First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1053: Natal monument

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The fairy grass fruit in Fuling paste is really mysterious and wonderful, and it is indeed a magical medicine from Penglai Xiandao." The turtle prime minister turned into a human form After swaying for a while and looking at it, he strode contentedly towards Middle-Earth: "Old tortoise, my tortoise shell cannot be transformed for a long time. Now the fairy grass combined with the elixir helps me break through the pass. There are some wonderful things about Human Alchemy."

Zhang Bairen finished his meal in Yong'an Palace and said goodbye to Empress Xiao and Qiaoyan. He was about to return to his home after leaving Yong'an Palace. Suddenly, he saw a thin, white old man standing in front of him: "I have seen the Governor!"

"Who are you, why stop me?" Zhang Bairen stopped and looked up and down at the old man in front of him, but he saw that there was water vapor around him, and there was a **** of river show between his brows, obviously not a human race.

"The Governor, the front convenience is a tea house, how about going inside for the time being?" The old man gave a respectful salute.

"Lead the way ahead" Zhang Bairen thought a little, and followed the old man to the teahouse.

"The two guest officials, please" Xiao Er eagerly welcomed them in, and the two were seated by the window before hearing Xiao Er's words: "Two guest officials, what tea?"

"Whatever" the old turtle waved his hand, took out a piece of silver, and threw it in Xiao Er's arms.

After receiving the silver, Xiao Er suddenly opened his eyes and smiled: "The second master will be later."

Xiao Er Dengping ran into the back hall, brought hot tea soon, and then retired respectfully.

The tea is hot, but Zhang Bairen, or the old man on the opposite side, doesn't look good.

"The reason why I stopped the governor is because there are important matters to discuss." The old man groaned a little before he took out an invitation from his sleeve with golden light flowing and flashing gilded characters: "The governor, the East China Sea Dragon King wants to invite the governor to a banquet."

"Oh? After you invited me into the East China Sea, did you kill me in an ambush under the cloth?" Zhang Bairen scanned the invitation, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Long Palace wants to reconcile with Ma Mazu Empress, and also asks the governor to deal with it on her behalf. If this matter can be done, I would like to give it a treasure!" Prime Minister Mung Dou looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen looked up and down the Prime Minister Turtle, before he said: "The Dragon King of the Four Seas is the overlord of the sea, why would he think about reconciliation?"

"The governor does not know that the day of shocking Rui is approaching, and the dragon kings want to replenish their energy and should not cause trouble. If they can rest their soldiers, whether it is the Great God of Mazu or the Dragon King of the Four Seas, it will be of great benefit. The day is a matter of great opportunity, and the governor does not think about it for himself, but also for the great **** Mazu. How can Mazu abandon the chance of the shocking sun for you." The Kame prime minister is like a tongue.

"The day of shocking Rui, what is it?" Zhang Bairen looked at Prime Minister Turtle.

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

Zhang Bairen was silent, and he needed to do another inquiries about the shocking matter in the future.

Then he looked at the busy streets: "If I come forward to reconcile, I don't know how amazing the world will give me."

"The Buddha traveled eastward and preached to Middle-Earth. At this time, I had a master in Middle-Earth. He forced the Buddha to sit down and left eighteen relics. As long as the governor was willing to stop, I would offer it to the Dragon Palace in East China Sea. One of the eighteen relics left by the World-Honored One," Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile.

Blessed One's relic, if you don't know the person in it, you can't refuse this temptation.

At this time, Laogui looked as if he was eating Zhang Bairen, his eyes were full of confidence.

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, stood by the window, and looked at the thin people below: "The Lord's relic? Not enough!"

"Hahaha, the Governor is really refreshing, I know that the Governor will not..."

The words stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere froze instantly.

"Huh?" The old turtle was stunned, looking at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "What did the governor say?"

"I didn't say enough!" Zhang Bairen sneered.

Laogui suddenly became anxious: "The Governor, this is the relic of the Blessed One, and contains the great supernatural powers of the Blessed One..."

"I can't say enough!" Zhang Bairen interrupted Laogui.

The old tortoise smiled bitterly when he heard the words, pondered for a while, and then said, "What does the governor want?"

"I didn't say anything to make this matter. You can follow me to the Matsu Dharma Realm and ask Matsu's opinion?" Zhang Bairen looked at the old turtle.

Of course the old tortoise couldn't refute it. Both of them had a high sense of truth, and turned into air to flee, and reappeared on the shore of the East China Sea.

Zhang Bairen has the mantra of the entrance to the Matsu Dharma realm, leaving Prime Minister Turtle behind him and directly entering the Matsu Dharma realm.

Matsu Dharma

Mazu sat on a piece of bluestone, surrounded by bamboo forests, but the bamboo was golden yellow.

"Sister" Zhang Bairen looked at the back in the blue shirt and called out softly.

"Now that China is in chaos, and the day changes, how come you have time to come to me?" Ma Zu said with a smile.

"The old dragon king of the East China Sea can't stand it anymore, I want me to come forward to reconcile!" Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu: "Sister, know Jingrui?"

Ma Zu groaned a little, and then said: "You have now proven to the Yangshen, it doesn't matter if you tell me."

"On the day of shocking Rui, there will be countless ancient remnants of souls resurrected, old antiques resurrected, and fight for the opportunity to become immortals together!" Ma Zu stood up and came to Zhang Bairen's side: "The so-called shock is awakening. Rui is a gift from heaven and earth. Lucky."

"All over the world, please make peace, what does my sister think?" Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu.

Mazu pondered a little, and then nodded: "Within three hundred years, there will be surprises. You are now the **** of Yang. Three hundred years is just a change of body for you. If you have the talent, There will surely be a shocking harvest."

Looking at Ma Zu, Zhang Bairen nodded: "Since Donghai is pleased to come down, I don't know if my sister tells me what treasure should I blackmail?"

"No matter how good the treasure is, it is only external force. How can it be worthy of its own strength?" Ma Zu looked at Zhang Bairen: "There is a half-volume book in the East China Sea. The other half can achieve three heads and six arms."

Zhang Bairen frowned: "How can a person have three heads and six arms?"

"You are cultivating the Fa, but you don't believe in the power of the Fa world!" Ma Zu chuckled.

Zhang Bairen's face blushed, and he suddenly remembered that someone was born with deformity in his previous life, six fingers or six toes.

Zhang Bairen remembered that he still had a half-volume scripture in his hand, and he suddenly felt excited: "This seems like an opportunity."

"Sister, later, I will talk to the East China Sea Envoy." Zhang Bairen left the Matsu Dharma Realm, thinking of three heads and six arms, his heart was hot.

Three heads and six arms, there must be magic.

"Captain, how about it?" Prime Minister Turtle saw Zhang Bairen reorganize his figure in the air, and hurriedly greeted him.

"I heard that the East China Sea Dragon Palace has the ancient magic three-headed six-arm half-scroll secret..." Zhang Bairen looked at the old turtle meaningfully.

The old turtle smiled stiffly when he heard the words, and looked at Zhang Bairen in a daze.

Zhang Bairen said, "Refusing to give it?"

The old tortoise face was embarrassed, but he was relieved: "What did I pour? It turned out to be this thing."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Laogui sighed deeply, "For the sake of peace in the East China Sea, what can I do for you?"

"Let's go, enter the Dragon Palace first, and have a detailed discussion." Prime Minister Turtle turned into the real appearance and directly opened the waves, and asked Zhang Bairen to enter the Dragon Palace.

"The governor will follow me." Zhang Bairen and Prime Minister Tortoise came to a canyon on the sea floor. They saw Prime Minister Tortoise stomped his feet, the ground collapsed and the earth swelled, and a stone stele slowly broke out of the ground.

The sea is turbid, the stone tablet is ten feet high, and there are scriptures circulating on it.

"This is the text of the three-headed and six-armed secret method. Back then, the stone tablet was originally a leather scroll. Later, the old turtle tried to practice the secret method. For some reason, the scroll turned into a stone tablet. This is the forbidden area of ​​my Dragon Clan Water Palace. Although the governor is here Comprehend the secret method, of course... If the governor has the ability to take away the stele, the old turtle will never stop it." Prime Minister Turtle is extraordinarily generous at this time: "Despite the comprehension of the governor, I will report to the Dragon King."

Seeing Prime Minister Tortoise walk away, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly, then looked at the celestial monument where the scriptures were circulating, and got up and leaned forward.

Looking at the monument that day, Zhang Bairen carefully looked at the words on the monument, and the endless profound meaning sank into it in a moment, unable to extricate himself.

far away

Prime Minister Tortoise looked at Zhang Bairen with a conspiracy smile appeared in his eyes: "This is the dragon's natural magical powers, heaven and earth, give you decades ~ you may not be able to touch the fur. For the time being. The Scriptures of the heavens and the earth of the Law confuses you. As soon as three days pass, the old man pretends to make a mistake and wakes you up. When the time comes, you will feel that you have taken advantage, but you have suffered a great loss."

Having said this, the old tortoise shook his head and turned and left: "Old tortoise, I am simply too kind. Is it easy for me to do it for the fairy grass in the tuckahoe paste?"

Once the information came out from the hands of the old turtle, he headed towards the Beitian Master.

Beitian Shidao

The master head teacher suddenly sat up, grabbed the token from the sky, and said solemnly: "Quickly invite all the ancestors to gather in the hall."

Not long after, the real elders gathered together, and the palm teacher said with a cold expression: "Zhang Bairen has been dragged by this seat, and the killing of Jinding Temple is now. All the elders need to work together and don't let the thief of Jinding Temple get rid of it. ."

"Follow the teaching decree!" The elders exclaimed in unison.

Golden Summit

Somewhere in the cave

The two bodies of white flowers are constantly changing their postures, the little widow’s eyes are silky, and she breathes again and again, Zhang Baiyi closed her eyes, and has a magic trick in her hand. A relic is suspended in the void, emitting endless Buddha light that seems to illuminate Eternal darkness.

The little widow who was panting, now the flattery on her face gradually disappeared, revealing a solemn color.

"Once you change to Dahuanxi Zen, there will never be a way back. Either detach or sink completely. There is no third option!" Zhang Baiyi was at peace, and his mind sank into the relic, and he started the joyful meditation. Practice.

Mountain top

The ancestor Chaoyang looked solemnly: "I don't know why, there is always an uneasy lingering in my heart today, it seems like a disaster is imminent."

"Brother, why don't we go out to avoid it?" Sunset Old Ancestor said.

The ancestor Chaoyang was silent for a while, and then said, "Go and call Zhang Fei!"

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