First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: Hurry up and ask the general governor to do it

After hearing the words of his ancestors, the Wang family disciples showed helplessness, but had to turn around and enter the ancestral house and walk out with a sandalwood box.

The ancestor of the Wang family opened the box, revealing a pair of white scrolls, tied with a red ribbon.

I saw that the ancestor of the Wang family bowed respectfully to the scroll for three times before he spoke in a loud voice: "The ancestor is here, the descendants are incompetent. I have to use the ancestor's sword to cast down demons and eliminate demons, and ask the ancestors not to blame. !"

After speaking, the ancestors of the Wang family took a shot, took the scroll, and slowly opened the red ribbon.


The universe shook, and everyone seemed to have come to a world of swords in an instant. The fonts of the dragons and snakes seemed to be'horizontal, flat, vertical, and straight' cut by a peerless master, and the swords were extremely terrifying. Qi illuminates the sky.


The thunderbolt blasted in the blue sky, and saw a series of sharp cuts, and the swarms shot into the blood-colored embryos.


The feeling of getting into the flesh finally came, and the blood-colored embryo was instantly cut in half, falling to the ground and flowing continuously.

"Dead! Finally dead! Finally killed this demon!" The ancestor of the Wang family looked at the embryo that had been turned into two halves, with a sense of relief in his eyes.

"It's a pity, that is Wang Xizhi's copybook. It seems that Wang Xizhi has already gone a long way in the realm of Daluo." Zhang Bairenfa opened his eyes, as if he could see an elegant figure in the picture scroll with eight swords in succession, turning the blood The embryo is split in half.

"Big Brother! Big Brother!" Jing Wuming lost his voice and exclaimed: "The Governor, this..."

On one side, Yuan Tiangang looked puzzled: "It doesn't make sense that Wang Xizhi's Taoism is higher than that of the World Venerable! Why can't the World Venerable this embryo be hacked to death by Wang Youjun's sword?"

"Be calm and restless! The devil's fetus is ready, not as simple as you think!" Zhang Bairen scolded Jing Wuming, who was excited, and continued to quietly look in the direction of Zhongtu.

Looking at the embryos turned into two halves, all the heroes in Chang'an City breathed a sigh of relief, and the patriarch of the Wang family slowly rolled up the copybook.

"Something's wrong! This embryo is still alive!" The World Venerable exclaimed.

After hearing the words, the crowds looked at them one after another, only to see that the blood-colored embryo actually squirmed and turned into a blood-colored liquid to fuse together.


The voice of breathing air-conditioning came out, and the ancestors of the Wang family changed color in amazement.

"Mage..." Li Shimin looked at World Zun.

The World Venerable shook his head: "The monk Lingbao hasn't really finalized the shape yet, so I can't deal with this evil demon. I will disappoint your majesty."

"I still have the Dragon Qi of the emperor, and the Dragon Qi of the emperor will surely subdue this demon!" Li Shimin forcibly cheered himself up, his eyes full of panic.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the Dragon Qi of the emperor has nothing to do with it. Your Majesty needs to plan early!" Bianchun Guijun shook his head, the horror of the demon has exceeded his cognition.

"What? Isn't the dragon qi of the emperor destroying all laws? How can there be power that can't be subdued?" Li Shimin didn't believe it.

The air fell into a weird silence at this time, and everyone was quietly looking at the blood-colored embryo; at this moment, a burst of wild laughter was rolled up to the sky, filling all directions in the field: "Hahaha! Hahaha! Blessed One! , This seat has won, you can quickly call the shots for me."

When the words fell, I saw the blood-colored embryo dented, and a figure was listed. The fetal shell turned into a black dress and was draped over it.

With black heads and black eyes, dressed in black, it looks no different from before.

Even looking closely at Jing Wushuang at this time, it was more like an ordinary person who didn't pass the law and didn't understand martial arts.

But at this time, the liquid air under Jing Wushuang's feet kept telling everyone the horror of the black shadow in front of him.

"Call the shots, how do you want this seat to call the shots for you?" The World Venerable glanced at Li Shimin, then turned to look at Jing Wushuang.

"You told Tianzi to hand over the throne to me, and then behead all the dignitaries in the world, and this is what happened." Jing Wushuang smiled coldly.

The Blessed One was silent when he heard that, even if he was arrogant, he would never dare to be an enemy of the world's major forces.

"Crazy, what are you capable of, you dare to ask for my throne!" Li Shimin smiled coldly, and the emperor's dragon gas boiled, turning into a fire phoenix: "Tianfeng Chaoge!"

"It's just a trail, even if I stand here and don't move, you can't kill me!" Jing Wushuang smiled disdainfully, facing Li Shimin's attack, he didn't dodge and let the other's Fire Phoenix hit.

"Huh?" A punch hit the opponent's chest, but it seemed to hit a ball of cotton, without a sense of effort.


Jing Wushuang blasted out a punch, and Li Shimin flew back, breaking the fortress.


Purple blood spurted out, and Li Shimin finally changed his color: "Sir, now it's really supernatural and immense, I don't know how to surrender?"

I don't know why, the other party is immune to his emperor Dragon Qi, how can Li Shimin not panic?

"Up to now, the only Zhuojun who can surrender this person, please send someone to Zhuojun quickly to ask the general governor to take the initiative to cast down the evil!" While the Chunguijun also changed his color, he recognized it long ago Because of the origin of the demon, he dared not make a move.

Not only did he dare not take action, all the demon gods were watching the excitement at this time, and they dared not take action against the demon in front of him.

"Come on, go to Zhuojun and call for the general governor!" Li Shimin shouted.

There was Yang Shen Gaozhen going to Zhuo County, at the speed of the Yang Shen real person, there was not much time between back and forth.

"Does the governor take action?" Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Under the cause and effect, I have to take action, and I have to surrender this!" Zhang Bairen sighed, with a touch of helplessness in his eyes, took the Ten-Day Refining Diagram in his hand, and walked slowly towards Chang'an City.

Facing the inviting Yuan Shoucheng, Zhang Bairen stopped him: "Don't go on to Zhuo County anymore, I have already left."

The group turned towards Chang'an, Yuan Shoucheng said: "Mr., do you know the origin of this demon?"

Zhang Bairen nodded, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Take me to surrender this first."

"Sir, a little bit sure!" Yuan Shoucheng whispered.

"I don't know!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look: "Before the other party has swallowed the Red Dust world of the Blessed One, I am quite sure. After the other party has swallowed the Red Dust world of the Blessed One and turned into a supreme monster, I am even eighty sure. no."

"Huh?" Yuan Shoucheng's face became stiff.

Everyone came to the city head. At this time, Chang'an City was in great chaos. Li Shimin, together with the world-zun and Gao Zhen, were fighting Jing Wushuang.

Jing Wushuang seems to be immortal, and he can quickly recover even if various attack damage falls on him.


A dazzling steel ring flew from the sky, and immediately beat that Jing Wushuang into a stagger, and lay on the ground.

Yin Gui took the shot, and Jing Wushuang was indeed stunned by Jing Wushuang.

But it just stopped here, that's it!

Can only stun the opponent, but can't help the opponent.

After being dizzy for a moment, Jing Wushuang opened his eyes, and roared up to the sky: "That one shot me in the background? He didn't come out and died quickly!"


Another piece of white light fell like lightning, and Jing Wushuang who was hitting was dizzy and saw the steel ring turn, which firmly bound the method.


Jing Wushuang roared: "It's a magic weapon for evil, but if you want to trap me, it's not enough!"

I saw Jing Wushuang turned into a black smoke, escaped from the steel ring, appeared in the distance, his face was jealous: "Good treasure of the evil door!"

Obviously, Jing Wushuang got away from the fairy treasure, not without any price.


It is obviously unrealistic to want to trap Jing Wushuang with a piece of fairy treasure.

The three Buddhist monks in the distant place looked at King Kongzhuo, with old faces gloomy and gloomy. Several people in their own family fought for a hundred years. In the end, King Kongzhuo never got it, and they could only use it together. They didn't think that after coming to Middle-earth, they would make others cheaper.

Knowing this a long time ago, it would be better to practice things early in Tianzhu.

"Don't be impulsive!" Perceiving the expressions of the three holy monks on one side, Bodhidharma quickly grabbed the three elders with horror: "The devil is now, it is important to subdue the demon."

"Emperor Laoer, you are not strict in your rule, and your family is ruined. Today I seize your throne. Can you be convinced?" Jing Wushuang oppressed Li Shimin with high aura.

Li Shimin clenched his fists, his eyes rolling in anger: "If I hadn't taken the throne for a short time, how could you allow you to be presumptuous!"

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The emperor will take turns to come to my house next I am determined to kill you and other self-proclaimed elders and bury them for my children" Jing Wushuang laughed.

While speaking, Jing Wushuang was about to make a move. Suddenly, he saw a white shadow coming from the horizon, and he had suddenly reached the field, standing high above the clouds, looking down at Jing Wushuang below, the sound was like thunder, like a drum in the morning and evening: "You It's Jing Wushuang or those three thousand gods Cannian!"

Zhang Bairen's face solemnly said, "Are you still you?"

What is a demon?

Zhang Bairen began to calculate from Jing Wushuang's enchantment, and finally found the answer in the Ten-Day Refining Diagram the day before.

"You! It's you! This seat finally feels the aura that disgusts me and wants to destroy! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!" Jing Wushuang turned to look at Zhang Bairen, and his peaceful face suddenly became annoying. He got up and rushed towards Zhang Bairen with a roar.

"Vengeance? You are already dead, do you want to make waves in the ordinary?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion: "I heard the wailing in the wind, and heard the unwilling sigh from the ancients."

"Paying for life! Paying for life! I want you to pay for life!" Jing Wushuang's eyes were bloodshot, his complexion twisted, turned into three heads and six arms, and he suddenly tore at Zhang Bairen.

"Sir!" the distant crowd exclaimed.

"It's okay, just to resolve a cause and effect by the way. It seems that my guess is correct." Faced with Jing Wushuang's punch, Zhang Bairen stepped out of the finger painting Tianhe and separated the two: "It seems that I guessed right. Back then, the Emperor of Heaven forged a heavy treasure in order to suppress you! Now that you were born, you should be surrendered by me, and resolve the past karma and grievances."

"Dead! Death! Death! You die for me!"

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