First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1440: Sacrificial Hall

"Divided?" A meaningful smile appeared in the eyes of Nantian Master Taoist Master: "Your Majesty, the old Tao has a better way to divide the area of ​​God's Tao."

"Oh?" Li Yuan was taken aback when he heard the words.


Li Shentong mansion, looking at the people with scorching eyes, Li Shentong smashed his fist on the table: "It's done! Wealth and wealth are in danger, Li Tang will have to fight Wagang, Luoyang, and Zhuojun sooner or later! In this case, it's better to go first. Do it better!"

"Second uncle, Zhang Bairen is not so easy to deal with. My Li Clan's footing is not stable. If a dispute arises rashly, I am afraid it will be bad for me Li Shimin!" Li Shimin hurriedly persuaded me.

The Li Clan has just established the country, and it is indeed not yet settled down. The foundation is too shallow to compete with Zhang Bairen.

"Although it is said that, but don't you know that people's hearts are changeable, the first is the strongest, and the second is the truth?" Li Jiancheng showed a murderous in his eyes: "Second uncle, my nephew agrees with the second uncle's approach."

"Li Jiancheng, you are trying to push me the Li Clan into a place where no one can recover. I will never agree! From when Zhang Bairen's five-year-old child left Mobei to push the world all the way, how many people have offended? How many people have been killed? Jobs? How many people’s family properties have been robbed? How many people want to cut their roots and draw their souls, but those people are dead, only Zhang Bairen is still alive!" Li Shimin sonorously said: "I will never allow you to wait for peace now. Zhuojun is the enemy!"

"Shimin, there is nothing we can do about it. The benefits of conferring gods are so great that the major sects can no longer suppress the greed in their hearts. This matter has to be announced. This is what your father meant!" Li Shentong stood slowly! Standing up: "I can indeed wait for several decades before doing it again, but...the best time to do it now is one mind. If I miss this opportunity, I don't know how long to wait."

Speaking of this, Li Shentong came to Li Shimin's side, instantly locked Li Shimin's pipa bone, and controlled his blood circulation: "I will have detailed arrangements for this matter, so you don't have to worry about it. Go to the prison for a few days to rest! "

"Uncle, what you do like this will harm my Li family, and make my Li family fall into a dead end!" Li Shimin stretched his neck and shouted.

Li Shentong just remained silent and motioned to the left and right guards to lift Li Shimin out of the mansion.

"Has the manpower been arranged?" Li Shentong looked at Li Jiancheng.

"You can do it yourself. I can do it myself. As long as I kill Zhai Rang with the momentum of thunder, Wang Shichong will naturally know how to choose!" In Li Jiancheng's eyes, a country of ice and snow is constantly circulating, and it seems that it can freeze the void.

"It's good if you know it!" Li Shentong sighed in his heart and patted Li Jiancheng on the shoulder. In fact, he didn't really agree with Zhang Bairen now.

However, the general situation is such that it is rare for Daomen to work together to break the wrist with Zhang Bairen. At this time, it is the best time to completely pull the Daomen into the chariot.

Even if it doesn't, it's the most important thing to be able to watch the water from all directions.

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, his eyes looked at the cloud head in the distant sky, and flakes of snow fell down on Zhang Bairen's shoulder.

"What is your husband thinking?" Zhang Lihua came to Zhang Bairen's side.

"It's been three days, something is wrong, why the Taoist door hasn't moved!" Zhang Bairen slowly caught a piece of snowflakes, and the snowflakes did not melt.

Zhang Lihua was silent when he heard the words, looked at the contemplation on Zhang Bairen's face, and whispered in a low voice: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

"Yes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Tomorrow will be the ritual ceremony. I want to see what demon these old guys want to do!" A murderous opportunity was brewing, and the snowflakes in Zhang Bairen's hands turned into nothingness in an instant.

Royal palace


Li Yuan looked at the map in his hand, the Buddha's light flowed in the hall, and the figure of the world-zun dressed in white slowly appeared in the hall.

"Bold, I dared to break into the palace without permission, and I didn't rush to death!" Li Yuan's guards were shocked when he saw this scene, and the blood violently violently all over his body, he wanted to take action.

"Hold on!" Li Yuan stopped the guard's movements, and a strange look appeared in his eyes: "Master, you are trespassing into my Dragon Court, what's the matter?"

The Blessed One’s complexion was indifferent, and his white clothes fluttered like the person in the painting: "Your Majesty, the monk has developed an eye for seeing the past, the present, and the future. The monk is here to help your majesty."

"Oh? I have the support of the Taoist school, why do you need the Buddhist school to contribute?" Li Yuan sneered: "Where do you come from, where do you go back! Middle-earth is not the muddy water that Buddhism can wade through!"

"Tomorrow, there is no need for the monk to remind your majesty what the Li sect and the Dao Sect will do!" The World Venerable smiled.


Li Yuan's emperor's dragon gas rolled around, like a cat with blown hair, his eyes were full of fright: "What do you know?"

"The monk doesn't know anything. The monk only knows that if the Li Clan really did that thing, he would have to face the counterattack of the chief governor, and in and out of the Li Clan, there was no expert who could stop the chief governor from counterattacking!" Blessed One is not hurried, his words are gentle.

"So you came to threaten me?" Li Yuan looked angry.

"What the monk asks is only the ownership of the divine power within a hundred miles of Songshan. If some news is accidentally passed into the ears of the chief governor later, I am afraid that the trouble will be great!" The World Zun looked at Li Yuan with a pair of eyes: "As long as your majesty is willing If you agree to the monk's request, the monk will withstand the pressure of the chief governor for you, help you to completely calm the world, and sit on the throne of the ninety five supreme."

When Li Yuan heard the words, his whole body suddenly became angry, standing there with a gloomy expression, weighing the pros and cons.

"Your Majesty, Da Sui's lesson is right in front of you. It's really a Daomen family. It's no good for Li Tang. Be careful and overwhelm the Lord!" The words of the World Venerable were full of bewilderment, and he hit Li Yuan's heart.

What is the emperor most afraid of?

Most afraid of the monarch power granted by the gods!

Once the Dao Sect becomes bigger, I am afraid that the life of the Li Family will not be easy. Just like Yang Guang, the canal has been harmed by others, but there is nothing to do.

"I've got it right, isn't it a realm of a hundred li? I will give you all Buddhism!" Li Yuan suddenly gritted his teeth.

"Goodness! Goodness! Your Majesty is really a wise man. When we arrive at the ceremony tomorrow, let's give everyone another surprise!" The Blessed One twirled his rosary: ​​"Your Majesty, the monk retires. Tomorrow will protect your majesty."

"It's difficult!" Seeing the World Zun retreat, Li Yuan sat blankly on the dragon chair, looking at the void with his eyes, speechless for a long time.

What can he do? Only by sitting in this position will he know the difficulties of this position.

At this time, Li Yuan admired Yang Guang very much. Even an unruly character like Zhang Bairen was loyal to Da Sui, and he was afraid that he would never be able to do this.

If Yang Guang hadn't played enough for himself and wanted to lift the table, this would not be the Li family's turn.

At the last moment, Yang Guang regretted it!

No one wants to die. The reason Yang Guang wants to lift the table is purely tired of living. But when death really came, he knew that he didn't want to die. He still had a lot of nostalgia and reluctance to let go, but he was still dead.

The sunset moon rises and the Golden Crow flies south.

Zhang Lihua took care of the long hair on Zhang Bairen's head carefully, slowly twisting it into the jade crown, and inserting it on the hairpin.

After carefully sorting out Zhang Bairen's clothes, Zhang Lihua just smiled and said, "Mr. is becoming more and more wise."

Zhang Bairen touched Zhang Lihua's side face, turned around and put on Hu Qiu, and walked out of the courtyard: "It's up to today to see what tricks these Taoists play!"

Chang'an City


At this time, the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty gathered, standing respectfully under the altar.

Not far away, Gao Zhen's eyes closed slightly, waiting for the development of things.

Today the altar is not peaceful, and a terrifying battle is about to break out.

"Huh? I don't see the Li Jiancheng brothers, or Li Shentong and Li Yuan." Zhang Bairen's brows couldn't help but frowned, and the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

Stepped forward, walked to the forefront unhurriedly, and stood up slowly.

If it weren't for the enshrined gods to see the legendary enshrined gods list, Zhang Bairen would never come to participate in this sacrifice.

The Buddha's light in the sky circulates, but I see a monk in white clothes stepping on the Buddha's light, carrying the big sun, as if a fairy descended into the world.

A person Zhang Bairen didn't want to see is here!

This is a feast of the Daomen, the Blessed One should not be here.

But the Blessed One is here!

An ominous premonition arose in the hearts of the Dao Sect Gaozhen, but at the moment of the sacrifice, everyone was not easy to have it, just as if they hadn't seen it.

"Sir, let's meet again!" Blessed One said but I don't want to meet you, this is not the place you should be," Zhang Bairen said gloomyly.

The World Honored shook his head when he heard the words and gave a meaningful look at the masters of the Taoist sect, but he didn't speak any more, he only said ‘watch the changes’ and then stopped saying more.

"Weird!" Zhang Bairen knew that there must be something about it, but he didn't say more about it, just waiting quietly is an extremely development.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Suddenly he scolded, Li Yuan led his concubine and queen to the court.

The ministers paid homage: "I have seen your Majesty!"

The Taoists established: "I have seen the emperor!"

"Everyone, please, the ceremony of sacrificing the heavens will begin immediately, you don't want to be polite!" Li Yuan looked solemn, glanced at Zhang Bairen without a trace, but his heart trembled slightly.


How much Zhang Bairen exists, he immediately noticed that Li Yuan was wrong, and suddenly a panic of suspicion rose from his heart.

"The good day has arrived, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven begins!" A man in a Taoist robe slowly stepped onto the altar. He did not know that it was the ancestor. At this time, holding the incense tablet in his hand, he began to take action.


Zhai let his fingers tap the case, and his eyes looked towards the city of Chang'an. He could perceive the dragon riots between heaven and earth.

"On a whim, I am afraid that something will be bad today. I have become the overlord of one party. Who can make me feel intimidated?" Zhai Lang felt uneasy.

Snow fluttered in the void. Zhai Rang stood in front of the hall and watched, his eyes swept across the guards, and no one could break into the yard and kill himself.

It was safe here, but for some reason, the feeling of anxiety became more solemn.

ps: The third update today.


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