First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1508: Shattering Tianwei, stepping into the sky

? "Open the gate!"

Shocked the whole heaven.

Human world

Chang'an City

Li Shimin suddenly changed color at this time: "Dare you!"

Li Shimin was shocked when he heard that the other party was about to open the gate, and wanted to speak to stop him, but it was too late.

The sluice opened, and the mighty waters of the Tianhe River from nowhere suddenly poured down.


The Gate of Tianwei was constantly shaken by the impact of the Tianzha, and the heavenly soldiers from all directions retreated in shock, only to see the mighty water of the Tianhe rushing down, pouring down the Tianmen into the mortal world.


Facing the roaring Tianhe water, Jing Wushuang turned into an ice sculpture and fell outside Chang'an City.

The water of the Tianhe River is extremely cold and can freeze everything, and the overwhelming ice will move towards the surrounding ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The water of the Tianhe falls, but it is no longer a flow of water, but a cold air that can freeze all things in the world.

"Zhuzi! Dare!" Li Shimin looked up to the sky and roared, the emperor's dragon gas shook.

In the cold, the summer was instantly frozen, and countless people, ants, cattle and sheep were frozen to death.

"Close the gate!" The Tianpeng Marshal snarled, and when the Tianhe water stopped flowing, he took action to close the Tianwei Gate.

Outside the city of Chang'an, thirty miles have been turned into a country of crystal clear ice and snow, everything seems to be still, time has stopped flowing.

The mighty cold wave was surging toward Chang'an City. At this moment, Li Shimin saw sweat on his forehead, carrying a seal in his hand, and the mighty emperor Dragon Qi fought against the cold wave.

Hundreds of thousands of people gather in the city of Chang'an. If a cold wave comes in, I am afraid that the only way to wait for everyone is death.

The dragon qi of the emperor destroys all laws. Although this force is domineering and tyrannical, it is ultimately difficult to transcend the word ‘fa’. The power from the world of law is naturally within the restraint of the dragon’s qi of the emperor.

"Asshole, you dare to do this!" Li Shimin's eyes rolled with anger.

The cold was temporarily stopped, but the war was not over.




The sound of layers of ice breaking in the ice layer, the next moment the sky full of ice exploded, and I saw a figure in black robe standing proudly between the heavens and the earth, a pair of eyes raised to look at the world of law, and the black energy all over his body rose into the sky: "What a terrible cold, do you really think a mere cold can kill me?"


A roar that was close to a wild beast spread, and then Jing Wushuang's feet stepped on the void, shattering pieces of nothingness, and a path came straight to the gate of heaven.

Tianwei Gate!

Looking at the simple gate of Tianwei that seemed to come from the ancient time and space, Jing Wushuang's eyes were bloodshot, revealing a wild beast-like crazy color, and his eyes were full of murderously raising his head: "Do you really think the gate of Tianwei can stop me? "

The quaint, sang sang, and eternal auras were uploaded from the gate of Tianwei, and the eternal and immortal auras flowed continuously on it. Looking at the closed Tianwei gate, Jing Wushuang's eyes showed a touch of madness: "Dreaming!"

A fist filled with devilish energy blasted out, and only the heavens and the earth could be heard shaking, ripples like water waves, and then the gate of Tianwei was trembling in the next moment.


Gaozhen from all walks of life watching this scene took a breath: "How is this possible!"

This is indeed impossible. Since the ancient Jiang Taigong legislative circle, he has never heard of a warrior who can shake the gate of Tianwei.

Even the Blessed One on one side felt that Tuhuazi was a little cold, and there was a shock in his eyes: "What a powerful force."

What is the power of the devil and where does it come from? Nobody knows.

But now everyone has seen the power that belongs to the devil, that powerful and infinite power.

In heaven

Five Fang and Five Emperors looked at the closed Tianwei Gate, with a touch of relief in their eyes: "Damn it, if the Wei Gate is closed today, you should never get in."

"But it is so. The Gate of Tianwei has been standing on its own until now, but I have never heard anyone say that I can break through the Gate of Tianwei." Emperor Nanji smiled and arranged his clothes.

"Yes, I'm finally relieved this time. Li Shimin's child is uneasy and kind, and wanting to use this person's hand to hit us hard is a wishful thinking!" said the Arctic emperor.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates privately ordered the opening of the water of the Tianhe River, which has harmed hundreds of people in the lower realm. Please also your majesty to punish!" At this time, Marshal Tianpeng walked from the Tianmen, and fell directly to the ground, bowing his head.

"It's not your fault, but the situation is urgent! I am waiting for you to forgive you for nothing. Not only is there no fault, but I have contributed to the heavens. I deserve to be rewarded!" Dongfang Great smiled and said, "From now on, Tianhe will be yours!"

"Thank you, my Majesty." Tianpeng was overjoyed when he heard the words, but then said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, the subordinates opened the gate privately, causing the death and injury of the lower realm to be unknown, I am afraid that the king will not let me go..."

"Huh, it's just a bunch of mortals. How can something like ants compare to me?" The Western emperor said with disdain, "It's okay, I will go to the King of Kings personally on this matter. Forgive that Li Shimin's children can't help me. Wait."

"I'm afraid that now that Li Shimin kid is overwhelmed and busy dealing with the devil, where there is still time to settle accounts with you, you can rest assured," the Northern Emperor said with a smile.

As he was talking, suddenly the heavens trembled slightly.




A loud noise shook the heavens.

"Earthquake?" The Great Eastern Emperor looked at the trembling Dharma Realm under his feet, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Never heard of earthquakes in the Dharma Realm.

"What happened?" The western emperor's eyes looked around.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed across the distance, and then I heard a rush of shouts: "General, it's not good! It's not good! There is a big problem with the Gate of Tianwei! Go back and have a look."

"The Gate of Tianwei is where the hub of Tiangong is located. What big problems can go wrong?" Marshal Tianpeng said displeased.

"My lord, you will know when you go back and have a look!" The guard panted.

After listening to this, I look at the trembling world again. The five directions and five emperors look at me and I look at you, with a look of astonishment in their eyes: "Impossible!"

While talking, everyone came to the place where the Gate of Heaven Dimension was, and then they all faced horror.




The Gate of Tianwei was shaking sharply, and it even made people wonder whether the Gate of Tianwei would be broken in the next moment, and it would just collapse.

"Why does the gate of Tianwei vibrate?"

"No, someone is attacking the Gate of Tianwei! Someone is attacking the Gate of Tianwei!" Marshal Tianpeng exclaimed.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" The Western Emperor laughed wildly, his eyes full of disdain: "This Tianwei Gate is immortal, that can break through the Tianwei Gate? It's a huge joke!"

"Idiot! I really am an idiot who has lost his mind! Even such a sturdy and unparalleled thing like the Gate of Heaven will attack." The Southern Emperor made no secret of his mockery.


As soon as the words fell, I saw a sudden tremor in the void, and then the Gate of Heavenly Dimension exploded like a broken stone and ejected in all directions. A fierce and mighty force poured from all directions into the heavens.


"The demon actually smashed the gate of the sky and rushed in!"


A scream echoed around the gate of Tianwei.

outside world

Seeing the devilish energy soaring to the sky, Jing Wushuang who boxed at the gate of Tianwei, all the heroes looked at each other.

"Mister thought, can Jing Wushuang break through the gate of Tianwei?" Li Shimin turned and looked at Chunguijun.

Junguijun looked solemn: "It's hard to say! Although the gate of Tianwei has an extraordinary origin, the power of the demon is even greater."

"Oh?" Li Shimin frowned upon hearing this.

Not only Li Shimin, but at this time all the masters were secretly watching the movement above Chang'an City. Looking at Jing Wushuang in the boxing world, Lu Jingxiu smiled and said: "The devil has lost his reason, and he even boxed the gate of Tianwei. Stupid things can be done. Such an idiot, although he has peerless force, is not a concern."

"It's really nothing to worry about!" Someone nodded in agreement.

Zhang Heng frowned, did not follow everyone else, just looked at the sky gate with a solemn expression: "Trouble!"

"The gate of Tianwei is about to break" the world-zun suddenly said, his eyes full of movement: "So strong, so domineering, and strange power."

Blessed One's eyes were full of disbelief.

Just talking

I heard a loud noise spreading across the starry sky, and then I saw that simple, vicissitudes, and ancient stone gate ~ suddenly shattered.


The Gate of Tianwei is actually broken!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Jing Wushuang's frantic laughter spread all over the world: "Boy, wait for me to enter the sky today, slaughter the gods, and bury you for you!"

After speaking, he punched out and walked towards the heaven.


The heavenly soldiers around the Tianwei Gate who had not had time to escape, were shattered by Jing Wushuang and turned into nourishment.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Jing Wushuang's figure appeared in the heavens, with murderous intent in his eyes, the wooden sword in his hand was soaked with divine blood, countless heavenly soldiers slashed in their waists and turned into divine light.


Countless blood was splashing, and golden divine blood was all over the world.


"Devil, don't be rampant, this is the law world, how can you be allowed to be presumptuous!" Li Yuanji didn't know when he appeared, mobilizing the power of the law world in his hands, and went to suppress Jing Wushuang.

In the world of law

Only the emperor can mobilize the power of the source

Li Yuan is still alive in the mortal world, and the power of the source is naturally distributed to several people in power.

"A mere pseudo-god, dare to fight with me!" After speaking, a weird black rune appeared in Jing Wu's hands and fell on the wooden sword in his hand.


Mu Jianhua took off as a crow, and roared to the sky with Taotao's black energy, causing Li Yuanji's body to fluctuate, and it seemed that it might break at any time.


Jing Wushuang turned into a black shadow, and unexpectedly took the opportunity to come to Li Yuanji's body, locked the opponent's pipa bone, and kneaded it tightly, turning into a fist-sized fist into the entrance, revealing a touch of intoxication: "Made up! Big! Replenishment! The gods are really tonic!"

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