First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1490: What do you know

"You're looking for death!" After hearing Sombra's words, Changsun Wugou suddenly became angry. Murderous intent shot out in his eyes, and he raised his hand to take it towards the Sombra.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! It's too late! It's too late for everything! That is the power of black and white impermanence. No one can crack this magical technique. Don't waste your effort! Zhang Bairen kills my family, and I want him The family cuts off the children and the Sun Manmen punishes!

The black shadows shattered and turned into fragments, dissipating between heaven and earth.


There was a mess in the basement, and the grandson Wugou was limp on the ground, with a touch of heartache in his eyes: "Cheng Qian, it's the mother's fault, it's the mother that can't help you!"


Zhang Bairen is playing chess

Zhang Lihua sat opposite Zhang Bairen, and Empress Xiao made tea.

Suddenly a rush of hurried footsteps sounded, and Xiaolong's expression eagerly rushed in: "Sir, there is a master of Yuanshen from Chang'an City who has brought 800 miles to expedite."

"Tell him over" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words. For some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of feeling, and a bad feeling arose.

But seeing an old way of walking hurriedly to Zhang Bairen's feet, the soul wandered and bowed: "Meet the governor, Zhuojun eight hundred li expedited, please also supervise the inspection."

Zhang Bairen helped the Taoist and picked up the eight hundred li urgent letter, but his expression suddenly changed: "Huh? Damn it!"

Suddenly, the sun **** fire shot out from under his feet, and the sand melted instantly.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Zhang Bairen's figure has disappeared in Zhuojun and he is missing.

"Master Dao, sir..." Zhang Lihua said in surprise.

"Chang'an eight hundred miles is urgent, the current prince Li Chengqian has been conspired..." the Taoist said.

Zhang Lihua and Empress Xiao looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and then said: "Li Chengqian was hit hard, why is he so worried?"

No one can tell, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes. Neither Zhang Lihua nor Empress Xiao were simple ordinary women, so they naturally became suspicious.

In weekdays, there are all kinds of strong winds and waves, and Zhang Bairen is not so flustered, but at this time, a prince of Li Tang, how can he be worthy of such worries as Zhang Bairen?

Outside Chang'an City

Zhang Bairen stood still, looking at the mighty dragon city of Chang'an, and stopped abruptly: "I can't enter the palace directly. Now the emperor dragon is densely covered in the palace. If I enter the palace, I will not escape Li Er's perception. If Cheng Qian’s identity is exposed, I’m afraid that something bad will happen, but it will be even more chaotic."

Thinking of this, Zhang Bairen stood in place and continued to meditate. After a while, he had a plan: "Well, I'll wait and wait for a while."

Zhang Bairen flickered and turned into a middle-aged husband, carrying a load in his hand and came to the Xuanwu Gate.

The melons and plums were laid out, and Zhang Bairen sat outside the imperial city and waited. Looking at the roaring emperor Dragon Qi in the sky, Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes: "Li Erzhen is angry!"


The dignified prince of a country was actually counted against in the imperial palace. If you can count against the prince today, will you be able to count against him tomorrow, Li Shimin?

Just thinking about it, until the evening, I saw a familiar figure walking out of the palace.

Sun Simiao left Chang'an City and was about to go back to his Taoist temple to look up information and find a cure, but suddenly he heard a shout from behind:

"Sun Daochang stay!"

Sun Simiao paused, looking at the figure in the purple robe, standing in the shade of the tree, and seeing the face of the person through the moonlight, his eyes were full of surprise: "Why is the governor here?"

"The governor of the capital suddenly felt in his heart. Now Li Tang's aura has changed, but the root cause is unknown; I saw Dao Chang coming from the Chang'an Palace before, I wonder if the Chang can help me out?" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

How dare Sun Simiao reject Zhang Bairen's words?

So he said in a low voice: "Since the governor intends, I will tell you about the matter in detail."

While speaking, Sun Simiao recounted the situation in the imperial city, especially when Li Chengqian fell into the imperial city and his legs were abolished. A pair of eyes were observing Zhang Bairen's face without a trace, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. .

Sun Simiao was aware of the power of the sun in Li Chengqian's body. It was a heritage that was passed down in the bloodline and could not be suppressed or abolished. Since ancient times, only members of the Zhang family have practiced the Sun God Fire. Sun Simiao never heard that someone in the Li family had cultivated the Sun God Fire, and...why did he seal the Sun God Fire talent?

If the explanation is not clear, then it can only explain one thing, and there is an inside story that you don't know! There is a ghost in this!

As for who is a ghost, if Sun Simiao probably had some suspicions in his heart before, then he is already known the answer.

A little bit of cold sweat penetrated from behind, and Sun Simiao forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, trying to maintain his calm in his eyes.

Li Chengqian is the prince of the eldest grandson Wugou and Li Shimin, but Zhang Bairen's blood is flowing in his body. If this matter is told, it will inevitably lead to chaos in the world, and no hundreds of people will die because of this.

If Zhang Bairen knew that he had sensed the secrets in it, I was afraid... I was afraid that he might not be able to go out alive.

"You seem to be nervous?" What kind of character is Zhang Bairen, and he noticed something wrong with Sun Simiao at a glance.

"No! No!" Sun Simiao shook his head vigorously: "It's just that I was too tense to treat the prince before, but now he suddenly relaxes and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen looked at Sun Simiao with a pair of eyes, and walked around the opponent: "The back is soaked with cold sweat!"

Looking at Sun Simiao's stiff body, Zhang Bairen slowly turned his body and came to Sun Simiao's body, staring at the other side firmly with his eyes: "What are you nervous about? This seat can feel that your Yang God is not right at this time. This seat is not a cannibal, why are you nervous?"

Having said that, Zhang Bairen stared at Sun Simiao with a pair of eyes, and after a while he said meaningfully: "Unless...unless you know something you shouldn't know!"

"No! No! Absolutely not, the governor thinks too much!" Sun Simiao said with a smile.

It's just that the smile looks a little stiff.

After the other party came into contact with Li Chengqian, he was so nervous when he saw himself. You didn't see Sun Simiao before. Zhang Bairen knew what the other party knew, and already had a guess.

Depressed atmosphere

Desolate forest

Zhang Bairen stood so quietly, sweat on Sun Simiao's forehead kept slipping, and his hair was wet.

Although he had never felt the murderous intent of Zhang Bairen, Sun Simiao's heart was like a cliff at this time, and his calves began to tremble.

kill? Still not killing?

Zhang Bairen was also hesitating in his heart. The other party was a real Yangshen, so close inspection, if he couldn't detect his seal, not to mention Zhang Bairen didn't believe it, Sun Simiao didn't believe it himself.

After a while, I heard Zhang Bairen say: "I don't care what you know, I just don't want to hear any bad wind in the rivers and lakes. If something is accidentally uttered from the long mouth, it will be true. I don't know what to do!"

Zhang Bairen stared at Sun Simiao with a pair of eyes: "If one person says something that shouldn't be said, then I will kill one. If ten people know what they shouldn't know, then I will kill ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... "

"The governor is joking, but I don't know anything!" Sun Simiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and a look of relief appeared in his eyes.

"How is Li Chengqian's injury?" Zhang Bairen changed the subject, turned his back to Sun Simiao, and looked at the ground covered by silver gauze.

"The prince's legs are useless! I am afraid that the position of the prince will not be guaranteed. How could Li Tang's future monarch be a lame!" Sun Simiao's words revealed a touch of emotion.

"It's just to continue the broken bone, it shouldn't be difficult for you!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Sun Simiao smiled bitterly: "The governor does not know that an overbearing and evil force is continuously destroying the injuries in the prince's body. Even though the old Dao can rejuvenate his hands, he cannot get rid of that mysterious force."

"Who is going to kill him!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were rolling in the sun and fire. If this matter was not calculated by someone, how could there be any sequelae?

Sun Simiao said nothing, but stood there quietly.

After a while, Zhang Bairen waved his hand and signaled Sun Simiao to leave. UU read www. uukanshu. com stood alone in the shade for a long time without speaking.

It took a long time to see Zhang Bairen take a step forward, disappearing under the moonlight.

Chang'an City

Changsun Wuji Mansion

Looking at the intelligence in his hand, Changsun Wuji was hit by five thunders, and the whole person just sat there, silent.

The sky is falling!

At the moment when he got the news, Changsun Wuji felt that the sky was about to fall.

A flawed person, no matter how supported by the forces behind him, will not ascend to the throne.

Datang will not call a lame man to rule the world.

My own plan is empty, how can the Changsun family go to court the one in Zhuojun?

"Why! Why is this!" Changsun Wuji's eyes were red: "Damn! Li Gang, damn! Damn those guards!"

In fact, the person who played the black hand, Changsun Wuji had already guessed in his heart, who else besides his own sister?

The world is falling apart

The sky is falling

If Zhang Bairen knew about this, who could hold Zhang Bairen's anger?

No one can afford Zhang Bairen's anger!

"Changsun Wuji, you are in pain now!"

An indifferent word suddenly sounded in the house.

"Capital Governor!" Changsun Wuji stood up suddenly in shock, his eyes full of amazement, and then quickly sorted out his emotions, and said with a little panic: "I wonder what is the important thing for the Governor to come to my Changsun Mansion?"

"You send a letter to ask the empress to go out of the palace, otherwise... I don't blame me for being impolite today!" Zhang Bairen slowly sat in the seat of Changsun Wuji, with a cold light in his eyes: "The means of the Governor, you should Know it!"

"Know! Know! The villain knows! The villain knows! The villain will pass the letter!" Changsun Wuji sank in his heart, knowing the big deal.


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