First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1085: bet!

Stone King?

Zhang Bairen's face was surprised, and his eyes showed incomprehension!

"At that time, Shun's ineffective control of the water caused the world's waters to be water monsters and disasters. For a while, he complained that the people were not living. At this time, Dayu rose and replaced Shun. At that time, it was the change of kingship that Dayu and Shun battled decisively. In Zhongtu, the stone man king of southern Xinjiang rebelled, swept the world in an instant, and then was suppressed here!" Chungui Jun showed a sigh, eyes full of memories.

"Why did Shun fight a decisive battle with King Yu?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

Chunguijun's eyes were full of mockery: "Don't you think that Shun will voluntarily give in to Yu!"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback, as if the worldview of the past was overturned and broken.

Chunguijun's eyes showed mockery: "It seems that the descendants of the Sui people who guarded this place back then are called: Bi'an. This person has martial arts through the sky, and is only one step away from the immortal way. At this time, the world is in chaos, and the human kingship changes. The Stone Man King rushed into Middle-earth, fearing the consequences would be disastrous."

"Finally, Bi'an died in the southern Xinjiang, but before he died, he locked the King of Stone Man under this mountain. The bones of this mountain are countless sages of the human race!" Chunguijun sighed softly, "I never thought I would The stone man king has gotten out of the ground, I'm afraid the catastrophe of the world will start to roll up again."

Zhang Bairen silently digested the secrets of Chunguijun's words. This fellow actually said that Shun and Dayu were not renunciations, but power struggles. This really subverted Zhang Bairen's image of ancient sages.

"How do you know the secrets of ancient times?" Zhang Bairen looked at Chunguijun.

"Hahaha! There are countless classical books in Li's mansion, and you can only believe in ancient myths when you wait for ordinary folks!" Chungui Jun's eyes were full of disdain.

"What should I do now? Or else bury the King of Stone Man again?" Zhang Bairen looked down at the lake under his feet.

"It's late, I'm afraid the King of Stone Man has woken up!" Chunguijun's eyes were full of helplessness.

As I was talking, I saw the mountain shaking, and a loud noise came: "It hurts me too! Who burns me with fire!"

Then there was a burst of violent chain rattling, and then a huge boulder was entangled by chains, rolled up from the bottom of the mountain, and the air turned into liquid where it passed and hit the three of them.

"Let's stay with the king of stone! The old man has something to say!" Chunguijun suddenly said.


The big stone suddenly stopped rolling, the sky full of stone swords and ten thousand swords returned to the sect, and in an instant it shot into the big stone and disappeared.

"Hey, you old man looks a little familiar!" The big stone turned around and looked at the Spring Guijun in the black robe, showing a look of surprise.

"The stone man king, now the stone clan is extinct, and you are left alone in the world. Even if you give up the whole world to you, what can you do?" Chunguijun shook his head: "You might as well practice hard, and get the proof. Immortal Dao, why bother wandering the muddy water here?"

"Let go of my ancestors!" King Stone Man ignored Chunguijun's words, but fixed his eyes on Zhang Bairen's stone sword that was constantly struggling and twisted by the fire of the sun god.

At this time, the stone sword was bloody, and he wanted to punish Zhang Bairen.

"The King of Stoneman?" Zhang Bairen was surprised with his hands on his back. He never thought that the legendary King of Stoneman was a big rock.

"Release my sword in the stone!" The Stone Man King suddenly roared, rolling the boulder towards Zhang Bairen.

"The governor must make no effort to smash the stone fetus outside this singe with a sharp weapon. Once the stone fetus is smashed, it will break free from the iron chain and reappear in the world. At that time, there will be no one in the world to cure!" When Guijun saw Zhang Bairen drew his sword, he was about to pierce the embryo of the King of Stoneman, and his eyes showed fear.

The King of Spring Return has a great plan. If the King of Stone Man is born, I am afraid that all my plans will be turned into running water.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's palm fell on the hilt, his movements suddenly stagnated, and then dispersed in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already behind the stone man king.

"Let go of my sword in the stone, or we won't die today! When the old man breaks the seal and shackles, the first thing he does when he rushes out is to break your head first!"

The Stone Man Wang Sheng was shocked by thunder, and the air where he passed turned into a viscous liquid, which was not comparable to Zhang Bairen. This fellow was the existence of King Yu with the ability to fight in the ancient times, and I wanted to do something with him, I was afraid that it was still a bit worse.

Looking at the King of Stone Man, Zhang Bairen's hand moved slightly: "This sword in the stone is important?"

"This is a rib of the old man's body, you said it is important not important!" Shi Ren Wang scolded.

Zhang Bairen looked at Chunguijun: "How to surrender this?"

Junguijun looked up and down, and shook his head helplessly: "Difficult! Difficult! Difficult as the sky!"

Zhang Bairen looked at the King of Stone Man: "If I return your ribs, can you stop ruining the world?"

"Don't think about it! When the old man is born, he will dominate the world and fight against the powerful for three hundred rounds!" The stone man king utterly sounded from the stone.

"What weakness does this fellow have!" Zhang Bairen looked at Chunguijun again.

Chunguijun shook his head: "Step on the ground, then you can come back to life, it is almost impossible to kill."

Then it's troublesome. What should I do if I cannot kill or seal it?

"The jade in the stone has already undergone vicissitudes over the years. No more than five thousand years ago in the ancient times, this world has undergone a major change. The day of shock is approaching, and the opportunity to become a fairy is here. Why do you need it?" Persuade each other.

"The unification of the world is the old man's tenacity for thousands of years. How can it be resolved at once? As for becoming a fairy... I have an endless life span, what is the use of becoming a fairy!" Shiren Wang's words were full of disdain.

Upon hearing this, Jungui Jun was speechless, and looked at the chief governor: "Can the governor have a way to kill this?"

Zhang Bairen shook his head, staring at the King of Stone Man with his eyes: "The king is an ancient powerhouse, thousands of years older than me. Dao and deeds are ten or a hundred times better than me. I wonder if the king would dare to gamble with me?"

"How to bet?" Shi Renwang turned his head and looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his left hand, and he understood the avenue of emptiness, the principle that vacuum is not empty, and realized a very mysterious realm of space.

"I also invite senior into my palm. If you can get out of the palm of the junior, the junior will personally break the shackles of the senior and help the senior born!" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

"So simple?" The Stone Man Wang was taken aback.

"It's so simple!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a smile: "But if the senior can't escape the palm of the junior's hand, I don't know what is the senior?"

"If you can't escape your slap, the old man will be willing to be handled by you" Shiren Wang smiled coldly.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "You can teach you a child!"

As he spoke, he spread his slap, and the huge boulder rolled, but it kept shrinking and fell into Zhang Bairen's palm.

"Can it begin?" The Stone Man Wang smiled coldly, and his voice came from inside the boulder.

Zhang Bairen smiled and opened up the universe in his palm, twisting the earth and water: "Senior, let's do it!"


The Stone Man King broke through the void, crushed the ground, water, wind and fire, and flew out of Zhang Xu in an instant, then turned his head to look, but saw that the surrounding area was still raging.

"To some doorways!" The Stone Man Wang smiled coldly, and suddenly exerted his strength, but when he reappeared, he saw the water, wind and fire disappear, and only four pillars stood between the sky and the earth.

"I once heard that Empress Nuwa had built up the sky and set up the Pillar to Patch the sky. Could it be this place? Could it be that the king flew too far and escaped the blockade of Bi'an?" The king of stone man suddenly saw the four pillars. With a look of ecstasy, his body shook suddenly, the huge rock actually broke open, and a man with a face like a crown and a mighty man walked out.

Looking at the four pillars, the King of Stone Man's eyes were full of ecstasy: "Hahaha! Hahaha! Bi'an, Bi'an, you can't think of it, this king actually escaped from the restriction like this!" Shi King Ren laughed wildly, this is the real body of King Stone.

"But this king has faith in his words. Since I bet with others, I should return to witness with the kid and twist his head!" The stone man king was full of ecstasy of escaping from the shackles at this time, so he wanted to turn around, and then stopped again. Footsteps: "No! No! If that kid doesn't admit it, I'm afraid it will ruin the king's reputation."

As he spoke, he engraved four characters on the pillar: "The Stone Man Wang Li!"

Then he turned around and took a step back to Zhang Bairen's palm: "Boy, this king is out of trouble now, all depends on your help. In order to repay you, I will personally twist your head and repay your kindness!"

outside world

Looking at Zhang Bairen’s opening of the world in his palm, Chunguijun suddenly sweated profusely. Zhang Bairen also trembled in his heart: "Oops! It's a big support!"

"You killed me this time!" Chun Guijun glared at Zhang Bairen: "If this scourge is released, I'm afraid we will all die without a place to bury."

"How to do it?" Zhang Bairen and Chunguijun looked at me and I looked at you, staring at me with big eyes, and they were dumbfounded for a while.

At this moment, She Bi Zie said: "This mountain was cast by Bi'an back then, and it was specially used to bind the Stone Man King ~ If you want to suppress the Stone Man King, you are afraid that you will still be on the mountain. Make a fuss."

As the thoughts turned, the mountain peaks under Zhang Bairen's feet turned into countless sand and dust, which instantly fell into Zhang Bairen's hands and disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Bairen smiled when he heard the King of Stone King's call, "The King once said, if you lose, you will leave it to me? Isn't it?"

"Extremely! But now I have won! This king took a step forward and arrived at the Optimus Prime where the Nuwa Empress was refining the stone to replenish the sky. In order to prevent your kid from cheating, he was convinced to die and was there deliberately. There are four words on the stone pillar! Now that you have lost, why not give your head quickly!" The stone man king looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Stone Man King, you must look back!" Zhang Bairen yelled, like the sound of thunder.

Shiren Wang smiled disdainfully, turned around and looked at it: "Fantastically..."

The words of King Stone Man stopped, his smile froze on his face: "How is this possible! How is this possible!"

The words were full of disbelief. Looking at the four pillars behind, his eyes were full of disbelief: "You kid cheats! You deliberately want me!"

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