First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1495: 3000 reincarnation, big sun fist

Cut all the causes and effects of your life, all the people who know you will forget you, all the people you know will disappear in your mind, and all the past lives will be killed.

As long as you practice hard for several lifetimes, and eventually turn into flowing water, this magical technique is not vicious or domineering.

Seeing the last thread, Zhang Bairen pointed out a finger, and saw that the golden yellow line broke instantly.

"No! No! No! I can't! Never forget the illusion! Even if I die, I will never forget you!" San Lei screamed, shouting hoarsely: "I must never forget you! Forget about myself, and I will never forget you!"

"It's actually the cause and effect of the Three Thunders" Zhang Bairen frowned, and was about to receive his magical powers, and saw that the broken cause and effect thread was reconnected with the shouts of the Three Thunders.

"It's impossible!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of horror, and a flash of incredible: "I have cut off its cause and effect. What a profound obsession is this, and it exceeds the power of the law!"

Zhang Bairen couldn't believe that a mere monk could reverse the law of continuity, cause and effect.

This is impossible, but Master Sanlei did it.

Not only did it happen, but it also succeeded.

Looking at the law of cause and effect in front of him, Zhang Bairen was in a trance, as if he suspected that he was wrong. How can human power resist the power of law?

"What virtue and ability do you have, you can actually continue the law!" Zhang Bairen casually pointed to the real person of Sanlei, wanting to explore the secrets of the person.

To continue the secret of the law, Zhang Bairen can't help but not be moved.


The sky full of petals exploded, and looking at the regained causal power, Zhang Bairen's eyes revealed a touch of regret.

Just a little bit, he could kill the Jinghuan Fairy, but this is eternal, and he will never be able to do it.

This is the pitfall of Zhang Bairen Daohua. If it can completely destroy all the causes and effects, it is really destroyed. If only half is destroyed, once the Huanyanghua loses its effect, then everything will be restored by the law of the big world. Repair it.

The law of cause and effect was continued again, and Xiangu Jinghuan showed a relieved expression in her eyes, and her eyes were full of dignity looking at Zhang Bairen: "What an evil way!"

Hui Jian cut out and stopped Zhang Bairen's finger from the real person who killed Three Thunders.


Sparks were splashing, Zhang Bairen retracted his palm, and looked at Jinghuan Xiangu with a pair of eyes. At this time, Jinghuan Xiangu seemed to be different from before.

"If you want to kill people in front of this seat, your kid would look down on me too much. I would like to thank you for speaking of it. Thank you for touching my past and present karma. Otherwise, it is not easy to regain the strength of the past life and gather the wisdom of the past life. "Aunt Jing Huan looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and her eyes seemed to be able to see through the essence of everything, making Zhang Bairen a little flustered.

Something is wrong!

For some reason, an impropriety arose in his heart.

"Hahaha...boy, do you know how many reincarnations are in this seat? How many past lives have you accumulated?" Jinghuan Daogu's eyes were full of mockery: "I have to be at the end of the age of the gods, the devil of wisdom was beheaded by the emperor, and then I accidentally I got the spirit of the Wisdom Demon God, but because of insufficient wisdom, luck, and fate, I can’t return again. Counting how many thousands of years have passed since the age of the gods to the present, there are still thousands of reincarnations in this seat. Right!"

Zhang Bairen changed color, his eyes were full of shock.

"Thank you for your means, so that I now find the opportunity to find the memories of my past lives. When I awaken the memories of my past lives in the future, I have to repay you with a good life!" After speaking, the Jinghuan fairy directly rolled up the ground. Three Thunders, his figure has disappeared.

"Trouble!" Yin Gui walked with a wry smile: "She is awakening her past life memory, her strength will increase every moment, and every awakening life will be a qualitative improvement. When she awakens the mark of reincarnation for thousands of times, I am afraid Your kid is in big trouble, and right now is the only chance to kill Fairy Jinghuan."

"Slaying Jinghuan Xiangu?" Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly. If he hadn't refined his soul in the sun the day before, there would definitely be no way for Jinghuan Xiangu to survive today, but now that he has finished refining his sun and soul, it is the most weak time.

If you want to kill Jinghuan Xiangu, you can only send out the Zhuxian formation!

Although Jinghuan Xiangu is strong, it is not worthy of sending out the Zhuxian Array. The Zhuxian Array is a surprise for those who really want to destroy the enemy of the Yang world.

Moreover, when the Zhuxian formation has been integrated into a critical moment, how can Zhang Bairen call him an accident?

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Zhang Bairen looked at Yin Gui: "No matter, it's just a Jinghuan fairy. As long as I practice hard, it won't be difficult to kill her in the future. It is not difficult to explain the face of the Buddha without looking at the face of the monk. Where is the mother? ."

Cultivating the Heavenly Emperor's Sun Divine Body by oneself, wouldn't it be possible to kill a Jinghuan Xiangu?

Back then, the Wisdom Demon God was hammered to death by the Emperor of Heaven, and he gained the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor. Not to mention that the Wisdom Demon God was hammered to death, but there should be nothing wrong with the death of the Wisdom Demon God.

"Without decades, Jinghuan Fairy can't think of integrating her past and present lives. Decades are enough time for me to master the Taoism and suppress the world," Zhang Bairen muttered to himself, it seems that his chances of winning are better.

Looking at the white hair left at Zhang Bairen's temple, Yin Gui shivered: "Have you really decided to step into the realm of heaven?"

"Heaven and humanity, what is the difference?" Zhang Bairen turned his head and glanced at the two people around him, then sighed softly: "Father, mother, brothers, and relatives have all abandoned me, and the only thing left is me. Those two fiancees!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen turned and went away: "Don't worry, I won't step into heaven!"

You won't step into heaven? Lie!


Zhang Bairen strolled all the way, watching the sword aura rising into the sky in the Huashan Mountain, with a gentle touch in his eyes.

Sisters of the Gongsun family and Zhang Lihua should be regarded as their closest relatives.

"Hmph, you still know to come to us!" Before the person arrived, there was already a cold snort in the mountains. Xiao Niang Gongsun dressed in a samurai suit was full of sword aura in her eyes: "Look at me smashing you to death!"

A sword pierced through the clouds and came to Zhang Bairen in an instant.

The sword glow is unmatched, Zhang Bairen dared not insist on it, his sleeves were wide open, and the world was vast and mighty.


Gongsun Xiaoniang instantly plunged into Zhang Bairen's sleeve, and her yelling voice came out: "Zhang Bairen, you bastard! You bully me as soon as you meet, you let me out quickly."

Zhang Bairen couldn’t do anything about the pungent Gongsun Xiaoniang, so he threw it out with a flick of his sleeves, with a wry smile in his eyes: "You and I live for thousands of years, so why bother to care about it overnight? When I deal with the trivial matters in the world, you and I are here. Isn’t it good to fly double-night?"

"Hmph, then you can't stop visiting us for a few years!" Gongsun Xiaoniang rushed over angrily and hung it around Zhang Bairen's neck, like a koala, swaying and refusing to let go.

"Little sister, don't be naughty, let your husband come down quickly" Aunt Gongsun said helplessly.

Aunt Gongsun spoke, Xiaoniang Gongsun jumped off Zhang Bairen angrily, turned and hugged Aunt Gongsun's arm: "Sister, you are used to this guy!"

Looking at the white spots at the temples of Zhang Bairen, Aunt Gongsun stepped forward to tidy up Zhang Bairen's sleeves: "I'm tired!"

"Fortunately, I just miss you!" Zhang Bairen hugged the sisters from left to right, and landed in the Taihua Mountain Range: "Your sisters' cultivation base has made rapid progress."

"Humph, just ignore you!" Gongsun Xiaoniang turned her head.

The aunt nodded her sister's forehead, then turned to look at Zhang Bairen, her eyes were concerned: "Why do you have gray hair on your temples?"

"Heaven!" Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly: "This is the last **** of humanity!"

"Is it so serious?" Sister Gongsun's eyes flashed when she heard the words, showing a worried look.

"I have cut off the cause and effect of the blood relationship, and now only my relationship with your husband and wife is left. This is my last bond!" Zhang Bairen lay on the wicker chair, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Humanity is very good, but God My will is too strong, I want to resist, but they always influence me in subtle ways."

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the two sisters came forward and lay silently in Zhang Bairen's arms.

After a while Zhang Bairen stood up suddenly: "No, I have to work hard, now there are more and more powerful enemies, and my energy is getting less and less."

Zhang Bairen spread out the ten-day refining map on his body, and the qi of the sun and fire resonated with the ten-day refining map: "I must find a way to restrain the Jinghuan Xiangu, otherwise the Jinghuan Xiangu has accumulated countless reincarnations in her previous life. I can't fight it."

It seems that Zhang Bairen's worries have been sensed, and the time and space between heaven and earth has changed again. Zhang Bairen's thoughts must have come to the sun and stars.

The Emperor of Heaven carried his hands on his back, and his whole body was surging, pressing the Infinite Demon God to bow his head.

"Although the ten-day refining the sky is boundless, it also lacks the means of attack. I observe the trajectory of the big day and realize a supreme fist." The emperor suddenly punched out: "The first punch, the golden crow patrol the sky!"

"The second punch, ten days to refine the sky!"

"The third punch, the Golden Crow destroys the world!"

Three punches, just three punches.

With three punches, the emptiness turns into nothingness, driven by the power of the blood of the gods and the fire of the sun, and the will of the sun as the sharp edge, which can destroy all the disadvantages.

At this moment, I only heard the drums from below sounded, and a roar went straight into the sky: "The Emperor of Heaven, you are rebellious and fearful of the sun and night, and if you want the fire to refine the world and destroy all living beings, today your time of death has come!"

"Wisdom Demon God, you dare to be right with this emperor!" He only heard that the emperor disdainfully smiled, and there was a touch of mockery in his eyes: "With some cleverness and tricks to come to the emperor to play tricks, I really get bored! Wait! Since I want to die, then I'll wait for it, and sacrifice my big sun fist!"

"Kill!" The lower side waved the flag and shouted, killing intently into the sky.

ps: Thank you "It's a dream in the end" classmates for your rewards. Adding more is delayed for a few days. I'm too tired recently.


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