First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: Everything in the world is indisputable

"Majesty, the six previous sects have become the past, and now the six sects such as Louguan are the main ones. If the six previous sects are recruited, I am afraid that something will be bad!" Changsun Wuji suddenly exploded when he heard this.

Li Shimin smiled coldly, with a touch of disdain from the corner of his mouth: "Six cases of taking refuge in my elder brother, what I have done now is nothing more than a small punishment and a big admonition! What's more, there are Buddhist schools that can be used for me, and I am not afraid that the heavenly master will turn the sky!"

Once the emperor and the courtier, most of the key positions in the middle of the kingdom have been replaced by Li Shimin, and his confidant has been inserted.

The six sects of the previous dynasty heard of the emperor’s summons, and suddenly came to Chang’an City to wait for the summons with joy, and immediately caused the ancestors of the Tianshidao and other families to be shocked. They all set off to go to Chang'an City to ask for a meeting, but unfortunately they were blocked by the imperial guards.

Half a month later

The imperial court summoned Li Shimin as the prince to play all the affairs of the imperial court.

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, he began to make bold decisions, directly excluding dissidents and placing his family members in important positions.

Take Yuwenshi and as the prince Zhanshi, Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui as the left concubines, Gao Shilian and Fang Xuanling as the right concubines, Yuchi Jingde as the left guard, Cheng Zhijie as the right guard, Yu Shinan as the Zhongsheren, Chu Liang For the house of people, Yao Silian is for washing the horse. He also bestowed all the gold and silver treasures in the Qi Palace to Yuchi Jingde.

If it hadn't been for Yuchi Jingde to shoot Li Yuanji to death with an arrow, and let Li Shimin successfully seize Li Yuanji's emperor Dragon Qi, I am afraid that his rebellion might not be so smooth.

But thinking of Li Jiancheng's tragic situation before his death, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel cold. At the time, I was still wondering how Li Jiancheng didn’t even show his 50% cultivation level on weekdays, but since he learned the truth and saw Xuanming’s resurrection with his own eyes, Li Shimin couldn’t help but feel cold when he thought of this scene. The Spring Guijun around him aroused fear.

"Jungui Jun is the ancient innate **** Jumang Great God. His supernatural powers are endless and he has unmatched power. I may not be able to really restrain him. Fortunately, the Human Race still has a large captain, so I can use the power of the large captain. "Contain the sentence mang" Li Shimin kept thinking.

Balance is the instinct of the emperor.

Before ascending to the throne, he wished that the stronger the better, but now it is not the case. That feeling suddenly changed, replaced by endless fear.


Wei Yun sat in the lobby with a gloomy expression, frowned slowly, and a touch of irritation appeared in his eyes.

Starting from Wei Yun, sitting Nai Guo Xingfang.

Dou Gui is the servant of Yizhou, Wei Yunqi and Guo Xingfang are Shangshu, Wei Yunqi and Guo Xingfang are not in harmony with Dou Gui, and now I suddenly heard that Li Shimin rebelled, and both of them were gloomy.

"Do you think Dou Gui took the opportunity to get rid of you and me?" Guo Xingfang showed an ugly look in his eyes.

Dou Gui is Li Yuan's confidant, and the two of them are now hooked up with Li Jiancheng, but it is very bad. Dou Gui may kill them and sell them to Li Shimin.

However, before the two of them could continue talking, suddenly there were waves of earth-shattering shouts of killing outside the door.

Do it!

Dou Gui actually did it directly.




Guo Xingfang and Wei Yunqi were not simple people either, they broke out directly when they saw something bad, and fled the mansion in a panic.

One after another shouting and killing sounded, but saw a **** figure, directly smashed through the door of Zhang Bairen's mansion: "The Governor, help me!"

Behind him, dozens of military masters were looking at Zhang Bairen's mansion, with a touch of unwillingness and fear in their eyes.

"Cut the grass and remove the roots, Master Shushe ordered to kill Wei Yunqi, now seeing that he is about to be killed by a stab, how can he give up halfway?" There was a hesitation in the eyes of a guard, and then suddenly stepped out to chase Zhang Bairen's mansion.

"Bold, this is the mansion of the governor, how can you wait for it to be presumptuous!" There was a scolding, and the guards turned into ground gourds and flew out of Zhang Bairen's mansion.

The master of Tianting has taken action!

"This manager, Wei Yunqi is an anti-thief. Your Majesty wants to be killed..." The collar spurted blood, wanting to explain and threaten.

"There is no imperial decree in this Grand Governor’s mansion, only the decree of the Grand Governor. Nian Zai Er waits for the first offense, so I will spare you waiting. Otherwise, you will have become a dead body!" Jing Wuming smiled disdainfully and turned around. Walked into the mansion.

The guard held a steel knife in his hand and stared at Zhang Bairen's mansion with a gloomy expression. His throat moved. After all, he didn't have the courage to step into the mansion for half a step and could only turn around and leave.

The guards had no choice but to return to Yizhou.

"General Governor Zhang Bairen?" After hearing his subordinates report back, Dou Gui looked gloomy, and after a while he said: "Some trouble! I will go to the palace to see your Majesty."

When he came to the palace, Dou Gui told Li Shimin, but he saw Li Shimin playing with Yugui with his fingers. After a while, he said, "Fine, but a Wei Yun is not worth mentioning! You wait to leave!"

It is no secret that Zhang Bairen and Wei Yunqi have friendship.

Wei Yunqi was a former veteran, not to mention Zhang Bairen came forward, this face must be given to him.

Because a Wei Yunqi offended Zhang Bairen, it was not worth it.

"Your Majesty, if the general governor retaliates, the subordinates are afraid that the family will be ruined, and the low will not be able to stop..." Cold sweat fell on Dou Gui's forehead.

"It's just a trivial matter, most of them are supervised, how can they care about you?" Li Shimin waved his hand, his eyes showed an idiotic expression.

Dou Gui smiled bitterly when he heard the words, with a relaxed look on his face, and for the first time felt relieved because others looked down on him.

"Why are you so embarrassed!" Zhang Bairen was working cross-legged when he suddenly smelled a **** smell and couldn't help but open his eyes.

At this time, Wei Yun got up and was hit with a number of knives. He was bloody, and his injuries were not shallow.

Wei Yun smiled bitterly, and directly limply panting under Zhang Bairen's feet, Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, a vitality poured into Wei Yun's body, but after a few breaths, Wei Yunqi had recovered from his injuries.

"You don’t know if you are the governor. Nowadays, the emperor and the courtier, I am at odds with Dou Gui, and my brother is standing in the wrong team and he is caught by Dou Gui..." Wei Yunqi said with a snotty nose. tears.

Most of Wei Yunqi's brothers and his clan descendants were used by Li Jiancheng. The Wei family basically lay the label of a princeling party. Now that the prince is down, how can the prince’s direct line end well?

What's more, while Dou Gui gazes at Su Gui, taking the opportunity to slander Wei Yunqi, if it is not for a critical moment, he remembers that there is still an old man in the capital city, I am afraid that Wei Yunqi has been killed by Dou Gui.

The great and extensive implications of the Beijing Great Purge cannot be described in a few words.

Looking up and down Wei Yun for a while, Zhang Bairen shook his head, secretly saying that Wei Yun is not wronged, and that the Wei family and the prince are so close to each other and don't punish you!

Zhang Bairen felt that the Wei family's death without resentment was not only not injustice, but rather injustice.

You dare to enter into this undecided battle for the throne. Although it is said that there will be great benefits to suppressing the treasure before the throne is settled, but if you make a mistake in your judgment, you will inevitably end your family.

"Captain, please be the master of my Wei family!" Wei Yunqi knelt down at the feet of Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen silently sighed softly after a while, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "If you are willing, go to my Zhuojun to be a hermit, if you are not willing... just do it with you!"

"The Governor, you and I are both veterans of the Sui Dynasty, how can we not save you from the dead!" Wei Yunqi sighed.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, just watched Wei Yunqi quietly, and said after a while: "No matter, I will hand you a post. It is impossible to revenge the Wei family, but it will save you from murder. ."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen slowly narrowed his eyes, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Wei Yunqi contributed to this person in Jiangshan Sheji, the original Turkic split was all due to this person, and he was considered to have achieved good causes and good results.

"Thank you, Governor!" After a long time, Wei Yun let out a wry smile and respectfully bowed to Zhang Bairen. He had to be sympathetic to Zhang Bairen.

It is a great blessing to be able to keep a ray of incense for the Wei family.

The controversy between the emperors, only the end of ransacking the family, there is absolutely no second possibility.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distant void, tapped his fingers on the case, and after a while he suddenly said, "Struggling!"

Everything in the world As long as you are alive, you can't escape the word ‘struggle’.

Fight against the sky, against the earth, against the people!

Looking at the post handed over by Zhang Bairen, Li Shimin looked hesitant. After a while, he looked at Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui: "What should I do about this?"

"Since Zhang Bairen has handed over the post, he can't wait to take it lightly, he needs to give an explanation," Fang Xuanling said.

Li Shimin nodded, this is reasonable.

"It's better to abolish Yizhou Xingtai and change the pardon to the Metropolitan Government" Du Ruhui said.

"Quick play!" Li Shimin pondered for a while, and still approved the two memorials.

"Second brother really succeeded!" Changsun Wugou stood in the yard with a pale face and looked at Li Chengqian who was reading a poem in the distance, with a touch of anxiety and heartache in his eyes.

"If you don't stop that man's conspiracy, Cheng Qian will surely become the prince, and Li Tang Jiangshan will fall into that man's hands sooner or later. But I can't tell the matter directly, otherwise I'm afraid my grandson family will be destroyed. Once Yu once, a touch of ugliness appeared in the eyes of Changsun Wukui, this matter is not easy to handle.

"I heard that the master has something to do with the Yang family?" Changsun Wugou turned and looked at the maid behind him.

"Niang, it is said that the master stayed at Qi Palace that day!" said the maid.

Changsun Wugou nodded, and said after a while: "That's fine! You go and send someone to pick up the Yang family. Since you are the woman whom the master has been lucky enough to have, how can you live outside? Now the Prince of Qi is in decline, and he is a woman outside. It's not easy."

"Niang, I heard people say that Princess Qi is beautiful, and the Yang family is behind the front. If you summon him into the mansion, I am afraid that it will be unfavorable to the position of the Niang." The maid was shocked when she heard that, her eyes were full of puzzlement and did not understand. Wugou's actions.

Changsun Wugou was silent, and after a while, he said, "Just do it!"


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