First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1087: yield

"But just take the words to stop me!" The ancestor Shiren's eyes fired.

After hearing the words of the ancestor of the stone man, Guan Zizheng lowered his throat and said, "Your old man is so rich and expensive, how can that kid be able to compare? Even if this kid can't kill the ancestor, he will stab you with one sword a day and continue to destroy your physical origin. , What should the ancestor do?"

The ancestor of the stone man nodded when he heard the words: "Listening to what you said, it seems to make some sense!"

"Compared with the old ancestor, that kid's Tao Xing is simply the difference between heaven and earth. Isn't it that the old ancestor is afraid that he will not be able to surrender that kid's means? No matter what the kid has, as long as the ancestor removes it afterwards, this kid can How can I get the ancestor's share?" Guan Zizai slowly persuaded.

The ancestor of the stone man nodded: "There is some truth to it." Then he turned his head and looked at Guan Zizai: "You and that kid are in a gang, why help me?"

Zhang Bairen brutally killed dozens of Yangshen powerhouses. The old monster saw it with his own eyes, so after listening to Guan Zizai's words at this time, he suddenly murmured in his heart.

Yes! Who am I! Are you still afraid of the magical powers of a mere junior?

"The juniors admire the majesty of the ancestors, and have longed for the ancestors for a long time. They can't bear the ancestors falling into the hands of Xiao Xiao, and the tigers fall into Pingyang and being bullied by the dogs, so I came to help the ancestors!" Guan Zizai said earnestly, "And the ancestors think about it. , If you don’t hand over the handle to this kid, how can this kid feel relieved to let his ancestor come out? The ancestor has been suppressed for thousands of years, is it still being suppressed for thousands of years, alone in this deep mountain and old forest. Is it raining?"

After listening to Guan Zizai's words, the ancestor of the stone man hesitated in his heart, showing a touch of contemplation, and then said: "Go and call that kid!"

Guan Zizai hurried to Zhang Bairen's side, winked at Zhang Bairen, and secretly sent a message: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Bairen rolled his eyes and nodded calmly.

Guan Zizai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "The ancestors called you over."

Zhang Bairen walked slowly to the ancestor of the stone man, and said blankly: "What is the order of the ancestor?"

"I merged with your fire, so you really release me from the mountains?" The stone man Wang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"As long as the ancestors do not harm the people of Li people, I will release the ancestors." Zhang Bairen is categorical.

Hearing this, the stone man king stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, then slowly closed his eyes and began to fuse the magic seed, and said in his heart: "Is the ancestor I still can't break your method?"

The magic seed was integrated into the stone man king's body, Zhang Bairen felt in his heart, before the stone man king spoke, Zhang Bairen's palm moved, and the gold stickers in the sky were automatically rolled up and fell into his hand.

"Congratulations to the ancestors once they are out of trouble, and in the future, they will have a happy life!" Zhang Bairen's face was full of congratulations.

"Hmph, do you think you can control me with trivial means?" Old Stone Man sneered: "You are too naive!"

While talking, the ancestor of the stone man slowly emerged from the mountain, looking at Zhang Bairen with gloomy eyes, then swept across the void, revealing a strange color: "Weird!"

"How is it weird?" Zhang Bairen actually had a premonition in his heart, but he never noticed the hazy behind.

"You kid, do it for yourself!" The stone man king turned and left.

"Ancestors go slowly! Ancestors go slowly!"

Suddenly the mud rolled, Wu Bufan got out of the mud.

"It turns out that it's you kid, who actually ran to the old man and took Shi Gu before, it was so courageous!" The ancestor of the stone man praised.

"The ancestors have been sealed for thousands of years, wanting to come to the world, but they have nowhere to live. The younger generation is in charge of southern Xinjiang, and there are some descendants of the ancestors in southern Xinjiang. Although they are not pure, they are always related. Can you condescend and condescend, how about coming to my southern Xinjiang?" Wu Bufan's eyes were full of expectation.

The Great Elder Wu Qi is no longer under his control, and he will only have to be beaten when he goes back. If this great **** can be invited into southern Xinjiang, the world will be great in the future, who is he afraid of? Even if it was Ma Zu, he had to avoid three points when he saw him.

"The old man is destined with you, so I will go to Southern Xinjiang with you!" Shiren Wang nodded his head after hearing the words, and turned away, wrapped in Wu Bufan.

Seeing the two walking away, Guan Zizai sighed slightly, "Is it really sure?"

"Don't worry, how can I do things that are not sure!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, his eyes were full of sneers: "The ancestor of the stone man claims to have a high level of cultivation, and never put my magic seed in his eyes, and I don't know how to treat it. What kind of expression should be on his face when he discovers that he can't do it!"

While speaking, Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai: "Let’s go to the South China Sea first to help you become a Yangshen, and it’s not too late to talk about other things.

Guan Zizai showed a smile: "This is a good word, everything is ready, only the east wind!"

Let’s say that Shebishi and Chunguijun returned to southern Xinjiang, began to organize the educational affairs in southern Xinjiang, secretly bought people’s hearts, and continuously issued a series of decrees to massacre Wubufan’s cronies.

For a time, the whole southern Xinjiang was full of blood and blood.

It was said that the ancestors of the stone people controlled the **** wind, led Wu Bufan to southern Xinjiang and stopped at Wushen Square. Just as he stabilized his figure, he saw a group of figures quickly surrounding him, and then one of them yelled: "Who dares to be presumptuous in my southern Xinjiang... the leader!"

Everyone was shocked, they all saw ghostly expressions, and then they knelt to the ground.

Wu Bufan snorted coldly, too lazy to care about them, turned and said to the stone man king: "Please from the ancestor!"

The Sabi Corpse and Chunguijun in the main hall are discussing how to encircle and suppress At this moment, only a sound of footsteps can be heard, and their complexion suddenly becomes gloomy and yells: "Who is so bold and unpredictable? The seat allows you to break into the temple."

"Hey, what a mighty prestige! Wu Qi, your courage is getting bolder! Even this seat dare to scold him!" Wu Bufan stepped into the hall first.

"Hahaha, there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, there is no way to hell, you cast yourself, our brothers were thinking about **** you, never thought that you would come here by yourself. If so, no wonder our brothers!" Chun Guijun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked at Wu Bufan who walked in with a wild laugh.

"That's right! You guys are so bad that they took the initiative to die. If you don't leave you here today, you really think our brothers are soft-hearted and vegetarian!" She Bi Zhe's face was cold.

Wu Bufan's mouth curled up with a disdainful smile: "You two must not want to be presumptuous. The ancestors are now, and they are not quick to welcome them."

Saying to let the door open, he said with a kind expression: "Old ancestor, please come in. This is a humble house. If there is any lack of hospitality, I hope ancestors will forgive me."

When the light dimmed, a figure appeared in front of the main hall.

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