First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: Golden Crow Soul Refining


It is not insignificant, but the Emperor's Yang God has been burned to almost nothingness, but Zhang Bairen observes the details at this time, but finds that the Emperor's Yang God is extremely essence and indestructible.

It is like a car of charcoal, and like a diamond, the hardness is the difference between heaven and earth, and this is the difference in quality.

Although the Emperor's Yang God is weaker, it is stronger, and the power to interfere with matter is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, the Emperor's Yang God instantly merged with the ten golden crows and turned into a single train to wrap the ten golden crows in, and then descended on the sun star in an instant.

Only when the mind is in harmony with the sun and being integrated with the big day can you realize the essence of the big day, the rhyme of the big day, which has been born for hundreds of millions of years since the beginning of the world, and then condense the supreme law.


The picture collapsed, and Zhang Bairen returned to his heart, only to find that seven days had passed. Zhang Lihua was carrying wine and food, looking at herself with worry in her eyes from a distance.

The wine and dishes are brand new, and Zhang Lihua wants to make fresh wine and dishes every moment to wait for herself.


A strand of hair on the temples was slowly turning gray.

"Thank you! I am now sleeping and sleeping, devouring the morning glow and not dying. The mana cultivation is almost incredible. I am absolutely starving!" Zhang Bairen stroked Zhang Lihua's satin-like hair, with a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

"I'm an old husband and wife, and they're so nauseous, let's eat quickly!" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, with a touch of shyness in his eyes: "Hurry up and eat! Your husband is a human after all, and he can't be separated from the human category. "

In fact, in Zhang Bairen's current state, eating is nothing more than enjoyment of taste. All the food that enters the stomach will instantly evaporate, turning into ashes and returning to the world along with the breath.

After eating the wine and food, Zhang Bairen showed a bitter smile: "I don't seem to be alone anymore!"

"Will you continue to practice in retreat?" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with black eyes.

"Everyone is getting stronger, and I have to continue to practice!" Zhang Bairen sighed, "You don't know that this world is inferior to human beings. Only death will end! There are many people who want me to die in this world. , If I dare to delay a little bit, I will be crushed to death without a place to bury my body."

Zhang Lihua was silent when she heard this, and she didn't know what she thought of, and a touch of sadness appeared in her eyes: "Indeed, strength is very important! The concubine will help Mr. Zhuojun to take care of it."

Finished eating

Zhang Bairen continued to sit cross-legged on the top of the mountain, thinking about the Sun God Fire training the Yang God.

Zhang Bairen personally observed the process of the emperor's training of the Yang God, and he had controlled the process for more than ten minutes, but he suddenly discovered a wonderful thing. The Yang God trained by the emperor, the quality of the wheel and the divinity that he entrusted to the world, are simply It's a big difference.

The difference between the heavens and the earth, the sun **** forged by the **** of the sun and the sun **** forged by the power of his own time and space is simply a difference.


It's incredible!

"The Yang Shen who has been refined through time and space is so strong?" Zhang Bairen was lost in thought, and Zhang Bairen didn't know how strong his own divinity was.

But the divinity has placed a world on it and deduced the evolution of a chaotic world, which is simply incredible.

When he tapped his fingers, Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes. After a long time, he heard Zhang Bairen say: "Divinity is my last trump card and cannot be revealed, but my Yang God is used to fight and control the laws of heaven and earth. , So some purification is still necessary."

If you don't stand firmly, there are too many strong people in this world, and people have practiced for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Why do you, a junior, compare with the background of people's reincarnation?

Congenital gods are born congenitally, and they are born to control the power of laws between the heavens and the earth. The most basic starting point is the realm of the sun gods. Why should you compete with others?

Not standing still!

Zhang Bairen's robe was bulging, and when he reappeared, he was already in the endless desert.

"Golden Crow, come out!"

Zhang Bairen gave an order, and the void twisted, and ten golden crows twisted void slowly descended on the field.

The sun was blazing, Zhang Bairen’s magma melted within a radius of ten miles, and the earth was boiling.

Looking at the violent sun **** fire that distort the universe, Zhang Bairen showed hesitation in his eyes, and then gritted his teeth fiercely: "There is no choice. If you want to cultivate to a higher realm, you must pay. Only if you pay. There is a return!"

After speaking, Yang Shen went directly out of his body and hovered above his head.

At this time, Huanyanghua was rooted in the world within the divine nature and was constantly absorbing the power of the law. At this time, Zhang Bairen's Yang Shen was completely exposed to the void.


With a scream, the painful Zhang Bairen's Yang Shen subconsciously returned to his body, bloodshot and twisted in his eyes.


Zhang Bairen continued to tumbling in the magma, rolling the endless wave of magma.

After a long time, I saw Zhang Bairen sitting up with lingering fears, and there was a dignified look in his eyes: "Sure enough, seeing and accomplishing are two different things!"


Seeing and accomplishing are indeed two different things. This kind of pain from the bones cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

Zhang Bairen clenched his teeth and smashed his fist into the magma, with a touch of madness in his eyes: "If you don't fight, you are dead! The devil is gradually resurrected, and the ancient powerhouse wants to return to life. The situation of the Yinsi war is not good, either fight or die. !"

The painful side is a master, compared with the place where the soul is scattered and dead without burial, the suffering of soul-puffing and refining in this area does not seem to be unbearable.

The monks in their own bronze lamps all received the flame smelting and burning every day, and it seemed that there was nothing that could not persist in the face of death.



There was a solemn look in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and after a long time he sighed slightly: "No choice!"

Resolutely and resolutely, Yang Shen came out of his body again, leaving his body.

Zhang Bairen could feel that his Yang Shen was quickly evaporating and was constantly weakening.

The crisis of death is approaching!

Either the soul flies away and there is no place to bury it, or it transforms in the fire of the sun god, leaving behind the most essence of origin.

"I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore!" Zhang Bairen screamed up to the sky, shaking the desert, but he tarriedly refused to return to his body, still smelting under the fire of the sun god.

Compared with death, Zhang Bairen felt that as long as he could live, everything was good.

Time is slowly passing by, except for the endless silence in the desert, only the sound of wind and sand is left.

From screaming to constant wailing and numbness, this seems to be a process of adaptation.

Zhang Bairen could perceive that his soul was constantly weakening, and the Yang God was constantly weakening, or it would not take long before he would completely disperse in the fire of the sun **** with a ‘bang’, and then become the dust of history.

Hold on!

Yang Shen has become chaotic, and his only idea is to persevere, persevere, must persevere, and absolutely cannot give up.

"give up!"

"You are very tired now!"

"Give won't hurt so much!"

"You are the governor of the world, who is deterring the heroes. You are already standing on top of the heavens, so why continue to fight like this!"

There is a voice deep in my heart that keeps dissuading myself, telling myself to give up and don't keep going. But Zhang Bairen has a stubbornness in his heart, that is persistence, persistence as stupid as a cow.


At a certain moment, Zhang Bairen only felt that a mystery in his mind was broken, and then only heard a bang, and his soul was gone.

My soul is gone!

The ten golden crows crossed the world, lost their restraint, poisoned the world, and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

I saw the demon gods making chaos, and the evil demon gods roared at the world and began to counterattack the human race, opened the channel between the yin and the yang, reopened the ghost gate, and then the disaster in the underworld was put down, and countless outstanding people died in battle. Fall into the hands of ghosts and gods.

Amidst the sound of the wind, there were waves of miserable crying, followed by the earth-shattering battle. Zhang Xuluo and Yu Juluo were killed in battle, Gongsun Auntie and Gongsun Xiaoniang fell into reincarnation, and Zhang Lihua and Empress Xiao were even more frightened.

History seems to have returned to a distant point in an instant. Empress Xiao was once again taken away by and her Zhuojun master was beheaded and killed by the supreme powers of Turks and Southern Xinjiang.

At that moment, the sky fell apart!

The rivers and soil were dyed red.

"No! No! No! I can't die! I can't die! No one can destroy Zhuojun, no one can kill my beloved! I can't die! I absolutely can't die!" Zhang Bairen roared to the sky, shaking the desert.


At this moment

A figure in the distance was walking in the desert, and seeing the ten golden crows and the overbearing blazing sun, there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.

The magma couldn't melt the body of the little monk, but the little monk was shining with diamond luster. Standing at the edge of the magma, looking at the ten golden crows, he took a breath.

Ten Golden Crows!

The world is guessing the number of ten golden crows. Everyone is guessing how many golden crows Zhang Bairen has, but the little monk can tell everyone with certainty that there are ten golden crows!

Under ten golden crows, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, and that figure was already shaky.

"General Governor!" The young monk King Kong's eyes were full of horror. Zhang Bairen's situation at this time was quite bad, as if he was going to die.

"What kind of supernatural powers did he cultivate? He actually pitted himself into it!" Looking at the sun **** struggling under the sun **** fire, the little monk showed a touch of anxiety in his eyes, but he dared not take any steps.

The ten golden crows, the little monk has no doubt, as long as he dares to get closer, he will be turned into a coke.

The power of these ten golden crows is too domineering! Some domineering ones are unbearable.

"I'm afraid that the general governor will be saddened by this disaster, and a generation of heroes will fall into the desert like this. It is really a pity in people's hearts." The little monk's eyes were full of regret, and he could not speak.


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