and his eyes fired, but he couldn't move a bit, and watched the Demon Seed enter his body.

Zhang Bairen now proves to be Yangshen, and his Taoism is almost incredible. The great wizard couldn't resist Zhang Bairen's will at all, but the armor that had been killed by Zhang Bairen in a moment was not left.

As the magic seed blended in, Ulji Wende sneered coldly: "Memories erased!"

In the next moment, peace was restored in the field, Ulji Wende and Wu Qi stared at them with big eyes. You look at me and I look at you, all weird.

"It seems that the situation is a bit weird, and I always feel something is wrong" Wu Qi scratched his head.

Ulchi Bunde's face changed wildly, and he felt that way. And every time something big happens, I feel this way. This feeling is quite unpleasant, but there is no way to resist it.

East China Sea

Wu Bufan took the yellow sand and withdrew from the Mazu legal realm. He was about to go to the East China Sea to guard the border, but suddenly his expression changed wildly: "How could this be?"

Sensing the mighty momentum in the direction of Goryeo, Wu Bufan quickly reached out and counted: "The timing is not right! The timing is not right! The timing is completely wrong. This time, something big will happen! My god-teaching millennium great cause is destroyed once, how could this be? Born early?"

"Niangniang, there is a great demon born in the middle-earth, and I also ask Niangniang to take the initiative to cast down the demons!" Wu Bufan looked respectfully at the Mazu world.

"The Emperor is here, it is inconvenient for this palace to take action, let's wait and see." Ma Zu's gaze also became solemn.

Donghai Dragon Palace

Prime Minister King Turtle's eight shells rolled and fell seven or eight times before hurriedly heading towards the Dragon Palace: "Great King! Great King! It's not good! It's not good!"

"What caused the prime minister to be so panicked?" Donghai Dragon King casually drank fine wine.

"A disaster! A great disaster!" The old turtle pounced on the ground: "Where is there a great disaster in Goryeo, an old guy who should have been rotten, was accidentally broken and released. This time the world will be in chaos. If the old guy does not die, I will be catastrophic."

"Is it so serious?" Dragon King stunned for a is only much more serious than this! Compared with this comrade, what's the matter with Mazu? "Prime Minister Turtle's face was full of helplessness.

Beitian Shidao

The Taoist Master of the Beitian Master looked at the ancient sheepskin scroll in his hand, and when he sensed the aura in the direction of Goryeo, he was surprised and uncertain: "This is impossible. The ancestor's calculation can never be wrong. The deduction is inconsistent, this thing was born nearly a thousand years ahead of schedule! This is impossible!"

While talking, the teacher suddenly threw the sheepskin roll aside: "It's a disaster! This time something big will happen."

Nantian Shidao

Within the cave

A boy looked at Dongfang, pinching his fingers, and his face was uncertain: "How could this be? The Emperor of the Second Strike would not succeed at all, and the blood sacrifice would not be realized, but why did that thing come out early? The trouble is big. …There are many masters in the world, and the old man will stay calm for the time being, I shouldn’t be able to use it!"

At the same time, the major sects and Taoist temples of China have hidden in the deep mountains and old forests. Since you have offended the emperor, then quickly move the sect address, or wait for the sect to be destroyed.

Regardless of the chaos in the world, no matter what is happening at home. There are countless masters in the world, and it is as strong as Yujuluo alone to suppress Saibei, and the chief governor alone stuns the major sects of the rivers and lakes, and stabilizes the dissent of the family.

And even Yuwen Chengdu, Wang Yi, Jing Wuming, Jing Wushuang, etc. turned out to be born. When the sky fell, tall men were on top of them, so naturally it was not their turn to contribute.

"The trouble is big!" Zhang Bairen felt the aura that escaped from the battlefield, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

Every time there is this air force, it represents a big trouble!

What a trouble!

"Damn it!" Yu Juluo and Yuwen Chengdu stepped back and landed next to Zhang Bairen, swaying Lingqi quickly in their hands: "Arrange an array! Arrange an array!"

"What do you think of the chief governor?" Yuwen Chengdu looked at Zhang Bairen.

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