First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1079: Siege


A dragon chant sounded, but the main hall collapsed, and a golden dragon soared up into the sky. It swung for nine days in an instant, and then transformed into a human form, but the whole body was covered with golden scales.

The dragon's claws stretched out, and a golden yellow spear was gripped tightly, and without a word, they killed Shebi Corpse and Chungui Jun below.


Flying sand and rocks, the earth shakes the mountains!

Wu Bufan was actually inextricably fought with She Bishi, regardless of the outcome, the black energy around the two, and the golden light circulating, made everyone unable to see the reality.

"Unexpectedly, I saw a good show!" Zhang Bairen and Guan Zizai came together, falling on a mountain ten miles away, looking at the powerful momentum erupting from the palace below, the color of playful abuse appeared in his eyes.

"Don't tell Wu Bufan to die. This person knows the whereabouts of Zizhu, so there must be no mistake." Guan Zizai was worried.

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly, with an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry, Wu Bufan has trained into the legendary dragon-shaped Gu, and he has Thousand Heavy Gu in his hands. It is too difficult to kill him!"

Zhang Bairen carried the sword box on his back, as if everything was under control.

"I have also heard about Wu Qi, when did he have such a cultivation level?" Guan Zizai looked surprised.

Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word. She was caught in his own demonic seed. Of course he would not expose the old bottom of Shebi.

"Isn't the person watching the battle Li Fuchun Guijun? Why did he come in too, could it be that the Li Clan had something to do with Nanjiang?" Guan Zizai's face suddenly looked bad.

"I don't know, the most important thing at the moment is Zizhu, don't care about the rest!" Zhang Bairen scanned the battlefield below with his hands on his back.

"Come and help me!" Shebi couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he was just a drop of essence and blood, and the time of cultivation was so short that it was difficult to win Wu Bufan.

"This statement is great!" A branch appeared in Chunguijun's hand, and he saw the branch twitching randomly, as if it had penetrated the void, and instantly hit Wu Bufan's chest.

The scales shattered and blood spurted out.

Wu Bufan flew out, and was attacked by Chunguijun secretly, destroying his supernatural powers.

"Damn it!" Wu Bufan got up, his eyes full of anger: "Two fights one, nothing is done by a hero, no victory can be won."

"The one who cares about your victory or not, we just want your life!" Shebi sneered and rose up, swallowing a skull towards Wubufan.


Wu Bufan actually got into the mud directly, and his figure disappeared.

"Chasing!" Shebi's corpse turned into black smoke. Following Wu Bufan's footsteps, he chased him, and the Spring Return King followed closely behind him and ran towards the depths of the hundred thousand mountains.

"Let's go! Wu Bufan is desperate and will inevitably break into the ruins to survive. Our chance is here!" Zhang Bairen grabbed Guan Zizai's arm and the two instantly turned into nothingness.

Wu Bufan rushed all the way, Shebi bit the corpse in the back, and refused to let go.

When everyone chased and fled, they went out of southern Xinjiang and came to the shore of a lake surrounded by mountains on all sides.


Wu Bufan got out of the mud and stood on the shore of the lake embarrassedly, glaring at the chasing Shebi Corpse and Chunguijun: "You must not force me, otherwise Grandpa will fight with you today. Behind me. Inside the lake is the ancient great power dojo. Once you hide in it, no one will even want to find me. Treating me will get the benefits at that time, I'm afraid you two will die without a place to be buried."

"Yeah, when our brothers are scared? Since you know that it is the dojo, why don't you just flee in, instead just talk with our brothers?" Chungui Jun walked from a distance with disdain in his eyes.

"Don't think I dare!" Wu Bufan's eyes flashed coldly.

"The reason why you are so late to enter is either because there is a serious danger in it, or because you don't know the entrance to the secret realm!" Shebi Shi smiled coldly: "But thank you for bringing us brothers, this secret realm. Our brothers just laughed!"

"Too much deception!" Wu Bufan's face was cold, and he turned into streamer and plunged into the lake.

Chunguijun and Shebishi didn't say a word, and immediately sneaked into it.

"Let's catch up!" Guan Zizai stood in the clouds, showing a touch of anxiety.

"Why anxious, let me see what I do!"

Zhang Bairen comforted Guan Zi. The next moment the innate gods merged, Zhang Bairen's palm was facing the ten-mile-sized lake below. The cold wave surged, and the lake was frozen to death in an instant, turned into a stick, and taken by him. In hand.

Ten miles of lakes were frozen by a palm in an instant, Zhang Bairen’s methods were not terrifying.

Looking closely at the popsicle, the fish and shrimp inside it are vivid, shrunk thousands of times, solidified in the popsicle, and time seems to stand still.

"That dojo is either in the water or at the bottom of the lake!" Zhang Bairen waved the popsicle in his hand: "In the lake is the opponent's home court. I will take it. Instead, we will take the initiative."

While talking, only listening to the sound of ‘click’ from the popsicle in his hand, three streams of rice-sized streamers broke through the ice, gradually zooming in and hovering in the air, revealing the trail.

"Zhang Bairen!" The three of them were secretly calculated by Frozen. They planned to come out and ask them directly, but they didn't expect to see Zhang Bairen standing in the air.

"I have seen you all!" Zhang Bairen smiled gently, his eyes were full of comforting smiles, and a childish face was harmless.

But it was this harmless face, whether it was Spring Return, or extravagant corpse, its complexion changed wildly.

"Why are you here?" Shebi's eyes turned murderously.

Ignoring the corpse, Zhang Bairen looked at Wu Bufan: "I heard people say that you have a thousand-weight gu, and the governor of the capital wants to find the ancient Zizhu, and he also asks the friends to give him advice."

Wu Bufan’s gaze shifted, and he swept across Chungui Jun and She Bishi, his complexion changed, and he calmly said: "Zizhu is here in the As long as the governor surrenders these two, this seat Willing to invite the governor to enter the dojo."

When the words fell, Shebi Zie and Chunguijun were full of murderous intent, Zhang Bairen smiled instead: "Haha! Two fellow daoists are willing to help me kill this, and then we enter the dojo. The capital will supervise everything but Zizhu."

"I am willing to serve the governor!" The madly-faced Shebi Zui and Chunguijun were suddenly overwhelmed with joy, and their supernatural powers surged, and they wanted to continue to kill Wufan.

The club in Zhang Bairen's hand ran across the sky, and the sword intent came in deterrence. Not waiting for Wu Fufan to react, the earth-shattering club had already been smashed.

The vacuum is broken, the air turns into dust, and it continues to scroll into gas, but it tears instantly.


He didn't give Wu Bufan time to practice the Taoism at all, Zhang Bairen had already smashed it down with a stick.

"Capital Governor, I'm serving Empress Ma Zu, how can you hurt me?" Wu Bufan suddenly shouted.

ps: Update today. Make up two more

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