First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1486: The death of Zhao Ruxi

It’s not that people don’t want you to rise from the Pure Sun Taoist Temple. Since ancient times, there are countless high truths, and no one has ever stopped it. It’s that the timing is subtle, and one more person will have one more opponent for the immortal opportunity, especially the master of Da Luo title. Everyone seems to be no opponent.

You, a person who has been dead for thousands of years, actually jumped out to **** the fairy machine from us, do you still want to face it?

There is no father and son on the road of immortality, even if it is a father.

"Zhang Bairen, what you are worried about is nothing more than the death of the three elders of Chunyang and the severance of the Taoist incense of Chunyang. As long as you let the road open, this seat can guarantee that it will never harm the lives of the elders of Chunyang!" Zhang Heng walked out holding the whisk: "Although you have boundless magical powers, you are not invincible. If you are stubborn, you may not be implicated in Zhuojun."

After listening to Zhang Heng’s words, Zhang Bairen hesitated a bit. He looked at Zhang Fei, who was shivering and sweating in the room but still stepping on the cloth gang. While Zhao Ruxi saw Zhang Bairen’s face shaken, he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Baren , Anyway, he is your biological father!"

Zhang Bairen swept through the crowd, but no trace of his mother was seen. Looking at the staring heroes, Zhang Bairen silently gave way.

Although he has some strength, he is definitely not able to resist the world's heroes.

Moreover, although Chunyang Taoist Temple is kind to oneself, it is definitely not worthy of his own life.

"He is your father!" Zhao Ruxi's eyes were full of despair, and she still stubbornly stood in front of the gate.

"Those who follow the sky live, those who defend the sky die! Since he has made a move to summon the Da Luo strong man of the pure sun Taoist temple, he should think of all the consequences, not such a brainless direct action!" Zhang Bairen sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

Think twice before acting, plan and act, Zhang Fei's approach is thoughtless in his eyes, and he deserves it if he is dead!

I can't stop the powers from all walks of life, and now my Dao Gong practice has reached a delicate state. If Zhang Fei breaks Dao Gong and delays the road to immortality, it is not worth it!

Previously, Zhang Fei helped Zhang Fei stop the death robbery, but it was because of Zhang's mother's order.

People with no brains are not worthy to live in the world!

"Bairen, he is your father, please!" Zhao Ruxi unexpectedly fell directly to the ground.

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhao Ruxi with a sad expression and tears in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up. After a while, he said, "How can the number of days be like this?"

Zhang Fei has no brains. If he talked to himself beforehand and discussed it carefully, how could the situation be like today?

Zhang Fei didn't make any preparations, and now he has been directly approached by powerful people from all walks of life, what can Zhang Bairen do?

Tell him to fight against the strong in the world?

He is not a fool!

"Die and die! He and I have never had any kind of nurturing, and the kindness that I should have paid back was over long ago!" Zhang Bairen stepped straight to the side. No one noticed the white hair on the temples of Zhang Bairen. Quietly turned towards the black.

If it weren't for the mother's face, how could one manage Zhang Fei's life and death?

"Zhao Ruxi, you also have the Tao to cultivate, how can you go against the sky? If you obediently let go, the old Tao doesn't want to embarrass you, otherwise..." Zhang Heng's hand swayed.

"What if it's not?" Zhao Ruxi resolutely wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"You can only send fellow Daoists to reincarnation" Zhang Heng sighed lightly.

"If you want to step into the temple, you have to step over my body" Zhao Ruxi pinched Yin Jue in her hand.

"I don't know whether to live or die, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Seeing that Daluo's aura became more and more intense, the Sanfu boy couldn't sit still, and a flash of light flashed across the sky and the earth, slashing towards Zhao Ruxi.

Zhao Ruxi spouted a real fire from her mouth and burned towards the thunder and lightning. When she saw the thunder and lightning, it instantly turned into a magic sword.


With a quick blow, Zhao Ruxi flew upside down, and the mere primordial spirit dared to block the real Yangshen.

"If you want to enter the temple, you have to step over me!" Zhao Ruxi swayed and stood up straight, the whole body was **** and blood spattered in his mouth.




The Sanfu boy did not stay, thunder and lightning burst in his hands, Zhao Ruxi flew out again and again, the whole body has been roasted, the butter is flowing to the ground, the bones and bones are broken, but he climbed up firmly, holding his hands firmly. Staying at the door frame, hesitated to make way.

"Are you really unwilling to give way?" San Fu Tong said with a gloomy expression.

"Unless I die!" Zhao Ruxi's energy is weak, but the words are determined.

There was silence in the field. At this time, the voice of the Spring Returned Lord came: "If you don't make any more moves, this big Luo powerhouse is really going to travel back through time and space."

Looking at the shaky Zhao Ruxi, Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes: "Man's arm is a car, fool!"

"In that case, the old ways can only send you on the road!" Zhang Heng sighed softly: "Goodbye Samsara!"

Inside the temple

Zhang Fei's body was shaking, blood and tears were flowing in his eyes, but he still stepped on his feet and absolutely refused to give up.

"Zhang Fei, do you really bear the corpse of your wife here?" Zhang Heng said.

Zhang Fei didn't seem to hear Zhang Heng's words, and continued the mysterious ceremony.

"If you are willing to stop, let's assume that nothing has happened, if you continue to be lady must go to reincarnation for a while!" Sanfu boy said indifferently, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

People are selfish, especially when it comes to the cause and effect of immortality.

Zhang Fei said nothing, but still sullen his head and feet.


In the distance, five Taoists in their twenties were crying, but they wanted to rush over, but they were held back.

Zhao Ruxi just stood there firmly after hearing this!

"In that case, I can only send you on the road!" Zhang Heng sighed softly, sweeping away the dust in his hands as if a breeze had blown.


With one blow, Zhao Ruxi was already killed.

"Mother!" The crying in the distance was heartbreaking.

"Quack!" The Emperor Fengdu smiled, held out Zhao Ruxi's soul with a palm, and looked at Zhang Fei in the temple: "I said kid, if you keep holding your hands, your wife is not so simple as death!"

"Why! Why! Why didn't you make a move!" Zhang Fei suddenly turned his head at this time, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "If you make a move, she won't die!"

"I have no cause and effect with her, why should I act? I'm sorry, you made a mistake!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, and looked at the crazy Zhang Fei with a disdainful smile.

Zhang Fei thought Zhang Bairen would make a move, but Zhang Bairen did not make a move.

The only result of miscalculation is death!

Zhao Ruxi is dead!

Although his complexion was crazy, Zhang Fei's movements continued, still fighting with his feet, trying to keep his heart clear.


Five young people ran over and lay down on the ground watching the **** body and crying loudly. One of them stared at Zhang Bairen with hatred in his eyes: "Why! You obviously have the ability to resist this blow! Why don't you Go!"

People are a very strange animal. Instead of hating Zhang Heng as the culprit, they come to hate Zhang Bairen.

"None is a child, you have to pay for your choice! Take responsibility!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and slowly closed his eyes.

"Zhang Fei, these are your sons, they are good at practicing!" Emperor Fengdu smiled.

Zhang Fei had no words, and was still working.


Under one palm, the disciple who accused Zhang Bairen turned into sludge, and his soul was taken into the palm of Emperor Fengdu: "If you don't stop, Zhang Family will cut off the children and grandchildren!"

"Dare you!" Zhang Fei's eyes were about to split, and the remaining four brothers ran the Dao Fa together, shooting towards Emperor Fengdu.


Under one palm, all the muscles and bones of the four people turned into mud, but with a sigh of relief, the Emperor Fengdu stepped under their feet: "If you can't stop it, you can blame the emperor's ruthless men."

Zhang Fei's eyes were bloodshot, but he did not speak, still proceeding with his actions.

"It's so cruel! For the sake of the ancestors, I don't even want the life of my own son!" Even the Emperor Fengdu couldn't help but look moved at this time: "If this is the case, then I will fulfill you!"

The Emperor Fengdu slowly increased his strength, but he heard a wailing at his feet, but Zhang Fei in the temple was still so cruel heart, you cheated to steal my Beitianshi Taoist book back then Not to mention that stupid woman's body, her belly is big, and she kicked her away. With such a fierce heart, the old way is also unheard of." An elder of Beitian Shidao was full of movement.

Not everyone has a heartfelt like Zhang Fei!

"Capital Governor, you Lao Tzu is more suitable for Heavenly Dao than you, you are simply a good seedling prepared for Heavenly Dao" Yuan Tiangang came to Zhang Bairen.

"Have you found the trace of my mother?" Zhang Bairen said with a gloomy expression.

"I've gone empty," Yuan Tiangang said: "The governor was wise. You can't intervene in this kind of thing. It's too costly to intervene in this kind of thing, and it's not profitable."

As he was speaking, the situation in the field changed again at this time, and the Emperor Fengdu showed a fierce expression: "Do you really dare not attack me?"

With one foot down, the four of them suddenly broke off, their souls were held by Emperor Fengdu, and the faint flames rose.

There was a burst of screams, and the souls of the five Zhang family brothers and Zhao Ruxi slowly dispersed, and finally turned into nothingness.

Soul flies away!

Looking at Zhang Fei, who was still on the gang fight, Zhang Heng looked at the void with a pair of eyes: "The old way will send him on the road!"

The whisk flew out, the temple was uprooted, and Zhang Fei instantly flew out without any resistance.


There was a loud noise, thunder shook the void, and a voice in the sky came, and the words were full of anger: "Where is the rat, dare to stop this seat from returning?"

A power in the darkness actually broke through time and space, traveled through the ages, and landed on the field, instantly falling on the body of the third old Chunyang.

"why why why!"


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