First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1493: The Sword of Supreme Wisdom

Since there is nothing, then of course not afraid of losing!

If there is no gain, how can I lose?

"You also want to kill humanity?" Zhang Fei's eyes were full of shock.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, raised his hand and looked at his crystal-clear palm without palm prints, a thread of marriage involved in it, involving people who do not know where.

This marriage line belongs to Gongsun Auntie and Gongsun Xiaoniang, and the only people who can involve themselves by marriage line are the Gongsun sisters.

Sisters of the Gongsun family are the marriage that he had just set foot on the road. This kind of marriage is different from the ordinary marriage. This is the only opportunity for him to return to humanity from heaven.

There was a solemn look in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and after a long time he sighed softly: "Let's go! Go to the hallucinations!"

Illusion Tao can also be called Illusion Cave Sky, as a great religion that has been passed down through the ages, it is by no means comparable to Yehu Zen.

"Who would have thought that the old lair of Illusion Dao is here, living next to Zhongnan Mountain" Zhang Bairen lowered his escape light, and his eyes looked at the rising mountains and rivers in the distance, revealing a touch of solemnity.

"Where is the Taoist Jinghuan? See you in the next Zhang Bairen!" Zhang Bairen's voice shook the Zhongnan Mountain Range, and the entire Zhongnan Mountain Range was enveloped by a large array. There is even the Supreme Master of Louguan School sitting here, and ordinary people do not think of Louguan School. There is a great religion that has been passed down through the ages.

However, Huanqingdao and Louguan School live next to each other, but Yin Gui is not aware of it.

As the saying goes, there is no room for others to snore. If Louguan Pai knows that there is a supreme master sleeping on his site, he will never want peace in the future.

A dignified look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and his eyes looked into the void in the distance, waiting for the news of Fantasy Road.

Zhongnan Mountains

Louguan School

Countless ancestors stood up and walked out of the hall in shock at this time, looking at the figure on the top of the mountain.



It's impossible!

"Illusion Dao? How could Illusion Dao be in the Zhongnan Mountains? Could it be that the governor had made a mistake?" At this time, the sound of surprise in the Chunyang Taoist Temple continued.

To everyone’s surprise, Zhang Bairen’s eyes revealed a murderous intent, shocking the birds and beasts in the mountains: "Why, this seat has already come to the door, and it is still hiding its head and tail. Could it be that you have forced me to ruin your illusion!"

Fantasy Road

Within the cave

Jing Huan Daogu stood up suddenly in shock, her eyes looked at the purple-clothed man in the emptiness and wandering clothes, and there was a touch of horror in her eyes: "Damn, I've never been touched by anyone in the fantasy road since the ages, he How do I know that my fantasy road is located in Zhongnan Mountain?"

Through the fog, Daoist Jinghuan and Zhang Bairen looked at each other in the air. The next second, layers of sparks rippled in the void, as if feeling something. Zhang Bairen's mouth showed a sneer, and his eyes looked at the place where Daoist Jinghuan was, without a smile. language.

Although it was a smile, the murderous intent was shocking.

"Master!" Mother Zhang cautiously walked out from the depths of the cave: "It may be that the disciple was accidentally perceived as cause and effect."

While speaking, Mother Zhang stretched out her hand, and a red thread penetrated into the void from her right ring finger, not knowing where she was going.

"You! You call a teacher and say what is good about you!" Jinghuan Daogu stared at Mother Zhang with a pair of eyes hating iron and steel: "You call a teacher and say what is good about you. At the beginning, you were not allowed to enter the world before you entered the realm of heaven. Being touched by others is a great shame for my illusion."

With these words, the phantom Daoist stood in the cave and muttered, while Mother Zhang lowered her head and cautiously said: "It is all the disciples that are not good, and the master will punish me."

"Well, now the hallucinations of Dongtian have been approached, and this catastrophe cannot escape!" At this point, the aunt of the hallucinations said: "I have heard of Zhang Bairen's ability, and I am alone in this matter. If you can't hold it down, you still need to ask the elder protector to take action."

"Thank you, Master!" Mother Zhang respectfully saluted.

The illusion Taoist shook her head, lit a stick of incense in her hand, and kept chanting the curse in her mouth. After a while, she sighed: "I have already spread the word to the elder protector. Now Zhang Bairen has come to the door and will go out as a teacher for a while. The chief governor who shook the world."

After that, she saw that Jing Huan Dao Gu was distorted, and she was already outside the cave when she reappeared.

"Illusion Dao? The Illusion Dao is here? You kid, don't want to make a joke. This is where my Louguan School is located. Where is the Illusion Dao!" Yin Gui came from a distance, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. : "What is your kid doing, is it because you want to beat me Louguan faction?"

"My Louguan School has been established here for thousands of years. I can pat my chest to guarantee that there is no illusion road you are looking for here..."

Listening to Yin Gui's words, Zhang Bairen didn't say a word, only a pair of eyes looked in the direction of the illusion cave sky, and the vitality of the whole body began to spread and brew.

Even if he is not in his peak state at this time, it is by no means that the illusion can be bullied.

"It turns out that the chief governor came here. I don't know why the chief governor came to find my illusion?" A figure walked out of the void and slowly approached Zhang Bairen.

"It's really someone!" Yin Gui's face was unsightly at once, and he only felt hot and painful. The fantasy Dao had been in the Zhongnan Mountains for thousands of years, and his own Louguan school hadn't noticed it. This was a crackling face.

"Where is my mother!" Zhang Bairen said without question: "I want to see my mother."

"Your mother? There is no your mother here, but some are just disciples of the illusion!" Jinghuan Daogu smiled at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen looked up and down Jinghuan Daogu, his eyes were surprised, but he saw that the 21-year-old woman in front of him was not beautiful, but she had a temperament that ordinary people did not have.

Like a shot, fluttering like an immortal.

"If there are immortals in the world, I am afraid there is nothing more like this!" Zhang Bairen sighed in his heart. In the eyes of his own law, the face of Jinghuan Daoist was constantly changing, sometimes laughing and sometimes sorrowful, sometimes like a little woman indulging in love, sometimes It is also like a resentful woman who has suffered a terrible hatred.

There are thousands of faces, but when you look closely, she is still her, standing there quietly, transforming the faces of all beings.

At this time, Jinghuan Taoist aunt was also looking at Zhang Bairen, and saw the man with immortal muscles and bones in front of her. His whole body seemed to have distorted the laws of heaven and earth, immovable like a mountain, accumulating a thousand catties of power, and moving would inevitably shatter the sky, and the sky would collapse.

It is worthy of being the world-famous chief governor, but the killing intent between the eyebrows is shocking, and Dao's desire is about to break.

No matter from top to bottom, from inside to outside, every inch of Zhang Bairen's skin and every pore in Jinghuan Daogu's eyes are perfect and flawless. Only the murderous intent between the eyebrows made people tremble at it and destroyed the sense of innocence.

"When I saw you for the first time, you were still just a baby waiting to be fed, and now I have the wealth of immortality when I meet again." Jinghuan Daogu's eyes fell on the sideburns of Zhang Bairen's eyebrows, staring at the long, white hair. There was a touch of emotion: "You, like your mother, are also struggling among the heavens and humans, and you are not detached from it."

"Where is my mother!" Zhang Bairen repeated it again. Jinghuan Daogu had already cut off his seven emotions and six desires. There would be no joy, anger, sorrow, and Zhang Bairen would not talk nonsense with such characters.

"Since ancient times, all the disciples who have entered my illusion, have never said that they have escaped; once they have entered the illusion, they will always be separated from the mortal world, and their life will only be for heaven." Aunt Jinghuan looked at Zhang Bairen with her eyes.

"Oh? That's because this seat has never come, so there is no precedent; now that this seat has arrived, the rules of the illusion road will naturally be changed!" Zhang Bairen's whole body began to gather and oppressed the Jinghuan Daogu: "Call My mother comes out."

The Taoist Jinghuan was speechless, just standing there quietly, Gu Jing looking at Zhang Bairen with both eyes.

While Yin Gui and Zhang Fei exited Richu, they looked at the two standing on the top of the mountain.

Sweeping through the Taoist Jinghuan who looked like a clay sculpture, Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Well, if you convince you, I can see my mother naturally."

"It's your mother who took the initiative to join my fantasy road, not my fantasy road to find your mother" Jing Huan Taoist aunt said seriously.

With a punch, it was as if the big day had come, and the temperature within a radius of ten miles increased by more than ten degrees in an instant.


The void was shattered, Jing Huan Dao Gu avoided Zhang Bairen's punch and slashed it casually. There seemed to be some kind of sharp flickering in the void, and he cut at Zhang Bairen.

"The sun **** body!" Zhang Bairen used the sun **** body protection, but it was useless. The wave of fluctuations inexplicably slashed on his own Yang **** ~ Hui Jian cuts anger! "Jing Huan Daogu's sword cut away the terrible anger in Zhang Bairen's heart.

If a person is not angry, the means of attack will naturally not be able to exert 50% of the power.

"Hui Jian kills the chance!"

It is another inexplicable and unpreparable sword.

If a person has no murderous intent, he can't lift the sword in his hand anyway, and he can't move his fist.

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of horror: "What a weird magical power!"

"This is my illusion, the supreme magical power and wisdom sword. If you want to cut the seven emotions and six desires of people, you must first cut off your own seven emotions and six desires. After you cut off your own seven emotions and six desires, you will be selfless before you can go to the heart of heaven and condense the ignorance of everything. "The Huijian" said Jing Huan Daogu not hurriedly.

"Hui Jian, I have learned!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed solemnity, and his murderous intent began to gather again: "But no one can cut off the murderous intent in my soul! Not even Hui Sword!"

The four swords of Zhu Xian are born to kill!

The void rolled up many ripples, Zhang Bairen punched the sun **** and fire gushed out, hitting Jinghuan Daogu again.

Jing Huan Daogu's expression was astonished: "It's such a rich murderous intent. If you can't resolve the murderous intent in your heart, I'm afraid that the governing body will be difficult to achieve!"

"Hmph, how can I use other people's gesticulations!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and the fist broke apart: "Fan Tian Yin!"

Suddenly Zhang Bairen's seal tactic changed, and Fan Tianyin was displayed by him, solidifying a time and space, and suppressing it toward the phantom Taoist. "Zhuzi, don't be mad, I will meet you for a while!"

ps: In this chapter, thank you "Sanxian" for playing the king with me. In order to let me play too hard, I instantly lost the fun of the king. I want to code it! ! ! The mentality collapsed.


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