First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1062: Destroy the supernatant

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At this time, the ancestors of the Shangqing Dao gathered in the main hall, and their eyes looked at the dense forest in the distance, revealing solemn colors.

The Ouchi master suddenly blocked all the passes on Shangqing Dao, and the people on Shangqing Dao were not fools. He had long noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

"May pass the message?" An ancestor said with a sullen face.

"Difficult! Whether the sky or the earth, they are all blocked by a kind of strange qi, unless it is the real Daoyang God, otherwise... if we want to break the qi, we must go to war!" The instructor shook his head. .

"The imperial court master blocked this place for the purpose of capturing Jindingguan Zhang Zhi and looking for the lost heavenly book, but I always seem to feel a little bit bad. It seems that the master master is here for us. "

"I have been based in Shangqing for hundreds of years. Does the court really dare to break the skin with us?"

"Seeing that the opportunity is not good, immediately withdraw, and there must be no hesitation! All the ancestors of the family have been cleaned up, and they need to be counted carefully!" An ancestor said solemnly.

"Secretly hide a part of the elder elite into the cave sky, even if the Shang Qing suffers an accident, it can be passed on!"

It is not difficult to shape the cave sky, at least not difficult for the real Yang Shen. However, a real Yang God may not be able to truly nurture his own Heavenly Cave in his entire life, eternally immortal.

It's like an empty pot in the sky, it can be described as a priceless treasure.

The sky is hidden, if you don't know the way, it can be said to be more difficult to find.

"Hey, why did the Dragon Qi of the emperor come straight to me?" An elder of Shangqing Dao looked at the dragon Qi of the emperor billowing in the distance, like a tsunami of mountains and seas, his eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm afraid that the people who came here are not good! The road has been blocked, and I have become a turtle in the urn when I am physically sad, and now I can only rely on God's will." The instructor sighed slightly.

The movement is as fast as thunder, and the mountains and rivers are destroyed in an instant.

When Yang Guang traveled, the mighty emperor dragon's energy could not conceal it at all.

At the foot of Shangqing Mountain

Yang Guang carried his hands and sat quietly in the sedan chair.

"The emperor has come, and the monks in the Shang Qing Dynasty have not come out to pick them up quickly!" Zhang Jinsheng was like Hongzhong.

Standing on the side of Yang Guang's sedan chair, Zhang Bairen quietly looked at the veins of Shangqing Dao.

"I'll wait to welcome your majesty!" A group of old Taoist priests who huffed up on the mountain walked down, respectfully saluting the emperor.

"I am here today to question you all!"

The curtain opened, Yang Guang walked out of the sedan chair slowly.

The overwhelming and mighty emperor dragon's energy swept over, pressing the heads of the Taoists lower.

"The grassroots are panicked, they don't know what they are guilty, and the troubled emperor condescends to come to Shangqing." The head teacher suddenly felt a sudden heart.

"Shangqing Dao collaborating with the enemy and traitor, colluding with the anti-thief, and his crimes are countless and untold, and all the elders will be taken down by me!" Yang Guang's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He did not come to reason with you, nor convince you. Instead, he came directly to destroy the sect.

"Kill!" Zhang Jin had a hideous face and suddenly shot out with a palm. With such a short distance, he was unprepared and his body collapsed instantly, turning into a handful of blood mist.


Behind him, the Ouchi master instantly rushed into the mountain and raised his butcher knife to the Taoist priests.

The sky is changing, and the sun **** has just been out of his body, he has been suppressed by the emperor's dragon pressure, the Taoist magical powers have been suppressed to the extreme, and he is not an opponent of the imperial army.

"Fall demons and demons!" There was a sonic boom in the air at the top of the mountain, and thunder rang out, and then I saw the disciples of the Shangqing Taoist law breaking through the sonic boom and killing them towards the court master.

"Huazhen!" Shangqing Dao, as a great sect born with a real Yang God, is of course not so easy to be annihilated, otherwise the emperor will not follow.

I saw all the elders whose bodies were broken, the Yangshen gathered and turned into an invisible array, slowly distorting the void, and saw the void constantly winding, and a golden talisman was invited out, which actually offset part of the emperor’s dragon energy. Of suppression.

"That is the gold sticker of Yangshen's handwriting!" Zhang Bairen's pupils condensed, showing a cautious color, and said to Yang Guang: "Your Majesty, Shangqing is afraid that the Yangshen ancestor is still alive."

Yang Guang frowned, and the practitioner stepped into the Daoyang God and the Supreme Martial Dao. The suppression of the emperor's dragon qi was greatly reduced. Now Yang Guang's emperor's dragon qi is less than 30% of the heyday, and he may not be able to suppress the opponent.


Taotao flood did not know where it came from, but derived from that rune out of thin air. I saw that the Ouchi master could not stand firmly at the place where the flood passed, and was rolled up and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

"The power of true water!" Zhang Bairen stepped forward, watching the billowing flood and huge waves, blocking the front of the emperor.

Such a flood, the Fubo curse would not work.

Water goes low, this is the law of the great world!

Fubo Mantra can calm the waves, but cannot change the law.

A bowl appeared in his hand, and despite the huge waves above, instantly Wanliu returned to the sect and sank into the bowl.

This is still a bowl made from the skeleton of Ancestral Dragon, a treasure obtained from the God of Water.

"Damn it, who can break this supernatural power?" Looking at the flood flowing down from the golden talisman above, the imperial army was crushed, and Yang Guang scanned the masters around him.

"I'm coming!" Zhang Jin stepped forward and stepped into the torrent, like a rock in a monstrous waterfall, firmly rooted in the waterfall.


Take one step and split the waves. Facing the waves, Zhang Jin went up against the current and headed steadily to the top of the mountain.

Today Zhang Jin has no idea how many tons of gold has been swallowed, and the whole person has completely turned into a god-made body made of gold, and he can stand up to a thousand laws.

Step by step, he walked towards the top of the mountain. Before Zhang Jin approached the talisman, a thunderstorm had passed by in the distance. In an instant, Zhang Jin's body was numb and flew out.

Then I saw the lightning wandering in the air, like a spear, stabbing towards Yang Guang.

"Your Majesty, be careful, the real Yang Shen has taken action!" Zhang Bairen exclaimed, and he wanted to take action.

"No, I will come personally!" Yang Guang waved his hand to stop Zhang Bairen's movements.

Compared with the flood, Yang Guang felt that the thunder and lightning were better to deal with.

Although Raiden was a real Yang Shen, he couldn't get away from the word ‘fa’. Even though the torrential flood passed through the power of the Dharma Realm, it has been transformed into a real flood, and it is not controlled by the emperor dragon.

Yang Guang himself was absolutely unable to resist the power of the flood, and the thunder and lightning that stabbed in the sky was not regarded by Yang Guang.


With a roar of dragons, a five-clawed golden dragon soared into the sky behind Yang Guang. After nine days of travel, it suddenly plunged into his back and entered his body from Parkway.


Yang Guang threw a fist, and the cloud of heaven and earth dragon Qi followed. At this moment, Yang Guang's palm seemed to turn into lightning, suddenly tearing the sky and smashing the lightning.

A rune was floating in the air, and the lightning was broken, revealing a rune paper surrounded by lightning.

"Death to me!"

Yang Guang seemed to ignore the space with a palm of his hand, turning into a golden dragon's claw, covering the sky and sun piercing the void, reaching for the Shangqing Dao.

The void was torn apart, and a figure emerged.

"Dongtian in the pot!" Looking at the torn void, Zhang Bairen was surprised to himself that the master's background was really extraordinary.

Na Yang Shen turned around, wrapped in an emerald green leaf, and disappeared into Qing Ming in an instant, and the Milo mask could not stop half of his breath.

"Where to go!"

The emperor then blasted out with a punch. At this moment, the world's heroes were shocked and saw a dragon claw traverse the Central Plains, covering the sky and the sun.

In front of the dragon claw, a green leaf changes endlessly, moving left and right to block the dragon claw's lock.

"To the real Daoyang God!"

Guan Zizai suddenly raised his head, looking at the phantom that was constantly fleeing from under the dragon's claws, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

This is the emperor, even if the real Yang Shen is a real person, he can only escape for his life.

"You deserve to be the emperor, and dragon spirit is domineering! If I have this power, what fear is there for Zhang Bairen?" Li Shimin's eyes showed a touch of fascination.

All sects in the world are staring at the fleeing Supreme Daoyang God. The Daoyang God is the supreme power of the cultivation world. If it is really called the Daoyang God to escape, I am afraid that the imperial court will The blow is fatal.


Wang Shichong looked at the giant claws that covered the sky ~ There was a glow in his eyes.

Wagang Boundary

All the bandits of Wagang Mountain were silent, looking at the dragon's claw that traversed the world, showing a look of shock.


In the end, the real Yang Shen did not escape the dragon's claws and was slapped into the depths of the earth with a palm.

The mountains collapsed in an instant, and Yang Shen really didn't know his life.

Even Daoyang God can live forever, but no one says that he can't kill!

As soon as he took it back, Yang Guang looked at the people in the Shangqing Mountain and threw a punch again.


The golden talisman exploded in the air, and the torrential flood came to an abrupt end. Yang Guang closed his hand and waved his hand blankly: "Kill all the doors!"

Kill the whole door!

With an order, the Ouchi master Tiger came out of the cage and rushed into the mountains.

The body of the master of the primordial spirit in the mountains is restricted, and the hands are greatly reduced. Even if the sun **** gathers and disperses invisible, your body is not good.

Each body fell down, and the angry roars of the real Yang Gods alarmed the mountains, and all kinds of magical powers came to Yang Guang.

"Unbearable!" Yang Guang waved his hand, and the dragon Qi swept away. The countless magic spells and supernatural powers in the sky were broken. The souls of all the masters of the soul were shaken by the dragon Qi. repair.

"Kill!" A master who saw that the gods were not bad made a shot, and a shot penetrated Zhang Jin's heart and nailed it to the distant rock.

Ignoring Zhang Jin, the master of God rushed towards Yang Guang: "The unlucky monarch suffers death! Today, the old man walked for the sky."

"Bold!" Yang Guang sipped softly, hearing only faint words in the ears of ordinary people, but it seemed like thunder and heavenly sounds in the ears of monks.

With a beating, the martial artist's movements were stagnant, and his momentum suddenly stopped.

"Unbearable!" Yang Guang shook his head, raised the knife in his hand, and saw that the corpse of the martial artist was separated, and blood spattered.

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