First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Pei Yu's mission

"Why! Why are you all forcing me!" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Chengqian in the yard, with a look of pain in his eyes: "I don't have a family to rely on, let alone a strong master as a backer. I can rely on Only myself, if I fall, there will be no place to be buried. No one in this world will remember me, and no one will avenge me!"

"Why are you having trouble with me! Why!" Murderous intent was circulating in Zhang Bairen's eyes, the monstrous flames erupted, and the marble under his feet turned into the color of glass.

My son was actually raised as a nerd who could only read books. He had no power to restrain him and could not practice martial arts, which was almost the same as raising pigs.


Zhang Bairen is really angry!

Although Li Chengqian did not inherit his own powerful strength and roots, he still has inherited the power of the sun. If he is practicing martial arts, it can be said that Li Jiancheng’s martial arts talent will be better than everyone else. The sun **** in his body is the origin of fire. , Will help Li Chengqian to wash the hair and cut the marrow and quench the roots, and get twice the result with half the effort.

I thought that Li Chengqian, as the prince of Li Tang, and the future heir, Wuguo, the eldest grandson, would carefully train him, but who would have thought that Li Chengqian would be trained as a nerd?

"I was enshrined as a sage teacher by the Confucianists, but my sons and descendants became a nerd. It's ridiculous! Ridiculous!" Zhang Bairen felt that this was a great joke and it was so sad!

"You did it deliberately!" Zhang Bairen gritted his teeth: "You must do it deliberately! How can I tell you to achieve what you want!"

Come quietly, walk quietly.

Looking at the round and round Li Chengqian who weighed hundreds of catties, like a meat ball, Zhang Bairen only felt that his heart was about to break.

On the pavilion

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, and suddenly he thought of a character:

Pei Yu!

Pei Yu's kendo cultivation is quite good, but he is a rare master. The most important thing is that this person is a member of the family, and he has a lot of obstacles to do things.

"Go and recruit Pei Yu!" Zhang Bairen faced the bamboo forest behind him.

Lu Dianyangshen left, and the courtyard returned to silence in an instant. It took about two hours before Pei Yu, who was panting, hurriedly walked into the house: "Sir, you call me?"

"I want you to try to enter the East Palace, teach Li Chengqian the sword to help him practice martial arts" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Pei Yu.

Originally, Pei Yu wanted to walk the way of heaven, and Zhang Bairen wanted to teach his swordsmanship, and it would take decades. Now it is better to rush into the sword way in advance, and he can't care so much.

"As long as you can make Li Chengqian reborn, I will accept you as a disciple! Teach you the real kendo!" Zhang Bairen stared at Pei Yu with a pair of eyes.

"Really? Mr. Taking this seriously?" Pei Yu's body was shaking.

"Naturally, it's a promise, you can withdraw!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed solemnity.

"Yes, please don't worry, Mr. Disciple, I will definitely go all out to help the prince develop martial arts!" Pei Yu gave a respectful salute before retreating.

There are many masters under Zhang Bairen, and the masters who can teach Li Chengqian don't know where they are, but Zhang Bairen dare not ask him to take action.

The relationship between myself and Li Chengqian is sensitive, so don't reveal anything!

There is a teacher in martial arts, but a teacher who studies is hard to find. This era of the Tang Dynasty is more embarrassing. Confucianism is suffering from a backlash. Now it is the time when the four masters of the Tang Dynasty are the first to be born in the world.

"Can't find a good teacher!" Zhang Bairen frowned, and then said after a while: "Now Cheng Qian's teacher is Li Gang. This person is enough in terms of seniority, but he lacks a workaround! Plus the eldest grandson. Wugou's unintentional guidance, this matter is difficult to handle!"

Zhang Bairen frowned, with a look of pain in his eyes: "The trumpet is still not enough, otherwise, how can I be as confused as today?"

Second day

Go to study

But he saw Pei Ju slowly come out and bowed to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, the prince is now an adult, but he has never practiced martial arts. Confucianism has always been a gentleman who does not leave his hands. He is not a corrupt Confucian who has the power to bind the chicken. The candidate?"

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the words, and while the other officials were watching me and I watching you, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Good guy, now that the world is peaceful, you actually started to bet in advance.

Li Shimin at the top was also stunned when he heard this. He looked at Pei Ji and knew that this was Pei's favor, so he didn't dare to neglect: "Is there a suitable candidate for Aiqing?"

The Pei family has always been in the middle of the DPRK with a prosperous talent and power. Even Li Shimin didn't want to provoke too much. Now that Pei family takes the initiative to show his favor, he would like to be so.

Pei Ji smiled: "I have a nephew among the descendants of the Pei family, called'Pei Yu'. I dare not say much about the four books and five classics, but the level of kendo cultivation is one of the few in the world. As a kendo teacher in the six arts of the prince and gentleman, he has More than enough."

Pei Yu?

Qunchen you look at me and I look at you, Fang Xuanling on one side said: "I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

"You can still remember that in the Mobei battle, the governor used the sword to cut the drought, and then gave the broken sword to my nephew, saying that my nephew is extraordinary, and the cultivation of kendo is a god!" Pei Jidao.

"So it was him!"

Hearing Pei Ji's words, the officials of the group had experienced the war in those years, and remembered that childish child in their minds, and the man with a talent for kendo was also amazed by Zhuojun.

He was originally born for the sword!

"What is Pei Yu's repair now?" Li Shimin was interested.

"No talent, I have already stepped into the threshold of the Dao Dao, breaking through the Dao Dao is the skill of water and ink!" Pei Ji smiled gently.

All the officials are full of envy, no matter when, strong force is the root of a family's longevity.

Now that the dynasty is unified, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to break through.

In other words, in the next few hundred years, the path of practice will be broken! Unless there is a turbulence in Li Tangjiang, causing the dragon's energy to leak, it is giving people a chance to break through.

"Alright, I will ask your child to come to the palace for filing tomorrow!" Li Shimin smiled and nodded. Naturally, he would not reject Pei Ji's kindness. Now Pei Jia is willing to send a strong man to the court to listen to your instructions. It is a kind of showing good and weak.

"Your Majesty, the six arts of gentleman, I don't know if anyone can choose between riding and shooting..."

"Your Majesty, the Qindao repertoire, the old minister still has a bit of research..."

"Your Majesty, go together, maybe the old can..."

It was noisy and noisy in the center for a while, and instantly surrounded Li Chengqian.

The future of Li Tang's kingdom is Li Chengqian's no accident. Of course everyone has to find a way to suppress the treasure in advance.

While Changsun Wuji's eyes flickered, showing the color of thinking, but he didn't say anything. The Li Chengqian incident was an opportunity for the Changsun family, but it was also a crisis. As long as Li Shimin can be put to death and Li Chengqian can be supported to the throne, the future will belong to the grandson family.

Although Li Shimin has few heirs, there are more than a dozen heirs. Of course, the eldest son Wuji has to help his nephew.

After a quarrel, the six artists cannot be selected after all. Li Shimin still needs to carefully consider this matter.


There was silence in the upper study, and only the core members sat under Li Shimin at this time.

"Everyone, now this king is in charge of Li Tang's state affairs, I don't know if there are still errors?" Li Shimin glanced over the officials.

The officials were meditating, and then shook their heads. Now that Li Tang is on the right track, Li Shimin is holding the power, what else is wrong?

"Master, the next official thought of a mistake" Wei Zheng actually stood up at this moment.

"Oh? Love Qing, let's just say" Li Shimin looked solemn, but he didn't agree with him. Now Li Tang is perfect. The reason why he asked this question, but subconsciously checked the deficiencies, but he didn't think there would be any deficiencies in Li Tang now.

"Sitiantai!" Wei Zheng said with a solemn expression: "Sitiantai is about important things. The establishment of the crown prince offended Sitiantai's old ways. Only then was someone subverted the secrets and didn't know, otherwise the Shaolin Temple would be intercepted that day, for fear that King Qin would have died!"

"There is such a thing?" Li Shimin was taken aback.

Wei Zheng smiled and told Li Jiancheng about the threat of Qintian Supervisor Sizheng Zhuque's throwing into the river. The officials suddenly looked sad, and their eyes were full of emotion.

"Qin Tianjian is so important, of course it must be in his own hands!" Li Shimin began to think about it. In fact, the most important duty of Qin Tianjian was to monitor the movements of the world's Taoists and monks, so that the dynasty would not be calculated and unknown.

"Unfortunately, all of my subordinates are military commanders, but there has never been a high level of truth. I don't know if any of you can be recommended for me?" Li Shimin swept the officials.

The ministers were silent when they heard the words. You look at me and I look at you, all shaking their heads.

The true teachings of Taoism are all held in the palm of the hands of every family. People who want to find the high-quality Taoism can hardly escape the shackles of the great views.

"My lord, I know someone who is going to be an official. At that time, the governor Jinwu went south and punished the land of Qilu in Shandong. This person used to observe the secrets and compete with the governor in Cuiping Mountain. Unfortunately, he was defeated by the governor by a single move. Otherwise, I was afraid that year. The situation is hard to tell!" Li Jing stood up at this moment.

All the officials were moved when they heard the words, and they were able to detect Zhang Bairen's secrets. Such a character is extraordinary, and he is definitely one of the few powerful figures in the world.

"Oh? There is such a great sage in the world, I don't know where this person retreats, and the general will trouble you to introduce him to this king." Li Shimin was immediately moved when he heard this.

His heart disease is Zhang Bairen. If someone can measure Zhang Bairen's traces and monitor Zhang Bairen's every move, then this matter can't be better, it can be said that one of his own heart problems has been eliminated.

"This person is called: Yuan Shoucheng. The technique of divination is unparalleled in the world. Because of the estrangement between the Golden Crow and the governor when the Golden Crow went south, this person happened to work for me, Li Tang!" Li Jing respectfully said.

"Good! Good! Good! Such a great sage, I should visit it personally!" Li Shimin's eyes were full of smiles.


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