First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1051: Disbanded the secret mansion

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "No!" Another Zhang family ancestor stood up, a pair of eyes swept over the Wang family monk who was kneeling on the ground, and he was right The head teacher said: "Wang Family Yingjie is fighting in the Yin Division. The head teacher does this. How can I explain to the Wang Family?"

The heavenly books and the Three Treasure Whisks carried by the Zhang Family’s descendants that year were not only coveted by members of the Wang family, but Zhang’s family has been divided into several generations after a hundred years. The water is too deep to touch at all.

The Three Treasures Whisk and the Book of Heaven, don't you want it?

Not only the monks of the Wang family wanted it, but the Zhang family collateral wanted it even more.

"The disciples of the Wang family who were secretly implicated in this matter have been condemned for three generations. I don't know what the head teacher thinks?" The ancestor of the Wang family suddenly opened his eyes, his voice firmly determined.

"Please tell the ancestors who are the direct line of Zhang's family." The head teacher burned a rune with a soft pen and pasted it on paper.

"Come on, tie that rebellious son in for me!" The ancestor of the Wang family yelled.

Seeing the crowd surging, three middle-aged men walked into the main hall **** and knelt down on the lobby.

"Wang Man, Wang Lei, and Wang Dian, these three people secretly counted as the parental lineage. They belonged to three generations, a total of 54 people, and three generations of 82 subordinates, a total of 136 people, regardless of gender or old age. Young, kill them all!" The ancestor of the Wang family said coldly, "Can you accept it?"

"The ancestors are forgiving! The head teacher is kind!" The three of them knelt to the ground. Hearing the words of punishment, they suddenly collapsed to the ground, struggling to death, and their eyes were full of despair.

"The head teacher, God has the virtue of a good life..." A collateral elder stood up and wanted to ask for affection. The next moment he saw a little brush in the hand of the head teacher, which had penetrated the forehead of the collateral elder, and the three souls and seven souls were covered by the brush in an instant Absorption: "This person will last several generations, and the next generations will be banned, and there must be no hidden dangers."

"Master!" Another elder subconsciously stood up.

"Puff whistle~"

A little red appeared between the eyebrows, and the unwilling corpse with wide-eyed faces slowly collapsed to the ground.

"Handle it the same! The direct line is majestic, no offense!" The head teacher swept over the elders, and all the elders all worshipped together.

No one cares about the three Wang family members who are struggling, and the three Wang family monks are pushed out. Naturally, someone will take care of it. The guardian method of the mountain gate is not a decoration, but a special purpose for this kind of thing.

As for the elder Zhang, hundreds of years have passed. Everyone has passed more than ten generations and dozens of generations. The blood relationship is indifferent. That one will take care of you.

"Internal worries are resolved, and the next is external troubles!" Two sharp gazes slowly shot out from the eyes of the teacher: "Golden Peak Temple seized my Zhang Family Book of Heaven, and now it has stolen my Heavenly Master Tao relics. This matter cannot be tolerated! "

Having said this, look at everyone: "How do you think you should act?"

"Golden Peak View Sunset West Mountain, split my Zhang family in the front, stealing relics in the back, in that case, it is better to destroy the whole door! Now Jinding View only has the pure three old men who are struggling to support, since the other party is not savvy, then But no wonder we are!"

"It's extremely! It's a mere golden temple. Although Chunyang San Lao is troublesome, it is not impossible. If we put it in the past, we might be scrupulous about three points. Now Chunyang Taoism is dead by itself and intervening in the canal. Now that Jindingguan is entangled in karma, Zhuzhi can eliminate harm for the people. This plan is feasible!"

"Exterminate the pure sun Taoist temple, seize the heavenly book!" A cold light flashed in the palm of the teacher's eyes: "The heavenly book is the foundation of my northern heavenly master's way, and it must not be disclosed."

The Book of Heaven is like the secrets of nuclear weapons in a big country. It is the foundation of the foundation, and it is absolutely not allowed to leak the slightest.

"Okay, let's secretly sum up and kill Jinding Guanman, which is regarded as a revenge for the past!" Everyone talked.

Zhang Mansion

Zhang Bairen looked at the countless military secret palace guards in the courtyard. Behind him, the Xiao family brothers were holding trays, piled up a mountain of tips.

"Here is the order, everyone has received the order. You must keep it confidential and not divulge half of it! This is the last order and the last time the governor has met you." Zhang Bairen's words were full of sorrow, and everyone was stunned. I don't know what Zhang Bairen's words mean.

"After completing this task, you can disarm and return to the field, marry a wife and have children! If you have no livelihood, you can enter a restaurant under the name of the capital governor and ask for a life." Zhang Bairen smiled: "I think I have been in the Sui Dynasty for a hundred years. Pian is the luckiest person. Many people have never waited until the day of disarming and returning to the fields in their entire lives. There will be no summons in the future, and you will not have to lick your blood. One of the tips is the secret of the character, and the other is The governor gives you a way of life. If you cannot find a life in the arena in the future, you can act according to the tips."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen came to a small captain and looked up and down, facing the dark iron face, Zhang Bairen showed a smile.

This is the Military Secret Mansion, even Zhang Bairen himself does not know the face behind this iron face.

Accompanied for more than 20 years, Zhang Bairen only knows the iron face, but the people behind the iron face know Zhang Bairen.

After gently finishing the collar of the other party, Zhang Bairen continued to walk towards the next person.

Time passed by, and Zhang Bairen walked by, the governor, the governor, the captain, the commander of thousands, and the commander of a hundred people, constantly tidying up each other's clothes, patted the other's shoulder, and said some words of comfort and encouragement.

After sunset, Zhang Bairen walked past everyone in the yard and clapped his hands.

Bowls and jars of wine came forward.

"You are all the elites of our military secret mansion. Everyone is a family. The governor does not hide anything from you. Now the Great Sui will be chaotic. If you want to make a contribution on the battlefield, it is not a problem to win the honor. It's not difficult to be proud of the side and to cede the land and claim the king to be a mountain king!" The guards around Zhang Bairen brought a bowl of wine and distributed them to the masters of the secret mansion.

"People respect me three feet, and I pay one meter. People invade me half an inch, and I want human life! The Governor does not have so many rules and regulations. In the future, you will be bullied by others. Even if you write a letter, it is a great injustice. The governor also called for you!" Zhang Bairen swept across the excited crowd: "It's just that you are cruel and murderous. I only hope that you will not kill innocent people and oppress the people in the future."

"Fuck!" Zhang Bairen raised his head and drank it.


The porcelain bowl fell to powder.

In an instant, there was a place of porcelain in the field, and the guards fell on one knee and saluted.

"Let's go down! Regardless of official position, big or small, all people in the Military Secret Mansion can receive a dozen golds for future livelihoods! It can be regarded as some help from the Governor to you!" Zhang Bairen is not short of money.

What is the concept of golden twelve?

One tael of gold and ten taels of silver, and twelve taels of gold converted into one hundred taels of silver. As long as you live your duties in the future, you can spend your whole life worrying about food and clothing and buy a big family business.

The guards worshipped again and then retired respectfully.

Tonight is destined to sleepless, and the military secret mansion is disbanded, which will shake the world.

"Go to Yong'an Palace!" Zhang Bairen turned into the carriage and headed towards Yong'an Palace.

Yongan Palace

Qiaoyan was embroidering flowers boringly, Nalan sat cross-legged beside Qiaoyan quietly, meditating quietly.

"Mister is here!" Nalanjing suddenly opened her eyes and looked outside the door.

"Nobody?" Qiaoyan raised her head and looked out, revealing a puzzled look.

Nalanjing smiled softly: "I'll know later."


After a while, I saw a figure walking from outside the palace.

Qiaoyan picked up the pastry next to her and rushed out excitedly.

"Oh!" Nalanjing sighed softly.

Qiaoyan makes the pastry eight times a day, and each time the pastry cools down, she has to make it again. I'm afraid that there will be no cakes to eat after Zhang Bairen comes, and there will be no breaks for three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Nalanjing couldn't help feeling very hard even if Nalanjing watched it so hard.

"You kid, but some days have not come!" Qiaoyan stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"My sister brought me something delicious!" Zhang Bairen's eyes fell into the food box in Qiaoyan's hand.

"Here you are, I know you are greedy!" Qiaoyan stuffed the food container into Zhang Bairen's arms. Looking up and down Zhang Bairen, after a while, he said, "Hey, something is wrong!"

"Why is something wrong?" Zhang Bairen looked at are getting shorter! "Qiaoyan's eyes widened.

Zhang Bairen laughed and opened the palm of Qiaoyan's hand on her head: "Man's head, you can't touch it."

"There is nothing wrong with the technique, right?" Qiaoyan looked at Zhang Bairen worriedly.

"I'm already enlightened, what can I do?" Zhang Bairen took out a kit from his sleeve and stuffed it with a petal that had been plucked off somewhere, hung it solemnly around Qiaoyan's neck, and stuffed it into Qiaoyan's arms.

Looking at the faint gully and glaringly soft, Zhang Bairen felt an anger rising: "Now that the Great Sui will be in chaos, I am afraid that I will not care about you. This kit is a life-saving thing. You must not take it off."

"Forget your kid with a conscience." Qiaoyan glared at Zhang Bairen, turned around and pulled Zhang Bairen and said: "Go, go to see the empress."

Yongan Palace

Empress Xiao sat there quietly, in front of the dressing table, seeming to maintain that posture forever.

"Niang Niang" looked at Empress Xiao's enchanting back, Zhang Bairen said.

"Hey, the most time can't be kept, Zhu Yan resigns to the mirror and flowers." Empress Xiao turned around, with a comb in her hand slowly combing her hair: "I heard that there was a big mess outside, and Dong was almost caught broken."

"It's just a native chicken and dog, but the imperial city is gradually insecure now, and the empress still needs to make early plans." Zhang Bairen looked at Empress Xiao and said in a little silence: "The lower official has ordered the disbandment of the military secret palace."

"Now it's a troubled time, and the Military Secret Mansion cannot be suppressed. It's better to disband and worry about it, so as not to be stared at all day and uncomfortable. But the brothers in the secret mansion are all my heroes in the Great Sui Dynasty, who secretly gave their youth to me. , Sweat, you must not let down the guards, you still need to arrange a proper solution." Empress Xiao stood up slowly, came to Zhang Bairen to look at it, and then said: "How did you become shorter?"

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