First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1041: Ancestral grave

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Dilemma of grace and justice!

What is the dilemma of grace and justice?

A great demon referred to by the world, but treats you wholeheartedly, what should you do?

Yep? Righteousness?

Zhang Bairen thought of the refugees who had eaten as a child, and the teenager who was crying helplessly hiding in the rigid body of his mother.

Everything is just to survive!

Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang. At this time, when Yang Guang had recovered from his youth, he sat quietly in front of the case and looked at the document, but Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank instantly.

Yang Guang's temples have more white hair!

All hair is white overnight!

Poor man!

Yang Guang is also a poor man! The whole world betrayed him! Including Empress Xiao.

"Aiqing is here, sit down!" Yang Guang watched Zhang Bairen walk in, and put down his clerks.

Zhang Bairen came to Yang Guang silently, and slowly sat down: "Your Majesty, in fact, the picture of the universe is in the hands of the lower officials."

The palm of his hand stretched into his sleeve, and the snow-white scroll was placed on the table in front of Yang Guang. There were no more six ears in the big tent, and Zhang Bairen had just told the truth.

"Oh?" Yang Guang smiled while looking at the universe picture, not as excited as Zhang Bairen imagined.

"Aiqing take it back!" Yang Guang sighed softly.

"Why, your Majesty has worked so hard to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of soldiers and servants in blood. Isn't that this picture?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang.

Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and after a while he said helplessly: "What I want is the map of the mountains and rivers. Although the map of the universe is better than the map of the rivers and mountains, it is no different from waste in my hands. I don't cultivate mana. What's the use of this world map?"

"There is the body of the Nuwa Empress in the Universe Map, and the body of the strong man in the underworld. Although the extravagant corpse escaped a drop of blood, it is impossible for his true body to give up!" Yang Guang slowly stood up: " I lost! I lost a bet! Good luck is tricking people."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and Yang Guang continued: "The great cause of life is originally a gamble. It is like a rebellion. If you win, you will be the king and hegemony. If you look down on the world, if you fail, your soul will be scattered. This is the cause and effect."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and Yang Guang looked at the picture of the universe on the case table with his eyes: "Aiqing is not worthy of me, and I will naturally not be worthy of Aiqing! There is a dilemma of grace and righteousness. If the people hate me today, how can I make Aiqing embarrassed? ."

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"Although I lost the bet, I can still do something for the people of the world, which can be regarded as repaying my sins. I have to rely on you to protect the last blood of my Yang family. How can it make you difficult? After my footsteps, who will protect my Yang family bloodline!" Yang Guang smiled, picked up the universe picture on the case table, and slowly stuffed it into Zhang Bairen's hands: "You have already proven the Yang Shen, and you can be called the first person in the human world. You have a long road ahead, and you shouldn’t be buried with the Great Sui. The map of the universe is alive with virtue, and you are both civil and martial. This map of the universe is just right in your hands. It is God’s will."

Zhang Bairen silently grasped the universe map, and then said after a while: "Your Majesty, Yang Xuangan has rebelled!"

Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen, smiled suddenly, took out a document from the case, and threw it to Zhang Bairen.

"This..." Zhang Bairen opened the document, and immediately lost his color: "Your Majesty has known it a long time ago."

"I am the number one in this realm. What can I hide from me? The court is my court, and the world is my world! Why did I ruthlessly punish He Ruobi at the beginning? This matter can be seen in the eyes" Yang Guangtan With a sigh of relief: "Since these people like acting, I will cooperate with them in acting."

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang blankly.

"Do you think I don't know Li Yuan's actions?" Yang Guang sighed: "Somehow the Li family's descendants have my Yang family bloodline. After a new dynasty is established, my Yang family bloodline will still rise."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and Yang Guang waved his hand: "Get down, nothing will happen to you next time!"

Yang Guang carried his hands and looked at the golden knife hanging on the wall of the big tent, showing a trace of emotion.

Zhang Bairen admitted that he couldn't see Yang Guang's thoughts.

Yang Guang is a smart man, but also a lunatic.

The Goryeo battlefield is like a meat grinder, with corpses being thrown on the Liaodong battlefield continuously, making people feel shocked.

"The water in this world is too deep!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, playing with the universe map in his hands, comprehending the mystery of the universe map.

No one can recognize the Universe Map. At this time, the Universe Map has long lost its sublime spirit, just like a scroll of ordinary scrolls, which Zhang Bairen holds in his palm.

"The emperor treats me not thinly, how can he make Yang Xuangan angry? The only flaw in Yang Xuangan right now is the ancestral land" Zhang Bairen groaned slightly behind his back with his hands on his back. After a while, he said: "Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, hold on to my decree, Go to Huayin quickly."

"This world, what a big game of chess!" Zhang Bairen sighed lightly.

Yang Xuangan received fifty thousand soldiers, sent five thousand to guard Ciqidao, five thousand guards Yique Tao, sent Han Shimao to encircle Xingyang, and Gu Jue took five thousand from Huja. Hu Lao surrendered, taking Gu Jue as the governor of Zhengzhou.

Xingyang was Li Yuan's site, and it was obvious that Yang Xuangan deliberately gave Li Yuan eye drops. Yang Xuan feels not stupid. There are people in every family of big-time masters who support him, but Li Yuan is the only one who stays out of the matter. If he doesn't give Li Yuan anything, how can he know his abilities?

However, Yang Xuangan hadn't been happy for a long time, and a major event happened over there, and Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave was scraped.

The acting king Yang You made Weiwen the Shangshu of the Criminal Department promoted to the army of 40,000 to save the Eastern Capital, and Weiwen was promoted to Huayin. Suddenly, he saw four figures in the sky passing by, holding a secret order in his hand: "The general governor orders, can the criminal department still write? "

"I'm here, the old man, since the four of you are called the warrants of the chief governor, do you have a token?" Wei Wensheng struck out and walked out.

"The governor's order is here, please write a note." Lu Lei stepped forward and handed Zhang Bairen's handwritten note.

Wei Wensheng unhurriedly opened the handbook, and then he was taken aback: "Most people supervise evil methods, but the old man likes it!"

He raised his head to the wind, rain and thunder and said: "You go back to your life for the time being, and the old man must follow the instructions of the chief governor."

When the thunder and lightning went away, Wei Wensheng said: "Go find a local person and find Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave. As long as you push the Yang Family's ancestral grave and destroy the Yang Family's vitality, Yang Xuangan is not a concern."

"If Yang Xuangan dared to rebel, how could he be unprepared? There must be a master in the ancestral tomb, and digging rashly will cause trouble." He was taken aback.

"My imperial 50,000 army is here again, who would dare to confront the enemy head-on?" Wei Wensheng smiled dismissively: "What's more, the chief governor always pays attention to this place. If there is a great disorder, it can be put down by him. What are you afraid of!"

Wei Wensheng galloped the horse quickly and surrounded Yang Su's ancestral tomb. As Wei Wensheng expected, there were more than a dozen masters guarding the ancestral tomb, but facing the military formation, they had to explain their lives.

"Give me Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave!" Looking at the **** corpse on the ground, Wei Wensheng smiled coldly and waved his hand abruptly.


Sitting and looking at the map, Yang Xuan felt a sudden pain in his chest. The next moment he vomited blood for three liters, he screamed: "Damn bastard! That counts me?"

Yang Xuangan's dragon gas sobbed for a while, and most of it disappeared in an instant.

Secret room

Yang Su held the jade seal and continued to sacrifice and refine the dragon qi, stimulating the bloodline for the final transformation. Suddenly Yang Su's breathing was stagnant, and the next moment a flame burst out: "What happened?"

"Master! Master! It's not good! It's not good! The ancestral tomb was planed by the old guy Wei Wensheng." A message came from the old family.

"What are you talking about?" Yang Xuangan sat up suddenly, angrily, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Wei Wensheng, this general will swear by you and will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Yang Xuangan felt that the sky was spinning around and suddenly stood up, his eyes black and fainted.

Now that Yang Xuangan had seen the gods and was able to faint him, it could be seen that the matter had exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Come on, quickly assemble the horse, this general will personally send the old guy Wei Wensheng on the road!" Yang Xuangan regained consciousness, pushed away the guards and servants, and shouted loudly to the sky: "Wei Wensheng, this general is with you. Never die."

"The general calms down. Don’t fall for Wei Wensheng’s strategy. Wei Wensheng leads 40,000 soldiers and aims to be the eastern capital Luoyang. The reason for destroying the general’s ancestral grave is to anger the general and make the general leave the eastern capital. The crisis in the Eastern Capital. At the moment, Eastern Capital is still important, and the general should not be impulsive. Once the Eastern Capital is won, it will not be too late to fight Wei Wensheng.” Li Mi stood in front of Yang Xuangan, his eyes full of eagerness~www.wuxiaspot. com~ felt helpless in her heart: "You are so easily irritated by others, how do you tell everyone to mix with you? Where is the future for everyone?"

"Okay! To attack Dongdu with all your strength, this general must take down Dongdu completely before the old guy Wei Wensheng arrives at Dongdu!" Yang Xuan felt not stupid, and at this time, he turned his eyes and started shouting. drink.

The ancestral grave has been planed, morale can be used!


Shibi Khan's face was gloomy, and the servant bone on one side gritted his teeth and said: "The king, we bring fifty thousand warriors. Half of them have been sleeping in this battlefield forever. The emperor will not order the withdrawal of troops. We soldiers can only be buried. here."


The walnut in Shibi Khan’s arms instantly turned into powder, and his eyes were full of anger, scanning the distant battlefield. After a while, he said: "Try to delay the time, this king has already received the news, Yang Xuan feels that the emperor will rebel. No class teacher returns to the court."

"Hate! My Turkic countless sons died on the battlefield like this. They didn't open up and expand the territory for my Turkic, and didn't defend my Turkic home and defend the country, but died at the hands of that fainted monarch. It was really annoying. If this hatred is not reported, the law of heaven cannot be tolerated!" Shibi Khan suddenly drew a scimitar from his waist and chopped the case before him in half.

"Yang Xuangan!" Zhang Bairen glanced at the map in the big account: "I have already told you that you are not allowed to rebel, why did you not listen. Yang Xuangan is left to the emperor to concoct, but Yang Su cannot continue to make it break through."

Zhang Bairen stepped slowly and walked out of Liaodong City. He attacked the middle-earth in a flat boat: "Yang Su, the governor needs your explanation."

Yu Xiao's voice was faint, and Hong Fu stood beside Zhang Bairen, looking at the receding scenery on both sides of the strait, revealing a touch of melancholy.

ps: Sorry everyone, the update is late.

Thank you "I wow Mu" classmates for the great rewards, today we make up for a change.

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