First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1468: Love is priceless

Since ancient times, there have been many things that teach the dilemma of life and death, such as dilemma of loyalty, dilemma of life and death, dilemma of love and so on.

In fact, in the eyes of modern people, it is simply a shit, but in the eyes of the ancients, it is too heavy.

What is friendship? What is loyalty? Can you eat it? How many kilos?

Not only do I want to sleep with your wife, I also want to beat your baby! Beat your mother!

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the table, looked into the distance, and saw Li Jing's mansion. Li Jing in a bright red robe kept toasting with guests from all walks of life in the courtyard.

The guilty bearded guest is sitting opposite Zhang Bairen, under the red wine, his daughter of decades, when the guilty bearded guest is already drunk.

Howling and crying!

Long song when crying!

The high spirits in the past were completely gone, just like a lost child, unable to find a way home.

Zhang Bairen just sat there quietly, looking at the hustle and bustle of Li's mansion by the window, and all the powers in the middle of the country had been counted.




Zhang Bairen's figure was quietly concealed in a red brushed red robe.

Hong Fu stood in front of the Qiu Yanke, watching the howling Qiu Yanke for a long time.

"In your heart, the friendship is truly unparalleled. If that's the case, how can I not fulfill your friendship?" Hong Fu turned and walked away with unprecedented determination.

"You should call her." Zhang Bairen appeared again opposite the Qiu Yanke.

The beardless guest did not speak, but was drinking.

"The good time has come, pray to heaven and earth" the master of ceremonies shouted from the courtyard, and the bearded man couldn't help shaking his palm.

The warrior hasn't tremble since Yijin, but now the bearded man is trembling.

The body of the beard is trembling and convulsing!


"Second worship Gaotang!"

"Husband and wife worship!"

"Into the bridal chamber~"

The voice of the emcee came, and the bearded man looked at the courtyard with drunken eyes, and looked at the two red robes who were kneeling together. The body was trembling and twitching, and a little black blood slowly escaped from his mouth.


The bearded man fell to the ground, his body hugged, and kept twitching.

"Deserve it!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, eyes full of mockery.

Make fun of the ignorance of the beard!

You can never talk to someone who has been enslaved by imperial power for a long time about equality and freedom for all.

Even more can't reason with a fool!

In Zhang Bairen's view, the guillotiner is self-inflicted and not worthy of pity.

But at this time, the stunner was quite pitiful, and this foolish man was admirable in people's hearts. For some reason, although this person was stupid and irredeemable, Zhang Bairen suddenly felt a sense of admiration.

Big husband too!

"It's a pity Hong Fu, marrying an eggless man and staying alive all day long!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

The bearded guest did not speak, but drank his drink, drunk and limp in the restaurant.


At night, the lights of Li Mansion rushed into the sky. At this time, the drunkard suddenly woke up from the drunkenness and came to Zhang Bairen's side full of alcohol.

"Thank you Brother Zhang for the hospitality, it's a pity that I'm leaving!" The bearded guy stood by the railing and looked at the courtyard for a long time.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said in surprise: "Have you figured it out?"

The bearded man shook his head, his eyes looked at the mansion greedily, and his eyes were red: "I have always been seldom seen by the governor. Although the governor's cultivation is unpredictable and strong, I am a shameless man ten times, a hundred times, but I don't look down on the way the governor works. We are not the same."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at the guilty bearded man with a smile, and he suddenly sighed: "But today I suddenly found out that compared with the governor, my guilty bearded man is a loser, a complete loser!"

The guilty man stared at Li Mansion with a pair of eyes, and his voice was vague and uncertain: "You and I both rose in the end, but I am born a hundred times better than you, but now I am a thousand times worse than you. Although I am in the middle of the rivers and lakes, I have a mighty life. Fame, but not as good as the governor in case."

"If you can figure it out, it would be the best! Love and justice are all false, and only your own cultivation is true!" Zhang Bairen and the stunner stood side by side: "I don't ask the people of the world to appreciate me in this life, as long as the people of the world appreciate me. Respect and fear me, that's enough! What do you want to be grateful for? I have countless masters in Zhuojun, but I still have a lot of heroes who can be known. Brother Zhang can be called a great hero, so I might as well come to Zhuojun to work. how is it?"

"No, thank the Governor for your kindness!" The guilty bearded guest refused Zhang Bairen's invitation, but looked at the silent night with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "I want to go to sea! I want to leave Middle-earth, and leave Middle-earth forever."

"You are crazy!" Zhang Bairen was shocked: "The day of shock may come at any time. You actually left Middle-earth at this time. Do you want to become a fairy?"

"Being a fairy is just for the sake of longevity, but longevity is just a torture for me! Life is better than death!" After speaking, the bearded customer turned around and walked down the restaurant: "The superintendent overwhelmingly prepares a ship for me to go to sea."

"When do you want to leave?" Zhang Bairen was silent.

People live long because they are in happiness. If you are in purgatory all day, you may wish to die early.

"Tonight!" said the beard.

Zhang Bairen nodded after hearing the words of the Qiu Yanke. He had already seen the determination on the face of the Qiu Yanke.

Lu Yu has already gone to work. Zhang Bairen's subordinates are already engaged in maritime business, and it is not difficult to prepare for a big ship.

"The sea is vast, where is Brother Zhang going?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Zhongjian.

"I don't know!" The bearded man replied, and then boarded the ship: "The chief governor, my bearded man owes you a favor!"

Zhang Bairen stood at the pier without speaking, watching the big ship disappear into the night, just standing so quietly.

He understands the pain of the guillotiner, but he does not agree with the practice of the guillotine!


What is a brother?

Brothers are used to sell!

So Zhang Bairen has no brothers, only subordinates!

Like it, just grab it directly. If the other party dares to resist, just kill it. Where is the trouble.

"This is the courage of a guilty bearded guest, and even the woman she likes is handed over. I disdain it!" Zhang Bairen thought of a person, tonight's guilty bearded guest, how similar is it to Li Tanhua in the novel.

"The world becomes interesting just because there are so many self-righteous fools!" Zhang Bairen sneered, what kind of feelings are the most unreliable, what kind of stick to beat the mandarin ducks and childhood sweethearts, sleep with her for several years, give birth to a few litters, promise Not only her body is yours, but her heart is yours.

There is no woman who can't get hold of the overlord's bow. If it doesn't work, then twice, three times, one year, two years, one day you will fall asleep in this woman's heart.

The bearded guy is gone, and maybe he will never come back in his life.

No one knows where he went, even Zhang Bairen didn't know.

"Give this letter to Hongfu and Li Jing!" Zhang Bairen sat at the railing of the dock, facing Ludian Road behind him.

The farewell letter from the beard!

One night passed

Zhang Bairen stood by the sea all night, watching the big sun rising from the sea, a touch of intoxication appeared in his eyes.


Beautiful, incorrigible!

There was a burst of air, and a panting red brush came.

"Where's the beard?" Hong Fu looked at Zhang Bairen anxiously.

"He is gone" Zhang Bairen said.

"Where did you go?" Hong Fu asked quickly.

"I don't know! The sea is vast, no one knows!" Zhang Bairen slowly stood up, turned and left the coast.

Looking around, he saw Li Jing in the crowd with an inexplicable smile on his lips.


Any man will feel pierced and green.

It's like now, it really hurts!


It's not ordinary pain!

Li Jing's face was distorted. Sleeping with a woman is the best way to make this woman return to her heart, but he couldn't use it.

"I can't help but elder brother!" Li Jing came to Hong Fu, two lines of tears in his eyes falling: "But I can't live without you!"

Hong Fu said nothing!

She loved Li Jing! Love was so vigorous that she even betrayed Duke Yang and lost her life by fighting the fire with moths for him. It's a pity...this man disappointed her! Disappointment more than once!

"There is really no way to say the word "feeling"!" Yuan Tiangang came to Zhang Bairen's side while eating vegetarian food

"Have you experienced feelings?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang with a pair of eyes.

"What's the look in your eyes? What's so strange about this, my Yuan family can't help being female!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's suspicious look, Yuan Tiangang became anxious.

He is indeed anxious!

For some reason, Zhang Bairen's gaze caused a bad feeling in his heart.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, tapped his fingers lightly on his belt, and looked at the void in the distance. After a long time, he said: "Ask what love is in the world, and teach you life and death. How are things I told you to do? "

"Naturally, it's done!" Yuan Tiangang said with a smile: "The old way of doing things, one can do the best."

"Humph!" Zhang Bairen snorted, turned and walked towards his mansion.

"Guardian! Zhang Bairen!" At the mansion of Li Jing, Li Jing stood in the secret room with a gloomy expression, and his eyes flowed murderously: "The humiliation you wait for me will eventually be returned to me."

It is said that after a man loses his baby, his heart will become distorted.

Not a general distortion, but rather a considerable distortion.

Li Jing's wedding was just an episode of Li Tang's rare relaxation. The real ordeal has just begun.

Ouchi Deep Palace

Li Yuan sat there with an old face gloomy, sitting there still not moving.

The emperor's dragon energy is constantly being lost, and it is constantly flowing away from his body, and one day he will completely fall into his life.

"This Nizi!" Li Yuan gritted his teeth, but there was nothing to do.

He wanted to break the game, but could not find a way to break it.

"Perhaps only one person can help me!" Li Yuan whispered.


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