First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1048: Emperor's air

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At any rate, it is also a hundred thousand lives, it is indeed impossible to die like this.

The **** swallowed Hanyan's essence and blood, and his cultivation had already entered a mysterious and unpredictable realm. The phoenix blood in his body changed here, producing a stronger bloodline.

"The chief governor, everyone is a Han citizen. At the moment, this 100,000 army is just a refugee who can't survive. Why should the governor's methods be so vicious? Standing solemnly under the city, looking up at Zhang Bairen above the city.

Seeing that under the command of Yang Xuangan, the three armies turned into a large formation, actually blocking the blood-sucking power of Drought, Zhang Bairen couldn't help but admire the military formation.

"You two want to stand up for Yang Xuangan?" Zhang Bairen waved his hand, motioning Yang Su to step back, lowering his head and looking down at the two under his feet.

"Although I pretend to be evil, I can't reach the point where you regard human life like a horrible thing!" God looked at Zhang Bairen, showing a touch of emotion: "Back then, the chief governor could only protect himself against the chase of the old man. , The old man has already looked up at the chief governor."

"God, I can't think of you actually having the guts to run to the local governor and jump around. It seems that you have enough life!" Zhang Bairen took a palm shot, as if a round of the sun rose in the palm of his hand and pressed it down towards God.

"I'm about to ask for advice from the governor!" God jumped up, stepping into the void, and the air instantly solidified and turned into liquid.

"The Dao!" Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank, and then he shook his head: "It's just that he has some power of the Dao."


The two of them exchanged fists and palms, silk ripples rippling in the void, Zhang Bairen's left hand changed his moves, and before God could react, he only felt that the sky was spinning and falling in the palm of his hand.

The earth, water, wind and fire opened up, and the fingers turned into the four poles of the heavens and the earth. Before the gods could react, Zhang Bairen's palm pushed the sky and the earth torn apart, and the gods had been pressed into the depths of the earth by Zhang Bairen.

With a stomping, the soil under my feet is as solid as iron, giving God eighteen abilities, and I can never escape.

"Guardian, it's up to you next!" Zhang Bairen looked at the skewer, his eyes full of appreciation. The appreciation of the beards is greater than the killing intent in his heart. There is no doubt that the guillotine is a very chivalrous person.


Seeing Zhang Bairen's power, he backhanded the gods under his feet, and fled without saying a word.

The air left waves of air, and Zhang Bairen didn't chase after him, but instead looked at Yang Xuangan and the hundred thousand army on the opposite side.

Sisi dragon energy gathers in the air, although dragon energy is very few, but after being blessed by Yang Xuangan, it cannot be ignored.

"Yang Su, kill him!" Zhang Bairen yelled.

Yang Su flew towards Yang Xuangan and came in front of Yang Xuangan, but struggling with his face, he lingered.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly. With the blessing of the emperor's dragon, Yang Xuangan is already among the best in the world. Even Zhang Bairen himself does not want to take risks himself. At the next moment, a petal was twisted in his hand and was about to pop out. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke was rolled up from the horizon, and Zhang Bairen's movements were stopped.

The army of Yu Wenshu, Wei Wensheng, Lai Hu'er, and Qu Tutong came after him.

"Yang Xuangan, your end is here!" Zhang Bairen stood quietly on the top of the city with his hands on his back.

"Big brother, it's okay, the court army is catching up!" Yang Xuanzai looked at the smoke and dust rolled up in all directions, with a look of anxiety in his eyes.

Yang Xuangan looked at Zhang Bairen at the top of the city and suddenly turned around and shouted, "Break through!"

"Yang Xuangan, where to go!" But when the oncoming nurse stood in the way of Yang Xuangan: "You dare to slander this general in rebellion, you can't stay today."

"Get out of the way!" Yang Xuangan led one hundred thousand soldiers to charge, looking at the guardian in front of him, suddenly exerted force, and unexpectedly a shot would be picked up by the guardian in the future, and the spear pierced into the guardian's chest and strung them into a candied gourd. Like, thrown into the distance.

The guardian is not an ordinary warrior, but a powerful imperial general. The veteran who has made great contributions to the great sui, who has made great contributions to the great sui, was actually picked up by Yang Su with a shot. Now Yang Xuan feels brave. Not to be.

The life and death of Lai Nuer were unknown, and the army of his men was instantly pierced by Yang Xuangan, causing a mess.

Yang Xuangan led his subordinates to constantly break through. Zhang Bairen stood at the top of the city, watching the life and death of the guardian, and sighed softly: "Now Yang Xuangan is blessed by the emperor's dragon energy, and he has the battlefield behind him as a backing, afraid that the general will come to him. It's hard to get him."

"The thief should leave and take me a shot!" At this time, Yuwen Chengdu Zongma rushed over, and he passed Yuwenshu. The horse Li in his hand had always picked it up.


The emperor's dragon gas shook, and Yuwen Chengdu's attack was inexplicably reduced by four or five points, and then the gun pierced the void and the two hit one place.


The air exploded, and Yuwen Chengdu Warhorse was and turned into a pool of flesh. Yang Xuan felt his movements stagnated, but he was the accumulated strength that should not be sent, and he stabs Yuwen Chengdu: "You and I are members of a family of families, so why bother for me!"

"Yang Xuangan, you are gone, how can I wait to bury you!" Yuwen Chengdu drew his sword to greet each other, and both sides fought together.

After fighting and retreating, Yang Xuangan's breakthrough momentum slowed down, but after seeing three moves, Yuwen Chengdu was shot and flew by Yang Xuangan.

"This thief, the martial arts cultivation is so powerful!" Yang Jishan was shocked and surprised, and looked at Yang Xuan feeling rampant in the field, revealing an unbelievable color.

"The prince is not afraid, Yang Xuan just feels bad, as long as he breaks the 100,000 army behind the opponent, the emperor's dragon qi dissipates, I am afraid this person cannot be regarded as a move by General Yuwen!" Zhang Bairen explained.

Below Yang Su carried the sarcophagus on his back and followed behind the army. Everywhere he passed, the corpses were submerged in the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus looked like a bottomless pit, with hundreds of thousands of corpses packed in but not full.

Zhang Bairen could think of this. The rest of the people led the battle, and they were not fools. Yuwen said: "Don't worry about Yang Xuangan, first destroy the 100,000 army."

No matter how powerful the military formation is, it cannot withstand the consumption of one-on-one actual combat. What's more, the 100,000 soldiers have been sucked by Yang Su, and their faces are very pale at this time.

The imperial army trek, coming from afar, but a tired division, the gap between the two sides seems to be even.

"It's interesting!" Looking at the constantly changing battle formation below, Zhang Bairen showed a pensive look.

Yang Xuangan is the dog of the mourning family. After all, the general situation is gone. After he realizes that the emperor's dragon is exhausted, he leads his guards to break through the chaos.

"Yang Xuan can't leave!" Yuwen Chengdu shouted, and then got up to catch up.

Seeing Yang Xuangan leading ten soldiers away, Zhang Bairen smiled: "It's time for the capital governor to take advantage of the fisherman."

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