First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1524: Empress Chen arrives


After settling down the Da Luo ancestor of Chunyang Taoist Temple, Zhang Bairen looked at the one-year-old Taoist priest, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "I haven't asked the ancestor name yet."

"Name?" The child's pure eyes suddenly appeared in a trance, his eyes looked into the distance, and a remembrance appeared in his eyes: "Shaoyang! The old man remembers that someone called me Daojun Shaoyang before."

Shaoyang is the name of this Da Luo.

"You're the sun **** body, but the sun is hot." After speaking, the ancestor Shaoyang looked up and down Zhang Bairen with a surprised look: "Since the emperor, no one in my Zhang family can cultivate the sun **** body, you are the first one. ."

"I know!" Zhang Bairen took a sip of his tea, "Cultivating the sun **** body is too harsh, and I would definitely not be able to practice this skill unless it was a coincidence."

"Twelve thousand and six hundred divine blood, how much have you gathered now?" Shaoyang ancestor looked at Zhang Bairen brilliantly.

"Do you know this too?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"The realm of Da Luo is unpredictable. My ancestors have mastered the power of my own laws and naturally awakened part of the memories of my ancestors. Although the sun **** body is tyrannical, but you can't perform well, even if you are trained It is also a violent thing. Only by continuously strengthening your solar will can the power of the sun be mobilized." Shaoyang ancestor said.

"Do you know this too?" Zhang Bairen's expression changed.

"I know so much," Shaoyang ancestor said helplessly: "You can find all kinds of elixir for me, ancestor I can restore my strength early, and I can help you."

Zhang Bairen didn't say much, but turned and left and walked out of the pavilion.

Zhang Lihua was sitting alone in front of the fire, holding her arms blankly, looking at the fire with her eyes speechless for a long time.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Zhang Bairen came behind Zhang Lihua. Seeing Zhang Lihua seemed unaware, he coughed slightly:

"Lihua, what do you think?"

"Sir!" Zhang Lihua was so startled that she almost fell down. She was about to get up in a hurry, but was hugged by Zhang Bairen, "Why are so six gods without a master?"

"I..." Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, her lips moved, and she wanted to say something, but she never said it.

"What are you going to say? We have been together for decades, what can't be said?" Zhang Bairen embraced Zhang Lihua's waist.

"Sir" Zhang Lihua broke free of Zhang Bairen's arm and sat opposite Zhang Bairen with a serious expression, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "There is something, the concubine wants to talk to her husband."

"What's the matter? It's so serious?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"The husband does not know the origin of the concubine, and today the concubine must explain clearly to the husband." Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with nervous eyes.

Zhang Bairen looked surprised. I don't know why Zhang Lihua had such an expression today. He actually had speculations about Zhang Lihua's origins in his mind, but he had never confirmed it.

But that doesn't matter!

"Just tell me, I'm listening" Zhang Bairen nodded and shook the fire.

"The concubine is actually from a big family, and is the queen of Queen Chen of the Southern Dynasty" Zhang Lihua stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, her voice trembling.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen nodded and said, "I know!"

"You know?" Zhang Lihua was taken aback.

"Although the general did not go south, but when the Southern Dynasty destroyed the country, many masters participated in the looting. Moreover, the general has cultivated a letter system for decades. It is not difficult to find your origin, not to mention it. Is there an easy calculation technique? Although the phoenix energy on your body has dissipated, there is still a residue that cannot be dispersed!" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at Zhang Lihua, who was looking nervous: "Is that the thing?"

"I... Mister, don't you mind the background of my concubine?" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Mind? Why do you mind?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Lihua with a pair of eyes, with a curious look in his eyes: "I am curious, how did you escape from the palace? Rumors say you were killed by Yang Guang."

Zhang Lihua smiled bitterly: "There are also a lot of masters in the Southern Dynasty, and the concubine is not willing to be buried in the Southern Dynasty, so naturally she can escape.

Having said this, Zhang Lihua showed a bitterness in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhang Bairen hugged Zhang Lihua with a smile in his eyes: "No wonder you were unable to see God at first, it turned out to be the cause and effect of the Southern Dynasties. You don't have to look like this, can I still not afford the remnants of the Southern Dynasties? "

"But... but... the concubine suddenly woke up in her sleep the day before, and the concubine sensed that the person's breath reappeared in the world, and that person is back again!" Zhang Lihua's body was trembling.

"That person?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"Empress Chen!" Zhang Lihua shivered.

"Empress Chen?" Zhang Bairen's eyebrows couldn't help but frowned: "Is he not dead?"

In fact, only now did Zhang Bairen know that even if he is a subjugated monarch, as long as he does not want to die, no one can kill him.

The strength of the dynasty, only in this era, will know how powerful it is.

"Of course I am dead, but I was reincarnated and alive again." Only a cold voice came from the horizon: "The karma of the Southern Dynasties is so small, and most of them have a good tone."

"Empress Chen?" Zhang Bairen's words were full of weirdness, and he never thought that the best product was actually alive.

"It's this king!" A figure floated from the horizon, and in a blink of an eye came to the small village.

"Bold, who would dare to trespass into Zhuojun's heavy land" yelled, a knife light from the sky illuminates Jiuxiao, and an incomparable piece of Zhuojun city cut off the floating clouds, and slashed towards the village head.

"Fine, leave now!" Zhang Bairen scolded Yu Juluo, and sat in front of the fire with Zhang Lihua in his arms: "Since the postmaster has come, please enter it."

Looking at the village in front of him, the visitor sighed slightly, and a touch of emotion appeared in his eyes: "Lihua, I have noticed your aura, I have already come, you haven't come out to meet me soon."

While talking, Empress Chen walked into the yard, opened the door, but was stunned, looking at Zhang Lihua and Zhang Bairen who were hugging each other, their bodies trembling constantly.

"Your Excellency is Empress Chen?" Feeling the stiffness and cramping of the beautiful woman in her arms, Zhang Bairen let go of Zhang Lihua, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

The Taoist in front of him was only in his twenties, not quite the same as Empress Chen Zhang Bairen imagined.

"Lihua, how can you find a new love and turn your back on me?" Empress Chen's body was trembling, his voice was hoarse and he couldn't believe it.

After hearing this, Zhang Lihua remained silent. After a while, he said: "Since the fall of the Chen Dynasty, Zhang Lihua was dead. The Taoist leader found the wrong person."

Empress Chen looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and then rolled angrily: "Say! Did you deceive Lihua to abandon me? You will pay for my life."

Empress Chen slammed a punch, followed by pink thunder, calling Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen knew for the first time that Thunder also had a color, and it was still a pink Thunder.


The Golden Crow Zhengfa's automatic protective body turned into a mask to protect Zhang Bairen, and then ten Golden Crows on the mask were vividly flapping their wings and flying. Empress Chen's thunder fell on the mask without any ripples. .

With a flick of his finger, the innate thunder method burst out and fell on Empress Chen in an instant.


Empress Chen flew out, smashing the walls of the courtyard.

"Why! Why! Why!" Regardless of his own injuries, Empress Chen got up from the ground frantically, her eyes full of madness: "Why would you betray me? The gods and wastes that were said back then, the promise of each other, you Why would you betray me?"

Looking at the crazy Empress Chen, Zhang Lihua bowed her head and said nothing.

Zhang Bairen patted Zhang Lihua comfortably on the shoulder, but saw Empress Chen's eyes all red: "You are not allowed to touch her!"

While talking, the whole body's vitality flowed, and the pink peach blossom miasma rolled towards Zhang Bairen: "This is the peach blossom miasma that my master has sacrificed for thousands of years. It can eat the soul, devour the soul, and the evil body. It must be you. This kid bewitched Lihua, and today I will kill you and retake Lihua."

Empress Chen's eyes are full of madness The peach blossoms are constantly rolling up.

Zhang Bairen's face suddenly became serious when he saw this. The thousand-year-old peach blossom is definitely not a joke.

A slight leak will poison a large group of people.

With the universe open, Zhang Bairen wanted to collect the miasma.

It's just that the miasma is invisible and shapeless, constantly twisting and changing under the force of pulling, and the universe can't contain the miasma in the sleeve.

"Impossible" Zhang Bairen looked incredulous.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Don't bother, my peach blossom smelt the flesh and blood of my last life, and have the power of the emperor's dragon energy, which can destroy all laws. The peach blossom is the power of the material world. But the universe in your sleeve is the power of the law world, how can you restrain me?" Empress Chen's eyes are full of pride: "You will die quickly! Kill you, and I can regain Lihua!"

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of mockery, the innate water **** merged instantly, and he wanted to stretch out his palm to take the peach blossom miasma away.

"Stop it!" Zhang Lihua said suddenly.

"Lihua, are you willing to go with me?" Empress Chen stopped when he heard the words, showing great joy.

"Unexpectedly, you can actually reincarnate, and pull out the emperor's dragon energy, and also prove the Yang Shen." Zhang Lihua's eyes were full of emotion: "Since you have entered the cycle of reincarnation, you should know it, as deep as reincarnation. The sea, the past is the past."

"How I don't know such a truth, but I can't forget it! I can't forget your smiles and smiles. Even if I die, I will never forget you! Only thinking of you can I escape the sea of ​​suffering. Come out from the middle, step into the way of heaven and man, you are my motivation! How can I forget you?" Empress Chen burst into tears at this time.

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